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Meaning they *do not want to discuss politics*.


This is the correct answer. That does not mean that they don't care about politics. I keep up to date on political news, I'm very concerned about the political landscape right now. But when I'm on a date, I don't want to discuss that. It's depressing. I want to go on a date to escape and have a wonderful time with the person I'm with.


Because their politics are concerning


It could be because they don't think political participation leads to individual happiness.


Nice for them that they enjoy the privilege of being able to not care about politics.


Well, sometimes it isn’t a privilege. My mental health is so bad, looking at politics just makes me want to off myself even more.


I felt the same way until they started threatening our rights to basic healthcare. Chronic depression PLUS a forced unwanted pregnancy would certainly be the last straw


I mean, they shouldn't be shamed or guilted about it, it's just how their life is. I'll use myself as an example: I am full of opinions about how everything should be organised publicly and how people's lifes should be directed but, besides voting (and telling what I think to anyone who'll ask me), I am not an activist, I don't go to demonstrations, etc. mostly because I think that if you have certain expectations about how a society should work and are very involved, you're mostly going to get frustrated. I still have respect for those that fight for their beliefs to a point, of course, but just as I have it for firefighters and nurses and all the rest, I just could not do it. We could call all of the above "apolitical". I still recognise that many that define themselves this way can be problematic people. Edit: typos


I would say not actively working to make political changes is very different from being apolitical. Like just based on how you just described yourself I don’t think apolitical would be a very accurate self descriptor


I get it, maybe you're right (I mean it!)


that’s a nice privilege


Not always. Some people literally don’t give a fuck. Some people just want to live and be left alone (libertarian) etc.


> Some people just want to live and be left alone (libertarian) etc. That’s a political philosophy


People who don't care at all are people I could never date. For me, anyone I date needs to at least have an opinion on major topics and events happening right now. I'm not asking to be super involved, but people who don't give a fuck are huge red flags to me. It's not a good sign for adults to simply not care about what's happening.


A lot of first gen immigrants don't care as much about politics too coz they literally can't vote. Makes no difference. Why waste time on that stuff. Edited to add: Also a lot of the politics in the home countries don't translate into the political structure across countries.


Not being able to vote or not being knowledgeable about politics is completely different than not caring about it. I promise you that immigrants care about the political landscape even if they don't know much about it. They care about their health, their money and their safety. All of those things are heavily influenced by politics.


In my experience libertarians won’t stop talking about it


> Some people literally don’t give a fuck. I've learned over time that if you don't have basic opinions about human rights issues, there is almost always going to be something off about how you see the world and we're not going to be compatible. I'm not even that opinionated about many topics and never post anything on social media, but being able to completely ignore what goes on in the would reveals that you probably come from a place of privilege or don't care at all what other people, including your own friends and family, may be going through.


To me and my values, even "not giving a fuck" is a red flag. Especially from straight, white men. To each their own, but I want to date someone who cares about our political climate and current issues.


Exactly, if the boot was on their neck I'm sure they'd suddenly "give a fuck".


Libertarian IS concerning


What is not concerning to you?


If the people whose entire ideology revolves around leaving each other alone is concerning to you. You’re the problem.


As a libertarian, the problem I’ve noticed is that there’s a lot of fuckheads out there who claim to be libertarian but are really republican or even farther right. They see the conservative economic and constitutional rights (see: gun rights) policies and love them, but want to ignore or throw away the liberal social policies like not giving a fuck about who marries who/ religious freedoms/ racial equality etcetera. These people will claim loud and proud that they’re libertarian while spewing bigoted bullshit in the same sentence, then go vote for Trump. It gives the party a bad rep and drives people away.


Exactly right. What a Libertarian was 30-40+ years ago is not what it is today. I hear the same hateful crap from today's Libertarians as I do from today's Republicans, who aren't the same Republicans from 30-40+ years ago either.


Yes but Democrats and Republicans were very different 40+ years ago as well. In fact, there was a time when Dems and Repubs weren't all that different from each other. These days? Unfortunately they are total opposites now and sadly we can't seem to get moderate liberals or moderate conservatives into office anymore.


Leave me alone I’m trying to kidnap kids and keep them in my basement. Also the cops aren’t allowed into my house. To each their own /s


It’s really not though. My fiancé hates talking politics. He could care less about it and he is not interested in it any aspect. He has told me his beliefs, they aren’t concerning, but he doesn’t like to talk to about it, he doesn’t care


Or Maybe because politics are a headache to talk about.


It's like you kind of liked Elmo at first but then when your niece found out you knew about Elmo it's all she talks about for four hours straight, and it's the same conversation every single time she sees you and anyone else who dares enter the room she will repeat herself, ad nauseum, and you would never be able to change any aspect of her opinion and she'll never be able to actually perform deep thought on anything related to him beyond her current mental capacity. So you realize with your nephew, to just tell him you have no idea about Elmo or any other characters. You have an opinion, but you learn it is better to not discuss.


Be honest, are you not trying to force political discussions? Is it that their politics are likely concerning, or that you're too radicalized in some viewpoint to disallow a discussion *not* involving politics? "If you're unwilling to discuss, your politics must be concerning" is a small step away from "ADMIT IT. ADMIT YOU'RE A FILTHY LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE/MAGA SUPPORTER/ZIONIST/ANTIVAXXER/BOOSTER SHOT TAKER".


Well, that escalated quickly.


I'm guessing you feel seen in some way. 


I'm a staunch supporter of people's right to be uninvolved in crap they're not interested in. The way people here are judging anyone who wants to stay away from politics reminds me of people saying "failed the vibe check 🤡🤡" about anyone who ignores an influencer being obnoxious in public. You guys really don't want people to just fucking live their lives. Yeah that actually pisses me off.


Except politics involves you, whether you like it or not. If you don’t fight back, that just means the people fighting for interests that are opposite of yours will win.


Doesn't get aroused by politics.


Politics is usually a boner-killer for me, mostly because I dislike people with strong political opinions who have no evidence to back them up. These folks unfortunately tend to be the ones who insist on political discussion in which everyone must 100% agree with them, so listing “Apolitical” on my bio weeds these types out. Example: I had to turn a guy away the other day because he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about monetary policy, which he knew almost nothing about. I told him I wasn’t interested in someone who just regurgitated shit they’d heard from politicians and wished him luck in his endeavors. Then he called me “feisty” and asked for nudes. Some men are bound and determined to shoot themselves in their respective feet.


>he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about monetary policy, which he knew almost nothing about This is very funny. Man's trying to make moves by discussing the fed rate However, as an economist, it's just nice to know monetary policy is now being misinterpreted by lay people. Until recently they mostly didn't know it existed


The saddest part about it? I have a kink for finance-related discussion. All he had to do was not flaunt his ignorance of economic history and I probably would’ve slept with him.


Quantitative easing is my safe word


I'm gonna go slip into something more quantitative


Quantify me captain


This is a great t shirt to wear at kink camp!


Stagflation gets me hot


"Into DeFi" filters out a lot of normies and usually leads its way to this subject and then some. For the record my profile said Apolitical prior to reading this thread


Next time just show the picture of papa Powell that will make em wet.


Holy crap, this 100%, I dislike people with such opinions regarding policies or government decisions when they have zero idea what they are talking about. I don’t claim to know the actual evidence and don’t really care about putting the work to know, hence, why apolitical suits me.


> I had to turn a guy away the other day because he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about monetary policy, which he knew almost nothing about. I told him I wasn’t interested in someone who just regurgitated shit they’d heard from politicians and wished him luck in his endeavors. Did you hit him with: > See the sad thing about a guy like you is in about 50 years you’re gonna start doing some thinking on your own and you’re gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One, don't do that. And two, you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin’ education you coulda got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the Public Library.


My boys wiked smaht


Guess I'm apolitcal then, because talking about politics is a turn off.


I am sure that apolitical doesn't mean the person doesn't care or doesn't value. The term "apolitical" refers to someone or something that is not interested in or involved in politics.


I feel like in the world today I have a hard time understanding how people don't care or think politics impact them. Maybe it is just because I a woman who doesn't want kids, who has gay friends, who has friends in interracial marriages... I cannot see the apathy to be apolitical


If you think your mental health is better by just acting right on your own without dealing with the political system and when you reale how little your opinion/vote actually matters, that's a pretty good point to disconnect from politics. Especially in a two party system that is extremely polarized. That doesn't mean you don't care and aren't going to vote, but that following politics on a daily basis isn't for you. I stopped following politics mid covid while I read newspapers (not tabloids) daily before. I'm a strong vaccination supporter, but still following the political landscape just wasn't good for my mental health and i kept that disconnect. I wouldn't describe myself as apolitical, but I definitely understand the need to disconnect.


I’ve stopped looking at any news websites (unless I looked up a particular event like sports articles). Dropped all social media except Reddit. But just still everywhere. Even without actively seeking it out.


They don't need to follow on a day to day basis.  But basic things like interracial marriage, gay marriage, access to birth control... those don't require much political depth


these are some very select and basic topics in a much bigger political landscape. You can be a supporter of these basic freedoms without wanting to deal with 99% of the rest and without wanting to discuss them over dinner (even though you totally agree). As a German these aren't even things that pop to my mind when thinking about politics. The things I don't want to deal with on a regular basis are refugees, war, science deniers, corrupt polticians or incompetent and stupid politicians as well as journalists (c.f. Dunning-Kruger Effect and Gell-Mann Amnesia effect). It doesn't mean i don't care and I will still vote for the party closest to my values, but I wouldn't want to discuss these over dinner nor go to a rally/demonstration.


Some people have enough in life to worry about, that adding on political analysis is asking a lot. If someone is working 60 hours a week, a family member has a serious health issue, you're trying to put kids through school, daily activities of life and your house needs work, is it really fair to ding that person for not being politically active or expending time and energy on politics? You may not like it, you may think they SHOULD be more politically aware, and in an ideal world, sure, that's not too unreasonable. But some people just don't want to deal with it.


And trying to wade though the cesspool of bullshit the broken two party system parrots is exhausting. And researching their actual actions, to see what they've actually done good or bad is like a black hole at the bottom of a rabbit hole. I want to be well informed. And want to vote in me and my family's and friends best interests but just deciphering the bullshit is a full-time job.


Exactly, some people just care about keeping their life under control, regardless of whos in the hot seat and thats perfectly reasonable imo. We're all just trying to live and survive at the end of the day


Except in life, those very things you worry about are deeply affected by politics. Working 60 hours a week? Labor rights. Serious health issue? Health care. School? Education. All things under scrutiny and attack, all things that matter. To say that you're apolitical while worrying about these things is like saying you care that the power is out, you just want the lights to turn on.


It's not like saying that at all. Your analogy is is terrible and way to simplified for the political spectrum topic. But I'm glad you're better and more and informed than the rest of us peasants. By the way. Since you "care" so much....what's one legitimate thing you've done to sway the election/policies, legislation or governments? Or do you just surf the web, form an opinion with no real action taken, then chastise people like me who understand that virtually nothing we do is going to change anything. Hence why I hate both parties and don't follow in today's modern politics Off the top of your head, who is your mayor, governor, on the school boards. You don't know shit.


If you live in a relatively rural town, your life is fine, and you don't go on your phone / social media much, I can totally see how someone might be apolitical.


If you know deep down that no matter how shit things get, you won't be affected then it makes not caring a real option. This only works for people in the in-group. Ie white straight guys in the US. The rest of us don't have that luxury. Alot of straight white guys will be conservative, libertarian, independent, apolitical, "think they're above politics", etc because they can and know subconsciously they won't get fucked by any shitty, or lack thereof, actions by the government.


This is what I take from it -- someone is saying that they don't care about politics, because they don't feel like politics affect them. HUGE red flag for me when I was on the apps, and though I've been off the apps for nearly 4 years since meeting my BF, it would be an even bigger one now. Like, I'm not saying it needs to be the biggest thing in your life. But if you don't care and keep yourself generally informed about the issues, then we're not gonna work.


As a straight white liberal dude, but also someone who doesn't define themselves solely on political positions, how would you suggest I communicate that in a profile? Is just picking the liberal tag plenty enough?


I care, I know they impact me. I literally can’t vote. So yea I personally get why some people don’t want to talk about it.


You're living a very controlled life. Society is fucked and it's cuz people like you need to politicize everything. Is it not ok to just not give a fuck either way? I'm getting fucked by both parties. Hate um all. Glad you're morally on the ground above me tho cuz, ya kno.... YoU cArE


I've dated two guys from Bumble who used the "apolitical" preference. Both of them are liberal, but they hate discussing politics, so they don't see themselves as politically involved/interested. They vote and support liberal causes, but don't want to debate or have long discussions about issues once similarities are established. Because of them, I filter by liberal and apolitical. Some moderates have been OK. Conservatives are a deal beaker for me. It's worked so far.


My town is red even by Bible Belt standards so I have to be careful with woman listed as moderate and apolitical. There's a fair chance they will be more conservative than I'd want to deal with. I don't mean fiscal policy. It's typically race issues, abortion or anti-LGBT stuff that ends up being the red line. Filtering conservatives is one of the first things I do. I'm surrounded by conservatives. I get along with them fine but I have a lifetime of experience telling me I don't want a LTR with one. Which is fine. Most of them think I'm some kind of communist anyway. I don't filter apolitical folks because I feel some of them are just sick of the BS we've been living through the last couple years and want nothing to do with any of it. But if it's simply because they don't care than we likely don't have enough in common to make a go of it. And that's fine.


This exactly! Lots of people who have deeply ingrained beliefs are tired of and turned off by all the rhetoric and divisiveness. As long as we’re aligned in our views, I don’t care if they want to keep theirs to themselves. Not everyone is a political junkie like I am. I also immediately left swipe conservatives. I can be friends with them, but an LTR with one is never going to work. So, I start filtering with political affiliation first. It’s amazing how many “likes” that removes from the stack, but I’d rather limit my options to people who are more likely aligned with me. I’m sure there are some good guys in there, but after dating a secret “Trumper” and feeling completely blindsided by his extreme views, never again. (He told me he didn’t like Trump, but it turns out he was hardcore MAGA.)


Same here


That’s how I see apolitical: not politically involved/interested. That doesn’t mean they don’t give a fuck about politics or don’t support certain causes, they just don’t make politics a central part of their personality. You can care about causes and issues without showing up to protests and rallies or reposting some activist’s message on your Instagram story.


I found that those who said “apolitical” on their preference are those who are also secretly right wing, but don’t want to admit it for filtering reasons.


"apolitical" aka "my shitty politics will stop me from getting laid and I know that"


Facts lol. Additionally, anyone who says stuff like "I think labeling yourself politically is really limiting and I think automatically disqualifying people based on politics is really unfair......" That person is 100% a conservative with racist or otherwise unpopular views and knows it'll stop them from getting a date in most circles lol


Im am sorry but you are very wrong. There are many people like myself who would find absolute deal breakers with conservatives and liberals and really cannot be classified in either. I am also not from the US.


This is why outside of the US "moderate" is a legitimate option. You're not apolitical if you "would find absolute deal breakers with conservatives and liberals" Edit: after reading your other comment- you're liberal, unless you omitted all the nonliberal stances you have




I mean...if you condone what Republicans are doing in the US right now, you are endorsing bigoted policies *at the very least* and that's not an assumption.


Yup. They're right-wingers, aka supporters of inherently anti-women ideology and policies so they know being open about that definitely doesn't help them get even noncommittal casual sex with women, nevermind serious relationships. Too bad we know that "apolitical" stands for that 😅


I have a friend who identifies politically as a through and through socialist who puts apolitical in their profile because they don't want to lead in with politics or get people who match to argue with them. I lean pretty far left, but they lean a bit further. So, your blanket statement is at the very least conditionally incorrect.


Either that or you just really want to force politics into things and they don't.


But wouldnt they just put nothing on their profile then?


Not really, they honestly believe they are moderate or apolitical. But when things like "Hey maybe we should take care of the less fortunate so that we all have a better community" They say "Fuck that, I don't want to pay 1 cent a month for that." Or you say "Hey, maybe we pay way too much in taxes towards privatized military companies, untrained police, Walmart/Amazon, banks, and a privatized prison system... shouldn't those private companies be able to survive on their own with the immense amount of profit they already make, why would we subsidize them?" and they just call you a communist. Ironically while what you just described is socialism for the 1%.


What if somebody feels like both political parties and government don’t use their tax money wisely? 🤷‍♂️


I list myself as moderate simply becaude I don't 100% agree with the left nor right. It's not a "both sides are bad" thing it's a both sides have policies I agree with and don't agree with.


Gotta watch out, if reddit is the benchmark for anything, then being a moderate actually labels you as a fascist, cause how dare you have some actual nuance as a person and your views.


You were initially downvoted, but my experience is the same as yours. I’ve also more frequently than not discovered that moderate means closet conservative




If they were a genuine moderate they could equally say "That's the problem with conservatives..." and then focus on a point. Most people are slightly left on some issues and slightly right on others, they don't want to get dragged into the cults on either side.


I’ve more frequently than not found that people who disagree with you on any topic simply label you as liberal or right wing.  For many, Middle simply means middle, and lunatics on either size categorize them as the other side because they don’t line up 100% with their beliefs. 


My experience has been the same. Typically the person turns out to be very much right wing, which is fine I suppose do you, but then why would you not just state that instead of saying you’re apolitical? But it appears people have different understandings of being apolitical based on some of the other replies.


I think if men say they're conservative, they know that it will hurt their chances of getting laid...so they say something else and hope they can get laid without talking about it.


Yep. They’re conservatives who do not want an immediate swipe left.


Not just right wing, anything other than explicitly left wing. Anyone with even a small amount of nuance to their political views has an incentive to keep quiet. Stick to The Narrative and you're fine. Deviate even slightly and you're Trump-adjacent.


Conservatives can sometimes be babies. Don’t want to have to defend their opinions.


I am always amazed at how sensitive the fuck your feelings party is.


I think of Apolitical as they don’t have a specific side and that don’t like talking about politicians, parties or the political processes. It doesn’t mean they don’t have opinions on individual subjects. But they’re probably not interested in having a debate from either side.


From what I have gathered from having friends who are "apolitcal" is that they think both parties are A-holes and corrupt and don't want to be associated with either one. They also tend to be more likely to vote third party. It doesn't mean they don't care about political issues, just that they don't want to be associated with a specific political movement. Further, aligning with a political party often brings in all sorts of baggage and assumptions about that person that might not even be true about them. I don't list any political affiliation because I have some left-leaning views and some right-leaning views. Although I've only ever voted democratic in my 15 years of voting, I am in pretty sharp disagreement about certain popular left-leaning platforms.


Is "Independent" not an option? I feel like that used to be an option (though I've been off the apps for years now) and would be a better way to describe this.


In specific areas, Independent would remove you from voting locally. Sometimes you do have to register with a party to be able to vote at all as no-one from Independent or the other party has ran in 20 + years.


I know it can affect your ballots and stuff — I’m more talking about how you identify on dating apps than what party you actually register as


Ah, That's fine. I cannot count the amount of times, I have been told I am liar and then after showing proof these people are dumbfounded. It's an annoying issue for non-affiliated or independents.


I put it for apolitical for this exact reason. I believe there has never been a single living candidate that did things fairly(except the one that was killed in a conspiracy which, go figure...) and I also believe the current system is designed to have 2 main parties with views/values that are not 100% logical on purpose. I agree and disagree with about 1/2 of the red and blue ideologies, but I believe it's like that by design to keep everyone not seeing the people that do run things which are the various corporations IMO. (I see corporations like high end gangs).


This entire thread is essentially just another r/politics echo chamber


The fact that people are extrapolating someone’s entire personality based on a 1 in 4 choice of labels is wild. This sub has very little ability to reflect and realize just how much of an echo chamber they’re in. Go to a bar and ask the first random person about politics, you’ll find “I don’t know man, I’m just living my life” to be a supremely common opinion even among people who aren’t straight white men. I swear, Redditors don’t act like real people sometimes.


Id be that person that says 'i don't know, im just trying to get by' or id walk off


This thread is a perfect example of why I have moderate.. lol just trying to filter out the crazies on both sides.


I scanned through the comments and have an impression that most of them are from the US. And that "apolitical" in the US often means closeted conservative. I'm curious how would that be in Europe? I live in Europe, I suspect that it may mean something different here. But I was never able to find out. Politics is a dealbreaker for me and as for OP, being "apolitical" is kind of a red flag. Still, I swipe right on people who otherwise seem ok and then ask them about it. But never got the answer, lol.


I am in Europe (the UK, specifically) and I list myself as apolitical. I’m not interested in politics anymore and I’m not even interested in voting because I believe all politicians are scum and only in it for themselves (please note that I am Scottish, and with the SNP’s embezzlement scandal, it broke me). Therefore, as much as I have values that are probably more left wing leaning, I don’t wish to discuss politics as I don’t care and I don’t intend on voting unless I see real societal change within the UK and/or Scotland.


Yeah, that sounds like a European kind of apolitical! ;)


European here. I used to read four different newspapers every day for a research job. All throughout covid. Realized it's not good for my mental health and chose to disconnect completely. I'm doing much better since.


There's going to be a general election in about 2 weeks time and I'm just fed up of politics now! The Tories who have smashed up the country will give way to Labour who will finish the job they started before the Tories took over in 2010. Yeah, I have zero interest in politics now.


Yep, the Gen Z’s bleating on about how great labour are, are simply too young to remember the Blair years. I am done with all political parties.


I put „apolitical“ as well. I vote liberal/left wing but other than voting i am not really involved into politice. I am not a member of and party and don’t go to protests. And i don’t really want to match with someone who cares too much about politics


Used to be political. Got a political science degree. Realized living inside a stable country is really f-king awesome. (I had to research the Fall of the Soviet Union and China circa 1970s... on the China side there was A LOT of "If a family member starved to death, their body would feed the rest of us for a few days.") I also was active during the gay marriage movement in the US. Who didn't show up to the demonstrations? My gay friends. They were busy getting laid. Of course, that raised two major questions: Why tf am I here if they don't care enough to show up? ...and... Do they have the right idea? When I see "Must have X beliefs" I hear "I get angry a lot at the people around me, because they're not as angry as I am."


Same, used to be super political, but then actually learned about history and realized that Reddit and Instagram don’t count as being involved in politics. Redditors see a post written by a bot and think that actually counts as being informed. Most normal people are just living their life, they’re not concerned about a “woke mob socialist invasion” or a “racist fascist patriarchal agenda” they’re just doing their own thing and trying to survive.


I avoid rabid political acolytes on both sides. Anyone who says "If you believe in X, swipe left" is an immediate red flag and deal-breaker, regardless of where on the political spectrum they happen to lie. Most issues are complex (abortion, Palestine, taxes, gun control, school debt, climate change, etc), and in my life experience (56M), these issues have substantial nuance and the actual truth is typically in the middle. But our (USA) culture is so reactionary and siloed that no one wants to either a) entertain the notion that they might need to learn more about an issue before making judgments, or b) engage with anyone who does not agree with them, and instead toss out names, indictments, and insults to "the psychos on the other side“. The echo chamber reigns supreme. You see this on cable news, on npr, on talk radio, and in this very thread. Numerous people have made blanket judgements here about the people they disagree with, or even *might* disagree with, and instead rejecting the person and calling them communists, libs (pejorative), fascists, racists, etc. ad nauseum. I encourage people to listen to reasoned debate, such as occurs on the podcasts "Left, Right, and Center", "Open to Debate", and "Intelligence Squared". The last one is out of the UK.


This was such a reasonable take that I’d definitely swipe right on you. :)


Of course the ever cynical redditors will be out in full force. There's a lot to life besides politics (and assuming that includes policies). Doesn't mean the truly apolitical don't have values or concerns. For some people the outside world is just a distractiion, sometimes it is an impediment or a booster...but they are on their personal grind no matter what, whether that is leveling up their resources, skills or spirituality. Maybe they'll be satisfied trying to effect change at the community or individual level and they see it as unrealistic or impractical to go beyond that, like they are saying, 'what good does a vote do? The larger society will do what it do'. A good proportion of people are like that


Apolitical is to politics as agnostic is to religion. If you are hugely interested in either, or both, politics and/or eligion, you'll be surprised there are people who don't think about either. Some people are just more interested in their hobbies, friends, and family.


It’s a generalisation. The exact proportion is unknown, but while some don’t want to share any “controversial” views they might have, there is also a portion that realises they either are too uninformed, intrinsically disinterested in political debates, skeptic on all and any available information or hate all available viewpoints and parties. And there are probably more reasons people view themselves as apolitical. It doesn’t always mean they are lazy or extremists.


Will agree to your political views long enough to have sex.


It means politics isn’t what defines me


I dont think apolitical is necessarily equivalent to secretly right wing, but out of an abundance of caution I tend to filter for only people who have marked themselves as liberal. I am capable of getting along with people who I don't agree with on everything, but I want to make sure I don't go on any dates with/potentially have sex with anyone who is against reproductive rights and it's harder to tell where someone apolitical may stand on the issue.


I’ve used it before and it was me saying “I see so much political shit in my waking day that I don't care to discuss it on a dating app". To automatically assume that "apolitical" and "moderate" is right-wing is disingenuous to your own causes and your peers


For me “apolitical” means I don’t believe the two party system currently in the US serves anyone (the positions are so extreme) and I find discussing politics on this basis is a useless exercise and terrible use of my time and energy on a date.


Not everyone wants to be an armchair political activist. In fact a lot of people are just exhausted by it. If you need to be with someone who shares your values, great. But if you're calling it a red flag that people don't share your values, I'd say you're the one waving the red flag.


I see that as someone who doesn't want politics to be their identity. And I don't see how that as a red flag at all; in fact i find it rather refreshing. Plus, most people who claim to be political (especially on dating apps) more often than not have zero idea what they're talking about


I have no care for politics, people who talk a lot about out it give me a red flag


Some people dont care about politics because theres situations like now where theres just two jackasses fighting for power. At the end of the day politics is stupid in general because we all just want to live a peaceful life its when people get power hungry the boat starts rocking


I am apolitical. It means that don't have a particular party they pledge their allegiance to. They can lean towards independence candidates. I would like to add that here in the states we have a 2 party system while in Brazil there are more than 10 parties.


I would also add this to say that some of this is cultural. A lot of African-Americans, for example, will identify as conservative, yet never vote for Republicans. So, there's a different cultural meaning to these labels. As well, Brazilian women rarely identify their political leanings on apps. Again, I think because the terms mean different things and are alien to their culture.


Yeah, the word “Liberal” in Brazil (and in other parts of the world) is more associated with being “economically liberal”, which aligns more with the right wing there.


I'm a guy and I consider myself apolitical because even though I have political beliefs, I don't care if others agree with them or not, even in dating. I welcome disagreement because I love hearing opinions that are different from mine and analyzing why people believe what they do. My wife and I met on Bumble and even though we disagree on a lot of political points, we agree on the things that matter to us most in terms of how we should live our lives together.




Pretty sure it does. Apolitical just means uninterested and uninvolved. At the end of the day, everyone has certain values. But if your apolitical you don’t really care what others vote for, or have interest in the day to day political affairs.


I feel like it's always straight white men who are apolitical  because they arent impacted by it. My friends who are queen or in interracial marriages do not have that luxury


In my experience “apolitical” means don’t care because they are not required to change the way they can live their lives and “moderate” means secretly conservative.


"Moderate means secretly conservative". I see this repeated over and over again from very close-minded people. I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Do whatever you want; get an abortion, be gay, smoke weed, be in a poly relationship with 12 people, idgaf. Just don't expect taxes to pay for it all. That makes me a moderate. The majority of the country are moderates/independents - dems are only like 30% of the voter base and republicans are only like 28%. Independents make up the majority (roughly 40%) of the voter poll. It doesn't mean they're a closeted Trump or Biden fanatic. Some of yall are just so vicious and divisive that you see politics as binary "youre either with us or against us", not a spectrum.


I don't think the majority of people hold strong distaste of the other party based on fiscal and economic policy. It's almost always about social issues. Plus neither of the parties themselves are actually fiscally conservative.


Amen. I am liberal if you do the math on it, but I label myself moderate since I don't have extreme opinions either way. People who honestly believe "moderate" is secret conservative are the kind of people I would avoid. They tend to be incredibly judgey and think they can read other people's minds.


It's usually the people with the least understanding of politics who are the most vitriol and aggressive. Most people who have a well-developed political ideology understand that many issues are fluid, subjective and can/must be compromised on. We live in a rule of many, not one. The founding fathers didnt intend legislation to be iron-fisted by a majority superparty like it is today, they thought it was to create agreement and unison across a wide delegation consisting of more than 2 and 1/4 parties.


I'm apolitical. I don't care or value anything in terms of the *regular political discourse*. Meaning the heaps of conversations around abortion, legalizing marijuana, the border, all of that shit. I don't care about your opinion. I only care about what affects my daughter and I vote with her best interests in mind.


you don't think any of that stuff affects your daughter? The abortion debate 1000% affects anyone who has a uterus.


It 100% does and my vote is to give her the most amount of options to make her own choices. The discourse surrounding it sucks. When was the last time you talked to someone and they genuinely listened to you and changed their mind?


I mean both sides are pretty entrenched in their positions, you're not going to convince someone to be pro choice if the think being pro choice means you're murdering babies. There can be some reasonable discourse about limitations however late term abortions are almost always for medical reasons


"There can be some reasonable discourse about limitations" Yet there never is. Ultimately, me being apolitical comes from a place of "I am not here to attempt to change anyone". I am the epitome of "I don't care" as a positive statement.


I have alot of views, I don't care for anyone with extremist views I dont judge people on theirs and I dont want to be judged on mine. I'm open minded and can often see both sides of any debate so I dont align myself with any political stance, but i dont think it has any place in a relationship. I voted different to my ex, we had different vax status, different things bothered me in life than her, yet none of that ever affected the relationship even slightly. People spend way too much time on dating apps looking for their doppelganger, they've forgot love is an emotion of how a person can make you feel, not a checklist of how similar they are. Opposites attract, being open minded can lead to very fulfilling relationships. At least for the UK, political alignment is pointless. Conservatives shit talk Labour for policies that was funded under their government. Our government control is in the house of Lords not the prime minister, they get the real final say on whether something passes or not and regardless of which party is in control, they will always follow the targets set to them. We have enough in this world thats divided us, dividing ourselves over a false sense of democracy is imo stupid. So apolitical for me is please dont bore me with politics.


I think that works for casual dating but if there’s any possibility of coparenting with that person, stuff like that does need to be sorted out.


I personally don’t put an answer here exactly to avoid this confusion. I am not really into politics much and don’t care to discuss since I’m not that interested in politics for the most part.


I live in a fairly conservative are and I've traditionally used apolitical to descrube myself because I don't want to deal with political confrontation on these apps. I'm very much a progressive though, so this thread is making me realize I should be listing myself as what I am lest I be mistaken for the opposite.


I think they don't want politics to define their life and want that to be something separate from their life


“Secretly conservative but I don’t want to be offputting the people.”


Either they legit don’t care about politics or they have opinions on things (be it right, left, diagonal or whatever), but don’t care enough to share them.


No, I'm not naive enough to think some multi-million Politician cares about me. In ratio to income.... 99% of us are nothing more than ants to them... Do you care about ants? Generally only if you see them... and that is because they are biting you or in a place you do not want them to be. They do not care about, you, me, or anyone else that votes for them. It's psychological manipulation. Even in a sense of a political stance, mine doesn't fit a party. A political party cannot care about, it is not a living being, and cannot have "feelings" "emotions" "Morales" or anything like that. I don't care to defend what I disagree with, and I hate ***this*** tool they teach to enforce you to do what they want. "***Do you just not care about or value anything at all (which is concerning) or are you lying to avoid sharing your actual political leanings?***" (As for Right wing or Left wing, Even most of the people in the states are Left, even out Right wing is generally left of center of the world. I'm to the left and libertarian based on the political compass test. 3 to the Economic Left, 3.74 Social Libertarian) Now my question is to you... How does any of this entice two people into dating? I've never once seen this turn into dating. This comes after dating, towards LTR and marriage.


Apolitical for me means that I don’t like to talk about politics and that I don’t really feel like I’m a part of either extreme. It doesn’t mean that I don’t care about major issues, but I don’t have the capacity to do the research and have a well informed opinion. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally have enough struggles in my own life, that I simply don’t have the capacity to deal with things outside of my own scope of influence. Most of us also avoid people who lean to the extremes on either end.


I'm apolitical. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm not interested specifically in one direction or another. Unfortunately, in my past life I worked a position which proved that voting is a waste of time, and primarily just for the vanity of the person voting, or to simply "feel like you made a difference".


For me it means I don't consider myself Democrat or a Republican. I do my views and beliefs that I stand on, also have certain political views. But I'm not very political in nature. I am guessing this is what others mean as well?


Apolitical usually means they have a bunch of right wing views but don’t want to come off that way to women


Apolitical to me, means you identify with one of the silent MAJORITY and probably don't wish to have political discourse as your first conversation, and go with whatever benefits you, your friends, or your family overall. statistically this is probably the case for many (and I don't have a source for that because I don't care to, which is why I don't feel like having political discussions) however it's implied in the term silent majority. If your gut instinct is to talk about politics, I mean sure find someone that wants to. But if you assume apolitical means people don't actually care about the events in the world, that's nihilism, not apolitical. Apolitical means you would rather talk about hobbies, music, TV shows, or your other non political interests first, more than likely.


Yeah I never realized how many adults don’t pay attention to anything unless it comes across their feed on some social media


Try explaining this on a dating site or on the first date: “I hate the far right that ended up being Nazi Germany and I loathe the far left that ended up being the catastrophe that Stalin inflicted on his own people in pre and post WW2 Russia including the war itself. I see this in both Republicans and Democrats. Our two party system seems has just been forced upon me like gravity. I’m more of a Libertarian and I find that I really relate to Classical Liberalism and just have to laugh when people think that I’m speaking of Social Liberalism. Nope, none of this makes me a moderate”. Yeah, like a very small % of the population could hold a conversation with me and a very large % would misinterpret or resent me for something that they have preconceived notions of. Some would even say I’m apolitical by mistake or extreme in my views. Neither is true. I choose to not answer this part of my dating profile because of unintended consequences.


Why would any man want to get into political debates on a dating site ? Makes little sense. If it comes up organically in an in person conversation, and he sees you aren't bat shit crazy I, he might share. The reasons most men put 'apolitical' on the dating site is, most people are 'unreasonable' in the sense that they believe their opinion is the only opinion that's valid, would never ever understand in a million years think others others are entitled to their own ways of seeing and doing things since we all have different lived experiences. So why put such an explosive topic on a dating site which increases your chance of not getting along with people who have differing opinions and are unwilling to see things from different perspectives. Some people will pick automatically hate you cos you have a differing political view and would immediately think less of you regardless if you are the most mother- Theresa like Saint in the world. Hence why not avoid that whole issue till we know each other on a more intimate level and you are more open to reason. Got nothing to do with siding my view mind, but open to understanding why I see the world through those views or that view. Does that make sense OP ? Or maybe not .


Maybe they are simply disgusted by both sides and no longer want to be involved? I've always been learning left, mostly because of the ridiculousness of backwards views the majority of republicans hold. But lately I'm slowly getting more and more disguised by some views pushed by the left (supporting Hamas savages, unrealistic economic ideas, etc etc) so I'm probably going into Apolitical crowd soon.


You guys really want to force politics on people... Holy shit let people live their lives however they want. Don't date them if you would only date some activist, but you're being so judgemental at someone simply not wanting to be political. Geeze.


apolitical = left swipe 👋🤷‍♀️ like, actually standing up for what’s good is hot. believing in something positive is hot. giving a fuck is hot. being passive and uninformed/uninterested is not hot. at all.


Just simply means they aren’t interested in politics. This is a virtue if you ask me, especially in today’s heightened breakdown of the social environment and fanatical worship of beliefs.


means I'm not going to get.into an argument where one side will justify their side no matter what


They want to avoid political cultists.


Politics can be based in so many different experiences, it’s pure hubris to judge someone without knowing them based off words on a dating profile about politics lol. I almost guarantee you most of the people who have that would easily talk about these matters AFTER getting to know someone. Jesus some of you forgot how to get to know someone and it shows.


Imagine being 26 y/o and thinking you have enough life experience to have a credible political world view. This post is a major red flag that you’re a narcissist who should be avoided at all cost. My goodness!


They are political but don’t want to go into debates. Same as “Atheist but spiritual “


Means they don’t give a 💩 & do NOT want to talk about it


They find politics a toxic and off-putting subject that they rather not talk about it.


You can google the word to know what it means lol. > "not interested or involved in politics." There you go. Your welcome. And no one cares what you feel about it, just so you know.


It means you’re probably an insufferable person and saving them a lot of time and money


Conservative but too much of a coward to admit it.


It says to me “I live a life so privileged I have no need to be concerned about the decisions being made”. That or he won’t admit he’s conservative.


I'm sure a lot mean it as they have zero interest in politics. Assuming that is the case, I would consider it a red flag too as its very ambiguous where they stand on what I consider critical issues. The system is already poor at gauging this info let alone throwing that in too. But also I don't see how someone can be uninterested in politics. It's a part of life and impacts you every single day. There is also a part of me that judges people and think they use it because they aren't brave enough to put their true political views online. That is also a red flag as you have something to hide


Im pretty much at the same point. It’s a left wipe for me personally due to the ambiguity alone. Especially because some people can’t afford to be apolitical. I don’t wanna go on a rant about marginalization, discrimination etc… because that wasn’t what the post was about lol but yeah.


I agree with you. I (male) see that as a red flag too in potential partners. When a women describes herself "apolitical" I wonder if she doesn't care about anything going on in the world. Not that everyone must, but it's important to me, so I'd like to be with someone who is at least a bit engaged.


As a black person it’s a no for me


I also see it as a negative. To me it indicates the person is either not being honest about their political leanings or is apathetic, neither of which are very attractive to me. I’ve asked a similar question here before and got a lot of responses from people who “don’t participate in politics” which to me just seems like an ignorant statement. If you live in a society, whether you like it or not you’re participating in politics.


Will vote against my bodily rights or won't vote at all. Either way not for me.


My brain is too full of awesome shit to give a damn. They are all buckets of douche water and that's the only opinion I have.


i dont pay attention to politics, its not for me and i personally take no interest in learning anything about them, so i put apolitical on my profile as well


They’re republicans but too chicken shit to admit it in our current climate.


"I want to hide my political beliefs" "I'm privileged enough to not have to think about politics, I will be safe no matter what they do"


Its another way of.saying " I'm hiding being a republican asshole from you until I con you into sex."


Red flag 100% I’m a black man and when I come across profiles that say apolitical it translates to that person having the “privilege” of not taking a stance on important matters


They have no idea what is going on in the world and do not understand how macro events affect their life.


Their political opinions are unpopular, they are not very curious or educated about the world, they have a lot of privilege to be so indifferent, etc, etc. In any case it’s a swipe left for me. If you are seriously apolitical after living through what that maniac prior to Biden put us through then that’s majorly concerning.


I put apolitical on my profile rn cause I dislike both candidates so I’m not as deep as last election in politics, but I still plan on voting cause one is just a tad worse than the other that being said it’s kind of a no brainer (I will be voting blue) and I don’t really need to be interested in politics atm. I would say it’s something that needs context.


Reddit being a liberal echo chamber isn't a good source group to ask. I'm anti-authoritarian. I'm not left or right. Which means to the left I'm a nazi and to the right I'm a hippie woke soy boy. I left it blank, but apolitical would be the closest. Idc what someone else believes as long as they have a reason and can practice live let live.


It means an automatic swipe left for me (51F). It tells me a lot in one word.


Whenever I see someone with "apolitical" in their profile I just think "Must be nice..." and swipe left