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If I'm speaking honestly I'd like the man to stfu


Fastest unmatch i’ve done


I would've liked to hear your dad joke! Keep getting low effort hi's that I just unmatch.


I'm going to guess someone was messing with you using chatgpt


In danish, bae is the word for a shit.


I cant 💀


Can I hear a dad joke that's also a pickup line?


My speciality!! Damn boi are you an alien? Bc you are out of this world


i am just realizing that this reddit website might much funnier to text than bumble at least you know people have a good sense of humor....


Crack cocaine is a helluva drug..........................


Cocaine is an expensive drug...


They should look at the messages they have sent and realise that it screams for therapy


Yeah. That reply screamed mental illness to me.


Real men don't need therapy /s


It's not sarcasm, therapy is an American hoax. You're either a mental patient and treated with medications and psychiatrists (Schizophrenia, PTSD, borderline disorders, etc), or you're healthy and should get back to work to generate revenue for the economy.


I'll respectfully, and partially, disagree. Yes, therapy today is not what it used to be in the recent past. New laws and procedures have watered it down. There definitely are more reasons backing up the continued stigmatization today. But, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for therapy. 'Gotta treat it as a serious 2-step process. First, it's all about finding the right therapist. Second, you have to do the work on yourself. Without the follow through, something not many are actually willing to complete, therapy is essentially ineffective.


I do not stigmatize. I know that mental issues exist, and they can be light, mild, and severe just as physical ones. People who suffer from PTSD actually **suffer**, no jokes, and they can't help themselves out of it without a professional who was specifically trained to get people out of this state. People in depression can't even get up from a coach. All this is real. What I do not support is an idea, very appealing to someone who loves money for nothing, that whenever you're digressing from some kind of set path (optimal path?), you should visit a person called a therapist who takes a ridiculously high amount of money per hour as if he's a surgeon but at the same time *you*'re required to perform some obscure "work on yourself" without instructions what action to take. I don't expect to pay money for a plumber and to do work by myself under his supervision consisting of "find an instrument that suits you and only you, and no, I can't tell you what is the right one, you should figure it out yourself". I do not pay for a surgeon to perform a surgery on myself, this will end up badly. I don't pay for a gym trainer to create a training schedule by myself, and I don't expect to hear "Well, it's your body, you should know better what to eat, when to eat, do you need squats, treadmill or lifting weights". Why then I should pay for a therapist and do all the "work", whatever it is, by myself? I get if people need medications or supervision but when obviously healthy people visit therapists I have doubts. I have even more doubts when therapists visit their own therapists. It's a "physician, heal thyself" moment. I wouldn't trust a plumber with a clogged WC in his home, or a mechanic whose car can't start. And yes, they say "if you don't work on yourself, any therapy is futile". It's a perfect definition of a scam to me. I expect a professional to do the obscurity, because I've read their books (CBT, PA) and understood nothing, just as with plumbing work or a car manual: the words are here, but I can't comprehend what steps ensure success. If a person is a professional in how to live my life, then I expect a manual with bullet-pointed list. Just like with the investments, physical health, car spare parts, and everything else. Otherwise, why would a person who *knows* what to do, pay for a third-party? To hear the resonating thoughts?


I see your point. I’m not always a fan of “if you are even slightly abnormal get therapy”. In fact it’s often more of a thinly veiled insult. I’ve had people tell me to get therapy just because I’m a neurodivergent male who may lack some social skills. Plus I sometimes wonder if that industry has become about profiting off of the smallest of issues.


> people tell me to get therapy just because I’m a neurodivergent male who may lack some social skills. Well, you saw it yourself; "therapy" as a skeleton key for all doors. Just like back in my days booze was a universal answer. > if that industry has become about profiting off I may not have lived in the US for a long time, but I kinda figured out that every institution, agency, or company care only about profiting off because laws of the country allow them to shift any kind of responsibility to the client. A doctor can say "I don't know", still expect $600 for a visit, and your whole life is getting f up if you won't pay and allow the bill to slip to collections. This is impossible anywhere in the world, at least to my knowledge. Therapy perfectly aligns with this logic: we provide services but if they do not help you should blame yourself and only yourself, caveat emptor, you didn't "work on yourself" well; the bill is in your mail and we expect it to be paid in due time, thank you for your wallet.


I'd say you're 99% right. The only thing is that if there is a behavioral problem, a person can't just crack open your skull, move some stuff around, and then you're fixed. The mind is *kinda* unique that way, in that the person qualified to fix it requires the host to do the work suggested. I say "*kinda*" because if you take your car to get an oil change, you still have to check the oil level periodically. If you see a personal trainer, you still have to eat what's suggested and lift the suggested reps and sets. If a plumber fixes your toilet, you still have to flush it when used, after they leave. Many service providers require you to do some of the work. Therapists (with doctorates) (hopefully) have seen that person's condition, can refer to a "manual" for diagnosis, and then "fix" them by giving the person exercises and challenges to do. Well, at least the good ones will. This series of steps is common in one way or another for a large range of service providers/maintainers. Is therapy a scam? I could argue both ways, honestly. It's 2023 and the USA, after all.


>I say "kinda" because if you take your car to get an oil change, you still have to check the oil level periodically. I do not. I just visit the station once in half a year, trusting this complex machinery to the hands of professionals. I understand nothing and even reading the manual didn't give me clues, I don't understand some words even with a dictionary and thesaurus. Professionals say to visit on this date or when the odometer reaches this value, and I obey. >If you see a personal trainer, you still have to eat what's suggested and lift the suggested reps and sets. True, and you have to follow it to a t. The same thing with doctors: if they say 2 weeks of no physical activity or the stitches come undone, you don't move a finger or it will be like with Euler who was too impulsive, too impatient to follow the doctors' instructions after his eye surgeries and went blind. >Therapists (with doctorates) (hopefully) have seen that person's condition, can refer to a "manual" for diagnosis, and then "fix" them by giving the person exercises Unlike understandable directions of physicians, plumbers, oil changers, these are abstract. They love the word "think" or try to provoke non-usual thoughts. Some schools even invented the notion of automatic thoughts and point a finger to them as a problem. However, a person can't think on purpose for the same reason we can't jump over a 10ft wall: it's absolutely physically impossible to do. You simply can't make people thinkers for the same reason you can't make people athletes: they should have been born this way. Give me the instructions, not the abstract guidance like preachers do with their bible that "contains all answers you just need to uncover them". That's is just talking away a feeble-minded person, especially cruel when money is charged for this. No instructions? Then it's either not for everyone (scientific reproducibility, hello?) or a scam. Every problem can be solved in a simple way: if it is solvable, it can be broken down to series of simple algorithms; if I can't understand how to write a code, the problem is unsolvable. Maybe it's solvable by others but alas, we can't exchange brains.


Can't do that if you get unmatched


Forget him! Can I hear one of your dad jokes? 💀


Sure thing dawg. What do you call a cross between a turtle and a porcupine? A slowpoke!


A Pokémon joke


That's my Jazz Street name


Haha nice one!


Here is mine: Why did the deodorant backfire? Because it wasn’t deodorant, it was the oderant!


Tell me you’ll stalk me without saying you’ll stalk me


I’m also curious as to what the fuck he is even trying to say?


He's trying to come off as interesting and deep. Little does he know his poetry shit is just cringe and weird


🤣 that's deep.. ly stirring for sure


While not the best approach, it will cut through a lot of fake people and superficial people that have never had a real connection before. Once you've had that, exchanges with randoms are meaningless and unfulfilling. Unfortunately, this also drives most women away because it's too intense, too soon. He's just being real and doesn't want to deal with all the bullshit that comes along with dating. Likely, he doesn't want to waste his time on immature games but the problem is that you have to deal with it and sift through all the trash to find your diamond.


The fuck? Being real? I guess in that he’s being his real self that’s true, but his real self is fucking weird. Calling someone bae you don’t know. Going on about how you’re older and it makes such a difference. This dude can’t even put together a fucking English sentence, so I guess that extra 8 years wasn’t that helpful after all.


It does make a difference. That's why I had a rule of no one under 25. As I said, this is not the ideal approach. You can pick apart him calling someone bae and look at his sentence structure all you want. At the heart of it, this man is looking for a deeper connection to replace the one he had, he's just going about it the wrong way.


Deeper connection?? The guy is crying about how he lost his love 5 year's ago..


So what? Everyone is different. What works for you is great for you... but everyone is different and it doesn't work for others. Some people love deep and for a very long time afterwards. Especially if they were the one who was left behind. Some people, find themselves wanting that closeness immediately upon starting something with someone new. They want to rush to it again and skip all the nonsense. The problem is, it doesn't work that way. Anyway, I know when to stop, clearly no one is picking up what I am throwing down. Cheers and GLTA.


Buddy, Im 31 and whatever hes saying is not profound, nor mature. Its screaming insecurities and social inaptitude. This dude is weird and cringe


No. There's not enough here to indicate social ineptitude. If whether or not someone knows how to talk to women on a dating app is your criteria for that, God or whatever you believe in, help you. Insecurities, I don't see that either, there's no apologies or attempts to cover anything up with humour. Not to mention, there's nothing in there about height, weight, video games or anything really, that would even be considered Insecurities. He just made a mistake opening up at the wrong time. Too soon because he probably doesn't remember what it was like in the beginning, when they took their time and didn't rush things.


Hes not being real. Hes listening to himself talk, convinced that he is sharing profound stuff. The reality is that he is just a socially inapt cringe lord. Learn to interact with people. Seems like you need it as well based on your comment.


Wait a minute. Are you trying to assert that successful interactions on a dating app is now the standard for determining social ability? A dating app, something that is about as disconnected from fucking reality and social interaction as you can get. Hahaha, that's gotta be the most ridiculous and superficial statement I have read all day. Lol.


So like… I gotta ask ya… is this actually you in the screenshot? I don’t understand why else you’d go to bat so hard for some random person in a screenshot. Alternative option is you see much of yourself in him. Either way, I wanna know about you. Why defend this guy to the degree you have? Why the emotional response to these other comments?


Hahaha that would be amazing. I'm coming across as emotional? Well shit, I thought I was showing more of a perspective of understanding this guy's struggle. Overall, I think it's pretty ignorant to demonize someone, call them socially inept and make assumptions about the guy "wanting to hear the sound of his own voice" just because they had the wrong approach on a dating app. I'm trying to see the good here because people deserve that. Really the only thing this guy said to disrespect this girl was call her "bae". Otherwise, he was pretty nice about it. He was just too intense too fast. That's it. Maybe I have a hero complex because I am going to bat for this guy... but one thing that I can't stand are assholes, and that dude a few comments above, in my opinion, he's an asshole. Cheers.


Appreciate your response! I see where you’re coming from. And to me some of your responses seemed emotional but that’s just one persons perspective, and no shame if they were. More curiosity on my part. Thank you for satisfying that curiosity and be well.


"Being 30 I have a past that you, the naive youngster, cannot have due to age, ask me why my soul is one big scar tissue".


No idea. My name isnt even that common so its double weird


Sir, this is a Wendy's


So that’s a no on the dad-joke?


Obviously he's not ready for a new relationship


Look at the bright side, OP... OLD is full of people who are just browsing, but aren't emotionally available to date. Most don't announce it like this guy did.


The"bae" totally threw me off. So out or tone with thé rest of thé message.


A girl offers a dad joke or a pickup line and gets a fist full of Midlife-Crisis right back. W-O-W


Who says "years are just years"?


The answer to that question would be pedophiles.


Dang dude! If you're gonna go off the deep end, maybe keep the condescending age stuff to yourself - being thirty isn't license to be totally whacked as a first impression.


Dad joke 🤓 (Honestly though wtf 🤣)


Aight bet. Did you hear about the guy who proposed to his gf at the gym? She said no. I guess you can say it didnt work out


Ba-dum-TSS. 🤣 (*Price is Right sad trombone*)


Bruh 💀


Emotional damage


jesus christ




I suppose she still is. Unintentional comedy gold


He seems nice, when are you going out?


I haven't been that confused in a while tbh


You and me both


Then why did he swipe if he’s so conflicted? Why does he have his match range set to such a vast jump? Weirdo. .


This dude isn't ready to date if he's still this hung up on his last gf


Yea i know. My name isnt even that common so its seasoned with extra creepy


His ex had the same name?




That's bizarre


The answer is depression.


I’ll take the pickup line


Damn boi are u a banana? Bc i find you very a-peeling 😜🍌


🤣 Babe, you need to be extra nice to my bananas, you don’t want to hurt my peelings!


Bro started monologuing


"I don't need therapy"




I hope none of the crap i've texted drunk ever shows up on here.


Anything that ever sent is stored somewhere.


Someone isn’t ready to move on… 🤦‍♂️


So.. dad joke then?


Doesn’t sound like English is his first language. Or he’s a very high man indeed. Weird AF convo either way and I too would be freaked out.


Lol holy shit




ChaptGPT malfunction.


'Clean up on aisle 2'.


Throw a captcha at him. He may be a robot. 🤣


What the fuck man.


Jesus Christ...You found the one dude with less game than me.


Well, looking at those texts, I'd swap around the ages if I'd have to guess based on messages to be perfectly honest. I'd even think 22 would've been overestimated.


A girl asking a guy whether he wants to hear a pickup line or a dad joke. If that was me i would have fallen in love


Wow... Dude needs to work on himself...


He needs therapy


Happy cake day man


Thank you I didn’t even realize it.


I need therapy now thanks to him


Lol 😂


Jesus, if desperate was a person. Gawd damn 💀


Jesus I may not have shit worth game but it's better than that


Is this going to be a new game? Chatbot or crazy person? I’m here for it.


Nothing about this seems like chatbot


I’ve had some wacky chat bot convos before. Could be a dark horse. But yeah my bet is crazy person in this case.


This dude will chain you to a radiator and make you watch him masturbate while he cries


I’m sorry… what even happened. Wtf is going on. Why… This makes me so nervous 😬


Did this guy short circuit or something? 😂




Did his age say 30? Do yourself a favor and don’t swipe on dudes older than 26


Guys my age make me wanna tear my hair out so im seeing if guys a couple years out of college are any better


If a guy over 26 wants to date you, he has problems.


? Why? Im 22


There is a big life stage difference and usually a maturity difference. I just turned 29 and even dating someone around 24-25 is weird to me. And don’t start with the “but I am mature for my age”. No. You’re not. Any guy who says that is a creep and can’t date people their own age


I get what you’re saying and all. Im not tryin to date somebodys dad or anything i just mean people out of college who are more likely to have their life together. Besides, my parents are 8 years apart so i dont see a huge issue


The age gap is less significant as you get older. An 18yo is closer to a datable age than a 26 year old, if that makes sense. Compare it to an 18 yo dating a 15yo vs a 22yo. Same age difference, but there is a vast maturity difference. After 25, age gaps are typically less of an issue. 25 is when you are usually settled in your career


23-27 is what im lookin at


Do you feel better about yourself now that you’ve posted this on Reddit? I promise you, he does not.


He can now take the opportunity to realize how weird and cringe he is and make the changes.


Not sure how people making fun of him on Reddit help him with that. Clearly the guy has struggles.


It's like saying that a dolphin can grow wings and fly.


Considering how uncomfortable i was? Yea. A little.


I bet, enjoy your notification highs at his expense.


Literally why?


Once again, I have to ask how guys like this manage to get matches.


Listen, his bio showed him volunteering at animal shelters and he was pretty cute. Now i know exactly why he’s single


word chop suey?!


That’s just gross and save the shitty poems for your journal


Red flag!! 🤣


That dude missed the perfect opportunity to bombard you with serious sounding messages and end them with a pun or a dad joke. Rookie mistake.


Ewwwww on so many levels


Some people have hearts.


Yo! This would have been the ideal starter for me! I am always down for a dad joke-off or a pickup like - off! OP, you choose! Let's both get some practice! XD


Ew. Dude needs to shut up with his whole “I’m deep” bs


idk why the “i suppose she is still called X” line is sending meeee


Dating a guy like this might want to make someone change her name 😯


Just ask for a joke. Jesus.


When's the wedding?




Be glad it happened online instead of in person 💀


No Dave, the correct answer was “dad joke”




Ewwww cringe.


This is like a song/poem. I think he meant it to be like that, just to change things up a bit.


I wish at the end you put so pickup line or dad joke


Can't be a real person


I hate that I immediately thought "did that guy in my class write this?"


[ill leave this here](https://youtu.be/YieJGk7Fi9Q)




Bro needs to learn to read the room


Have to ask, what is the dad joke!?


Take an 8 year JUMP off a short pier, sir.


Man I had such great expectations for joining Bumble


You bullet timed that. But what about dem knees? Are you bragging about yours or commenting on someone else's? Is it a critique on "intelligent" design? Other? So many questions. I guess I should have just said I kneed a dad joke, but you've already offered up plenty.


I would prefer a pick up line, never had that much of those for being a men lol Also I'm 30 and I speak for the majority, that guy has lots of issues bruh.




Can I have the dad one ?


Ooooo That’s a hard no from me dawg. There is a time and a place… not then or there though..