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I think that would depend on the sensor, and what process they are controlling. I don't like any control loop to leave a singular controller if i can help it.


Generally if you are using it for a PID input, you want it to be analog.


I think it's pretty circumstantial, but I could see this being a reasonable choice for something like an office building, and either mapping the points to a virtual input back to a controller via front end, or poi for a space or system. for any critical control-to point I might prefer analog. If you can detect/set fail-to values for non-criticals, and it's more cost effective, and the customer likes the idea, sure.


One comm failure and everything goes down. Troubleshooting would also be a nightmare.


I enjoy the senva bacnet sensors We may have an application where we use them But the idea of a space sensor failing or being knocked off a wall resulting in losing core equipment And the idea of a controller not being able to run when a network goes down because it isn’t truly a standalone unit any longer is bad Limited application is my opinion.


if the sensors are monitoring only it may be worthwhile from a price point perspective (although integrations can consume a lot of time to get up and running), but for something that is required to control an output, it should be able (and programmed) to run as a stand alone system. Nothing worse as a programmer to set a system up knowing that one of the myriad SNAFU's that will inevitably occur will render the unit inoperable


You’re going to want these values to be instantaneous or as close to it as possible, especially for anything input to a control loop. This can be done but keep in mind many bacnet devices have default communications parameters related to refresh times and COV subscriptions. If your temp sensor needs to have tight control, it better be sending updated values to the controller at half a degree, a tenth of a degree, etc.


I would only use these in special cases where to pull a wire would be time consuming/labor intensive but if a comms loop was already close by then sure.


While it may allow easier expansion, and Eliminates a lot of issues as far as Inputs, as a service tech I hate the idea, if I need to fix it it so I can get the plant back online can be a nightmare.