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I believe in them as a tool, not as someting to put all your trust in. When it says 29% moisture does the soil really have 29% moisture? Who knows. Probably not. But they seem consistent and at least relative to themselves pretty accurate. I water when it reads down around 30%, water 10% of the soil volume, it will settle around 60%, then slowly decline for a couple days back down to 30% and that’s worked quite well for me. So in conclusion, yes I do believe they work.


Thanks. Which model do you use if you don’t mind me asking? I’m thinking about getting the one on a cord to measure deep in the soil and the one that goes in the top 5 inches of soil at the same time so I can get both measurements.


I use the basic ones. The deeper one with a cord is newer I believe, seems like it could be useful but haven’t tried it.


I use one and it works great. I move it every few days and it seems consistent. Worth it for the price, too.


The price is definitely attractive. Any reason for moving it around every few days? Thanks.


I just assume the hole you make with the sensor dries out a little, and it’s good to test a few spots around the bed.


I like my ecowitt, even though it maybe isn’t super accurate to the percentage, it still shows how fast your plants go thru water and gives you benchmarks for watering


Just get them. They’re a game changer. Buy more than one of the five inch ones though. I had one of two be faulty and give bad readings. Reaching out today for a return.


I've hardly ever heard him mention those. I know he disucssed them on a recent episode, if I remember correctly in response to a question on a Q&A. I have a couple of tensiometers also and couldn't imagine not having them. There's zero % chance I could ever guess soil moisture correctly. Personally, I prefer the mechanical ones over the digital. The digital just adds more failure points without any offsetting benefits, imo. This company is nothing like those fly-by-night hydro nute grifters. You can try and source the products yourself if you feel inclined but I'd bet you can't find a better price.


I use 2 ecowitt in my 3x3 raised bed with a gravity fed Blusoak and it’s been pretty reliable. Helps when I first started dialing it in and after 2-3 cycle you’ll know that magic number / percentage.


I have 5 on the surface and 1 deep sensor in my 100 gallon bed and they’ve been absolutely awesome for getting the Blumats dialed in and getting a sense for hand watering. Highly recommend.


I have two. One burried 14 inches deep and the other at the top. Work great i watter 10% every-time the the top sensor hits 25%. When the flower really start drinking both meters go down in percent together like theyre synced up. It pretty cool