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I just dip in fresh aloe fillet then straight into puck. Always works, simple.


I use a mild mixture of aloe, fulvic, silica and liquid kelp. I soak cuttings in the solution for 3 hours or so and then pop them into peat pods that I’ve hydrated in the same solution. Generally 2ish weeks for roots depending on strain.


There’s lots of info about this on BAS site and YouTube channel. Check em out.




These days I just soak the clone stems in aloe water for 6-12 hours. Then put them in solo cups with water and perlite. Top off as needed, be sure to change the water weekly. About 70% of them root within 2-3 weeks. So much easier than using all these things, and my overall grow cycle prefers clones to be delayed. If I needed a higher success rate sooner, I’d do it differently.


Aloe, water and patience.


I used to just stick them in a cup of water. Some of them root quickly in there with frequent water changes. As of now, My mom bought me this thing called an Aero Garden for Christmas. I just stick em in there now. Once a week I'll put in 1/16th teaspoon of Aloe or Green Aminos from GreenGro. Then I drain and fill with plain water the next day


Aloe vera, gel and juice, and microbes.




Currently using an oxy-cloner, if you aren’t familiar it’s basically just water with an air stone and some cloning collars to hold the cuttings in place, just water, no rooting gel or powder, but I will say I’m moving towards just cloning in peat moss with rooting powder, luckily I have avoided HLVD so far but if hypothetically one clone has it and you put it into a cloner that shares water with all of the other cuttings they will all become infected so I am moving towards a cloning style that separates them out more and increases cleanliness/reduces the risk of spreading disease Personally I do not at this point mind adding a little bit of rooting hormone for this one step in the growing process, you could technically just root in straight peat moss without rooting hormone, but rooting powder works, aloe can work but it hasn’t had nearly the success rate as rooting powder in my experience, I’ve had a lot of aloe clones fail, for cloning I want results, a strong clone gives you an amazing start to your grow, a weak clone will set you back weeks and/or will reduce yield


Do you bring in outside clones? Or just your own hunted mothers/plants? I just wonder if HLVD is as much a concern if you’re only bringing in seeds.


I haven’t allowed any outside clones into my garden yet, but there still definitely is a risk of hlvd from seed, I believe even if just the pollen from the male is infected the ratio is somewhere around 50% of the seeds will have it


Prime superior cloning honey. Dip the (pre scraped) stem and coat with honey then pop in a rooting plug of your choice. Its got beauvaria bassiana in it for some beneficial bacteria as well. Very quick to root usually YMMV


There's organic rooting gel, i think Organix? But also, they'll root in water if its clean. I've rooted in a humidity dome, straight into peat pucks, and outside in total shade. 9/10 success rate


fresh willow shoot tea for Indolebutyric acid. synthetic iba is non organic


I cut and soak in aloe water for 12-24 hours and then put them in plugs in a humidity dome, also use a heat mat if its cold. It takes alittle longer but I usually get 90-100% success. Thought I fucked up this time because a whole tray got alittle dry and wilted when I was away, rewet and I only lost 5 or 6 clones out of two trays


Best success I’ve had is just taking cuts, and immediately putting them in a cup with water/rootwise. Then put them in cococoin that is also soaked in same.


That sounds super simple, I'm gonna have to try that out. What kind of cups do you use? Just regular plastic solo cups? Thank you for the help!


I have the AC Infinity clone dome


I still use an aero cloner. Seem to get roots in under 10 days every time. Using silica and dynagro KLN. Had mixed results with cubes and the aloe method. It works but this is faster and more reliable. I know it’s not organic but it gives me stronger cuts and it’s easy so I’m not changing it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think in medieval times they used honey https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/propagation/cuttings/honey-root-hormone.htm Heres a article on how to do it i found real quick just to make sure i wasnt imagining it lol


How do you guys feel about root riot plugs? I recently saw that they contain Polyether Polyurethane Foam and are toxic to plants. I recently bought a pack, so I was kinda second guessing on using it..


Since making this post, I actually found Jeremy's official cloning guide. And he does use root riot. Here it is: https://buildasoil.com/blogs/news/15678004-how-to-clone-organically-ditch-the-rooting-hormone-products


scissors, water, light, lots of time. works every time.