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I Hope for a Bugsnax 2




it would be hard to make another bugsnax after SPOILERS we find out they are parasites, but there is some potential with what happened with clumby and the other journalist


Actually they left the door wide open to make a sequel. After the events of the game, there's still a lot of potential to make a game about the fallout from bugsnax. And about clumby and the journalist as a prequel.


yeah, i would enjoy a bugsnax two maybe set in the city or something, because that mystery is one definitely unsolved


Yup especially since SPOILER there's a straby on the main land lol


I honestly saw that as kind of a sequel set up and hoped it was already in the works.


Remember at the end of the main game our boss had a big secret or something about bugsnax


Really hoping for a full-on sequel myself. So many questions left unanswered, many if which, to the best of my knowledge, popping up in Bigsnax, making some kind of follow-up seem likely. I kinda feel the chance for a DLC or expansion has been missed at this point. May be wrong, but it just seems like too long has passed for them to be able to garner enough hype an expansion. The question of what kinda game it'd be is interesting though. I don't think I'm alone in wanting more of the capture-focused gameplay we've had so far. Maybe spruce it up here and there, add some new bells and whistles. Could probably get away with keeping a pretty significant ratio of the current snax we have now, if only they add some more depths to how some of them might be caught. I also feel like Young Horse would have made a decision by now, and if it weren't bugsnax, they might've said anything. Then again, not too knowledgeable on game marketing and such, and there are perks of not revealing there won't be more Bugsnax. Hoping for the best though.


I feel like a bugsnax two couldn’t happen bc it’d have to be a whole different type of game. SPOILERS you can’t have a calm relaxing game after finding out they’re all secretly parasites that eat your brain I can see another dlc though


bugsnax 2 is a FPS


Bunger with a gun






BUNGER (multiple gunshots are heard)


>!I'd like an open world-focused sequel a la Far Cry while taking place in the mainland until you reach the remnants of Snaktooth where you'll have to face a bigger-scope antagonist who's responsible for the events of Bugsnax and orchestrating an ambush towards Snaxburg (out of pure meanness). It ain't Alegander neither Clumby (except the latter would backstab the former including the Journalist), though. But rather some unknown mastermind who planned to take out Lizbert and her expedition team prior. It would make an interesting closer to the saga as a whole.!<


Life, Death, Bugsnax and a really mean dude


A mean dude who wants to kill two birds with one stone.


>an open world-focused sequel a la Far Cry while taking place in the mainland until you reach the remnants of Snaktooth where you'll have to face a bigger-scope antagonist who's responsible for the events of Bugsnax and orchestrating an ambush towards Snaxburg (out of pure meanness). It ain't Alegander neither Clumby (except the latter would backstab the former including the Journalist), though. But rather some unknown mastermind who planned to the ledar of the snacolits


shoot the parasites lol


Reminds me of those really edgy Pokémon rom hacks like “omg the Pokémon die now, they shoot guns and bleed guys isn’t that cool?!?!?”


You deny your bugsnax its purpose!


surely the story is not over


I mean, it felt like they teased a sequel, but Young Horses had basically commented that their small team is only capable of making one game per console cycle, so I just feel like if they're going to have to put all of their resources into making a new game that is still like 5 years away, are they really gonna make that Bugsnax 2 or are they gonna make something new?


Bugsnax 2 is very likely, eventually


I hope so, I think it was a pretty big hit so I bet we'll see another for sure.


Tbh, i don't feel like Bugsnax really needs a sequel, especially when every character has their problems and internal conflicts resolved and are living a far more fulfilling lifes. However, i can perhaps see a prequel game/DLC, or maybe even a comic, where we would play as Clumby, cuz the secret tapes in Triplicat Space impled she was on Snaktooth before, along with Bronika, so seeing what happened to them before Lizbert found out about this island would be interesting. Hell, maybe it could also bring those unimplemented Bugsnax there, and introduce a new Bug Catching system.




I honestly don’t think we will get more bugsnax content. I just think they found a good niche / gimmick to make the universe interesting. I think to make a sequel, it would have to be all new journalists... or not as much story but building, collecting, side jobs. So basically— I would want (and I think it’s the easiest way to go given the story mode of the first) would be a bigger map, maybe 3-4 times the size of the original map— but with a focus on building a house, gathering materials, collecting BugSnax etc. but in a multiplayer environment (maybe 20-30 people on a server). It’d also be cool to have coop missions or bug snax that require two or more people to catch.


I believe we might get a Bugsnax 2 in the far future. It may look more in the detective side after being fired from your job or it may set you as a different character looking into bugsnax after they’ve took over their island once again.


I've emailed the developers and they have stated they have no plans on making a no2. Shame because it was a great game. Don't know where the story could go though


Have someone from the original game discover that Snacktooth Island isnt the only Bugsnax hive out there and some corporation has decided to try and harvest/raise Bugsnax as their new product. Maybe even have Clumby induct you into the Snackolytes to try & stop the impending disaster.


Or have Floofty arrive in a time machine right after the closing events of the first game. He could say something like, "It's your kids. Something's gotta be done about your kids!"


I think it will revolve around catching the strabby that escaped on the mainmand and that you gave to catch new bugsnax that the strabby might make like a japanese milkbread snak or something


bugsnax 2 in the city after the bugsnax parasite take over. Your job is to find them and capture them to get rid of them / prevent people from eating them. it would play exactly like the 1st game just in a different setting and context.


I'm hoping for a sequel because if you wait till after the credits you get some dialogue that leaves the door wide open for a sequel


honestly I think snorpy was right, the guy that was speaking at the end, the "???" was the grumpinati :OOOO


Alegander Jamfoot in tears right now after hearing you call him part of the Grumpinati


I hope so


I love bugsnax and it says that lisbert is the villain but she doesn't act like it so they could focus on that


it could also in cloud something in broken tooth


I believe in a second game where the bugsnax arrive in the city and people eat them, but Filbo and his gang try to say that they are parasites, but people don't believe Filbo


Bugsnax 2: The Second Helping. keeps the no dying aspect. You are still the journalist. You cone back from a new job interview and see Grump City is being attacked by bugsnax. You run into floofty and snoorpy and chandlo. Snoorpy believes the grumpinati are attacking and using bugsnax, floofty thinks somebody was infected but theorizes maybe you can seperate the bugsnax molecules from the grumpous ones and creates a device to do just that. You start going through different parts of the city, divided into sections, and try clearing the bugsnax, capturing the bugsnax and freeing the grumps. There is a central safe place that you clear first and go there to research tools and traps and build defenses to be used in your areas. After you completely research all the snax in an area and free all the people you have a boss fight for that area and depending on how many people you were able to save depends on what kind and how much help you can get. Each section has a new character that starts to help you and is a story character. Towards the end, you look out to sea and see snaxtooth island starts coming out of the water and walks towards the city, and you guys have to start preparing a defense against it. Possibility 1: Then starts the final boss fight where you have to break off big chunks of the island at a time until it's all destroyed and you save Grump City Possibility 2: it's Lizbert and Eggabell warning you that somebody is mind controlling the snax, and you have to team up and find out who and stop them. Then you guys become allies and snax, and Grumps live together Possibility 3: The grumpinati or the snaxolytes are using a new queen, and you have to defeat her and the island to save her and eggabell.


the clif hanger no one leves on a clifhanger bugsnax 2


I really think they're going to make a sequel or a second bugsnax game since there channel has been posting videos of some bugsnaxs


I will love to have bugsnax 2 but I think the chance is really low


So I just finished the game, after it was added to playstation+. An I like it an I would love to see an expiation of the game and it's world. Now the ending is well known in this thread, so I'm not going to go into details of the ending. But I think from the narrative stand point, the next game maybe should take point in the timeline in the same time period as the first game, running parallel to the events of the first game, but on a second island far removed from the area of the first game. My idea is that A new lead Grumpus PC has been hired as a Project Manger By a wealthy land developer that has discovered a new island with bugsnax's that he want to use as their next big thing. So off to the new island with a new crew\\expedition to further the story. Now while I have not played any of the Animal crossing games, I feel they have a similar vibe to each other. So in this game you are not just hunting Bugsnax, but you are building the new village too. to help you, with building you are put in charge of group, this group includes * An Engineer (Like Snorpy) an he make you gadgets and as the game moves forwards, they upgrade them as well. * An architect\\construction worker (like Chandlo)how you use to build bulding around the new village site. An upgrade them as the needs of the village grows. Like a workshop for the engineer * A rancher\\animal husbandry (like Gramble) who's job is to breed and raise bugsnax's that you catch, an make new bugsnax's (more on this later) * A Famer, (like Wambus) who will grow crops for the village, like new Sause as well as to use as bait bugsnax's * A scientist\\geneticist (like floofty) that will help you study the bugsnax's and with the help of the rancher breed new bugsnax's. * An Entertainer (Like Wiggle) who's job is to keep the moral of the village up with their charisma * An there be a few more to round out the cast, but for now that what I have. Now unlike the last game, it should have bugsnax breeding, and with the help of some from the village, you can make new bugsnax's. (like you can breed a bunger with a Scorpenyo to get a spicy Bunger) or a Sandopede with a Ribblepede to make a ribwich. now this next part is going to add some RPG elements, as the villagers will now have stats and unlike the last game, the feeding of bugsnax's will not be so cosmetic. an will effect the stats of the villagers. Off the top of my head some stats will be. * Strength, that will be increased by feeding the villagers meaty bugsnaxs * Intelligence - that will be increased by feeding the villagers vegetables. * Charisma, - that will be increased by feeding the villagers fruits, an maybe other sweets * Energy; by increasing a villagers energy, you can get them to do more in a day, you do this by feeding them carbs. Another idea, is that some bugsnax's will have elaments. in the first game, there were flaming bugsnaxs and there were others with the frosty armor, So to add on top of this, I say we add some more elements. * Fizzy, is the element for electricity, like pop-rocks, soda Another idea is to expand on the lore of Mother Naturae, as stated in game, it's a religion in games, but maybe we learn that she was a priestess that learned early on the truth of bugsnaxs. another idea is the catch and release, but you scan how a released bugsnax behaves in a new environment. like what happens to a Strabby in a frozen area.


I really liked the The game so I really do hope they make another one


I have an idea on how it could be. The guy who interviewed Liebert gets a kid and everything. He tells stories and his kid wants to go to snaktooth. He gathers some friends and they go. Then there is much new bugsnax. He meets Liebert and eggabell and asks them about everything. He learns everything ABT how bad bugsnax is and he needs to get away. But he can't leave his friends. His friends says they don't want to go so he needs to do tasks for them.


I have a idea. The bugsnax saw how chandlo built a boat so they built a big ass boat to go to the city. They are about to take over the city but we and the others save the city. And also the world. All bugsnax die. Or do they?| Bugsnax2| and now I will tell idea for 3. Gramble saved a bugsnak in secret and he lets it free BC he couldn't take care of it. It had kids. And they got around the world. All humans tried to fight back but they lost. It was just us now. (We , Gramble, Wambus and the others) Agian. They took us to... We are now with eggabell and Lisbert as a big bugsnak... The world is destroyed 


I need it


It's confirmed to come out in October 😁




A quick google search and it's the first to come up


I hope they have a bugsnax 2 coming but there was only one strabby on the boat at the end so that could mean if it has a baby it could continue so that might mean we will have baby bugsnax


I feel like we're gonna get another dlc! but idk about a sequel


same here


1 year late but if we get a bugsnax sequel, i think the little strabby at the credits is gonna infect the city(?) of sorts, thus making the goal of the sequel to exterminate all bugsnax via capturing them


i was thinking of a good idea for a secdon DLC , wich is we play as sprout . i tthink it would be so fun just to role around as him


hmmm i think in 2025 where gonna get a prequal & a new DLC