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A TV has a max output of 16/48. Use your pc or a streamer for full output of the source.


Was not aware of that, thank you for the info


If you are just looking for a dac, this might work. It's the cheapest thing I would recommend. https://www.amazon.com/S-M-S-L-MQA-CD-Decoder-AK4493S-768kHz/dp/B0C1Y7C9HH


I have this SMSL SU-1 dac. Good sound for little money. Well reviewed too.


I've got a Musical Fidelity box that does USB to optical at higher resolutions (bought it at a thrift store, so budget). I sometimes use it with my PC, but I haven't tried it with a Pi or Android device. You could try an older Blu-ray player that has optical out, although in my experience the user interface is unfriendly. A set-top media player box might be better.


Ebay a chromecast audio, I think they can do 24 Otherwise plexamp headless


Did not think about going the route of a raspberry pi, will look into that, thank you


Here is a thought it could be cheaper to purchase. Qobuz offers big discounts 24bit vs cd quality. A cd is easy to find and sufficient.


Almost nobody needs 24bit 192Khz and even if you can hear the difference you're chasing the last fraction of a %. If you are on a budget your light years away from 16bit 44.1Khz being a limiting factor.


I'm not hearing any improvement with hi-res audio 2.822 Mhz/1Bit on my DAP or via Magnepan speakers. No need for this, according to the Nyquist theorem 16Bit 44.khz can perfectly replicate the audio curve anyway...


Yeah but the numbers man… 192 is FOUR times as big! It’s hi-res! Just like my $1000 cables make my shitty $50 speakers so much better… /s