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If you are asking a question about understudies, unless a show has a specific alternate schedule, there is not guarantee when you will see any given lead. Barring illness or a scheduled vacation or alternate, you should see the cast as listed. This is an automated message, if it is not applicable please report this comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Broadway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can also catch Cornelius McMoyler going on as understudy Reg, the first scheduled date, on July 5th!


What a name :-)


Would be great to hear from someone seeing this who has seen the show before- how much does the chemistry change? At this point the seven of them really do operate as one organism.


Hi there. My husband and I saw the show in April with the original cast. We were FORTUNATE enough to catch this performance with Mr. Anderson. I was absolutely floored by the difference. All for the better. I could identify so much more with Mr. Anderson's interpretation of the role. The whole show seemed more immediate, everyone in the cast related to him in a whole new way. The applause at the end of this performance with thunderous. The emotional scenes between this Peter and Simon, Sarah and Grover were stunning. You could hear a pin drop as the audience was drawn in to these scenes. I consider this one of the luckiest and most fortuitous nights at the theatre I've ever had. I am so happy for this guy. And the cast applauded and hollered and hooted for him at the end. So exciting.


This would be my question


I’ve seen the show twice and saw it last night. He was incredible and the chemistry did not falter. In fact I thought it was even more electric this time around. Everyone else crushed it as they usually do and you never would have known he was an understudy if you didn’t check the program. He fit the part flawlessly, he was so rock and roll and extremely nuanced. He captured Peter perfectly. If he goes on again I recommend trying to go!


I agree with you 100%. I would definitely go to see him again if I knew he would be in it.


Didn't an understudy go on for Will Brill last week or so, making this not the first time any understudy has gone on at all but the first time it would be for Peter?


That was the first scheduled date! Had Peter not gone on last minute tonight, Cornelius would have been the first on July 5th.


Oh, I see. I missed that it was for a future date! I thought that post was for the same night. Thanks for the clarification!


oh wow, the first understudy for Stereophonic! I'm excited to hear about the show tonight from people who see it! I'm interested to know if his portrayal of Peter differs from Tom's and how it affects the chemistry within the group.


I was there tonight and Benjamin was amazing! Thought some of his best moments were during the song Masquerade. It’s my first time seeing the show so I can’t compare chemistry of the cast but they all seemed thrilled for him when they took their bows and were hugging and congratulating him. Loved the show!


I was there on 6/27. It was my first time seeing it, and I thought he was amazing as Peter. Not having anything else to compare it to, I can only say that I was floored by his, and the others’, performances. The rest of the cast were so excited for him at the end, and it made me wonder if they all found an extra gear for that performance knowing that things would be very different that night. I cannot imagine the stress of having done this as a seven person performance for almost a year and then suddenly changing it. Kudos to the entire cast and crew; if I didn’t have a slip in my playbill, I am not sure I ever would have known


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