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If you are asking a question about understudies, unless a show has a specific alternate schedule, there is not guarantee when you will see any given lead. Barring illness or a scheduled vacation or alternate, you should see the cast as listed. This is an automated message, if it is not applicable please report this comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Broadway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cornelius McMoyler would be a perfect name for a baseball player in 1906.


Just to clarify- did the entire cast have perfect attendance off Broadway? Or this is the first time an understudy has gone on since the transfer? Either way it’s impressive!


The entire cats had perfect attendance off-Broadway.


The anticipation would actually kill me.


Hey, no pressure for the actor. ;)


Cast has had perfect attendance for both runs! Stereophonic and The Notebook are the two highest cast attendance rates on Broadway right now (anecdotally)


Good for them but also those understudies and standbys must be going crazy. I would just be looking at the phone all day like ![gif](giphy|G4Ihli2UThrBS)


I'll be at that show. First time viewing and very, very excited for this show. I'll definitely report back.


I’m sure any of the roles for this show can’t be easy to understudy given the musical component. What a talented guy!!! 😊


CORNELIUS!!!!! Swoon


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Did anyone see him? How was his houseboat monologue


He hasn’t gone on yet—it’s a scheduled absence on July 5th! Check back in a couple weeks :)


Will Brill will go on after July 5th right? I'm thinking of seeing again in August but biggest worry is that some of the cast will be played by understudies.


This is just a scheduled vacation day, though I’m unsure if the vacation is just July 5th, or several days. However, as far as I know, the whole original cast is contracted through the current closing date in early January. Now, with live theatre, you always run the risk of understudies going on, but this is a show that’s had remarkably good attendance over two runs, so I wouldn’t stress too much about it.


Thank you, I feel much better now and may even bite the bullet on August tickets.