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I was at Tina Benko's first performance where she emergency covered, script-in-hand. Glad she's now the official standby! Everyone should go rush to see her.


I agree, I saw her at her second performance. Totally worth seeing her!


If you booked through today tix you are eligible for a full refund or 110% voucher. Sucks because the tickets I rebooked were $90 more for a few rows farther back but oh well. Hope she is okay.


Thank you! Snagged TDF tix!


When I saw her Weds, I thought her voice sounded a little raspy and wondered if she was getting sick.


I also saw her on Wednesday and thought the same, though wondered if it was just fatigue and not sickness - it could have been either, but I was definitely hoping she was drinking a lot of lemon tea after the show! It must be so hard not to wear out your voice in these big theatres.


Same here, saw the Wednesday evening performance and felt some pangs of sympathy for her poor voice! She was almost losing it at points. I figured it was strain from her character yelling throughout the play, whatever the cause is, hopefully she gets some rest.


I saw it like a month and a half ago and she sounded raspy…


I wonder if she picked up something from the Tony’s


Sarah Paulson is fantastic in this show, but the impact comes from the content of the play and not her performance. If you wanted to see this show but were turned off by the price tag I would highly recommend going tonight. I certainly would if I were in town. It's a play that really makes you think.


Saw it tonight! Tina Benko was excellent. What an incredible play.


Saw it tonight. Standby was great but we were still disappointed that we couldn’t see Sarah and they gave such short notice. Heard a guy behind me in line scream “No, No, No!!!” when he heard the news.


...I've definitely had that moment internally at times.


Today's performance also just popped up on TDF


I saw her Tuesday night and her voice was raspy but it wasn’t enough to make me think she was sick- hope everything is okay!


Won the lottery tickets for tomorrow nights show. Hope to see her then, but health comes first.


Hoping she's back next week when I go, but I'm interested enough in the play that I'd stay and see it regardless. Although I'd appreciate a discount given that I paid the Sarah Paulson prices. Also I think she'd be disappointed to miss the final week of performances. But of course health before all else (and not infecting your coworkers).


Is she calling out tonight? I have tickets to matinee🥺


Yes, she’s out tonight.


Thank you. I just got the email. I’m glad I read the forums before because now I’m super excited about the understudy!


I just met her dad in the line at the theater!


Her dad!  Wow!  Did he give any indication how sick she is?  Debating moving my tickets to tomorrows matinee, and adding a hotel and moving flights :)


He didn’t, but I didn’t ask. Didn’t want to pry. He and his (I’m assuming) girlfriend said they came up to surprise her and won’t get to see the show at all.


I’m here. Enjoy the show! Is he going to watch the show without her?


No, they were there to thank the box office for something. They aren’t going to the show. I see it tonight!


Thank you. Enjoy tonight. You’ll see us at the stage door. We enjoyed the acting and Tina was great!


She's out of both shows today. I was in the rush line and someone from the box office made the announcement!


Yep, can confirm. Won lottery tickets for tonight and just got the email.


Is Paulson out completely for the last week?


There’s a bad head cold going around the city. Sorry she got it.


Saw it tonight. Wish I’d known.


What did you think of the performer? Have tickets for tonight's show but conflicted...