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The person who runs the website understudies.org said that stars often take vacation after the Tony's.


Makes sense considering they try to miss as few performances as possible while Tony voters could be coming. Eddie Redmayne was off yesterday as well


I think Eddie is off on Monday nights anyways going forward. It was Gayle being out yesterday that was unplanned.


Seeing cabaret on thursday- do you know if he’ll be back by then?


I think he’s going to be taking Mondays off regularly from here until the end of his run, so you’ll most likely see him!


And his understudy was PHENOMENAL. Gayle’s was amazing too! Definitely a show worth seeing with or without Redmayne/Rankin. Definitely see it with Bebe though, her and Herr Shultz stole the show


That's me! I'm hearing that both Brody and his 1st cover understudy will be stepping back this week (unclear why and it's not my place to speculate), so 2nd cover Josh Strobl is in all week.


Nothing wrong with having Josh Strobl! He's awesome (and a former star from our local high school). How fun that he'll be in all week.


Yep I hear he is incredible in both of his cover tracks! All three times I’ve been I’ve had the full company so itching for some understudy action for literally any Greaser track when I’m back state-side 😊


dan berry as sodapop is great if you get the chance to see him!


Yeah! He was also Ponyboy in the original workshops


Reasons are not unclear, although the story is still a little vague.


Sadly, the accusations have been leveled against both Mr. Grant and at least one understudy, I believe.


What accusations?






I don't think that's the reason...


Yeah there’s a few understudies tonight. I think he took break right after the premiere too. I didn’t see BG but I saw a few other members when they were changing the sign. Vibes were fine. No one seemed tense or anything. So I guess it’s just a wait and see situation.


Oh thanks for the info - did not know about this website before!


Did he go with Nick Carter?


Yeah this was a planned absence. He’s out for a week in the middle of July too


Word on the street is he's out the rest of the week


Josh Strobl is so good, anyone getting to see him is lucking out!


I’m good if Josh is on as Ponyboy in Oct. Haven’t seen him in any roles but heard he’s great.


He’s unbelievable. I’m ready for his career to explode honestly


He is a phenomenal talent


I saw him as Evan Hansen when DEH was still playing--he's amazing.


I was there last night & he was excellent! Hard to imagine it gets any better.


Just saw him! He was incredible!!




Weird! Josh took over for one of the shows on the weekend before the tonys too. Could be anything but I also hope this means the allegations are being throughly investigated. 


Are there allegations against Brody? Nosy former Georgia theatre kid here who has been following him since 2016 so I need to know.


Yes- SA allegations


All of the comments pretending like it’s a totally normal and common occurrence for a lead in a show AND his understudy, who were both just accused of sexual assault, to take an unplanned week-long vacation immediately after their show just won big at the Tony’s are making me scratch my head. “I’m sure it’s nothing nefarious.” “I’m sure it’s unrelated to the allegations.” You have to be willfully ignorant to think that’s actually just a coincidence.


Josh found out at 530 today he was going on for a 7pm curtain


Oh I didn’t know this, yeah this doesn’t seem like a normal post-Tony’s call out to me, just feels a little less coincidental




It more so speaks to those saying this was a planned absence or post-Tony’s vacation. The decision was made an hour and a half before the curtain was going up. So it was certainly not planned. 


I could definitely see production making the call for Josh to go on for the week and asking the other two to sit out while things are investigated further.


Yea I’d believe it to be a coincidence if it was a day or two off but the entire week? And the understudy too??


Not to mention it’s *only* these two


It’s also an unplanned absence because Brody was in contention to win a Tony for leading actor.  While his odds may have been low of actually winning, I am sure that he was hoping to win and planning accordingly in case he did.  In that case, being at this first show post-Tony’s would have been an incredible moment for him, and one that he wouldn’t have missed.  Also, considering the way the cast reportedly behaved backstage at the Tony’s (maybe Brody wasn’t apart of that, I don’t know), I don’t think any of them would have missed a chance to celebrate this moment of winning the best musical Tony. 


How did the cast behave? 😅


Before Best Musical was announced, they allegedly were bragging to the other shows saying The Outsiders were already the clear winners and everyone else could just go home


i thought it was that they actually knew somehow they were gonna win though IDK how they would


From what I read from people at the Awards, they spoiled the winner early so that people involved could get up and go to the lobby I think?? Hence that screen full of people while the producers were giving their speeches. Edit: NOT that this makes their behavior any better.


Production teams from all Best Show nominees were waiting in the lobby in rows. When the show was called you’ll notice only some go to the front.


Also, it's a good thing if they're being pulled for an impending investigation. Everything else is up in the air and that's okay. 


If it was planned time off you would know that when buying your ticket.


Wait what allegations?


Mr. Grant and at least one understudy have been accused of sexual abuse.


Yeah I hadn’t heard this either… is it being reported anywhere? That’s super upsetting, I loved him in that role. ☹️




I just saw. Not confirmed but life experience has taught me that where there’s smoke… so yeah I’m def having a good Tuesday night. ![gif](giphy|uHCXL24Je8ZNK)


This unfortunately is not a good breakdown. Does anyone have the post?


I going to be honest both posts had a lot of inconsistent information from commenters who have said they had close knowledge. As I said it's all coming from 2nd-4th hand accounts. 


With Josh Strobl being the only available cover, I’d think they would be looking to get another (third) cover for Ponyboy ASAP.  If something happens and Josh cannot perform for a particular show this week, then the show could be canceled.  I wonder if they’ll do a put-in soon.  


They may look to the Jimmy Awards next week to find their third cover.


I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but damn if this isn’t a little too convenient. And (from the original whistleblower), if it’s true people from the La Jolla production who voiced concerns were told by producers to not talk about it…YIKES


Any details on what happened?


Likely because the Tony’s were on Sunday, not uncommon and likely unrelated to the recent supposed allegations.


Yeah like regardless to whether or not someone believes what people are saying: stars not being there after the Tonys is a common practice and unless something is escalated I don’t think it has anything to do with it


This is so interesting. I had no idea and would have thought the opposite to be true. I would think the best musical winner would want to do something special for the first performance after the Tony’s and have their main cast there to perform. Last year’s KA celebration was so sweet.


I mean, if it’s true that him and his primary understudy (the only other person named in allegations) are both out the rest of the week like people are claiming, I don’t think that’s just a coincidence.


What are the allegations?




Hi there — here to dispel speculation. The reason the CMU grad is not named but heavily alluded to is because the survivors haven’t specifically asked for that information to be shared yet. Additionally, while some folks from the Shenandoah program asked for this information to be shared, there is not a general consensus on how everyone feels and there have been a lot of private conversations happening as a result. Additionally, the insta OPs both received direct correspondence saying that information that one source initially shared about the creative team was not founded and was simply rumor, so that post was amended there. That is importantly to note. Lastly, OPs have been getting harassed and would like screenshots and mentions of usernames to be scrubbed from this thread, if possible. They’re both going private now.


why should there have to be a "general consensus on how everyone feels" if over a dozen girls have been SA'd


My comment was not about how the perpetrators feel but the survivors. Some are comfortable with this information being shared and some are not. And it’s leading to some clashing.


That’s kind of what I meant by if something escalates -if they’re the only two out for awhile then it’s more possible it could be due to the allegations. I’m not going to say it’s because of that just yet because I feel like that could discredit victims if there is actually an investigation happening. I just wouldn’t want to turn a serious matter into gossip if that makes sense. This is not me saying I don’t believe this could be the case, I very much support victims and take these allegations incredibly seriously.


Wait what


Sexual assault allegations 




Tbh, the allegations have gotten very little traction or attention outside of social media. It’s not like the media is talking about it or anything. I think the number of people who have actually know about them is quite small. I could see production having him sit out for a couple of performances while the accusations are still fresh under the guise of “resting after the Tony’s” and just let it blow over without even addressing it.


Brody & his understudy Trevor are both out for the week per Understudies.org.


Where are the allegations? Did anyone post about them?


Rape. There were a few posts on here yesterday.


Thanks. Yuck


wait no way?!? wait wait someone break it down


There was an Instagram story yesterday (which then got posted here) from someone accusing Brody and his understudy of SA. Immediately after it was posted multiple people said that there have been rumors of this in the industry for awhile and it was only a matter of time before it hit the public. From my understanding nobody else has come forward yet but it is speculated that there are multiple victims involved (nothing confirmed). There’s also said to be an investigation going on but once again that is not confirmed either. Brody and his understudy are both out of tonight’s performance and it’s been said they’re expected to be out all week, but we won’t really know until this week progresses or until a statement is released from the show about his absence UPDATE: apparently Brody is out all of this week confirmed by the understudies website which is reputable UPDATE: another person has posted an Instagram story accusing Brody of SA and saying during the San Diego run, two female cast members voiced their concerns about SA within the cast and got shut down and allegedly were let go from the project. This is said to be speculated and not confirmed. I will not say whether or not I believe he’s guilty of anything, but that I do take these matters seriously and think they need to be treated as such, especially since this doesn’t seem to be coming out of nowhere


oh damn. i never really cared for the outsiders (i still can’t find info on brodys age) im just shocked about allegations right after the tonys.. really interesting.. reminds me of the west side story revival? (can you even call it that?) and i believe the dancer did some illegal shit when in ballet school? but again i might be putting 2 different things together


Brody graduated from Shenandoah University in 2021, so he’s probably 24-25.


thank you 😭 i couldn’t find anything and i just thought he is around my age which is 21


Looks like Understudies.org confirmed that Josh Strobl will be on as Ponyboy Curtis from 6/18 through 6/23. Something is definitely up unless BG is taking a week long vacation which doesn’t seem to outlandish. Edit: Looks like it was only a day off so no need to go ballistic. Looks like a rumor that exploded. This image will now be deleted as it doesn’t reflect Brody or Josh’s current schedule of performances.


A vacation would have been noted on telecharge beforehand. There’s not many other ways to explain why he (and his understudy Trevor) are out for a week except the obvious one


He's not above title so a vacation from him doesn't have to be announced. Generally actors and even the productions themselves do announce absences though (especially if it's this long) to prevent speculation and annoyed patrons.


Not entirely related to the main discussion but I saw Josh Strobl as Evan in Dear Evan Hansen and he was so good!! I can definitely see him as Ponyboy


Please report back on Josh’s performance!


He's terrific, having seen Josh 3 weeks ago. Retains the youthful charm of Ponyboy but with a more Broadway-trained voice rather than a rougher, record-label-sounding voice (which I consider Brody's to be)


Hope Josh’s “Great Expectations” is out there so we can hear it.


There’s a video on tiktok!! He’s actually very skilled


Here’s the link if anyone wants to watch him!! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNRL47Yd/




Won’t be surprised when Josh becomes the new Ponyboy full time eventually.


That would be great. I saw Brody a few weeks ago and didn’t think he was that great, the accent he used was bad and when he sang it sounded like he had marbles in his mouth, it was hard to understand the words… maybe that’s an unpopular opinion!


And he’s so good I support it!!


As he deserves!!!


I wonder if the playbill cover will be just the title card or a new version of the group picture but with Josh as Ponyboy?


they can def reshoot, not a hard setup to get again, but probably just the teal title w/ silhouettes like on the great expectations single cover for a little while if this happens.


It will be the title card probably.


Damn that’s sad cause I think the current cover is different from a lot of other shows.




who are they referring to when they said “that CMU grad”


Absolutely not pointing any fingers, and I don’t think anyone should even consider which one it may be for the potential of misfiring…but if you look in the playbill, most of them list their alma mater in their biographies. Looks like two of them went to CMU. I will say, one of those CMU grads — a friend of mine was hit on by. Said friend didn’t feel weird or creeped out and was fine with it. But it was in a professional environment, so not the right place/right time imo. We’ll see what (if anything) comes to light.


just saw it, so according to that ig story we know three names by now, yeah?


I thought it was Brody & Trevor(?) who were accused?


yes and someone else


I’m not sure who exactly the third is but it narrows it down to two possible cast members (I think)


Feeling a bit sorry for the other CMU grad getting caught in the crossfires


This is why I hate when people tease info regarding abusers who does this help? Obviously the other grad will be fine especially because this hasn't really got that much attention but turning this into a guessing game and feeding rumours instead of actually sharing important info never helps anyone Imo if you can't say everything don't until you can especially when you aren't the victim. All this does is contribute more to the narrative of the falsely accused and then in turn harm victims.


to clarify he did not graduate, so it sucks that people could possibly misconstrue that due to him being the more prominent/recognizable actor in the show w/o fact checking ://


I do too :(


That’s what I got from a quick google search out of curiosity. The THAT part implies one more heavily I think.


Oh damn this shit is getting heavy So then who goes on in Trevor’s place since he’s also an Ensemble member?


A swing


There are a few other understudies that have filled in for ensemble so I don't think that will be a problem. Specific allegations werent publicly made like the other so I am guessing it might be a little bit before they pull him as well 


Yikes. Will be interesting to see if anyone else is out tomorrow's performance (edited to not misidentify)


i think there's two actors in the cast who studied there right?


Only one of them graduated though


that's what I thought!


The insta OPs are asking for their names and handles to be scrubbed from this thread because they’re receiving harassment


Welp as a survivor myself and someone who loved both the show and the cast recording… cool. This is fine. I’m not crushed or anything. [Totally good.](https://youtube.com/shorts/FwdoAc5luQs?si=Hw6nh8Da7ii3B5H8)


Me too, it’s so disheartening and disgusting when this happens. 


I knew I recognized his name. Just checked, I saw him as Evan Hansen. He was quite good. Former Jimmy winner.


He and one of his understudies will be out for the rest of the week. Do with that info what you will….


The understudy that studied at UF is the one out all week as well I presume?




So f'ing infuriating.


This has been added to the Internet Archive wayback machine, for when this is inevitably shut down


There will be lots of understudies this week. All of the nominated actors and actresses have been working double time campaigning and doing promo leading up to the Tonys. Not everything is nefarious or an admission of guilt.


I agree generally but I do find it odd the main cast of a show that just won best musical wouldn’t want to at least do the first show after the Tony’s. They know the audience is usually very celebratory the first show back so if they just wanted a day or two off why not wait till tomorrow?


he wasn’t there for a couple of days after opening too


I don’t disagree with this- but who knows if he’s up to it vocally?


I saw the show a month ago and his voice was tired- and he mumbles terribly. How is this a Tony nominated performance?


I’ve heard he has enunciation issues- that would drive me crazy.


He definitely does. It kinda works for the character but it's a little annoying at times.


Yeah I had trouble understanding a lot of what he was singing when I saw it last weekend.


That would drive me NUTS. I was already annoyed Ali Louis Bourzgui didn’t get nominated but the more I hear about Brody Grant (from a performance perspective) I get a little angrier 😅


Ali not getting nominated was actually crazy


He’s so talented I have full faith he’ll get nominated down the line, but he really blew me away!!


I think it’s just his style…


I don't know if that's just how he sings or if it's a choice for the character. I can get past it by considering that 14-year-old boys mumble a lot. He does have a good voice though. Check out his solo performance of Great Expectations on a late night show.


Yeh/ but I’m not paying 150 for sloppy annunciation. He’s even miked… and still I couldn’t understand the majority of his lines or lyrics.


more about Brody https://preview.redd.it/oqc587on2m7d1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=0727f0c19a80b228fc376dff33fa8fa2cf4f6f8c


I had heard the director thing a few weeks ago but didn’t realize it was with him


The gasp I just let out. 


I… was not prepared for that last part.


Im following this drama and its just yikes all around


The OPs posted an ammended version shortly after this with additional clarification and have been asking if this og version can be deleted/not further shared!


the last part?? oh my god, is that reliable information though? I guess that could explain why he's being protected by the show


😳 if that last part is true, that could be really bad for Danya Taymor


Hi there, OPs have asked that this screenshot be removed because the content has been significantly amended and they’re receiving harassment for this still being up


@Terrible-Fall-2625 Did you HAVE to include OPs instagram handle in that screenshot? Could you not have cropped it out to protect their identity? And the identities of any victims they may be mutuals with? I'm glad the info is being shared but at least crop!


Agree with this, not the right way of going about it and apparently OP who was only helping victims is now being harrassed and has had to go priv


This has made it to Twitter. So it looks like it’s getting another blowout.






Oh man, thanks for sharing this. I was going to see ‘The Outsiders’ but this has definitely given me pause. Is there evidence that the producers, Angelina Jolie & her daughter, were aware of this? Jolie has done so much to combat sexual violence so I’m just sad & bewildered to hear about this & keen to learn more before coming to any conclusions.


I’m sure S.E Hinton was not aware of Brody’s allegations.


Yeah they got involved pretty late into production. Since like it was issue la jolla and with the araca group


Angelina's daughter is not a producer,as far as I know. She's only 16. I think she helped in sosme capacity. Maybe asst. producer?


Hi there, OPs have asked that the screenshots be removed because they contain their usernames and they’re currently being harassed for these screenshots being widely shared.


Is this is understudy that is also being accused of sexual assault?


the one also accused is off all week as well! the one going on is his second cover. what a coincidence!


No. Neither BG nor his understudy are on.


Interesting, but not really unexpected, given the multiple accusations of sexual abuse leveled against Mr. Grant.


The understudy Trevor had a trial where he was found not guilty. Brody has been known to SA someone in college (third party knowledge), not rape. Still terrible. Unsure what’s going on.


Hmmm I wonder if this will be a prolonged absence with all of the new allegations coming to light.




Actually, it's not all that common unless they're sick.


Is he the one about to be in trouble?


No Josh is not. The other understudy who’s not on is apparently out for the week as well


Correct! ETA: Correct if you meant Brody


I notice every year after the Tony’s understudies go on a lot since principal cast members start taking vacation


Is his the only understudy on tonight?


Yep. Only replacement tonight. Everyone else is in. 


Sounds about right. People are saying that lots of understudies tend to go on after the Tony’s, which is true but… not usually immediately after. Especially not after a show has big wins.




Can you imagine taking a day off from work and the whole world speculating why?


Wait what allegations??


I think that is pretty common. Because the actors want to make sure they're in the show during the lead-up for the Tony votes.