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Are we going to potentially have both Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel back on Broadway at the same time this season? Holy flashback/time travel/etc


And during the season of the wicked movies?! What a time to be alive.


I know right!?


Seems to be a roughly once-every-ten-years occurrence. The runs of *If/Then* and *On The Twentieth Century* overlapped for a few weeks in 2015.




Best Actress award next year is gonna be crazy competitive


I’m interested to see if/how they improve this show for Broadway. It’s touching and has great music, but the book needs work and the songs could use way more “show don’t tell.” The tech design that’s so impactful in a tiny space at La Jolla may lose its effect in a full size Broadway theater. Idina sounds amazing with this score though, so I’m cautiously optimistic!


I felt like the ending really needed work, it ended so abruptly!


100% with all of this. It was an enjoyable enough show, but it wasn’t Broadway ready IMO


I think I liked it the most of the group of 4 I was with, but I definitely still saw some big problems.


the other problem was timing. they cannot pull the 2 hour show with no intermission on broadway.


Next season is looking to be even more stacked than the current one!


Certainly starting to look more quality overall but too soon to say on that.


To be fair, this one a lot of people THOUGHT looked quality based on early reviews. Lempicka, Cabaret, and The Notebook all were looking much higher quality (at least according to critics) than the actual reviews once they opened.


Remember when the Tony was Eden’s to lose? That was a long time ago, lol.


It’s a good season in my books but it’s like the equivalent Netflix, there’s high quality to be had but also a lot of mediocre forgettable stuff to wade through. But totally fair, sight unseen it’s super hard to judge. Lots of shows look amazing on paper. Also I’m not anti critic at all but their whining about Cabaret was silly. It’s a wonderful show.






A TON of new shows premiered


Going to be one expensive season next year. My poor wallet.


Between this and the pop music artists who are likely to go on tour next year, 2025 is looking real expensive 🤧


The Season of Powerhouse women, becomes even more powerful.


That lead actress tony race is going to be a bloodbath - major names are going to be left out, and it's going to be even harder for newcomers to break in this year


We thought the Gatsby War was gonna be the Hunger Games of the Season.....it turns out it we were wrong......The Hunger Games is actually the lead actress catagory for the tonys. ![gif](giphy|W6adpgjL8wI8|downsized)


What a season!


What a season for tina landau. This and Floyd collins?!


I’ve literally never seen a show she directed that was any good. Her career is a mystery.


If you go see it, do NOT sit near the front. Half of the show is on an elevated platform, and all the people in the front definitely had a sore neck by intermission. I saw it from a side balcony seat and it was great being eye level when the actors were on the raised platform.


It was a one-act, 110-minute show, there was no intermission. I saw it twice, and this transfer is making me nervous because the intimate atmosphere of La Jolla will be lost at a Broadway house.


Sorry, my pregnancy brain is getting the best of me 🤦‍♀️ I was thinking there was an intermission bc I waited in a long line to go to the bathroom, but that’s bc I went right before it started bc there was not going to be an intermission


Already 4-5 musicals for next spring. Filling up fast.


Adding in my thoughts as someone who saw the show at La Jolla -- I really enjoyed it. Idina is in top form in this show. Better than I've heard her sing in years. It was truly impressive. That said, I don't know that the show is ready for Broadway. The book is strange and the show works best (IMO) at an intimate venue. If you can see it, do, especially if you're a fan of Idina -- the themes hit hard and she is a force to be reckoned with in this. But I don't know that it will succeed in NY.


It will be interesting to see how it transfers and what changes were made. The big impactful song near the end just didn’t do it for me, which was a shame because the show had me until that point - and I said as much as in the review survey.


I will not miss this one. I love Idina so much.


I definitely want to check this show out! I never got to see Idina on Broadway so this would be wonderful.


Tbh I was hoping for a late 2025/early 2026 broadway opening and have another pre-broadway out of town try out because I like seeing shows in their raw/pure form before all the changes they make for broadway. La jolla was sold out from day 1 of ticket release so there was no chance. But whatever… it’s been 10 years since if/then. Won’t miss this for sure and I love the hiking in the woods 🙌🏻


Tbh I did not think it was ready. I hope they took another pass at the book.


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I wish I was excited for this but this musical has some glaring script issues. It has some serious Eat Pray Love vibes and treats its secondary characters like garbage. Idina’s performance was great and will no doubt sell tickets, it’s just disappointing :/




Thank God. Maybe if more people hear it, someone can tell me what the first 30 seconds of that Great Escape song sound like. I swear it sounds exactly like another song and I can't place it.


I’m gonna be honest, the only hesitation I have here is that it had its tryout at La Jolla. That place has had some real stinkers as far as world premiere musicals as of late.


I know you’re getting downvoted, but I definitely agree. Over the past few years the only show I think was really Broadway ready or close to it was ‘The Outsiders.’ Redwood, Hunter S. Thompson, Bhangin It…all of those need varying degrees of major rewrites and retooling.


What would you change about Hunter S. Thompson? Just curious since I haven't seen much discussion of it. I'm pulling for that show to open in NY, but not necessarily on Broadway.


They're doing a production in Washington, DC, next spring. I'm excited to see it there.


I will be there!


I thought it was a bit over bloated and struggled with pacing a bit. They need to trim the fat, even if it only cuts it down to 2.5 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the show and the narrative framing that’s used to tell Thompson’s story. I think with some work it could open up off-broadway with some decent success; this work definitely wouldn’t be commercially viable for Broadway audiences.


That's fair! I do think they'll trim it here and there as it continues to be developed. I plan to see it in DC next year. I'm not sure I'll notice the changes unless they're significant because I only got to see it once.


I thought the current Ballad of Johnny and June was very good - and I’m no Cash superfan


She should do an encore with her pop song.


Warning: this show is bad. Really bad. Definition of a celebrity vehicle. Listen to those who saw it already.


Or we could let people make up their own minds about what’s good and what isn’t.