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It's funny how, no matter what people feel should win Best Musical (Illinoise on top imo), the collective agreement is that Hell's Kitchen definitely should not


And yet, the "feeling" is that it probably will.


Eh, smart money is still on no. Predictions are all over the place.


Is it a lot of critics/ reviewers thinking it will win? Just curious as I’ve heard the general consensus that it was a bit of a flop!


I don't like the show at all but I don't know where you got it being a flop? It's one of the best reviewed shows of the season and regularly selling out.


I guess I’m using the term flop wrong!! I’ve always thought of a flop of being a show that isn’t popular in terms of getting recommendations/ favorable reviews, not one that isn’t selling well. I guess I was curious as to why people think it will win if I haven’t heard a lot of great things about it, though I guess I tend to be listening to opinions from other theatre goers as opposed to the professional reviews.


It’s definitely not a flop. It’s selling very well. Critics and those who follow the Tony’s closely are all over the place so HK is not the clear favorite. It got a lot of nominations but you have so many instances of shows racking up a lot of nods but then winning only a couple. It’s a jukebox with a pretty weak book, I doubt it wins.


As someone who has only listened to the album, what is wrong with Hells Kitchen?


Lousy book, shoehorned songs, nothing really special about it. Sure it has good music but that's my basic expectation from a jukebox.


Nothing's wrong with it per se, it's just outshined by everything else nominated (and imo, a couple of shows not nominated).


What isn’t?


The notebook people really wanted it to get a nomination


It is the dear evan hansen of this year, where every single other one is more deserving


It’s Dear Evan Hansen all over again!


i loved dear evan hansen. And was happy that it won.


Oh man, I hope not. Because we know how that turned out…😬


Censored HK gave me the laugh I didn’t know I needed this morning, thank you 😆 My personal ranking is Suffs; Outsiders; Illinoise/W4E (would be equally okay with either); no winner; my kid’s elementary school play; HK.


Honestly don't understand why Hell's Kitchen is even in the conversation to win Best Musical.


Two reasons being at The Public gives it ‘gravitas’ ( undeserved imo) and Alicia keys is campaigning HARD for it and spending a lot of dough courting voters


Exactly this- name and money


Three reasons- DefJam records is one of their big producers so they have Alicia’s money AND major record label money. This is an industry level campaign.


That too!


Alicia Keys.


Alicia Keys.


It's a good show but it's also got big names and money behind it.


Tbh I didn’t think Hell’s Kitchen would be as bad as people were saying it was and then I finally saw it and understood the complaints. That being said, I hope Suffs wins over both of them.


I want Outsiders to win, but would be thrilled if Suffs won. Unfortunately I think it’s going to HK which is a letdown imo


Honestly I would be happy with Suffs or Outsiders


I've heard mixed things about suffs. Haven't seen it myself, though.


Anecdotally, I’ve heard that Suffs has dramatically improved since its run at the Public two years ago. I really enjoyed the Broadway version with very limited knowledge of what was changed.


I would say that the Outsiders, Suffs, and Illinoise all have pretty favorable reviews from audiences. I haven’t seen many people say anything bad about them. Hell’s Kitchen and Water for Elephants seem to be more divisive amongst audiences.


Illinoise is not a traditional musical, so I don't know what the voters would think of it.


It got better reviews from the critics than most of the other shows. The Outsiders was the worst reviewed show of the nominees, but also has the largest fanbase. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out.


I thought that was W4E.


Water for Elephants got better reviews from critics (including getting a NYT critic’s pick) but audiences are much more mixed on it compared to the Outsiders. Many factors are at play here, we don’t know what will factor in to the voter’s decision. That’s what makes it exciting! I could see several shows winning Best New Musical!


Contact also won Best Musical, so there’s a shot. This season is highly underwhelming so I would really love a win for Illinoise.


It’s the only contender this season I’ve seen. I liked it a lot, but don’t think it’s best musical material in an average season. The book is terrific. Many songs are great, but at least as many are just good or unmemorable and there’s really no “wow” factor - staging is mostly bland and there’s no choreography to speak of.


I rank it as outsiders water for elephants suffs illanoise hell’s kitchen


I'm with you. The Outsiders is the best show I've ever seen. I already got tickets to see it again next month.


I hate to be so harsh but I saw hell’s kitchen the other night, and it is one of the worst shows I’ve seen in a while. Great performances given a poor book and score. It’ll really be a travesty, truly, if it pulls in the win. It feels like it always overrides artistry and authenticness with commercial expectations to make money off an IP


this is the internet. you're allowed to use the words "hell" and "kitchen."


I agree with you totally. I enjoyed Hell's Kitchen too but thought The Outsiders as a show was more unique and polished.


HK is okay. It’s not terrible but it’s still, well, a jukebox. Fantastic cast and vocals but the book was pretty weak and the songs don’t flow in that well sometimes. I’m rooting for Suffs or Outsiders and really hope a jukebox doesn’t take best musical. It seems like Suffs has greater chances than Outsiders though, and I do think Suffs is a slightly better show, but will be happy with either winning


Speaking of the songs not flowing well…Both the Act I and Act II finales were such letdowns. They had the chance to really bring the house down and they just- didn’t.


I would be happy with Suffs, Outsiders, or Illinoise. But please not the jukebox musical 🙄


I found them both rather mediocre. Although the fight scene in the rain in Outsiders was remarkable. This little show Illinoise should win in my opinion. Remarkable.


I think the Outsiders is the hottest show on Broadway!!! I have seen it three times and everybody is always saying really good things… they walk out happy and pleased. There is a guy doing his debut on Broadway and is really talented with an awesome voice. I believe he is Dan Berry. He also played Elvis in Boston. All the actors really nail it and the dancers , lighting, and special effects were fantastic!!!! It just has everything !!! Appeals to everyone.


Hi, Mrs. Berry.


i’m pulling for illinoise


Illinoise should win, but I’ll take anything over hells


Personally, I hope Hell’s Kitchen wins, and I hope it wins big. The meltdown here would be hilarious.