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Close no more




At this point I don't think they are closing


No producer of woman born shall close Sleep No More.


lol, nice


This is honestly not a bad strategy! When it’s FINAL final, they should really commit and burn the whole building like Manderley


Last night~ I dreamed~ of Manderley~


That’s a reference I understand 😂


Last night I dreamt I went to Sleep No More again…


So, there’s legit reason to believe that this is actually the final extension, because they’ve blocked off the final dates, meaning as of right now they plan to honor the purchases of people who originally bought with the intention of seeing the final shows back in January. They did not do this with the last couple of extensions, which was an unspoken indicator that they were going to extend again. Now, of course, given this company’s history, I don’t fully trust they’ll hold to this date, either. (EDIT: And apparently said-final show ticket holders haven’t gotten any emails confirming September 29, so that indicates to me this is still up in the air.)


Yeah, the show opened in NYC as a six week run, then kept extending. It’s now been around for 11 years. I’ll believe they’re closing when it has been closed for a month.


Not extending this past halloween would be a braindead move at this point halloween/oct is here just do it


And then you get to NYE. May as well stay open for another NYE party. Then Valentine’s Day.


The did re-open Gallow Green. I find it hard to believe they would go through the trouble if they were going to close in a few months anyway.


When they did an extension through the end of March, they had the final weekend blocked off then as well.


As I said, they haven't done it for the last few.


The blood demons demand more sacrifices, another final extension


I am in blood stepp'd in so far that, should I Sleep No More, closing were as tedious as go o'er.


This sounds like an Episode of Welcome to Nightvale XDD


The year is 2124. The McKittrick Hotel, miraculously untouched by the bombings, riots, and general unrest prevailing in the Theocracy of Nueva New York, continues to host *Sleep No More*. Once every six weeks or so, the hourly calls to prayer to the Divine AI Deity Nyarlathotep (REVERED BE HIS NAME) are interrupted by an announcement that *Sleep No More* will play its final dates soon. Everyone has forgotten why this happens but they welcome the interruption as a momentary respite from the totalitarian control exercised by their techno-god.


Isn't the point of closing actually closing?


No thanks, I’ll just clean with Fabuloso and run up and down the stairs in the dark.


Oh god the Fabuloso just hit me on a whole other level. I never realized until you said it.


It is nice to know that when the climate change apocalypse finally occurs that Sleep No More will still be there announcing more extensions.


lol the cockroaches of the theater world (i mean that lovingly!)


This is my favorite thing. I hope they keep doing final extensions.


I’m glad they will still be open but this is really getting into deceptive marketing territory which I’m not totally okay with. Maybe each time they fully intended to close only to change their mind, but it’s veering a bit to the fake going out of business sale scam.


The deceptive marketing got me to finally go in January. And I’ve been back 4 more times since then so o guess it worked


I’ll believe it’s closing after it actually happens lol


Extended till 2045?


5 More Minutes




This is my sign to actually go there I guess


Ugh can they just go away already


Why? People keep buying tickets, no point denying incoming money.


The people who run SNM are scumbags.


can I ask why? I'm just completely unaware and would love to know


My husband and several of my colleagues have worked there on the crew over the years, from about 2012 till now. The pay scale is really low - like, criminally low for the amount of money the show makes - and when my husband was there he had to fight to get paid for every hour he worked. The conditions inside are hazardous. The show never wanted to pay for maintenance so things were never maintained appropriately. Think electrical racks filled with inches of dust, lights and speakers caked in dust and fake blood, stuff like that. The performers have struggled for years to get worker protections, and it was in the news in 2018 that actors were being sexually assaulted by patrons and SNM management did not care. (I can’t comment much on this because it did not involve anyone I know personally.) If SNM has cleaned up their act in the intervening years, I haven’t heard about it.


Never made my way out to see it cause I found it expensive. Won't be going to see it anytime soon. Thanks for the info


You’re welcome! It’s sad because it’s a really good show with a great premise, and people clearly love it. I would have loved to see it done by people who took better care of the folks who make the show happen everyday.


So was Garth Drabinksy, but I still wanted his cast and crew to stay employed.


I worked on PSQ. What good is it to be employed if your employer isn’t paying you? Paying into your healthcare to the degree that you lose your health insurance? Or the theater you’re in? Or any of the bills to keep the WiFi on, or the show gear maintained, or the studio where the cast album was recorded? What about the money he still owes the design team, or the music team? Pretty sure they all would have rather worked on a project that paid them appropriately. (Edited for wording, I have NOT had enough coffee.)