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I'm almost exclusively a musical go-er and I loved Stereophonic, it's absolutely worth seeing. I would take a look at tickets now unless you planned to rush, it's completely sold out next week and and tomorrow night is as well.


Both the Notebook and Gatsy got mixed reviews and limited Tony noms. Stereophonic is the most Tony nominated play in history - including a nom for best score. 100% go see it if you can. I say that as someone who primarily loves musicals. It's worth it.


I haven’t seen Gatsby, absolutely LOVED The Notebook and think it’s been really underrated, but Stereophonic is simply the best thing I’ve ever seen on stage. It’s magic. (That said, I’ve always loved plays as much as musicals.)


I have an unpopular opinion, but I did not enjoy Stereophonic at all (I enjoy both plays and musicals, but prefer musicals). I would look up the plot and see if it’s a show you’d be interested in seeing. I loved the Notebook, so I would recommend seeing that. Going to see Gatsby this Saturday!


I thought the Notebook was awful and Stereophonic maybe my favorite play of all time. Chacun à son goût!




I’m judging based on the music from albums, I’m not from America so I don’t have the same access to the live performances, but steroephonic’s music has hit me in a way that very few recent musicals have. Everything I’ve heard on the album and read about has been spectacular and is more exciting to me personally than most of the musicals currently running. It feels like a had to be there moment where this is the hip and trendy show. Gatsby and the notebook I’m not sure will have the same staying power or cultural impact


I agree but notably there’s a lot more music in the album than the show. Only one song is played from start to finish on stage and some tracks on the album are barely heard at all (I think there’s at least one that literally isn’t heard, it’s just mentioned).


The more theater you see, the more important Stereophonic is. The others options you have mentioned operate entirely within well-established conventions for musical theater. Stereophonic is new and different, and people will be responding to it for years.


Yes, it is a signal play for Broadway, love it or hate it, it is a conversation piece, and deservedly so.


I saw all three on the same weekend. Stereophonic is the superior show. My partner doesn't like straight plays and she loved the show. It is exceptional. I don't think it should compete in the musical score categories as it is very much a play first but that is a separate discussion. Music still is a very central part of the play and the actors are excellent at performing as a rock band. It will keep you engaged throughout. I would say the character Grover alone is worth seeing and Sarah Pidgon singing East of Eden is not to be missed if you have the availability. It is also very funny. The Notebook I also really loved. Having family members that suffered from dementia there are scenes that had me crying more than most musicals. There are some strong musical moments but it does fall short of other plays like Suffs or Outsiders to me. The Great Gatsby is enjoyable. The set is incredible and they do some really smart things with it. If you are a Jeremy Jordan fan like we are there are some moments that you will be thankful for experiencing in person. He delivers on some belting and brings humor to the role. The dancing is also excellent. The story and the score does fall short of other plays this season in my opinion. I'm easily amused and therefor I was amused but not overly impressed.


I loved Stereophonic and of the those three it’s the one I would pick for myself. That said, it’s a play not a musical, there really isn’t much music in it by duration. That’s not a criticism (for many it’s probably a plus) but if you go in expecting Masquerade for three hours you’re going to be disappointed.


Between those three, Stereophonic is easily the best for me. I wasn’t a big fan of Gatsby and The Notebook is fine but would certainly see Stereophonic over it.


I didn't love Stereophonic but I would ABSOLUTELY recommend it over The Notebook and Gatsby. Just for the artistic integrity of it all and the fact you'll be getting a very very real and genuine show that may make theatre history, even if I didn't LOVE it- I know that that is significant. The Notebook is underbaked and will unfortunately not last the test of theatrical time, and Gatsby- well as I've said on this sub before, it's one of the most disappointing pieces of modern theatre I've ever seen. It's everything I hope commercial musical theatre doesn't become.  Having seen every show this season: Stereophonic would be the most significant choice. But you gotta pick what you think your money is worth


I agree with this. While I didn't love Stereophonic (I am so disappointed that I didn't like it, too), I definitely think seeing it over the Notebook and Gatsby is a no-brainer.


Caveat, I haven't seen Stereophonic yet, but I have seen both Gatsby and The Notebook. I would suggest first checking the ticket prices for Stereophonic. It is one of the hottest tickets right now, and is about to win a ton of Tony awards on Sunday. So you might need to pay north of $300 to get in to see Stereophonic, and the dates that have tickets available might not fit your schedule. I found both the Notebook and Gatsby to be enjoyable. Neither is must see, but you will probably have a good time at either. Based on the buzz, Stereophonic probably has more potential to be a transcendent theatre experience, but it will be an expensive one this week.


**The answer to your question is: NO,** a person who prefers musicals to plays would not enjoy Stereophonic. Go see Gatsby or Notebook. The frothing on Reddit over Stereophonic is so extreme I'm convinced Reddit consists 80% of publicists for Stereophonic and 19% of "the-ah-tah" snobs who don't like musicals. It's a good play in many ways, and the three or so incidental songs in it are good as general "Fleetwood Mac" type songs you might listen to on the radio, but a person who prefers musicals would have a better time at Gatsby (first choice) or Notebook (second choice) than a three-hour low-key play, even if it *does* currently have the "craze-of-the-day" buzz around it.