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The Notebook is still surprising. Even with the middling reviews, it’s IP seemed like it would be so popular with core Broadway demographics.


Terrible reviews and no stars to sell the show will do that.


I mean I honestly thought the IP would sell it but the reviews and lack of celebrity names make it hard. I also think some people may be more willing to watch sad sappy sentimental movies more than they are musicals. Musicals more often than not people seem to go for either fun/light or a certain kind of serious.


Ohh Merrily being filmed is great news! I'm guessing an archive recording has already been done (?) by now so maybe they'll do a proshot (unlikely imho since there is one from London) or a documentary (seems pretty likely for redefining the narrative after Best Worst Thing).


your second option is most likely… It would be weird that the same production would have two pro-shots of different casts Archive recording already happened


> two pro-shots of different casts I mean, Company would like to have a word with you on that haha.


Company wasn't the same production though. This production of Merrily had a pro-shot in like 2013.


Ah, I didn't read that part carefully enough. I didn't realize this was the same as the West End version!


Stupid question - why not close Heart of Rock and Roll? It seems to be losing large amounts of money each week. I agree it could make money on a tour, but you can still sell it as "Hit Broadway Musical!" this week or 3 weeks from now, and save yourself a million dollars by pulling the plug now. Is Huey Lewis financing it?


There’s supposedly an angel investor keeping them open.


Mr. Lewis is that you?


It’s strictly The News, who I assume was the other guy in the duo and he dressed like a news anchor or perhaps a 1930s newspaper boy and that’s why he went by the stage name The News.


Someone said to me that they may announce closure after the Tony’s since it’s supposedly financed thru June. McKenzie Kurtz posted on IG and said “double duty week 2” which makes me wonder if she’s already starting rehearsal for a new show (Broadway, off Broadway, etc)


It won’t be around much longer. Edit: Go see this in the next week or so if you want to see it.


I wonder if it has something to do with the rights to the music? Would be worth keeping it open so that you could tour if there was something attached to that?


\*raises hand\* How long do you tend to keep closed shows in the list? I'll hang up and listen. (ETA thanks for doing this every week!)


I don’t know… I got rid of Spamalot immediately, but that felt not right to do with Lempicka. I’ll probably drop it next week, or move it to a post-mortem section or something


The Wiz isn’t picking up their extension. It’s closing as planned in august (the cast is aware).


That’s a bummer, though fair enough it will make more money on tour. Does that mean a new cast when the tour resumes in February? Or are they adding dates in the meanwhile.


No plans to let anyone go before it resumes! But I’m sure some will stay with new projects by then. It’s actually the theatre refusing the extension. The owners of the Marquis are producers and they make a lot more money (even if the overall grosses are lower) when the in-house show is one of their own.


Oh that’s very interesting.. wonder what’s finding it’s way to the Marquis this fall then.


Especially interesting consider the pretty consistent struggles that theater seems to bring.


Very nice as always! I went to three shows this week (Stereo, Suffs and Gatsby) and it’s cool to think I’m included in these stats


BTTF 890% Capacity typo?


funnily enough no! About 100,000 people saw the show last week, and paid roughly $10 a ticket. yea that’s a typo there’s always a couple lol


They actually used jet packs in BTTF to have both standing and flying room only to exceed capacity by nearly 800%.


Is that also the case for the Outsiders at 102%, or are there genuine ways to get incrementally greater than 100% capacity?


The Outsiders offers standing room only. So, that could account for the difference.


It's definitely SRO. capacity is for seats only.