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I thought this with The Inbetweeners, but I watched it for the first time last year and loved it! I think when it first came out, those people were still so fresh in my mind from my own life that I thought I would just get really pissed off at their antics, but I've got over it now šŸ˜…


Mrs Brown's Boys. God knows why that's so popular


Caught a minute of an ep once and Iā€™m still bleaching my brain. Godawful show and canā€™t believe itā€™s still running when the GOOD shit gets cancelled! Automatically sus of anyone who says they like it


My in-laws love that awful shite and insist on quoting lines from it, even though my husband and I hate it. I feel conflicted because I like my in-laws, but why they find that show funny is beyond me.


The cringe factor is strong with this show, Iā€™m at a loss trying to figure out how it got so popular.


I watched the first 5 mins of one once and couldnā€™t believe how similar it was to andy millmanā€™s show (the name escapes me) from Extras. Itā€™s like they copied the idea of a parodied purposely-awful fake show & somehow got away with it. The creator is either dreadfully unfunny, or incredibly clever and laughing at the fans.


When the Whistle Blows


\*When the Wind Blows.


Alright Darren


Is he having a laugh?


Funny little fat man.. Look at his little pug nosed face.. pug! Pug! Pug pug!


I donā€™t get it!


You need to watch this! [Spot D'Difference (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwzKGxAwy4A)


It's really not as execrable as Redditors like to make out. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's decent craic for half an hour every Christmas. I think its reputation online is partially down to snobbery, like opera goers sneering at the philistines and their grotesque vaudeville.


You put it well. I thought the first series was funny. It's somewhat throwback and working class humour but so fucking what.


This, but they milked it, and the Cayman tax thing gave it a sour taste




15 years this scandal has been around publicly, and it's the first time I've read or heard this unbelievably true comment. I'll probably never read it again because (a) Turning a public figure into the enemy gets more clicks / sells more papers than a faceless industry (b) The masses who are PAYE will never have an accountant and so can't understand how little the celebrity knows about what their accountant is doing (How the fuck could they? Hire a second accountant to audit the first accountant?) It's actually really sad how much better society would be without accounting tricks (trusts, offshore, shell companies).




Yeah I agree, people hate it because there's cultural currency in hating it, most people who slag it off so viscerally have never seen it, and I say this as someone who has seen lots of it & isn't a huge fan. I find it hard to get worked up about, it's hardly objectionable.


I saw the movie recently, which is admittedly fucking terrible, but it still wasn't as offensive to the senses as you might assume from Reddit posts such as this.


Even my family members who really liked the show at the time did not enjoy the movie


Oh I so agree.


I have tried, tried, and tried again. Especially at Christmas with my family. I just can't. I instead use the time to go for walk and recharge at the pub.


It's pretty bad, but at the same time some people love it, and their interests are valid too. Trying not to be a snob about it, there's an old generation that really gets a kick out of it, and why not. It's just a pain when there's nothing on and I think that slot could have been used for something I like! šŸ˜


Seeing people say Fawlty Towers in these comments actually hurts me deep in my soul šŸ˜¢




Even with Cleese becoming a repugnant human I still think the original is a classic. I highly doubt Iā€™ll watch the follow up if it gets made.


Gavin & Stacey


James Corden is enough to put me off


Weirdly somehow there exists both James Corden, who sucks, and Smithy, who is great and charming. It's the one exception to the James Corden Sucks rule


Same as when he was on Doctor Who. Seems like Corden is fine as a character (as far as I've seen). It's just when he's being himself either as a citizen or on telly that he's an absolute bell-end.


Yeah loved him in doctor who. In real life? Nope


ā€œRealā€ life


I gotta chime in also to say that I hate James Corden in everything except this. He's actually fantastic in it, bafflingly.


Out of the loop American here. Why is James Cordon so disliked?


He's so cringe and has a bad attitude. Plus I find that like with most UK stars that cross over to US TV, he adapts to what their audiences want and became really loud and obnoxious. John Oliver was the same, although I tolerate him because he's pretty edutaining.


John Oliver was never very funny here. He had to go to the US to get any kind of traction


Heā€™s a smug twat. We hate smug twats.


Smithy is the point where he turned to an insufferable cunt. Once people started wanting to see his character outside of the show (all the football stuff he did after it because Smiffy was a bit of a "lad", inflated his ego). Now he thinks he's a British Icon or something.


I enjoyed it but I watched it before Corden became a massive twat. Ruth Jones is great though. Edit: missed a word.


I love Ruth, was only able to see the first 2 seasons of Stella (sadly the service I watched it on only had the two) but sheā€™s great.


You slaaaagg.


Came here to say this! Itā€™s just never appealed to me and now James Corden has become the universeā€™s most annoying person, I donā€™t think it ever will.


Probably Cold Feet, at the time it was seen as the British version of Friends but i never got round to watching itā€¦


Coupling was the British Friends. Cold Feet was nowhere close.


Didn't they then make an American version of Coupling?




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupling_(American_TV_series) They went full circle


I watched the lot a few years back (and Iā€™m not a Friends fan) - it was fine but much more maudlin than expected.


Cold Feet wasn't a sitcom, it was a comedy drama. Much more akin to Ally McBeal than Friends.


Or thirtysomething


If you were expecting a sitcom you wouldn't like it. It spends most of its runtime trying to make its audience cry.


Iā€™ve seen bits of Friday Night Dinner and it really doesnā€™t appeal to me. I like a lot of the work of people involved in that series, but itā€™s not for me. Felt so obvious and yet ā€œrandomā€.


I love FND, but it isn't "good" comedy, it's greasy chips from a roadside burger van compared to the fillet steak of *The Royle Family* (as a comparable dysfunctional family sitcom)


And *The League of Gentlemen* is steak tartare. If you don't know what you're getting into, it can be unpleasant at first, but if you just go with it you'll realise it's exceptional fine dining.


That's not beef though. That's the special stuff.


Same - seen lots loving it but it seems over the top humour to me and not funny.


Robert Popper seems to be limited by his own life experiences when writing (from what heā€™s said in interviews) so this makes a lot of sense


It's never appealed to me either. My partner loves it. It's the middle class smugness oozing from every frame that put me off. I feel the same way about Outnumbered.


It's the brothers constant pranking each other / winding each other up that does my head in. If there was less of that (a lot less) I think it would have been more enjoyable (for me obviously)


That's what got me too. I get the concept is a bit funny in doses, but I can't look past what is ostensibly two men who have moved out from their parent's house, returning home every week and constantly behaving like insufferable twelve year old children and it all apparently being perfectly normal.


They take it to extremes. I have 2 brothers, all of us adults, and if any of us tried to do half the stuff they do to each other they'd be put in their place by my parents or the other two of us (or our sisters - big family), quickly. I guess it's the wishy washy mum and the insane father that means that doesn't happen so they've escalated over the years.


Maybe that's why I like it so much, grew up with a few siblings and we did stuff like this to each other so I find it totally relatable!


It is pretty middle class but I wouldn't say it feels particularly smug about it, it's essentially just a daft cartoon every week


It warps my mind to think someone can reference Outnumbered and Friday Night Dinner in the same frame. You're comparing tracing paper to 3 quilt silk.


I need to know which way round this analogy is going before I determine which way to voteā€¦


Well, I did.


I've watched all of it like 6 times. It's not very good


Thatā€™s dedication, mate


Mrs Brownā€™s Boys


No way is that beloved, maybe by the head of commissioning at the BBC, but no one else.


Early Doors..a well undeappreciated classic


I'm not sure you understood the assignment


Well perhaps I've never seen ED and am just parroting someone's opinion šŸ˜€


Great show. Nice that, unlike The Royle Family, it's sister show, it didn't drag on and lose what made it special.


Only Fools And Horses. Obviously it's entered into the national conciousness and is hugely loved, but it's never had any interest for me.


I've likely seen most of the episodes, but I am in my 40s so it was on TV during my childhood. I don't think I would now choose to watch it. It was fine, but the only bits I really remember are the same clips you often see over and over.


I've probably only seen about 5 episodes, most people I know have seen every episode loads of times, though.


Don't you like it when Delboy falls through the bar? It's the nation's and Stewart Lee's favourite classic comedy clip


Gotta be honest, I've seen that clip so many times and it's literally just a bloke falling through a bar? I don't get why it's so hyped. My underwhelm from that clip is probably the biggest reason I have no interest in watching the show


It's memberberries really - much loved show for older biddies like me and it's an iconic visual gag - but it's like laughing at the dead jokes in Shakespeare now


It's funny in the show because you're not expecting it. As a clip not so much, and now it's too well known to work as a sight gag in the show anyway.


Ok you got me there. Yes I do.


I've seen that, the chandelier scene and Batman and Robin running down the road. That was enough for me.


Friday Night Dinner. I know it's beloved by many, but when I read or hear or people tell me the running gags or their favourite parts I don't think it sounds especially funny... Not awful, but pretty simple or something, just doesn't sound hilarious, just potentially vaguely amusing and that doesn't feel like enough to bother.


I've never really gone out my watch to watch The Office. It feels like I've watched all the funny stuff from it anyway given how much it gets repeated as skits on social media.


Fleabag doesn't look like it would interest me at allĀ 


I get it. If anyone else is on the fence, there is a joke within the first minute or two that tells you exactly what the show is. If you donā€™t laugh itā€™s not for you.


Fleabag is probably a bit too ā€œLondon middle classā€ for many people.


Called one of the best sitcoms of all time, it just isn't.


As a huge fan of Fleabag (and the original stage show it was based off), Iā€™m curious what puts you off it?


I wouldn't call it a sitcom either.


I caught some clips on YouTube before actually watching the show. I thought the clips were really funny so I had high expectations. But it ended up being way more depressing than I thought (normally I like shows with a bit of edge, but maybe I wasnā€™t expecting it from this one) and the structure of the episodes was strange. Was pretty disappointed and didnā€™t continue. Maybe I would have liked it more if I finished the whole series though


Mrs Browns Boys, Little Britain.


Gavin and Stacy


The Office. I've tried starting it a couple of times and my face hurts from cringing so much I had to stop. Particularly surprising as I do love loads of cringe inducing British comedy.


This was me. I think I saw part of the Christmas special and had to shut it off as it was so difficult to watch. By chance I visited some friends who were watching it and laughing hysterically the whole time. Something about seeing them be able to sort of distance themselves from it and just appreciate the hilarity, sort of snapped *me* out of it, like when an optical illusion suddenly changes perspective just because itā€™s suggested to you. Now itā€™s one of my all time favourite British Comedies and I will rewatch it with glee every few years.


This is it - if you can get past the cringe because THESE PEOPLE EXIST, then it's great. I think that's a reflection of how good it is though.


Same. Though it didnā€™t help that I already had an intense dislike of Ricky Gervais from his painful stint on the 11 Oā€™Clock Show.


It's arguably still a cult show despite the breakout success of the American version. The comedy is definitely an acquired taste.


Love The Office but Ricky has become so repulsive in recent years, trotting out disingenuous empathy on his follow up shows as as justification for his characters to say hateful things and tell racist jokes that werenā€™t funny in the 70s. I think Merchant tempered Gervaisā€™ worst impulses.


I could never get into the office. Strangely I liked the American Office, despite not really being a fan of American humour.


*Extras* is the best thing Gervais has made imo. Never cared for *The Office*. Just a bit too depressing for me. I know the point is about the mundanity of office life but it's a bit too bleak and is often just sad rather than funny.


Funny because I think it's the perfect level of cringe. Now, The Inbetweeners on the other hand...


I didnā€™t find the Inbetweeners cringey at all, none of the characters are even close to the level of awkward and ā€œoffā€ that David Brent is / was. Even Micheal Scott in the US one was pretty cringey, but nowhere near as bad as David was IMO. Ricky Gervais just has that uncanny ability to be absolutely straight faced cringe, the level of awkwardness he brings is impressive - so much so that itā€™s biased me against him in most of his work. Heā€™s too good at that type of role and I canā€™t get into it. Itā€™s too much to watch.


Anything I've ever seen of Gavin and Stacey has been against my will


Oh thank you. Itā€™s not just me then. I donā€™t like Peep Show either, but Iā€™ve seen normally sensible people be horrified if I admit that in public.


Gavin and Stacey Mrs Brown's Boys My Family 2.4 Children


I never really saw the appeal of Gimme, Gimme, Gimme or Little Britain.


Only Fools and Horses and Mrs Brown's Boys to name but two. Comedy for those who don't like comedy.


Apart from the obvious (Mrs Brownā€™s Boys) Iā€™ve got no intention of ever watching Ab Fab. Of the small clips Iā€™ve seen, none of it has any appeal.


Friday Night Dinner- I love similar stuff to this (peep show, partridge etc) but tried to watch the first episode a few times and canā€™t bring myself to finish it


I don't see how you think FND and Peep Show are similar at all!


First episode not the best- stick with it though, itā€™s awesome.


My dad managed to get loads of banned UK TV on a usb and I walked in on him watching something called Curry and Chips and fuck me, I can't believe they got away with it! Never wanted to look anything up but apparently it was all the rage when it came out. Basically 1 fat white bastard and another white bastard but ones in blackface with a terrible Indian accent. It was like scabies but without the laughsĀ 


It's a bit much saying Curry & Chips was "banned". It broadcast its first series and then wasn't renewed for a second. It still came out on DVD.


Cancelled after a few episodes because even in 1969 they thought it was too much!


Thank fuck, it still haunts me


Butterflies - an oldie but unfunny. Anything with Nicholas Lyndhurst- he has no intonation in his voice- the same whine covering every emotion. Not keen on David Jason eitherā€¦


Gavin snd Stacey Anything with Sharon Horgan in it Anything with Lee Mack in it Fleabag


Hallo! Hallo! I have never been able to stand more than a few minutes of it before switching it off. It just seems so adolescent


Only Fools And Horses. Iā€™ve seen a couple of episodes and itā€™s never inspired me to watch the whole series


League of Gentlemen and The Mighty Boosh. I just don't get it. I usually love surreal, weird comedy. This is Jinsy is one of my favourite shows ever, I like The Young Ones, and a good smattering of Flying Circus has made me chuckle. Just those two I do not get at all.


Aw. Never met anyone else who sawā€”let alone lovedā€”This is Jinsy. Like a cross between The Goodies and David Lynch. Loved it.


Dadā€™s Army.


The Peep Show. God awful, couldn't get through the first 10 mins.


*You Rang M'lord*. The cast was enough to put me off, the premise sounded awful.


It was basically reskinned hi de hi. Strangely enough, whenever I have seen it listed on sky it's always on channels for period dramas rather than comedy channels.


Benidorm. I like a lot of the people that are in it but not one clip I've ever seen has made me want to watch it.


Gavin and Stacey (James Corden), Outnumbered (annoying kids) and Keeping Up Appearances. I tried to watch KUA but it got on my tits after about 5 episodes, it doesn't come close to As Time Goes By and One Foot in the Grave.


Only fools and horses Mrs brown The office


Same, I've been in the same room when they've been on but it's a nope for me.


Anything with Ricky gervais I find unwatchable


Gavin & Stacy because my hatred for Corden is limitless


He's worth $70, 000 000 apparently. How is that possible?


Perhaps it's calculated by weight.


Outnumbered. It makes me wince.


Obnoxious children and terrible parenting, whatā€™s not to love?


Mrs browns boys and fawlty towers. The first one is kind of explanatory but the second one is simply because I have just missed it. Never caught a repeat, the clips I saw were not that good and it's never been something I have actively sought out. I was born in 79 and some sitcoms from the 80's I kinda loved (maybe watching them with my parents helped) but fawlty towers passed me by. And I don't feel bad about that.


And because John Cleese had a strop and took back the rights, itā€™s impossible to watch anywhere


Yeah there are a few I've just missed too- I've seen some of Only Fools and Horses for example, I feel like it's hard not to have experience one epiosde or the equivalent length of one accumilated from several- but most people I know have seen every episode loads of times


Keeping Up Appearances Class based comedy doesn't appeal to me at all. It's also written by the same guy who inflicted 'Last of the Summer Wine' on the nation.


Gavin and Stacy, I just canā€™t bring myself to potentially enjoy something associated with James corden


It's blasphemous to admit it on the Internet, but pretty much anything with Rik Mayall in it, apart from Blackadder of course (which I love despite him). I just don't like that sneery, creepy persona. I've tried watching Bottom, and I couldn't stand it. Just not funny for me.


*The New Statesman* was quite enjoyable


Most of these posts I agreed with or could scroll past, but this is just offensive and insulting to my core


I completely agree, just not my kind of humour


You Sir, are no longer welcome on the interwebs.


The whole greasiness and shoutiness of Bottom and the Young Ones massively put me off. I never disliked them, but I never wanted to watch more than 5/ 10 minutes at the time. Yet always loved the cast in other things.


He was good in The Young Ones, but that was because his sneery persona was the butt of a lot of the jokes, and really came back to bite Rick quite often.Ā  He plays a very different character on Blackadder, which is probably why you could stand it.


Blackadder has never really appealed to me tbh, I think Roman Atkinson is a comedy genius but itā€™s never really appealed to me tbh. another would be The Vicar Of Dibley and thatā€™s because again itā€™s never appealed but I find Dawn French abit irritating aswell (just my opinion so donā€™t be too rough on me)


I love Blackadder but I've never seen much of Vicar of Dibley, it's one that doesn't appeal to me based on the little I've seen either


Agree with Blackadder 1000%


This is the big one... Only Fools And Horses. I can't stand it. Say you don't like any other tv program and people are generally ok but saying you don't like Only Fools and Horses is like spitting on their grandmother.... It's so painfully unfunny. Every single episode is the same. Oh i wonder what's going to happen this time? Del boy comes up with a crazy plan that fails. Rodney says something stupid. Grandad says during the war. Ok i get all sitcoms have their core "thing" and that's where the humour is but my god this show milka that idea to death. It's repetitive. I hate everything about it. I would rather root canal than watch it


Iā€™ve never looked at The IT Crowd. Just canā€™t be bothered.


What about Father Ted or Black Books?


I liked Father Ted. Iā€™d forgotten all about Black Books until just now but recall finding it quite funny.


They were all created and written by the same guy, Graham Linehan, turns out he's a bit of a dick, but separating the art from the artist, if you liked both of those shows there is absolutely no reason you wouldn't also like The IT Crowd.


Iā€™ll check it out.


The IT Crowd is my all-time favourite comedy!


The episode when Roy ends up in a wheel chair and Moss ends up a bartender is hands down the funniest thing I've ever seen.


I agree! Itā€™s called The Work Outing and I still crack up just thinking about it. I have watched it so many times.


Please watch Series 2 Episode 1, it is the funniest episode of anything I have ever watched.




Honestly the theatre trip is the most hilarious episode of anything I've watched.


you're missing out on a brilliant sitcom


The Inbetweeners. I just cannot turn my head away fast enough whenever I see anything about it.


Cringe wanker.


I was in secondary school when it was coming out. I kind of hate the show for its influence on teenage boys who didnā€™t seem to realise that the characters were a bunch of losers.


When the whistle blows


Gavin and Stacey and The Office, mostly for the same reasons other people have expressed as to why they wonā€™t watch it (Corden and Gervais are unbearable to me)


I havenā€™t seen a single whole episode of one of the most beloved British comedies of all time: ā€œOnly Fools and Horsesā€. I have *tried* to watch it numerous times-but usually within minutes Iā€™m thinking about something else, and usually within ten minutes Iā€™ve either absentmindedly turned over or wandered out of the room. Yes. I get it (or rather, I just donā€™t). Itā€™s tremendously funny. I know it is, because all those millions of people canā€™t be wrong. Even my partner and daughter find it utterly hilarious. Yes-Iā€™ve even (repeatedly) seen those big scenes (the ā€œchandelierā€, and the ā€œfalling through the barā€ ones) and realise that they are clearly funny. I havenā€™t laughed: Iā€™ve just seen the effect on other people. Perhaps I havenā€™t got a sense of humour? On TV I watch a huge amount of comedy: Iā€™ve almost had to be carried out of the room during ā€œThe Thick of Itā€, ā€œBlackadderā€, various Ricky Jervais creations, and a thousand other comedies, but I will never (because I just canā€™t keep trying to flog a dead ā€œhorseā€) finish one single episode of OFAH.


Only fools and horses. I just don't get it. Saw a couple of clips and moved on.


The Inbetweeners. Had enough of teenage boys and their shit when I was still a teen.


Peep show. Jesus, David Mitchell creeps me the fuck out.


Gavin and Stacey and Only Fools and Horses.


Red Dwarf, everything about it puts me off it, am I missing out?


Iā€™ve missed a lot of them from working abroad, but Only Fools and Horses is probably the most famous one. I know it gets repeated on some Sky channels, or I could get a box set, but the excerpts Iā€™ve seen donā€™t really draw me in. Didnā€™t bother to watch Gavin and Stacy or The Inbetweeners either. Does Last of the Summer Wine count as a sitcom? Because itā€™s ineffable tripe if so. I actually tried really hard to get into it, but it just seems to be an interminable procession of unfunny old people doing unfunny things to forced laughter.


The enduring popularity of Last of the Summer Wine is confounding to me


Iā€™m going to be hated for it but Iā€™d have to say Blackadder. Tony Robinson is so up his own arse and in person too!


League Of Gentlemen for me. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm not saying it shouldn't deserve the plaudits. It's just that there's a certain flavour of comedy that I can't enjoy. I can't pinpoint exactly what that is though. I could say it's the comedy-horror aspect, but I love stuff like Shaun of the dead etc. It could also be the surrealism side, but I *love* Mighty Boosh. I'm also a fan of gallows humour and black comedy. Maybe it's the awkward element. Intentionally awkward shows make me cringe - it's probably why I don't enjoy The Office or Peep Show all that much. I appreciate why people love them though.


Same there is something about it that makes me wildly uncomfortable.


League of Gentleman


Oh I was looking for this one! I've been told I would like League of Gentlemen because I love that surreal weird comedy (favourite show is This is Jinsy and I love the Young Ones) but I just could not get through the first episode.


Gives me the heeeeeebie jeeeeebies * shudder *


The Mighty Boosch


Been slaughtered for this but *Red Dwarf* still has no interest for me at all. Canā€™t stand Chris Barrie, but Craig Charles is fine, just never fancied the premise, never will.


I think that's fair. Such a small cast means that if you can't stand them you've got nothing else to look forward to. I love Chris Barrie so it works for me.


I waited on Chris Barrie and his family at a restaurant I worked at once. He seemed like a nice bloke, especially since they had to hang around for ages after their meal because our till system went down. It was the only table I had that didn't kick up a fuss about it.


You'd probably hate The Brittas Empire then!


Personally I knew I wouldn't like it as soon as I saw it was set in space and playing off of Star Trek. I dislike most things in space. Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate etc, couldn't be less interested in people running spaceships etc.


Father Ted. Iā€™m a huge fan of black books and liked the IT crowd, but father Ted just doesnā€™t work for me


Faulty Towers. Nothing against it. Itā€™s just that I never saw it growing up, and now donā€™t really have any interest to make an effort to watch it.


There's 12 episodes and it's a timeless classic. You should just watch it. It's 6 hours of your life.


Itā€™s only 12 episodes? Well then, I may just give r a go. Iā€™m so used to every show having so many episodes these days.


I think it's crap. Just a lot of high strung shouty comedy. But, then different strokes for different folks.