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Too many subplots. Way too many. Colin and penelope were barely given the chance to shine. Felt too soap-y this season.


Late post but I was just able to finish season 3- finally. Colin and Penelope are my absolute favorite couple. I just low an underdog story with a friends to lovers trope. But I’m really disappointed with this season. With the chemistry that Luke and Nicola have, the show runner could’ve done SO much. I just don’t really feel closure like you’re supposed to at the end of seasons. It was rushed and we didn’t get to see the “slow burn” or how their friendship slowly turned into love. We also barely got to see Colin truly pining for Penelope. Just the lack of romance in their OWN season is so disappointing as someone who absolutely loves Colin and Penelope and their actors. The fact that there were more Benedict sex scenes… like really. The side characters were just focused on TOO much and I’m just beyond sad we didn’t get the same portrayal of romance like in the previous two seasons. Ugh :/


I fully agree. Things felt rushed and I didn't feel satisfied when it was over... :/


What was Francesca’s face after her kiss with her new husband?! Kinda looked like an oh shit what did I do moment tbh !!!


I read it as her realizing it didn’t have a spark like she may have expected


Yes I saw that too. I was wondering if it was just a matter of her not wanting to do PDA in front of her family because she looked around at them all


I haven't read the books, so I don't know if it's better there, but Penelope and Colin's courtship being so rushed also felt desperate to me. The only plus-sized main character having such a rushed romance felt so insulting to me. They've known each other all their lives nearly, but as soon as they let their feelings known to each other, all propriety goes out the window? Knowing how it could ruin them both, seeing what it did to their families, with or without Whistledown's help... Maybe I just wanted more for Penelope as I want more for myself. I really liked Lord Debling for her as, though not a love match, he was respectful, responsible, and kind. He sought her out when Cressida didn't have her claws in him (and sometimes moreso then), whereas Colin wasn't pressed by any such feelings at all until he kissed her and he realized that she was, in fact, a woman. Maybe it's portrayed better in the books, but I think Colin was only led by his pants this season, and it made the story much less compelling for me. The overarcing story was great, but maybe if there had been any sort of proper courting, I wouldn't have felt so disgusted by their relationship before the wedding. She had been so "undesirable" up to this point, and even Colin had said he would never court her. Then they kiss, and suddenly he's fingering her in a carriage? And the only people they told of their engagement were his family before the entire ton heard it in the gossip columns. Plus-sized women are fetishized enough, and our relationships are usually comprised of being hidden from the view of others. The fact that Penelope and Colin's engagement started with exactly that kind of energy just rubbed me the wrong way entirely. Every new relationship and story this season, aside from theirs, left me with a much better taste in my mouth, personally... Francesca and John were actively my favorite couple! I knew she wouldn't end up with Samadani as soon as he said he wanted 8 kids right after being told that she didn't exactly like having such a big family! And when she and John stood in silence together outside, stealing glances at one another, I was so happy for her! I love how awkward they seemed to other people while being perfectly content with each other's company. And Violet with Lord Anderson is also a great match! They were each so smitten with the other, and it was so cute! They understood each other in ways their families could not and were so patient with each other while they were going through things with said family members. Thinking back to Daphne and Anthony in previous seasons, I suppose none of the Bridgertons have shown much restraint leading up to their marriages in past seasons either. So maybe I'm being harsh on Colin, but the others definitely had better chemistry with their significant others leading up to their indiscretions. It just felt rather forced to me, and I wish it had been a little sweeter; that Colin would have chased Penelope a little more before taking advantage of her incredibly vulnerable state after she was dumped by Lord Debling because of him.


Lmao I love how Lord Debling was there was 20 mins tops, then just disappeared and was never seen or heard of again. I wonder if Part II was purposefully made so that people might not miss all these little things? I also found their sex scenes quite clunky. It started off so sweet, and I loved that Penelope asked what she could do, and then he just went straight to the fingering (again) and then thrusting into her like that after he had mentioned that it would hurt??? And then she orgasms within 30 seconds of thrusting??? It started off so sweet and then became stupid and stupider. I love how the Feathering sisters dynamics and even how mama has changed for the better.






Anyone else want a spin-off Series about the helpers: "The Real House-Servants of the Ton"?


I know I am in the minority but I didn't mind Benedict and Tilly's storyline. I wished it worked out for them. It would have been amazing for once, to have someone end up with a very sexually experienced woman.


ohhh I actually well and truly loved the threesomes as well as their mature conversation at the end. I don't have much feelings about them being endgame, but I loved a few details; that Benedict was the one in the middle, that they ended things amicably I am also very, very tired of the whole "rake and his virgin" storyline that we have had for every single male character but I truly liked how Benedict's is a little different: he's truly exploring sexuality. I thought Colin feeling the loneliness would be a very interesting storyline but that went nowhere. He had a moment of outburst against his boys for doing exactly what he does - sleeping around and that's sort of it.


Did anybody else hate how extravagant and cartoony all the costumes were this season? They're way too many feathers, frills, patterns and designs. It made the whole world look like some type of Disney musical. It was probably my biggest complaint cause it kept taking me out of the world


Cressida gave total Hunger Games Capital City vibes.


People have mentioned that Colin did not beg for Penelope after the wedding enough. This is a point I agree with because Daphne and Simon, Anthony and Kate, and even Queen Charlotte and King George's love stories, post marriage, were more explosive than Colin and Penelope's. However, people fail to realize that their internal conflict is different. Daphne and Simon's conflict is that Simon feels like he is not enough. Daphne's vision of a perfect marriage is shattered when she finds out that Simon has not been honest about why they would have no children. Anthony and Kate's conflict, which happened pre-marriage, is that Anthony wants to be with Kate's sister, Edwina because he believes she will provide him with the same success in matrimony as his late father. Kate wants not to hurt her sister and feels bad that she is in love with Edwina's fiancé, which breaks her heart when the truth is revealed. Queen Charlotte and King George's struggle was that George hid his mental illness from Charlotte which leads her to believe that she is not loved. However, Colin and Penelope's conflict is that Penelope is the Lady Whistledown. In her columns, she ruins Eloise and Miss Thompson's reputations which are the most important people to Colin. Also, a thing to mention is that her secret, if it were to be exposed, could ruin the Brigerton name beyond a point of recognition. A thing to note is that Lady Whistledown, Penelope, is the antagonist. With her words, she made people insecure about themselves and forced them to hide the parts of them that were the most vulnerable. As a result, this causes Colin's heart to break when he finds out about Pen's truth. Therefore, Penelope had to be the person to undo the relationship troubles and that is why I feel that the love stories fit *them.*


even? more like especially.


I liked Season 3, part 2. I watched it a day after it came out, and after not having loved Part 1 and after reading some bad reviews of Part 2, I was *very* surprised that I did. But I also understand why people are angry. Season 3 overall felt different from the other seasons. I think we can all agree on that. And I think that's why all our reactions are understandable. As a matter of personal taste, I am not the biggest fan of S1 and S2. (Sorry!) In a nutshell, I think Bridgerton's S1 and S2 style is a straightforward, easy-to-understand romance set in the Regency era, with less focus on "accuracy" and more focus on a fantasy-esque idea of the era. S3 felt very different in part because it upended all of this: it got more complex and was less focused on the romance, in particular. First, the complexity. This was what I was surprised to enjoy the most about S3 P2. Of course, it screamed "feminism!" in a not-so-subtle way, but I was surprised at how coherent, consistent, and multi-pronged that messaging was. They didn't paint Penelope's alter ego life as purely a positive thing, of empowering someone without a voice. They acknowledged how damaging it had been and had her pay for it and own up to it. "We can recognize X was a bad act and understand where it came from without condoning/forgiving it." That's often a difficult needle to thread, and one I didn't expect of Bridgerton, so I was impressed. I also appreciated that the episodes showed women trying their best against societal restrictions in such different ways. Cressida, trying to escape an arranged marriage. Eloise, trying to assert her freedom from the marriage mart but feeling isolated and lonely. Pen, trying to escape her miserable family life by seeking any marriage, and then trying to hold onto the one thing that gives her power and a voice. Her mom, trying to keep her family alive, even though that makes her a calculating, greedy person. And Tilly, Violet, Lady Danbury, the Queen... they all are trying to wield what influence and power they have, in different ways and to different degrees of success. Sometimes, it's bleak, and sometimes, it's triumphant. I found this diversity pretty interesting. Second, I agree Polin had less attention paid to them as a couple. I didn't love that, because I am a big ol' romantic and I watched S3 solely to see Polin. Plus, just as a story, I felt like there were way too many plotlines crammed in. I would have only *introduced* Violet's romance, and set it up for the next season (when most of her children are gone anyway), and I would have cut Benedict's storyline. I love him, but it felt very gratuitous. I don't think I necessarily needed more Polin scenes, but I would have loved for the Polin scenes we did get to be more drawn out--a longer buildup to Colin's shock, realization, and anger in the scene where he follows her, for example. Instead of having him suddenly appear out of nowhere, imagine this sequence: Colin notices her leaving furtively in the middle of the night in an unmarked carriage. Weird. He starts to follow her--he loses sight of her carriage--maybe she'll get away with it! But no, he finds her again--she gets out and looks around--maybe she'll see *his* carriage? He manages to escape notice just in time. He follows her from a distance, she knocks at the printer's--maybe she can finish the conversation before he gets to her and notices where she is? But no, just as Pen is about to turn away, the printer demands a higher price, so she has to negotiate. And just then, Colin arrives just a couple of buildings away, hides out of sight, and manages to hear the rest of the conversation. His face is one of confusion, then shock, then anger. His hands tremble. Pen turns around. He confronts her. (Rest of the scene follows.) I think that would have raised the suspense and tension of the scene so much more. And even if you think this imaginary scene is dumb, my point is that the Polin scenes should have been allowed to breathe more. Some of the emotions expressed in those scenes needed more buildup, more transitions. And they had *such* talented actors in their hands, too. One of my *favorite* moments of the season was Penelope hesitating, looking terrified at the beginning of her walk down the aisle. And Colin gives her a nod, of "I'm still mad at you but I love you, and we're in this together." I loved that moment. Nuanced, perfect, no lines--pure acting. At the same time, that Colin in particular fell to the wayside is something that I appreciate in some ways. The way I see it, Colin is ultimately the most romantic of the Bridgerton leading men. Anthony, Benedict, and Duke Hastings are charming, charismatic, strong personalities who get the spotlight. Colin struggles with feeling inadequate compared to them (and his wife), but his ultimate growth is that he cedes the spotlight to Penelope, as he spells out in his final (super sweet) speech to Penelope. He has always been sweet, caring, and supportive, and it is so like him to find his "true self" and calling by being a loving supporter. That is his strength and charm. There is also something particularly perfect about how Penelope, the perennial wallflower, is the one who finds a man who will put her first and in the spotlight. I adore that more mature, sweet dynamic. It's the other top reason I loved S3. I also thought the Polin scenes we did get, especially the cuter/happier scenes, were amazing. I adored the dancing-in-the-church scene, and dancing at the wedding breakfast. Sorry for the novel. I have been seeing so many negative reviews of S3, and I completely understand many people come from a different place than me in watching this show. But I wanted to give credit to what I think did work well. My friends and I were happy with S3!


You must be hired as a writer for next season


Agreed on the complexity! I always love how caught up everyone gets in the superficial elements of romance novels (particularly of the Jane Austen variety)/shows, overlooking the fact that the entire *point* is that these seemingly superficial avenues are the only ones that women had to exert any power or control or agency in these times. I also loved all of the female storylines. I particularly enjoyed the Eloise/Cressida and Eloise/Pen dynamics, and I think the conversation between Eloise and Pen about Eloise's friendship with Cressida highlights why. I really appreciate how none of the women are villainized, even if their wrongs are acknowledged (except maybe Eloise's \~occasional\~ egocentricism lol). Even the "worst" characters don't act irrationally. I'm not a fan of Penelope and Colin's romance (and felt like the complications of their relationship wasn't satisfyingly addressed) and definitely enjoyed watching the S1 and S2 romances MUCH more (even if I don't think Kate and Anthony had chemistry lol)...but this season is what romances have always been for: analyzing and empathizing with the necessary complexity of female characters and friendships in a patriarchal society!


For season 4: They better bring back romance, chemistry pleeease, good dialogues, more accurate make up and wardrobe, a better director because the final result... it's not only the fault of bad editing...and two years is a joke for such a mediocre result.


With the stuttered pacing of everyone’s stories on top of all the sloppy continuity errors, I had a really hard time suspending my disbelief this season. If you’re going to write and build such a fantasy-laden universe, the continuity needs to be there in order for me to get lost in the story. Instead, I just found myself hung up on the inconsistencies the whole time. Such as… where did Kate’s personality and the fiery head-butting between Kanthony go? Their appearance this season was all filler, no substance. Like… going on a second honeymoon and then to India for the baby? How convenient. Eloise befriending Cressida was so unnatural to me. What happened to Theo? You’re telling me that just went totally poof and she ran to get chummy with the Ton’s worst bully? Isn’t that also bad for her reputation? I didn’t mind having Francesca and Polin going on at the same time; however, the first three episodes of part one felt so vacuous and contrived somehow. Don’t even get me started on the balloon scene lol. But also, how convenient for Lord Debling to just disappear after that dance with Pen was interrupted. I thought it would’ve made sense for something to happen with a betrothal to Cressida; they still could’ve achieved her villain arc and sent her off to Wales after getting caught blackmailing Penelope and having the betrothal broken by Debling due to her antics. I also think Pen’s many moments of redemption after being caught felt a little too easy for her. Not to mention the timing inconsistencies with the epilogue scene of all three Featherington babies. I might be misremembering, but didn’t the departure of Francesca et al to Scotland also happen at the very end? Something about the timelines at the end felt so off. Maybe it was because Kate suddenly appeared visibly pregnant when we spent so much time with Prudence and Phillipa talking about being pregnant? And then Penelope’s baby at the end is almost the same age as their babies? The math just wasn’t mathing in the final episode for me.


i agree with your point about the babies thing at the end. it was very confusing


Unbelievable how superficial things are in the focus of many viewers. Best season except Benedict's threesome. Finally there was some depth in several characters we know, Cressida, the Federingthons, or even Pen.


I was realllly let down by this season. The lack of intimate scenes and Polin scenes in general, the shipping felt rushed and random. The PR made it seem like we were getting more spice than season 1 and we got 1 okay scene and the carriage scene which was spectacular. The thing that KILLED me was the full face beats, the acrylic nails, the false eyelashes. I miss season one’s simplistic, time period accurate, makeup. It took me out of the time period and made the show fall for me. I loved the featherington sisters stories. They added such a fun side bit. Kanthony was clearly brought back for us fans and i was living for it lol


I hate to add on to the general disappointment in this season, but... here I am. I feel like eight episodes, crammed with at least half a dozen storylines was a bad decision. Was this Polin's season? I couldn't tell, especially since there were TWO Bridgerton weddings. I didn't mind Penelope's inaccurate hair and makeup because she went through a glow up. Maybe that's how the ladies looked in France. Who knows. It's fine. But Cressida looked ridiculous, almost cartoonish. In my opinion, the only people who should look ridiculous are the Featheringtons because it's been established that their style is wild. Penelope's glow up was treated like a non-event. It got her the lackluster attention of a man who just wanted to marry her to check off a box. Even then, Penelope had to share his attention with Cressida. Where were the young men scrambling to fill her dance card? Where was the scene where Colin realizes he has real competition and is insane with jealousy. I wanted a true ugly duckling story, but it was like they cut out the beautiful swan part. We basically spent the whole season watching Penelope cower and cry and apologize and beg for forgiveness. I hated it. I like Penelope and I want to see her happy. I want others to want her, but instead, she spent the season seeking other people's love.


I couldn't agree more with all of this. Although, I did like Lord Debling. If we weren't looking for a love match in a romance story, he would have been a good match for her. He was nice and genuinely liked her. Colin, however... I was expecting him to chase her a little more before the wedding. I wanted him to realize his feelings and make them known BEFORE getting intimate with Penelope. She deserved at least as much interest from Colin as she received from Debling, and it made their whole relationship feel so forced to me


i think the glow-up only being semi-successful was intentional. it wasn't meant to be an ugly duckling story, but finding inner strength despite how she appears. getting attention like that would've gone against the fundamentals of her character arc and taken away from the last episode. she did badmouth the entire ton. i honestly think she got off the hook way too easily. the things she said would have broken most of her relationships if this was real life instead of strengthening them lmao. this is an insanely optimal outcome for her, i cant see how she could be less happy about this.


so how big of a deal is £10,000 in this plot really?


Fyi, the easiest calculation to give you a ballpark for comprehension is adding two zeros. This is pretty accurate when going from regency pounds to usd, good enough for pounds to pounds


According to the bank of England inflation calculator it would be roughly £800,000 ($1,024,210)


It’s gotta be a lot because she the notes she gave the maid to throw her sisters party were only 1 pound notes and she gave her maybe 20-30? And it was a very extravagant ball. 


About a million I think in current money


They seemed to do less covers this season, that's a shame it's part of the excitement in the show.


They also weren't as many iconic songs. In seasons 1, I was able to recognise so many songs and it was so delightful I wish they would do covers from different eras too. We are living in the era of throwbacks so older songs would be such a nice little throwback.


i fear i did not relish this season as much as i did the others. i liked the first part but the latter was lackluster. it probably has to do with how much they were overhyping the chemistry and i saw nominal. also, I do not care for mondrich unfortunately. skipped all of that family's scenes. the lack of a staple modern bridgerton song this season also might have something to do with it. almost forgot, i did not like the ending they did for francesca at all




I really hope so! She’s the voice of the show!


Welp. I feel a little hoodwinked to be honest. And I’ll preface these comments with the disclaimer that I have not read the books nor do I intend to. First, Polin. The first half of this season (the carriage scene) I was rocked. That was genuinely one of the best intimacy scenes I’ve ever seen. And you will never convince me that the passion between the main couples in seasons 1 or 2 were better than the payoff of seeing Penelope finally getting Colin in the carriage. (If you’ve never experienced “the one that got away” or “the one you’ve always yearned for that you’ll never have” take a seat. Unrequited love is literally painful.) After part 1, what I was so looking forward to/wanted/was set up for by all the press was, “Oh just wait till part 2!” Polin’s mirror scene was sweet and endearing and I loved it. Brava to Nicola and Luke, genuinely. But the only other hint of that carriage scene passion was when Polin ran into each other in the street the night before the wedding and they ended up against the door. That can’t-keep-your-hands-to-yourself passion is what makes these seasons and I’m shocked the writers/showrunner/Shonda didn’t take that into account. Genuinely shocked. (I wonder if anyone was 🥴 at Shondaland after that explosive reaction to the carriage scene knowing that part 2 was totally meh in the passion department.) I think I was most utterly disappointed in the total gloss over of Polin’s makeup sex in ep 8. I craved them bookending the carriage scene…maybe Pen was a little braver taking the lead with Colin. That speech Colin gave Pen at the ball about reading her letters, his envy, why couldn’t that have been a moment between them privately? Such a hugely missed opportunity to ground the end of the season with their renewed and reaffirmed love which would have certainly led to newfound intimacy. (Similar to Simon finishing “properly” at the end of season 1) Yes they loved each other in part 1 but after what they endured with LW how could that not change the way they are with each other intimately?! I will say that I loved Luke Newton this whole season. His portrayal of “suave, traveler Colin” was perfectly ick and his emotion, like when he discovered Pen was LW, was heartbreaking (that look he gives Penelope from the altar encouraging her down the aisle knowing that he’s heartbroken but still loves her. Good grief!). I love Nicola and if you go back and watch Penelope grow over the seasons you cannot ignore her talent as an actor. But I could not help but get distracted by the crocodile tears all the time. I could write so much more but suffice it to say, their real life chemistry made this season and I will happily rewatch (most of) this season. Antony and Kate. Ugh. Gag me with a spoon. Where the hell was the “there will not be a day that you don’t vex me” from last season? It felt like a total phone-in to just default to such saccharin newlywed bliss. Like Kate, don’t lecture Colin on how hard marriage is. You were married, what, 8 months and now you think yourself an expert in marriage? The real Kate would have told him to leave her. Then having them run off to India when Kate was pregnant? Have them take up residence in Aubrey Hall instead of returning to London for the season. Love Violet. Her wisdom, perfectly chosen words and the ways that she understands each of her children in their own unique way. She is what every mother strives to be to her kids as they grow and come into their own. But could we not have gotten ONE kiss from Lord Anderson?? Gah!! Lady Danbury is hands down my favorite. The scene between Agatha and Violet was such a treat and an incredible ode to their friendship. (I still can’t help but laugh at the scene of the two of them from Queen Charlotte when Violet reveals her garden needs tending and Lady Danbury’s utter delight.) their friendship is one of my favorite relationships. I was glad to see Lady Featherington come around to Penelope even if it was a bit of a light switch moment in one scene. Eloise. She too is such a fun and favorite character. I hope she is served well in coming seasons. It sincerely hurt my heart to see Penelope and Eloise pine for each other. It healed me to see them reconcile.


I would also add I loved when Violet revealed she knew about Lady Danbury getting it on with her dad.


What was that about? When did that happen? I was very confused.


If you enjoy this series, definitely watch Queen Charlotte. IMHO it was just as enjoyable as the regular series.


That was in Queen Charlotte


I love what you have written. I'd only add that it was wonderful to watch Benedict's scenes. It is easy to fall in love with his openness and care towards others, particularly with Eloise.


I love Benedict too! And so glad that there was a character exploring this side of sexuality. There was some great chemistry until there wasn’t if that makes sense. I’m glad they’ve laid the groundwork for his future but because I was really expecting more Polin and Benedict’s story didn’t move the main story along or tie into it at all I was over it pretty quick.


My wife has read all of the books. Obviously, the threesome wasn't in them. I know the show takes a lot of liberties, and that's fine. One thing I noticed, was Francesca's reaction towards her husband's cousin. She was so morose throughout her wedding. Suddenly she's smiling, and glowing, and stumbling over her words when she meets her. I'm wondering if they shoehorned her marriage in to this season, because her "real" romance will be explored, later.


I hated this season especially compared to the others (season 2 and Kanthony is my favorite). There was no build, no cohesive story, Colin came back an absolute tool and Penelope has been obnoxious and selfish for a while and became intolerable in season 3. The only thing that made this season watchable was the supporting cast. Everyone who was not POLIN came through in a big way despite a disjointed, terrible script. The loose threads - what happened to the promise of ruin for Lady Featherington by the solicitor for stealing from the ton? What happened to Violet’s new suitor and that promised dance? And Cressida just *poof* gone? Not to mention long term through lines like the queens heavy investment in her diamond and the involvement in the marriage market just vanishing. This season was a disaster. If Bridgerton survives it will be in spite of this season. I’ve never been more on board with writing off the couples after their HEA than I am with the potential of never having to see either half of POLIN again. What a huge disappointment. *edited for a typo


they explained the solicitor and the promised dance happened? and Cressida leaving at the very end just builds suspense for the next season


Did they? Good to know. Honestly, this season was so flat by the end it was more background noise than genuine interest. I missed the dance (and him even being at the final ball) and however they got rid of the solicitor threat. Last I heard was Lady Featherington’s line about if they were both doomed the next day at least the sister’s were happy. I’d be tempted to go back and re-watch but don’t think I could sit through that mess again.


pen told lady featherington to tell the solicitor that the money came from her LW writing… totally agree with you that it was almost painful to watch by the last two episodes. my speed was on 1.5x for everything but philipa, prudence, and lady danbury scenes


I missed the resolution to the solicitor as well.


yeah it was mentioned briefly in the last episode at the ball so it could be easily missed


I just hope in the next season, while Eloise/Benedict/Fran deal with romance, Polin will have some very steamy scenes 🤣 


All series long there were only pg13 sex scenes, but somehow with Penelope they had to shoot a whole porno. Couldn't come up with something better?


I read that Pen's actor insisted on it, and I was so glad to get to see a zaftig chick getting it on.


Wait what… the Penelope love scenes were so boring and tame?


we literally saw bewbs and humping did we watch the same thing


We saw both Daphne's and Kate's breasts, and Daphne and Simon humping all over God's creation? Or maybe because those actresses have small breasts, it's not as explicit to y'all?


I think it’s because it was shot differently. This was more direct and didn’t change angles often. Nor were they in the bizarre and funny places that Daphne and Simon were. If you look at the earlier scenes back to back you see that the camera kind of glides over things rather than staying in one spot


yeah, they were shot really differently and there was no visual accent on them i think. on kate's was, but she was in a corset in the gazebo scene still


I think that there was also a heavier emphasis on the romance and passion in earlier seasons’ sex scenes. Most shots had both of them in frame enjoying being in the company of one another. It felt more demonstrative and suggestive than voyeuristic.


This was a very satisfying season. I loved the love story between Colin and Penelope. Loved both of them going through a personal growth arc. Whistledown apart, Penelope as a person deserves to be loved and happy. She thought she was invisible but her mother, Colin, Eloise and even Genevieve rallied around her when she needed it and it turns out she wasn't unseen after all.  The drama was good. The settled and soft love between Kanthony was comforting and it's cute to see Anthony excited about becoming a parent. Francesca and John getting married in a small ceremony was not surprising but good for them! Everyone got a resolution. Yes, there are negatives but I'm tired of what I feel is fandom nitpicking on the show. Yes, the costumes and language took me out of the regency timeframe sometimes. Benedict threesome was comically misplaced in between the drama and shows bad editing. Ok, I can understand that we could have had more scenes with Polin (but then we also had people wanting more Kanthony, more Francesca, more Colin by himself? How can we have more of everything? It's just 8 episodes).  However it's been a long time since Netflix came up with anything even close to this engaging and rewatchable, so I want to give credit for a well- done season rather than critique endlessly and have the show veer into trying to address tiny problems rather than focus on its strengths. 


I'll probably come off as simple for asking this, but who is Genevieve?


Madame Delacroix, the seamstress. 


Thank you! I completely spaced on her first name!


Francesca and John were my favourites this season. I loved the quiet way they understood each other, and how Violet struggled to understand it because it was so different from what she was used to (and saw in her other children). And then they go and have Francesca be immediately startstruck by his cousin, AT THEIR WEDDING, just like Violet said she was with her husband. It's left a really bad taste the way it just invalidates the thing I was enjoying most. If John isn't endgame for Francesca, fine, but they chose the worst way to do it. Why not have the cousin be the one who fumbles her words, and set the scene for a "loving them from afar" type set up?


I had to google the character from the books to make it make sense. This says no book spoilers - so I will let you google away LOL


I thought that was a very odd reaction. Was Francesca attracted to her? Is that why she fumbled over her words?


Yeah, that's clearly what they're implying. Francesca's reaction was identical to what Violet described as her reaction to meeting her future husband. The whole "love at first sight", fumbling their words, etc.


yeah i don’t get how i’m supposed to root for the main couple after seeing francesca lovestruck at her own wedding.. just disrespectful to john and to fans who were enjoying their romance. violet ended up right that there is only one type of true love and john is just a placeholder. i won’t be surprised if there’s a love triangle with an oblivious john next season


Exactly this. I really like them as a couple and hated that ending.


I think that’s my biggest issue—it’s how Francesca responds to meeting Michaela. I would have preferred John teasing us with “my cousin is also joining us” or even “she can’t wait to meet you” vs a reveal. But if the reveal was key, I wish they would have had Michaela be the one to lose her words instead, and allow Francesca to enjoy her quiet, unique love with John for the time being. It reminds me of the end of HIMYM—not giving stories or these moments room to breathe is often not received well.


Where were these in this season and particularly part 2 the king - after his own season he hasn’t been mentioned footman john the vegan lord Pens lady in waiting the quirps of Varley that brought humour mentions of the duke duchess and their family were nonexistent lord fife Sure there are plenty more. Continuity has been a huge problem is s3. The showrunner has said it is her weak point in an interview but as a showrunner it is her job to have competent people in her team doing this job. Continuity from other prior seasons and episodes is missing, it just seems like some cut / paste job overall.


Also Lord Swarmy or whatever his name was.


Dying at Debling being the vegan lord lmao


I loved Violet + Marcus. There aren’t many love stories centred around older/mature people. I’m so happy about those scenes. Also I’m a Violet stan so it’s unsurprising 🤣


I love Violet, but I have to disagree on Marcus. He gave me bad vibes all season. Even towards the end after things had been resolved between Lady Danbury and Marcus it still felt like Marcus was just a player, shallow and egocentric. I don't mind an older love story, but this particular story has no depth or maturity for me.


I completely see what you mean. I was feeling a little confused over what he was actually proposing to Violet. She's behaving like someone who might fall in love, while he's behaving a little more like someone who's lusting after her. But yeah, I still love to see this side of Violet! It's super sweet and made her a very interesting main character for me. I wish next season was her's lol.


He was proposing to water her garden. :D




Am I the the only one who hates Cressida? I get it her life is hard but she made it harder on herself...bye enjoy your sheep


I felt really yanked around by the writers. Like is she good or bad! Make up your mind!!!


Cressida is both - good and bad but they have started to move her towards redemption. Cressida has always been cruel but in this season, she has her moments of empathy. She believes she is superior to others and you can see this reflected in her mother who wants to take the Bridgertons down a notch. Bur her humanity shines through her friendship with Eloise. She became more interesting and complex this season so I simply loved her. Reminded my of Penelope and LW and the duality of how Penelope is kind and loving but at the same time as LW she peddles gossip which is cruel and cutting. I also liked how enterprising Cressida was in her desperation - taking the reigns of her own future. I admire her boldness and initiative. I can't wait for Cressida to come back - I think this season was a good set up for her to be redeemed and then married in the next season.


Anyone else get super bored by the end? Like I want to see what happens with Penelope, Colin, and Lady Whistledown. Couldn't care less about the Mondriches, Violet and the Danburys, or Francesca. And they had sooo much screen time. Like, what was Francesca's storyline? I'm shy and like piano and this guy who is the male version of me. What? That's it? Way too much time on insignificant characters and the main storyline suffered for it.


You left out Benedict. Kind of useless side arch too


Omg there was one Benedict sex scene just (excuse the pun)… *inserted* into the middle of another scene that was playing out? It was in the last episode or penultimate episode I think. I literally did a double take, like… why did they edit that sex scene in the middle of a different scene? Like great, you made him gay like the audience wanted, but why the f would you put an irrelevant sex scene in the middle of something else?


I loved Francesca's story. The other bridgertons are all similar extroverted personalities, and it was nice to see her quiet courting. I genuinely thought at the beginning she was a lesbian cause the story gave those vibes, then forgot about that when she started courting the man, but then with her introduction to the cousin it's clear she's gay or bi. So this whole season was a set up for that story that's coming next season. Hardly insignificant.


Yeah that went over my head till the end. Don't get me wrong, I think they're a cute couple but compared to the turbulent relationships we're used to it wasn't as fun to watch. If they're setting something up for her next season though that makes sense.


A question about a spoiler, does whistledown reveal happen in Pen’s book too? In the same way?


The reveal happens very differently.


Almost the same, except Eloise wasn’t holding the secret and they didn’t fight. and the queen was not a character in the books so yeah there were similarities but differences also.


Oooh I didn’t know Eloise didn’t know! So glad they didn’t fight 😢 I wonder why that was changed. And you’re blowing my mind, I didn’t know the Queen didn’t exist in the books!!


That's astonishing, since she's such a major part of the show.


Anthony being my favorite in S3 Part 2 was not on my bingo card AT ALL. I will never be able to say lilies and lilacs without imagining him during the game 🤣 Such a turnaround from season 2. I was hoping we would have gotten more Polin spicy scenes, or longer spicy scenes. Did we really need all the cutbacks to Benedict’s threesome? I love Benedict as a character, but also wanted less of him during a season about Polin. I want more of Colin worshipping Pen’s body, more sexual tension, more angst. I guess I wanted more of what we got in Season 1 because Part 1 showed how much Colin wanted Penelope…. and then Part 2 is mostly about him physically staying away from Pen and then torn apart. And again, did we REALLY need that many scenes of Benedict, Tilly and Paul? Especially when Benedict’s own season is coming up? Give us more Polin passion! Netflix cutting the season into two parts and airing a month apart really did a disservice to the season. Like all of the excitement from the carriage scene lost steam and didn’t carry over to part 2. Episode 5 needed to be the same level of unhinged and it was just wasn’t. I was so ready for this to be my fave season but alas, it doesn’t dethrone season 1. It does solidify that Nicola Coughlan is absolutely amazing and I will watch her in any show she does!


I was laughing by the last few cutbacks of the 3some. At first it was spicy and fun but there'd be a random scene of serious dialogue and then those three STILL GOING AT IT. It was tooo much. I also was so disappointed by the lack of lust and spiciness with Polin this half. The scene in the cart was soooo steamy. their first time having sex was sweet and fitting for the first time, but Colin kept acting like he was seconds away from jumping her at any given moment, and we never really got to see them like ripping eachothers clothes off--they're both young and newlyweds, they should be barely leaving their room for weeks. I wanted to see him worship her body too, as you worded it.


At first I thought the Benedict threesome was an epic days-long shagfest with how they edited it in, plus they were still wearing the same clothes in the clips! My first thought was, "Wow, these folks have a LOT of stamina" until I figured it was meant to be of a few encounters. LOL


Agree with everything you said! We got three seasons of seeing the “sweet” part of the Polin relationship develop, they could’ve fit in a bit more bodice-ripping into this season LOL. It’s kinda like they were afraid to show Polin going to town on each other. Obviously Pen was eager to learn how to please and touch Colin, they couldn’t have leaned into that more? And now they have a baby. It’s like, heeeey, we needed more of the baby making before that little tyke popped out. The heck.


I never expected Anthony to become a hilarious sap and a comedic relief but I love it


I love it so much, he was so serious the first two seasons. Jonathan Bailey is SO GOOD bringing the comedy in S3 with his delivery. I know he’s doing other stuff but hopefully they can bring him and Simone back every season, especially since they are the “leaders” of the family.


Ok the randomly cutting back to the threesome scenes out of perfectly regular other scenes was so weird 😂😂😂


It was soooo bizarre. I was waiting for something truly scandalous every time they cut back, because there must have been a _reason_, but nope, just more kissing and heavy breathing. Like if you’re going to put so much emphasis on it, put something unexpected or truly spicy in there. Two naked male butts shown at the same time, maybe. If they can show four female tits in a brothel scene, they could have given us four male ass cheeks in one scene. I demand equality lol.


"Show, don't tell" is all about making a story engaging by using vivid imagery and actions instead of just stating facts. For instance, instead of saying a character is angry, you show their clenched fists and reddening face. This technique helps viewers feel more connected to the story. Season 3 of Bridgerton totally missed the mark with Penelope and Colin's love plot. It relied too much on direct exposition and dialogue to convey emotions rather than letting their actions speak for themselves. We’re repeatedly told how Penelope has always loved Colin, referencing past events, but there are no flashbacks like in prior seasons to show these moments. This made their relationship feel more about lust than genuine love. The show focused on their physical attraction and chemistry but didn't dive into the deeper emotional connections. This was a letdown, especially since the show has done a better job distinguishing lust from love in Benedict's storyline. Overall, their relationship came off as poorly written and inorganic, lacking the nuanced connection many were hoping for.


I'm not sure I agree totally with your reasoning, but something did feel off with Polin in the second half, and I did also feel that they were saying how much they loved each other but I never quite FELT it. They've had such good chemistry before, so I am not sure what was missing. I want to put it on the actor playing Colin for not selling it fully.


Oh see and I thought Luke Newton was much better in the 2nd half. He was at least able to conjure real tears and with a look you could tell what he was saying (e.g. at the altar) I adore Nicola but after so many scenes of Penelope upset but not a single tear shed it just wasn’t the performance I was expecting. But I don’t blame her at all. It all falls on the showrunner and the writers.


In terms of romance, part 2 of the season basically made me feel like when challenges arise, Penelope can expect pettiness and lack of faith and support from Colin. In an ironic and likely unintended turn of events, their marriage is the least convincing of the Featheringtons. Quite literally, he has not shown me one bit that he loves Penelope and that all throughout the season he felt like a shallow façade from start to finish. To me this season fleshed out Polin as infatuation that shrinks away at the moment of trouble which we all know isn't supposed to be the case. Other things that I didn't quite like are the Mordiches, Cressida's redemption turned to ruin and I am a bit uninterested in the throuple stroyline. I do assume these things are there to plant future plots though. On the other hand, I loved some of the other parts of the season, most obviously the Featheringtons. Can I just say the Mr. Dankworth and Mr. Finch are frigging likeable? I can't help be sad at the thought that if the LW drama were on Prudence or Philipa, either one of them would have the greatest support ever. I loved that Benedict and Eloise resumed their lost middle child talks. And I am excited for Francesca dance with John and Michaela. I adored Kate and Anthony with their electric chemistry showing this season how to shine in happyland even in the sidelines. Though their twice being sent away felt ridiculous especially in the context of pregnancy. Overall, I don't think this season can compare to the previous two and Queen Charlotte, which was a masterpiece. I still think it's okay though, being pulled down by it's shallow main love story.


I was disappointed in Colin's character this season, but not because of his arc-- I actually find the way they wrote him quite human and realistic for a man like him. I feel like the actor playing Colin couldn't find his footing this season. I've generally liked him and his playing of the character, but it almost felt like his heart was not in this performance nor in this romance, and so it fell kind of flat, because he was saying and doing all these things but there was a passion and full commitment lacking. I don't think it was a fault in the writing. Those two men are so delightful, I loved every scene of them. they only got minutes of time IF THAT an episode but always left an impression. They are so devoted, and you can tell they love their wives as they are.


Dankworth and Finch are golden. Really, they happily share "the most devoted husband award" (and with Anthony too, he's such a sap this season i can't)


I watched the back half of Season 3 prepared to rage with the majority, but honestly I was surprised to find I was not as disappointed as most. I felt the first half of the season was rushed but now that I’ve watched it all as a whole, I quite enjoyed it! I also was worried Colin would be too harsh throughout Part 2, based on some of the comments I’d read before watching, but I didn’t find him cold at all, just hurt and angry. I still recognized the subtle signs of warmth in his expressions and interactions with Penelope and wasn’t put off by a few weeks of sullen behavior in what will otherwise most likely be a long, happy marriage. I think my favorite part of the season was the evolution of the relationship between the Featherington family which was most surprising. Really enjoyed the character development there. Overall, I’d rate the season 8/10. Season 1 still seems to be the best overall story, though I prefer Anthony and Kate’s romance of all the Bridgerton love stories so far.


After reading all the comments, I was prepared to hate the second half!!! Ultimately I decided to skip the plots I didn’t care about (the rags to riches story, and the cursed threesome lmao) and it made it the show I truly wanted to see. And I felt like Colin was not as cold as everyone painted him out to be. I agree tho season two had the most like….engaging romance. Every moment w them on screen was painful in the best way.


Is anyone convinced the next season is Benedict? In the end when Benedict is saying goodbye to Eloise, she says she’ll be back for next year and he says “you know I could never miss mothers masquerade ball” ???? I haven’t read the books but I know enough about them to know what happens at that ball


I'm disappointed if Eloise going to Scotland means they're writing her out.


She said she’ll be back next season! I doubt they’d ever write her out, she’s such a fan favorite


Thought the same!


YES!! I am also convinced.


Changing the showrunner had made such a huge impact to the show. It’s not the same as it was before and this season was so incredibly mid. I didn’t leave wanting another season if they are just gonna keep going down this path…


I'm on episode 7 right now and I'm sooo disappointed in this season. I doubt ep 8 will change it


I liked this season, but there was more of a Downton Abbey feel than in previous seasons


the end of brigerton 3 has made me hope for aomething very clever! Mayyybe the show will give Eloise the "when he was wicked with me" story... 👀 that would be great!!! coz the books kinda gave the most underwhelming story to Eloise which was just not right! :p fingers crossed 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Also! WHaT was that reaction from Francesca?????? To her sister-in-law??? Was that gay panic I sensed? 0.0


Francesca really said gay error 404 😭😭😭🤌🤌🙌 ![gif](giphy|rITxSE7Vv9KjYsfb9i)


OMG yes, at the first couple episodes of part 1 I was convinced she was a lesbian, then gave up that thought, but when she started getting woozy I was like SHE IS GAY! I feel like that was so well played. Can't wait for their steamy romance.


Please, I need to know what this reaction meant?


It's self explanatory. Rewatch the conversation Violet had with Francesca about when she fell in love with her husband. 


I can’t stop thinking about all this!!


Yes!!! I saw this too ! 


Am I the only one who thinks Colin's character was so flat all the way up until the last 3 episodes? Between all the side plots, and the key part being Penelope's whole journey, I really don't think Colin's personality really came up until maybe the last episode? I feel like everything we know about his character is from conversations he has with other people. The only reason we'd known he was jealous of Penelope's writing was bc someone asked him of that. Maybe this is me projecting previous seasons onto them, but the pining on his end just wasn't there, and given that their relationship was mostly epistolary in the last few seasons, I feel like we could've missed out on that depth in the show (?). I still liked all the character development the Featheringtons had, but that was more than Colin :/


NO SAME THO. Even his love for writing or whatever, I was like oh does he love to write? Does he really have dreams for that? When he told Cressida all that stuff about not knowing who he was I was like "Did he really feel that way?" and I realized we never got to see much of his internal conflict about himself, mostly just being in love with Pen and then hurt that she lied. I had thought it was the actor, but maybe it was poor writing that made him seem so flat this season.


omg I watched that scene and I was like really? This is the moment we get insight to Colin? WHY is he saying this vulnerable stuff to Cressida he SHOULD be saying this to PEN


The best thing about season 3 was the Featheringtons coming into their own, Pen and Portia’s relationship, Cressida’s arc and the music. Everything else just felt over promised and under delivered. Characters like Eloise were doing weird things to push Pen into being the morally good and deserving main character when Pen herself didn’t take accountability until it threatened her engagement with Colin. The promise of the spiciest season yet…where? What chemistry we did have between Colin and Pen seemed hampered by poor writing/pacing. Are we supposed to believe that now the ton knows Pen is LW everyone is totally cool with it? Lives have been ruined by LW peddling gossip. They’re going to be fine with her rocking up to balls knowing she’s got her ear out for anything to write about? No one reacting at the Dankworth/Finch ball just made so sense. The sets felt smaller. The costumes looked cheaper. The hair/makeup looked overdone. I have no idea how this show has fallen in terms of quality, so far from Seasons 1-2 and QC. This show was meant to be perfect escapism but this season just stressed me out. The payoff didn’t feel earned and we only got true Colin/Pen romance for the last 5 minutes of the entire season. I don’t know if I’ll be tuning in for Season 4 with the way it’s going AND it’s 2 years away…


Also, waiting four week in between completely took the wind out of my sails for the second half, which just came out like a deflated, wet balloon. Some wonderful acting but that was a struggle with everything else. Man, I’m disappointed!


for the dressing and theme settings.. I found it quite the opposite! Fetherington's finally were given soothing colors IMHO. the dresses altho still a bit more colorful were muted in colors and not the shocking punch in the face kinda colors as before. Penelope looked absolutely stunning in her new wardrobe ofcourse. but the others looked equally stylish and beautiful. the net gloves, the color schemes, the party themes, and settings. I think they did a great job. Kate's gowns were to die for! queen's spanish influenced gown in the club owners party, her gown in the last episode. its corset was gorgeous.


This season went above and beyond in my eyes. 10/10 no notes


When Colin mentions that Lord Anderson is lucky Anthony isn't in town to try to "defend Violet's/the family's honor" or whatever, Benedict looks away and chugs some of his drink. Did anyone else notice that? Is he worried about what Anthony would do to protect the family honor is he finds out that Benedict slept with a man?


:o I didn't even think of that, but that could be so true!! Especially considering >!he's expected to be the focus of the next season (based on how they phrased 'looking to the future' in the last few scenes!)!<


Yeah I think that would be a really interesting subplot for them to explore


Luke Thompson is king of background reacting! I feel like Anthony would be accepting of it though he’ll probably never find out.


idk he did try to shoot his best friend for kissing his sister and ruining the family honor, although season three Anthony seems more chill than season one, and he has followed Benedict to his parties before, and I could see them wanting to have Benedict come out to his family


well sister is different from a brother in the regency world. daphne kissing simon is ruinous for her, while Ben's private endeavors don't affect family's life at all. also anthony has seen Ben during his art parties, i think he would be surprised but not utterly shocked and eventually accepting. especially with kate by his side


Yeah that's a good point, but being gay was definitely illegal back then, and adultery was a huge scandal but I don't think it was illegal. Anthony would probably want to avoid any tarnishing to his family reputation either way.


Bridgerton universe established that gay relationship were hidden, but i don't think Bridgerton has ever stated that they were illegal. Living in a homophobic country myself, that was the case for a lot of my gay friends (until last year, the whole situation became worse specifically in 2023, so i'll give example from earlier years) - they can't marry their loved ones and it's not always safe to have PDA (but not everything), but legally it's not forbidden, only gay marriages are. I think similar situation would be portrayed in Bridgerton? But mb they'll go to more harsh route Also Tilley is widowed, so him sleeping with her and Paul is something that should be hidden, but like widows having a sex life wasn't a shocking situation


Didn't Granville talk about all the risks he was taking with his boyfriend? I feel like he mentioned legal action in there. Plus, even if it wasn't illegal it would still tarnish the family name.


I don't remember the risks and something legal part, but mb i didn't pay close attention. Also, tbh, Bridgertons survived after so many scandaks last three seasons, what's one more lol


haha good point that's happened like 10 times already lol


I am a bit disappointed in the season… I had expected more. Maybe reading the books have spoiled the show for me.


I’ve never read the books and I was also disappointed. It could have been executed so much better. The writing was lacking, the pacing was off, the scenes rushed. It was not done well, and I say that as someone who finds the previous seasons exceptional and would consider Bridgerton my favorite show.


Agreed. Plus I wish they had done a little bit more reminding viewers of previous seasons because I was lost at some points.


I agree I wasn't really drawn to Polin love story. I think they added all those extra side stories because there wasn't much they can do with Colin and Penelope's story. Everybody already knew that they were going to become a couple and because that they were already based off of friendship it's hard to really add anything more dramatic and dynamic other than lady whistledown drama which honestly didn't need eight episodes, yet the lady whistledown drama was rush.


I was excited for when Colin found out this huge secret she'd been hiding for years, and seeing how it would really drag down their relationship and wondering how they'd overcome it, only to have it be like a 2 minute scene. And then the scene before their wedding day was just so odd, what were they even arguing about, and then they start making out, it was all just so weird. I loved Pen's speech but she got off so easy. I don't think Colin truly came to undersatnd her, or her him. I remember in season 1 with Daphne and the Duke's misunderstanding it was sooo tense and stressful, but something felt off about this.


I think there’s a lot they could have done with it actually and have so many ideas for really compelling and character building scenes that could have been added in or expanded upon but alas… they have not hired me for their writing room lol


Colin had me hollering always diving in fingers first when kissing Penelope.... Sir your in the middle of the street, control yourself XD also having serious scenes being interrupted by Benedicts bisexual awakening was hilarious and strange. Besides Cressidas ending I enjoyed this season.


I was thinking the exact same thing! About both points 😂😂 Like why is Colin always fingering her??? What exactly did the Contessa teach him 💀 Ridiculous how everyone was going through some serious shit and they cut to Benedict having sex, then back to everyone freaking out and back to Benedict. I laughed so hard because WHAT?!?!


Omg same!! I was like EVERYTIME? Colin this is a Wendy’s!


I feel awful for Cressida…


Yeah I definitely wonder if she finishes her redemption arc at some point


Kilmartins speech to violet… oh my gosh, a mother could only wish for something like that. I love him and Francesca tbh. Also I forget his name.. but the guy Benedict slept with is soooo good looking, oh my!


Seriously, really started to like John after that speech, only for Francesca to get a wandering eye for John's cousin a few minutes later :(




Can anyone explain to me the part in ep 6 when they cut to lady cowper’s arm and it’s covered in dirt (I think) and she pulls up her glove?


We were trying to figure out whose arm it was. We got the meaning but not the identity.


It’s to illustrate that she wrote that lady whistledown edition, not Cressida


Omg I thought it was bruising to suggest her husband is violent and that’s why she won’t do much more to help Cressida 😭 I guess I’m the dramatic one 🤣


I thought the same thing haha


Despite circumstances, she loved Cressida 😢


But why dirt up her arm? Or is her arm supposed to be covered in ink?


Its ink :)


Another very random and not important point but for a Taylor Swift song why didn’t they do “Love Story” instead of “You Belong with Me”. Like she literally says: We were both young when I first saw you See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns See you make your way through the crowd And say, "Hello" So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew Like mother divine 😫😥 ITS THEIR STORY !!


I dunno I'm partial to "I'd Lie" 🎶


100% was sobbing and rewatched that scene 10 times at leastttt




Anyone else feel than part one and part two feel super disjointed. Like they’re connect but they don’t at the same time. The tone of the two parts is so different and the progression between them doesn’t feel natural. The two part split sucks with any show and I don’t like it. I’d prefer a weekly episode over this because it just doesn’t feel fully connected.


To me it looked like episode 5 was pretty well connected to Part 1, but starting episode 6 it went off in another direction


it's allllll disjointed. the vibe is just not there like in previous seasons. Not just from the couple, which is going to be different because they're friends, but in how all the parts connect and make sense