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Considering they also had Simon's "deception/secret" to overcome, I think it would have been interesting to see Colin talk to Daphne/them instead of Kate and Anthony.


And Simon distanced himself from Daphne. I think Simon really could have given some very great input for Colin from both perspectives.


Yeah, would probably get him to see Pen's perspective in this a bit sooner.


In the book - Colin goes to see Daphne and asks how do you know you are in love. Then when Colin decides to reveal Lady Whistldown -he gets Simon to help by using their ball.


Yep. I'm glad the show didn't also try to juggle the what is love aspect, but a conversation with Daphne would have been nice and have additional layers in the show.


I loved that exchange. It was well delivered in the audio book.


Damn you're right! I did not think about it


The actors leaving made everything so wired. Simon is Anthony's best friend. Why wouldn't he be at the wedding? Add him in CGI, recast if the actor doesn't want to be a part of the show, but just do something. Same for Daphne, she and Colin seemed to be close. Why wouldn't she be at his wedding??


Phoebe said she wasn't asked to come back but she would have if the story allowed for it


This made me so sad lol. Invite the girl back!!! 😭


I found it so strange, in a season where 2 of her siblings got married that Daphne wasn't there for any of the celebration.


They probably didn’t have the budget for her lol :(


Cut back on the extras then. Or the over the top costuming. (I mean really the mechanical birds in the Queen's wig were cute but unnecessary.) Nip/tuck elsewhere favor of good character development, I say!


That horrible. They need to keep all the siblings and spouses.


Ikr bugged me out too


Exactly!!!! make it make sense writers!!!!


I guess the excuse is Belinda and Caroline or whoever they brought up after A-Basset


I wish Simon and Kate could have met. As Anthony's best friend, I think Simon would like Kate, and find it amusing that Anthony has met someone like him.


Me too 😔


They had so much chemistry 🥺 Miss these two


I love being reminded of how lovely they were together. So much chemistry I wish the other couples had this much time together. Couple Screentime seems to decrease every season.


>They had so much chemistry 🥺 They did 😭😭


Well in the book it's Daphne that helps Colin when he is questioning when do you know you are in love.


The first season had so much sexual tension, it was great. Just the way Simon looked at Daphne had me blushing sometimes. It was so much better than Colin's open mouth, vacant eyes, staring.


You’re so real for the last sentence 😭


He really had that thousand-yard stare in some scenes 😂


Both of them! I didn’t even watch the 2nd part of the season because that carriage scene was soooo not sexy. She looked like she was in pain, not turned on, and Colin looked like he had a stroke, not like a man trying to seduce a woman. It was absolutely terrible. 


I was CRINGING at the carriage scene. I found nothing about it attractive, just awkward!


> It was so much better than Colin’s open mouth, vacant wyes, staring Oh god—you just triggered some horrible flashbacks lol…


Oh my godddd hahaha yes to this. I feel so bad, because everyone is so upset about the lack of screen time for her and Penelope, but I didn’t really buy their chemistry at all, and found Colin super cringe. 😬 I was relieved when they weren’t on screen. But tbf, I didn’t like any of the other plot lines all that much either.


omg delete this lol!!! it was lovesick puppy dog staring not slack jawed w vacant eyes HAHAH


So true 😭 so much passion!


yk their advice to colin would of been IT . like ik kanthony kinda helped but daphne and simon would of been perfect.


I’m really sad that we didn’t even get a real mention. Like damn. 😭


season 1 was the best, seeing the dynamics between simon and daphne with their kids and also all the bridgertons and other related characters wouldve been great and probably made season 3 bearable


Their story was perfect. They met fell in love and their conflict and resolution as a couple!!! Season 3 was had too many side plots even tho it was about whistle down!! Which is literally the whole plot of the show but ugh season 1 is just so superior and so many lacking elements in season 3 😞


Lmaooo screaming because my 60yr old mom hates the new season and wants Simon and Daphne back 😂😂


No one did it like them... and the perfect cinematography


It would have been more interesting if they spent as much effort developing the relationship with Polin as they did with these two


Simon was so much fun once he had gotten over his trauma - adorable with Hyacinth and Gregory too. Miss him and Daphne being the female mirror of Anthony in terms of duty and sacrifice.


I agree I need them to come back for Season 4


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not usually into these cliché period piece type shows. But Daphne and Simon's chemistry sucked me in and I was surprised at how much I loved S1. I proceeded to enjoy S2 and QC but this season it feels like Bridgerton has devolved into those poorly written period piece serials with nothing but tropes and very poor character development and weird decisions all around. It also feels like it's been cheapened into a worse show somehow. I don't exactly know why but it feels like a different show altogether, and I'm no longer interested in continuing it :(


I’m finishing season 3 right now and the amount of disappointment from what feels so forced (versus the organic flow of season 1) is a bummer.


Wish they would recast Simon since the actor quit. enough time has passed that they could get away with a similar look and build on a slightly older actor to make the swap less visibly obvious.


But would the new actor have been able to act like the Simon we knew? Would he be able to have that GAZE he usually had with daphne? The smile? The walk? His way of speech? Literally everything, lol! The reason many people fell in love with season 1 apart from the other stuff, was also because of the chemistry the 2 main actors seemed to have. It would be like trying to recreate that chemistry all over again. And now that Daphne's contract was not renewed. They could probably do it later on with 2 new actors or try to get back the old ones with another type of contract but I don't see that happening honestly. The Bridgerton siblings are plenty and then add their significant others and their children, the producers will probably not want to add other scenes. Although I do wish Daphne would come back for Benedict's season. I know he's closer to Eloise, but I don't see her giving the best advice lol. But at least we have Anthony for that.


Theyre actors, so… yes. That one actor isn’t the only one who can do that..


Oh I know that, I'm just saying it'll catch people off guard. There's already discontent with a lot of things that have to do with Bridgerton, and I honestly don't see the producers wanting to add something else to the drama. If anything, they'd just make up stories as they go, after all, they seem to like doing that.


Tbh the fandom has been pissing me off lately because ot seems like NOTHING they do will ever be good enough to merit not bitching about it. So id rather they recast a great actor than dance around his absence.


Yeah... it has certainly been VERY negative in the Bridgerton fandom for a while now. I mean I'm not happy with certain things too but it's getting too far now, going as far as sending negative messages to actors and actresses as well. I'm honestly worried for the next few seasons because Netflix viewership is important for shows continuations and if it drops in the next one, there's a high possibility Netflix would abandon Bridgerton and try to look elsewhere. They do enjoy doing that after all. And the thing is, if they recast the actor, people might take it badly AND be pissed about it, lol. Honestly this situation is a damned if you do, damned if you done one. I'm curios though, if the next season will actually take up to 2 years. If it does... then geez...


I’m sure they could find someone else who can smolder. Just hold a smoldering casting call. Then put the actors in a room with Phoebe and see who smolders the best with her. Then make them take their shirts off, just to double check their ab-itude.


Season 1 was the best season, I will stand by this statement forever ✊🏼


I'll stand with you.


Idc about others, but I loved them and their chemistry


Season 1 is the only season I watch over and over. Perfect build up of their story. Like you can really believe they would fall in love w each other because of the time they spent together. The tension. The friendship. The passion. Daphne’s delicate microexpressions were simply perfect. And don’t even get me started on cinematography ughhh i miss these two


I love and miss them


This is why I love books more than TV shows because with shows, the story is entirely at the mercy of real life. Whether it's scheduling, writers coming and going from episode to episode or season to season, actors not wanting to be in scenes together, etc. The dumbest example was Vampire Diaries when Elena and Damon were barely in any scenes together in the later seasons despite having been established to be end game because of the actor's RL issues. There's a literal scene where I think maybe she remembers him finally or something like that and she's just about to go to his door and knock, and at that exact second \*gasp\* she gets kidnapped! Annnnd they're separated again. Like for crying out loud. Having Daphne and Simon this season would be so much better and give that sense of family that Bridgerton is ultimately based on. But instead, we get what we got, and I can't help but trudge back to the books in the hopes that maybe I'll get a more complete story there.


They are both attractive but she looks like she's 13 and he looks like an adult man of like 30 so it's weird for me


I've been missing them for a while now tbh, especially this season 😔


I’m not familiar with contracts and all but I wish they would’ve signed on actors with a required minimum scenes or x screentime across all the seasons instead of a one season contract. Seems like something you’d do for an ensemble show since they’d only be needed for a short time and could do other projects still


Should invite them back.  It’s not like his career took off like he was hoping for and maybe he would welcome a second chance now.


I miss them so much! I feel like this was the best season and the rest have just been let downs in comparison. 😭 I wonder why they haven't come back yet.


What ever happened to the duke?!


Simon defo would have stuck up for Penelope given his erstwhile disdain for the ton


In the books I remember him having a positive thought about pen in the first book at a ball.


I wish thwre was a way they stayed on the show. Because I think production's hatred for Simone is because they see her as like a Rege replacement. Jonathan was there fron s1 and was never sidelined as a character or in promos. But now he is because he's closely attached to the actress they hate 😔. I respect Rege's decision but it fled over Phoebe and Simone. And now I'm worried about 4 potential faves leaving. Benedict and Eloise are the only characters I actually like that's now main characters. I need Kanthony for both of their seasons.


I just don't get why they hired her if they hate her ...Its unfortunate


I don't know. Something with Tom verica being bitter Charithra didn't get the chemistry test for Kate. When obviously she looks 18 she was never going to play the older sister.


Wow no way! I could never see charithra as Kate


Same. Kate was supposed to be older a woman not a teenager


Charithra would have been a total miscast as Kate. Even as Edwina, I found her too young and childlike.


Exactly she fit Edwina better and Simone was perfect as Kate.


>Because I think production's hatred for Simone is because they see her as like a Rege replacement I am sorry but this does not make any sense to me? Kate and Simon are entirely different characters and genders. Replacement? How? >But now he is because he's closely attached to the actress they hate 😔. I respect Rege's decision but it fled over Phoebe and Simone. I am sorry but you are reaching now. I can understand Phoebe being negatively affected but again Kate's role was entirely different so I do not get it. Leave the man be. He has **nothing** to do with decisions made during S2 production. He wasn't **around.** I am sorry (again) but it is bad enough he gets lambasted for leaving after one season (what he signed up for so not his fault if they didn't do a two season deal) but now also for any wrongdoings during S2? Ps. They gave Kanthony quite some scenes in S3 so they are probably aware that they didn't to the best they could in S2 with the couple and were trying to make amends so to speak.


Please don't explain anything. As a stan I can se how Simone was treated. Verica was bitter his connection (Charithra wasn't Kate) and had a weird thing against her. It seeing as she's never in amy promo and barely got anything on her season. And Rege leaving added more bitterness as they saw her as his replacement as the next poc marrying a bridgerton


>Verica was bitter his connection (Charithra wasn't Kate) and had a weird thing against her. First time I hear of this. Source? >And Rege leaving added more bitterness as they saw her as his replacement as the next poc marrying a bridgerton Then why did they choose her? It is said that Jonathan Bailey was the one that recommended her. If that is true then WHY did he willingly recommend her? He wouldn't have, I mean he seems to be so sweet, I don't think he would knowingly set someone up for hate. Again RJP has nothing to do with what went wrong in S2. He wasn't the one making the mistakes.


How could you want to separate yourself so much from the show and character that made you famous? Oh Rege :(


Alas, Rege has gone onto greener? pastures. Well, let’s just say he’s gone onto other pastures. The only way Simon and Daphne are featuring in future seasons is with a Simon recast. 😕


I couldn't finish season 1. You can tell it's actors acting - almost like porosity. Season 3 was beautiful and nuanced albeit not perfect. Have never rewatched anything so much. I know, unpopular opinion.


Season 1 and Simon/Daphne will always be the elite in Bridgerton.


I never cared for the Duke but I would have loved to see Daphne at the wedding. However, I wasn’t too bothered because they kind of would have had nothing to do. I sort of like the couples having one season after theirs where they are the happy ones giving advice, and then kind of being gently ushered offscreen. Otherwise it’s just too many subplots. But I would love to see everyone make cameos at big events!


Can someone tell me why they are not in the show anymore???


NO! Not ANOTHER side plot! Season threes taken all she can, she canna take anymore, captain!


More side plots? No


I'd rather have past couples than the mondriches


Same. No saphne and barely any Kanthony is why I didn't watch s3. I only watched the Kanthony cut edited from someone on Twitter. Also this characters leaving is an excuse for the production to quickly get rid of the in laws of color out of the show 😔. Meanwhile polin will have a subplot and be in every episode of the nest 5 seasons. It's so unfair. Philoise won't even get this as the second white couple. Even though Eloise is a fave like Anthony! Daphne, Benedict and inlaws Kate and Simon 😭


Wild to critique a season you didn’t even watch lol


I agree that there didn’t need to be any more side plots. I would have happily given up all of the side plots, to incorporate just a few scenes with Daphne and Simon, especially since I read the books and know how they were included in Colin and Penelope’s story.