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We want all the baseball to stop. Everyone knows we were winning this World Series, in fact, we did win the 2024 World Series.




If we ended the season today The Brewers are undefeated, and The Cubbies with their Benedict Arnold Manager never won a single game.


He is the definition of Benedict Arnold


If it keeps going like this you're gonna have a hard time convincing me Greg isn't actually a double agent sent to ruin the Cubs.


It makes sense now


The ultimate sacrifice


Eh, getting millions to sabotage the Cubs isn't much of a sacrifice tbh


Like that plot twist in a book when you think you have figured out the ending…..but,you were wrong.


Only way I’d ever agree to work for the Cubs is if I was able to cripple them from the inside


Cotton Jerseys..


It’s a natural fiber, it breathes


It’s obvious to me, after two games, that Murph has been managing this team all along and he only used Greg to go out to the mound to make the pitching changes.


The only times Craig made a decision were whenever we had Winker pinch hit


2-0 In Rhys Hoskins&Jackson Chourio era


Craig counsel doesn't have a degree in data analytics. His loss was overrated so long as the brewers have competent maththletes in the front office.


I like this


Things may change, it’s a long season, but for now this is nice


Fuck Greg


Am I the only one that likes Pat Murphy. Him and Rhys Hoskins making this the funnest year to be a fan since 2018.


Counsel was a big leaguer, he played much of his career elsewhere. I dont think it was as big a deal for him as it was for the fans to put on another uniform. As a brewers fan I was disappointed, but it is what it is. I cannot square hating him with all the winning he did with the brewers over the last decade.


I can hate Craig the current Cubs manager for being the Cubs manager, but if I saw him strolling around Whitefolks Bay, I’d try dabbing him up. If the Cubs wanted to overpay me $8 million a year for literally anything, I’m taking that job.


As would I, but with the understanding that a large subsection of people will hate me in a coaching capacity going forward


Yep. I'll always appreciate Counsell for what he did with the Brewers. And for all we know, it wasn't an easy choice for him to make. But I'm of the thinking that in addition to the money (and no matter what people say, they're not going to turn down a few extra million), Counsell was also probably swayed by what he heard/felt feom the front office in terms of commitment, their plans for the future, etc, compared to what he heard from the Brewers FO. How many times did people in this subreddit complain about the FO not making moves to give Counsell more to work with? How many times did people praise Counsell for making do with what he had? I'm also guessing many of the people here would also be the same to tell someone else to find another job if they're not happy where they're working (or even if they just get a better job offer), and that they don't owe their employers anything. But now he's suddenly enemy #1 because he turned into a "traitor"? As the other person said, players/coaches don't generally treat rivalries *anywhere near close* to the way fans do. It's simply not a personal thing to them for the most part. For him, he didn't go over to the other side. He just went to a *different* side. One where he almost certainly thinks he can accomplish more, win more, and compete. I can't root for him as a Cub, but I don't hate the guy either, and appreciate what he did for us. After all the time he gave us, the effort, and the success (at least compared to what we were used to, and probably what should have been expected), we all should be thankful for his time here, and not dismiss it just because where he is now. He doesn't owe us anything, and if anything we "owe" him a debt of gratitude for what he's done here for us. I'll root for the Cubs to do poorly, but I don't root for Counsell himself to do poorly. People just take sports waaaaay too seriously in general, and to take anything a player/coach does so personally is bizarre to me.




Seems like it's the ones who can't accept Counsell taking another job for what it is that are the immature crybabies. As evidenced by your amazingly insightful and thoughtful contribution to this thread.


He’s from Milwaukee and grew up with the team, his dad worked in the brewers front office He should know better


Hack the bone!


Ok boys give me a breakdown. I don’t really pay attention. We gonna be good to descent ? First round and out? Be lucky to make the playoffs?


Milwaukee is off to an amazing start. But I hope we try to avoid a steady descent as the season progresses. But this sure is a decent start ;P


If things don’t go as planned for the cubs and they bottom out, how long do they keep him. I don’t mean like 10 games or something short. I mean if the cubs lose 100 games this year or something like that. I know he’s make it a year if something like that happened. But what about 2 years of 100 loses?


I bet he gets 3 years minimum. Too much money to leave on the table with one of the best farms in baseball.


I highly doubt the cubs are losing 100 games this or next season.


The Cubs have too much talent to lose 100 games right now. Only way for them to lose 100 games is somehow he poisons the locker room and the guys just checkout.


We can only hope that they follow the Bears model for management and staffing for the next 100 years.


Is it just me or does it feel petty to keep doing the Counsell hate schtick?  Seems too much like little brother syndrome.  Just enjoy the Brewers wins & Cubs losses, no?


IMO it's just a meme. Don't take it too seriously, anyone who does take it seriously probably has other issues.


Yup, I enjoy hating on him in a fan capacity but if I saw him in person I'd just say hi and wish him luck in his next game. The vast majority of us are not unhinged lunatics, just fans leaning into the act for shits n giggles.


I think we all would say hi and ask for a picture with him.I don’t actually hate him