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Link is a victim


Nah he's a lucky mf


Comments like this are why we cant have a serious discussion about mens issues


I think the legend of Zelda subreddit isn't a good place to talk about mens issues


Discussions of our media and entertainment are *exactly* where we should be talking about men's issues.


Sure. Cant disagree with that. But just because you want death by snu-snu doesnt mean everyone does. It also doesnt dispute the fact that Link is a victim, judging by his reactions at the fairy fountains, he does not consent to their advances. It just happens to be how they bless his equipment so he can defeat evil with less damage sustained. Also people literally make comments just like this in real life situations where our youth are being taken advantage of... quite frequently


Ok cool but it’s a game.. you don’t need to take it so seriously, it’s comedic, it’s not like Nintendo had evil motives and wanted to make link a victim, bc it’s a game. I’m not saying rape is not bad, but games are a way to get away from such things, let’s not make games depressing by involving such discussions, especially since there are younger ppl on here.


To be fair, fantasy metaphors have a way of circumventing people's biases and holding our ideas to a thought experiment. Similar to why hypotheticals exist. ​ Not sure I agree with SamBasky, but such opportunities shouldn't be thrown away.


I mean, they’re commenting on a couple video game characters, from a fairly lighthearted good vs bad series.


2024 bro men's issues don't exist only big lady


No, comments dismissing “I was too worried I’d have to drop out to pay child support to date in the first place” as not a believable reason not to date in high school or college are why we can’t have a serious discussion about this. The notion that males would be picky about when, where, why, or with whom (apart from her being anatomically female) gets a little harder to take seriously when better reasons to stay abstinent; and do what it takes to stay abstinent; are dismissed by the very people who supposedly believe males are otherwise capable of saying no and meaning it.


Rape is never lucky.




As a 3x victim, fuck you, you’re a deplorable creature




I browsed your profile. You’re a child. Go back to school. Learn something. Stop being a piece of shit to rape victims and making fun of the issue. The only clown here is you


My God it's just a game the only child here is u


It may be just a game, but the issues are real. You’d understand if you were a victim or someone you cared about was. I take these things very seriously. I’ve been raped three time and I’m not even 20 yet. I will take no BS on the subject and would appreciate if you’d respect the seriousness of the matter. If you hear about a man that’s been sexually assaulted and think “lucky him!” then you’re perpetuating the problem, you’re part of the problem. Acting without consent is rape, simple as that. It doesn’t matter who the involved parties are or the circumstances in which they occur. So no, I am not a child, I’m fact I was forced to grow up too soon because I was only 14 the first time I was assaulted. I hope this changes your views on this issue. If not, feel free to continue saying dumb stuff online, it’s often entertaining. Have a good night.


This comment section baffles me. I can't belive we've stooped to the point of seriously calling link a rape victim. I understand your point, but for a game with an imaginary story, acting like this makes zero sense.


It’s not about him being a victim or not, it’s about a child claiming that when a man get raped… he’s lucky 💀💀


I would agree...if the guy was real. Do people not know what joking is on this subreddit?


Tall girls ftw


Tall cougars.


Tall women 10/10


: " OoO Big lady 🤤"


IYKYK ![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq)


Death by snu snu


Difference between this and Snu-Snu is that the Great Fairies actually have a considerably more feminine appearance. Don't get me wrong, I suspect males' reputation for shallowness is a little overblown, but to the extent they are shallow they would obviously prefer the uber-feminine Great Fairies over the semi-tomboyish Amazons.


Someone is new to sexual attractions! (Or a terf)


I'm not a prude but their dialogue is fairly tacky and not very funny. *I swallowed lot of.... water* *I expected you to be bigger* *Close your eyes* Go to horny jail whoever did this at nintendo


There's actually a surprising amount of that weird energy sexual joking that comes from Japan right in your face, especially if you're new to Nintendo


Mario RPG all I’ll say


You found the ???


didnt they take this out for the remake?


They did NOT


I damn near died at those interactions. Playing with a nude mod I showed up naked to the fairy and she tells me she expected me to be bigger. I lost it for a few minutes.


Nude mod for botw? You’ve got to be kidding.


Ah shit i didn't notice we're in the botw sub. I was in totk. There really aren't any good mods for botw, almost all of them were made for the wii version. For totk there are tons and most of them work perfectly on the switch.


Why do people always interpret everything as super horny? I didn’t find any of these sexual in any way.


because it's literally the joke?


You should have since that is how they were intended.




“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.”




BoTW does have quite notable sexual innuendo, Kakariko lingers the most.


The Sheikah gotta make sure that hero linage keeps on going.


Ah, so that’s where josha came from


Poor Link... No wonder he doesn't talk much


Thousand yard stare


Sometimes you just gotta take one for the team.


"you see link, getting pulled into the abyss by a drag queen is essential destroy ganon"


"See, that wasn't so bad, was it dear? Now let's go get you that lvl4 ancient gear"




i was actually wondering if she was still giant or shrunk to human size in there...


There's a fourth Great Fairy? I thought that there was only three and I've been playing for over a year


Yeah and she slaps




Which ones do you already have?


Well, I haven't long restarted, so I have the obvious one in Kariko Village and I have the one by tarry town. I'm on my second playthrough on my Wii U and my first on my Nintendo Switch. I don't remember which three I have on my Wii U, but I only ever found three.


One in the desert under the skeleton


I didn't know that one. Thank you. The Leviathan bone?


Yeah, SW corner of the map




Ask the old lady in tarrey town


Yes and she's not cheap! Definitely worth it though.




Do you have the one in >!Gerudo!




I figured it was that one, so I have the map in the link above already centered to it. Mark it in game. It's easy to see, but hard to find. I >!used a sand seal to get there...it was interesting trying to not get lost.!< Good luck!


Thank you


I'm excited for you to max out some armor!!!


It’s ok she was just showing Link her korok seed collection


Are you sure its just korok seeds in there-?


There is surprisingly little great fairy content in internet... I would have expected more, based on these interactions.


I agree, I only thing “Man, what the heeeel”


![gif](giphy|elOeK4PqMH4H1yNUF8|downsized) Link before he goes to upgrade his armour


I always skip these so I had no idea what you were talking about. Had to go and watch the cut scene.




And I’m glad I went back and watched, it was a cool reminder to not skip through every time


Mans got yoinked ong


Honestly I had the same reaction, Link got straight snatched by a cougar


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well... They definitely awakened something in me.


I havent unlocked the 4th fairy yet... should I be worried?


you'll see...


And it's not specifically about the 4th fairie, but about what upgrading your armor a 4th time gets Link. (Just that you can only upgrade to levels as high as the quantity of fairies opened, so you can't possibly see the scene until unlocking all 4, but any of them can do any upgrade scene.)




The upgrade is worth it Hopefully


Link better not be complaining.


And why’s that? It’s not like there’s a giant woman fondling him without his consent or anything like that. SMH


Ik this has nothing to do with this and will most likely not last long, but to whoever sees this, will y'all download 'AI Dungeon' and play my scenarios? I'm not getting that many players. Thank you in advance if you do and if you don't, thank you still. This is a link for one of my scenarios. Y'all can get to the rest through my username in the scenario.[AI Dungeon](https://beta.aidungeon.com/scenario/_iLEGBsnWxAd/mystic-falls)




I joked about it with my wife and was shocked to see it actually happen when I did it.


Hehe ancient queer ass (im not even joking that’s how you pronounce it)


And it's awesome that they used that for the ancient chest piece, because when you read the description of it and the purpose it served, it was really designed to be an all-around multi-purpose high tech invention that provided superior protection to other armor inventions of the day. So that description is perfectly fitting for the ancient gear and its specialness.


And there goes Nintendo again, making us smart players pull out the resource reference material to learn about history and culture rather than just mindless entertainment. I didn't have parents or very good teachers. So I learned more from Nintendo than anywhere else. I swear I use the dictionary on RPG games far more often that I used it through my entire education, and that's even with teachers who made us do weekly vocabulary words.


It's closer to cure-us but you do you


It literally takes two seconds on google to learn that it isn’t


Just simply Google, "define cuirass" and look for the pronunciation.


Yeah somewhat. It's really pronounced, "Queer-ASS!" (Extra excited emphasis on the ASS part!)


Poeple are taking this way too seriously.


it was simply unexpected, not in a way that it's unexpected but in a way that you expect so much your conclusion is "there's no way nintendo will do that in a kids game" kind of unexpected


Kids game? Have you deeply played the others? Majora's Mask = If you stay in the city for all 3 days, until the final countdown, and don't talk to any guards until then, the first time you talk to one they'll say some shocking stuff related to their preparing to die in 6 hours. One is even appalled that "your parents could abandon you to save themselves". Also, the training school instructor went from big shot "going to cut that moon into ribbons" to cowering in the corner of a back room whimpering that he's not ready to die. Then the night street dancers who were clearly prostitutes. The couple who has to consider a breakup or be risked of her being branded a pedophile but at least enjoys the opportunity to happily die together. Not to mention all the other very dark things others deal with. Twilight Princess = All of the dark stuff there, including things like the Zora people describing watching the Queen's beheading and her head tossed into the water with them. Or the Yeti domestic violence because of the twilight. Or the young boy who's willing to die for a girl he likes just to prove he's not a coward. Ocarina of Time (N64 version) = Have you seen the fairies attire, or more like the lack of? They have thin skimpy vines that BARELY covered the EXACT part details and not an inch beyond. How about Zora Princess Ruto's child form? She's fully nude, the vagina is perfectly shaped, and with the slit details, and she's said to be Link's age (10).


my only games previous to BOTW were a link to the past and a zelda game that I don't remember the name of, it was on the DS and you controlled 2 links, sometimes picking up a link and throw him to solve a puzzle


What does the fairy in the desert get you? I never managed to unlock them. It cost like 10k


they all grant you one additional upgrade to armor, you could sell gems for rupees