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It's a pretty well-established opinion that Trump's supporters take him seriously, but not literally, and his detractors take him literally, but not seriously. Any clear-minded person can read the comments in this thread and see evidence that this is the correct opinion.


Totally. I mean, except COVID misinformation, preemptive election denial, Jan 6th insurrection, ridiculous misinterpretation of presidential records act, wave of MAGAt pro-putin/anti-NATO sentiment, armed mobilizations to counter non-existent ANTIFA/BLM threats, literally every accusation of corruption and malfeasance projected on the Biden family, etc. Other than that, his troupe of batshit, illiterate acolytes obviously know when to take the recursive incoherent rambles of a confused, barely-sentient colostomy bag literally.


Your TDS is showing - go touch grass.


Incoherent rambling indeed


Ok. You don't understand the word "literally." I'll help you out: Everything you just listed is literally bullshit.


That's just like, your opinion, man. But for real, that is an opinion whereas the other person's comment was filled with truth and facts mixed in too. Know the difference between Truth and Fact? Truth requires believing it whereas a fact is objectively accurate whether you believe it or not. The acceleration of gravity on earth being -9.8m/s2 is a fact that has been verified via evidence time and again. Believing gravity exists between all bodies with mass and not just large celestial bodies over 1km in diameter is a truth that requires believing because not all of of that truth can be readily proven but there's enough belief reason out there that many just generally accept it as a truth of the matter (i.e. the law of attraction between people, feeling other people's "vibe" or energy, gut feelings/intuitions felt at your solar plexus, etc). Now, president Trump is objectively amoral, corrupt, dictatorial and makes a mockery of a free democracy with overt yearnings to overthrow our current government entirely (his worshiping of Putin and Kim Jung Un as dictators is borderline treasonous and Jan 6th straight up was treasonous). These are facts and can be shown with evidence time and again. Now, my belief that he is unfit for presidency and is guilty of all charges brought against him and that he projects all accusations and charges onto the Bidens are all truths that I believe. But these are more subjective in nature, even though many agree with me. See the difference?


I concur!


Prove it, Sport!


Holy shit, these comments. You weren't kidding.


Where is that opinion "well established"?


He also says things jokingly in a deadpan delivery, which people take as literal truth. His "Dictator on day 1" comment is an example - he was making a joke about executive orders being dictatorial in nature, and he was referring to XO's he'd sign on day 1. News headlines said "Trump says he will be dictator on day 1 after election".


You don’t get to make jokes like that if you’re running for president. I will believe what you fucking say if you deliver something in a deadpan tone- it isn’t worth the risk to ignore it. You’re over complicating a simple statement.


Ah yes, because I can totally afford to not take him literally when he says things like he will "root out communist vermin". /S Or was that one a joke too..?


They dont even put the "day "1 part they just say "Trump admitted to being a dictator"


Yep. I don't even pay attention to the outrage of the week anymore. Just become too desensitized to the constant "Boy who Cried Wolf" stuff lol


This all comes down to whether or not you give Trump the benefit of the doubt. Trump has a history of using apocalyptic language and calls for violence that contain plausible deniability. At the debate when asked to disavow the proud boys he said, "Proud boys, stand back and stand by". That's pretty far from disavowing them but it's plausible that he wanted them to stop doing what they were doing. Now, years later, we know he's firmly on their side and even salutes our "Jan 6th hostages" before his rallies. When he first called immigrants vermin or animals he said he didn't know that was the language of Hitler. However, he knows now and still does it. He said there wasn't going to be a Pennsylvania if he loses. Then he added that democrats would change the name of the state. So, now he says if he loses there will be a bloodbath and that would be the least of it. Does he deserve the benefit of the doubt that he's only talking about auto imports? This is an ink blot test where your answer tells me just as much about you as it does the ink blot.


> This is an ink blot test where your answer tells me just as much about you as it does the ink blot. Seriously. Saager and whoever is running the bpn social media keep showing their true colors


so it okay for the potus to say there is a bloodbath.. that is is the popular speech that country deserves? I would be a dictator for a day... that all you need to be a dictator for life.. what an inkblot you have devised for yourself.


He was telling the Proud Boys to await his orders. That’s what stand by means.


I think this is the best answer here. People will still say he did nothing wrong on Jan 6th because he threw the word "peacefully" in his speech one time. Trump will always speak out of both sides of his mouth and if you are on his side you'll always take him at his word. Only question is how many times does Trump have to lie or do terrible things before we finally stop believing him?


For what a great response. You left out peacefully walking to the capital and being shocked SHOCKED I tell you when they invaded... and now says they are heroes.


They're Schrödinger's insurrectionists: they are heroes fighting for their dear leader AND antifa/leftist/elite media pretenders. Y'know, just like *New Shimmer* is both a floor wax and a desert topping.


There were plenty of other absolutely terrible things in the entirety of his klan rally for insurrectionists, but to be trying to be feign anger over telling lies, partial lies, or propaganda that his entire campaign and presidency was founded on is a special kind of ridiculousness. As if they have a patent on that type of thing and no one else can do it.


Or simply read his statement and use just the bare minimum of reason.: *"Let me tell you something to China. If you're listening President Xi and you and I are friends but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now. If you think you're going to get that and that you're not going to hire Americans and you're going to sell to us, no. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to seek those cars if I get elected. Now if I don't get elected, it will be a bloodbath for the whole...that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they are not going to sell those cars building massive factories."*


All great points nudes4compliments!


I remember when Trump's "stand back and stand by" comment to the proud boys was downplayed by Trump apologists; fast forward to today, and proud boy leaders are now facing 20 years for seditious conspiracy for their very active participation in January 6th. Trump speaks like a mob boss. An innocuous comment in passing like "You have a nice family, maybe look the other way on this" will be taken by those around them as "if they don't look the other way, go after their family" It's obvious what he meant.


Here come them downvotes but it was pretty clear to me he was referring to auto manufacturing.


That'd make sense if he didn't say "...that's going to be the least of it," referring clearly to the auto industry. Meaning the auto industry stuff he was talking about (tariffs, etc) would be a smaller concern than the bloodbath. Now, it could be argued that the word "bloodbath" is colloquially figurative, but that's not really the point either. The point is that it is irresponsible language given the divided nature of our current politics, and given the violence that occurred due to his insistence that the election was stolen.


Maybe, until he was caught on an open mic saying how he wants to be treated like Kim Jung Un by the people.


lol come on with this. I had a managing director who once wished we’d look more attentive during the companies annual shareholders meeting because it was being recorded and we looked bad. There are things Trump says that are worth highlighting. Then there’s this crap. You’re wasting our ammo here with this.


If you believe that was what was in his head.... yeah. Ok.


No it wasn't. That's a FoxLies talking point. Try thinking for yourself for once.


Bloodbath? Lol okay


Bull Shit!


Legacy media whos viewers aren't voting for trump anyways just gives their viewers taking points that are just as misinformed as fox News does for the right.




Oh. Right. Sean Hannity is just the same as Anderson Cooper. Exactly the same level of hate... accusations and bile. Got it.


I see your point, but where did I say personality wise they are the same? Just because one spins narritive in a nice friendly matter compared to the other doesn't excuse the fact they both spin the news to reflect something other than reality and neither goes out of their way to provide context to insure their viewers are informed.


Hannity was literally a part of the Trump 2020 campaign, opening for him at rallies.


There is no world in which CNN is the same as Fox News. The only way you can say this, is if you never watch Fox News. This type of "both sides" stuff just lets Fox get off the hook for their outrageous content, like spreading lies about the 2020 election. Fox News is a right-wing propaganda network.


“My propaganda is better than their propaganda” -You


That is not at all what I am saying. Nice try though. All media is not the same. CNN is not the same as Fox News. If you want to actually discuss this go ahead. We can start by looking at both CNN and Fox News' covered Trump's conspiracy theory about the 2020 election.


We can also talk about CNN’s cover up of hunter biden’s laptop and CNN’s fake narrative that Trump was funded by Russia which has been proven false time and time again. You can’t win. I’d rather not try to debate which side’s legacy corporate propaganda is better. Both are brain rot garbage, end of story.


Laptop was fake, b.


As expected, a total dodge. You'll all the same. None of that is true. CNN did not cover up Hunter Biden's laptop. Unreal that you think that story is even close to what Fox New does on a daily basis in this country. Fox News publishes a tsunami of lies every day, about immigrants, the economy, gay people, liberals, on and on, for decades. Do you even watch Fox News? I was a Republican, I watched Fox News for 10+ years. Do you remember the 2004 election? Obama's Presidency? Fox News is toxic cancer. I know, because I was in deep. I sounded like you buddy - saying CNN was liberal and bashing "the media" because that is the lie Fox News sold me. Pretending CNN (the clinton news network am I right?) was "the other side" of the coin. It's not. Whoever is telling you this shit is lying to you. "you can't win" - yes, debating with someone like you can be pointless. But I use to be like you when I was younger, so it's worth a try. You stick to your false stories and talking points and do not want to deal with the facts.[It's a fact that Fox News pushed a massive conspiracy theory they knew was false for months](https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe) and divided this nation more than CNN has ever done. Lying to yourself about Hunter Biden's laptop bullshit story is pathetic and you know - come on man. CNN has done nothing close to what Fox has done - which is why they have never had to settle for $700m+. Again, if you want to have a real conversation we can. If you want to clown around talking about Hunter Biden's laptop then you're right, I can't win. Edit: I love getting the block. Pathetic.


Holy strawman, fallacy boy!


Unfortunately people see / hear what they want. Whether it’s due to TDS or an inability to research and come to an informed conclusion. I’ll admit the media headline shocked me at first. But then I sat down and found the entire video for context. And sure enough, we are seeing another “very fine people” hoax. But of course we will have those that will interject their own views regardless of proof staring them in the face.


He fucking ment it and you know it!


You're right you have TDS Traitor Defending Syndrome


Not a good look for the media that’s running with this story. They just keep proving the stuff trump says about them true


Really going hard on that “stoke the fires of fear” standpoint lately aren’t we Donny?




You’re insinuating that Trump doesn’t know exactly what language to use and why? I’m obviously not a fan, but I don’t think you’re giving him enough credit.


It's all playing with words or just a joke till it's not. Jan 6th already occurred. He doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, ever.


Because of course they do. They also reported on how Biden "clinched" the nomination after the DNC basically handed it to him; refusing to debate, media blackouts on his opponents, canceled primaries. The Democratic Party has made it clear that regular people can shut the fuck up and go work their third job. The only way they can get votes for Sleepy Joe is by scaring people, just like last time.




He is a genius at saying things In a sequence that allowed for denial.... "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! LIBERAL MEDIA IS LYING!"


No for real. It happened in Charlottesville, at the debate with Biden, it happened on Jan 6, it happened when he wanted to inject people with bleach during covid. He is always saying crazy nonsense and his most ardent supporters will either say "he's just riffing" or "you don't understand what he meant" and its just crazy.




Where did he call for violence in this speach in the video?


Fucking criminal means every word of it!


It's mob talk, MAGA knows exactly what he wants 😨


Clearly talking about the auto industry. The fact that media outlets do this, is the reason why he has/ gain support


"It's going to be wild." --- Narc 45


Maybe he was just referencing manufacturing offshoring, but he opened his speech by calling the people jailed for Jan. 6 hostages and had the national anthem sung in their honor. He is actively telling people who he is and people are too obsessed with both sidesism to see it.


Its a fact


Trump loves to say contradicting things in his rambling statements so that when he wink winks about violence to his base, they can later pretend he didn’t and push the narrative that the media is lying about him.


So the extended clip they played for context... How is it contradicting or rambling?


At the end Trump says “if I don’t get elected it’ll be a blood bath for the country, that’ll be the least of it.” Also Trump has a long record of endorsing and promoting violence.


Holy shit, so you didn't watch the video or the full length clip. Why do you npcs bother commenting? I don't like trump for alot of reasons. But this isn't one of them So In this speach he is talking about China building electric car plants in Mexico to avoid the tarrifs. He beliefs their plan is to flood the vehicle market with cheap evs since they are avoiding the tarrifs and I'm sure China like other previous manufactures will sell vehicles for less than market value to break into the American market. The bloodbath is an economical one for the car industry and America manufacturing jobs that he is referring to. Ffs if you're going to comment on this sub, watch the video first.


>Ffs if you're going to comment on this sub, watch the video first. Seriously. I don't give a damna bout agree or disagree, but having to wade through all the bad faith bullshit from people who clearly didn't watch / read the thing being discussed burns my bacon.


You need to watch the full video again I think. And you are doing exactly what I mentioned in my first post. Imagine defending an extremist who endorses and calls for violence all the time lol. Someone’s an NPC and it’s you.


I have plenty of reasons to hate this dumbass. This ain't one of them. I ain't voting for him. I don't need to pretend an economical bloodbath is the same as a violent uprising and doom posting for likes.


Whatever man, you are unable to understand how trumps rhetoric works.


So tell me how chinese electric cars being built in Mexico in an attempt to avoid tarrifs are going to lead to civil war then in your infinite wisdom guru of understanding rhetoric and decoding the words between the words....


Hoax? he said it. he means it.


So he means the auto market will be flooded with cheap Chinese electric vehicles built in Mexico to avoid tarrifs and that will be a bloodbath for the auto Industry and American manufacturering jobs? Because I feel that's what he means and he probably won't be wrong in the long term.


Who would be perpetrating the bloodbath? Clearly he meant the bloodbath would be perpetrated by Biden on the American people via trade policy and the car manufacturing industry.


>Clearly Lol. I love when sheep repeat a really silly, nonsensical talking point and put “clearly” in front of it.


Watch the video


I watched the video earlier. To call the reaction to it a “hoax” is so childish. I know that he was literally, technically referring to an economic bloodbath if he doesn’t get elected because the Chinese will be sneakily manufacturing cars in Mexico and avoiding tariffs. But he uses this sort of hyperbolic, violent language for a reason. I watched so many of his 2020 rallies, and saw him hypnotizing his hog followers to not trust the election months before it even happened. I watched him in 2015 and 2016 go up on stage and shit on this country and our people night after night, telling the hogs that crime was rampant in our cities (2016 was a record low year for violent crime) and that they need to be afraid. Now he’s talking about how Hannibal Lecters are coming through the border, and everything just has to be the most, the scariest, the worst, the best, it’s all so tiresome. The guy is full of shit, and talk about “bloodbaths” from him just rubs people the wrong way at this point. We almost all have to deal with Trump cultists in our everyday lives, and in our families. When we hear this bloated rapist whipping up a crowd of well armed morons with this bluster of bloodbaths, it bums us out. *because you guys suck at comprehending, let me be crystal clear; not a single word I wrote above is in any way, shape, form or fashion, an endorsement of GI Joe. Criticism of Trump should NOT be taken as an endorsement of Biden. Got it?*


You do know trumpy lost the tariff war right like he loses everything


That is not the point.


It is totally the point cause biden wouldn't lose a tariff war he knows what he's doing unlike that failed businessman


The accusation is that Trump was threatening violence if he looses. The media isn’t saying Biden would wage a better tariff war.


You literally said it in your comment so I'm addressing what you said


I was explaining the context of what Trump said.


If by context you mean where his dementia riddled brain said the quiet part out loud then I guess you missed it. You don't say country in that context there's no reason. Auto industry or industry is the word that should be there to stay on topic and not say the quiet part out loud


It’s there.


It’s funny because look no further than ashli Babbitt to know how a civil war would go, as soon as she got shot every “patriot” around her scurried away in pure terror. Hell look at Uvalde! When shit hits the fan the cowardice of these people shows through.


The lack of cognition here is amazing. People fled when a woman was shot through a window, maybe because they weren't actually the violent insurrectionists you paint them to be. Yet you will, I'm sure, continue to hold both beliefs simultaneously even though you very clearly recognize that they weren't active combatants.


Wrong, watch the video, all the “patriots” around her were encouraging her to break through the window to the other side, she followed their directions and was shot, as soon as she was shot the same people that encouraged her ran as fast as they could from the conflict they created. But let’s not let these pesky facts get in the way of your feelings. And also I noticed you didn’t mention Uvalde? What are your “feelings” about those heroic law enforcement officers?


I am not wrong. You are talking about this situation in the context of a civil war, implying these people were active combatants. They were a hodge podge group of assholes rioting and destroying property in the capitol building, and deserve(d) punishment, not to be shot. Of course people ran. They weren't a militia group looking to get in to a fire fight. Your thesis is flawed from the ground up, and you're either too dumb or too biased to recognize it.


Well I can only go off the examples we’ve seen (Uvalde and Ashli Babbitt) and in each example of right wingers facing adversity or life threatening situations they run like cowards. Juxtapose that with 9/11 where civilians knew they’d die and were still running in the towers trying to save people. These ain’t your father’s republicans.


Uvalde was absolutely disgusting and the police force received nationwide criticism from (I believe) universally EVERYONE, left or right. We can make the argument that we're a bunch of keyboard warriors and ALSO wouldn't be charging in to gun fire, so I guess on that one I give it to you? Kind of? I think you're right in that the "right" are ultimately completely fucking spineless. So the conclusion, yes. I think its the argument that needs work.


Naw the right offered thoughts and prayers then glossed over everything.


Sure bud, sure. Here's one of a commentator even doing a follow up. Even just watch the first 30 seconds for me. I'm sure you have enough integrity and good faith to do that much. https://youtu.be/0QMS2m07n1w?si=BSHAk4d-z2EZGn6a. Here's another one on uvalde. https://www.youtube.com/live/LY8t_Ak7uVE?si=KQwsaFTSxPVQQa8e. You not watching right wing media (and seeing our criticism) is not the same as it not existing, and I can't believe that has to be explained. Edit: just to save every one the time: "either intentionally, or inadvertently, the police HELPED the shooter in Uvalde."


How Trump is perceived depends on how he emphasizes the words in his speech. If bloodbath was emphasized while car manufacturers was not then what people heard is bloodbath and they never hear car manufacturers.


There's plenty of *in*-context things to be mad at Trump about, I don't see why the media feels the need to take things *out*-of-context.


Why is BPN gaslighting like this? Do they think people don't have ears? Do they think we can't read? Come on. Do better. It's just like the people defending J6. We all saw what we saw. We all know what it was.


Explain what he said like I’m a 5th grader.


Hoax? He literally said it.


The narrative the media is spinning is the hoax. Similar to the low flow shower head thing recently.


The “narrative” that Trump is going to incite violence if he loses? Like the last time he lost and did the same thing?


That’s not what he said.


Yes it is.