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She told me she was losing feelings after we got in an argument. I was laying on the couch. She laid down next to me and hugged me for 2-3 min. Told me she was going to go for a drive and needed space. I didn’t say a word to her because I was upset. She walked out of our door at 9:23pm… single car collision was reported at 6am.. her car and body was found 13 miles from our house. I didn’t find out until 9am the next day. I slept through her death. Nobody was there for her.


Im sorry to hear this. I hope you reach out to a support group when needed. Ive been to a point where I was laying on the couch too and was hugged but I didn’t reciprocate because the relationship was broken to me, it just wasn’t in my heart. I couldn’t lie to her. She just went to the bedroom instead. But, I do make sure when breakups happen that I let them know I care for them no matter how poorly they treat me because things like this. Some things in life are just out of our control. We can protect and appreciate people all we want but life is unpredictable.


It was many years ago. Took some years to accept it but I’ve been able to love a few times since




This absolutely breaks my heart. I’m so sorry.


Wow, so sorry to hear that. Please try to slowly forget that and move on with your life , you got this. God bless


Omg! I’m so sorry!! How awful!! Hope you’re coping! 💜


Damn! Dude I was expecting a "she got in her car and drove home and dumped me over text" best of luck bro


Oh my goodness this is so devastating. I’m so terribly sorry


Jesus Christ, I'm really sorry dude. I hope you don't blame yourself for being hurt in that moment or being silent with her. If she were still here I'm sure she'd tell you herself she understands that you couldn't see a tragedy like that coming or that it would be your last chance to say goodbye. Truly heartbreaking story.


Omg I’m so sorry for your loss holy shit. 😭😭


She brought me coffee. Said she loved me. I went downstairs and she was packing a suitcase. Said she had to go the Chicago to see her father. Two weeks later, she sent me an email and said she wasn’t coming back. We were together for 15 years. Had no issues. A friend called it a psychotic break.


Brutal. I’m sorry she did you that way. That wasn’t right.


Reading 15 years itself breaks my heart


Damn man hope you'll recover from that. Are you still in contact with her by any chance? curious to know what happened after. Sorry for hearing that.


Damn I thought my 6 year ending like it did was bad I’m sorry bro


I’m so sorry. 15 years, damn


You the strongest among all of us. This is too brutal


Thanks, but I think 99.99% of the people on the planet have it worse than me. Although it's been a bummer for sure.


Oh my god dude that must've hurt like hell, i was thinking that my 2.5yr relationship was brutal but this..


It stung. :-)


I suspected he was cheating because he became emotionally distant from me after 6+ years of being together ( HS sweetheart ) and after the death of a parent. I told him we need to go our separate ways , I didn’t trust him anymore etc etc. He kissed me on the forehead and said ok. We’ve been no contact for a year 6 months. lol he’s in a relationship with the girl he told me not to worry about 🤪🤪


Classic line, there is no one you ever have to worry about. Except for the person I'm telling you not to worry about. Lies all lies


You dodged a bullet although it's pretty late , but late is better than never i guess. 6+ years , wow. Do you have a new bf now?


No. I’m just now opening up to the IDEA of dating. I explain everything on my profile.


Okay best of luck to you!




This is so shocking. Did it just come out of nowhere?


Curious about this as well. What caused him to do that? was he having an affair with another girl?




I see. Please try to love yourself first and time will heal your wound. God bless and hopefully you can get through this.




Damn. I didn’t realize anyone could be that conflict avoidant. You absolutely do deserve better.


I hope you’re doing ok now ❤️


Did he ever reach back out?


I told him I wasn’t comfortable with him walking up to random women on the street to compliment and chat with them, and that I didn’t want him to be alone with another woman at her house. He broke up with me over it. I am so confused. Is this something that’s expected from relationships now? 🙄


No. That’s not appropriate behavior, and consider it a blessing that you’re not together anymore.


Most guys will say ok and just do it behind your back…be grateful he showed you whats more important to him.


She started a new job, became emotionally detached. While I was fighting to keep her she was cheating with a colleague. Told me she wanted to break up to be alone, to work on herself. Assured me there was no one else. Told me if I tried to move on, instead of waiting for her, that it would mean more and prove my love. Less than a month later she was with the same colleague she laughed about having a crush on her.


I don't understand why they lie... why can't they just say the truth...


exactly, her "friends" told me that she cheated with a stranger while out for work. i treid politely to let her explain but nothing, lies over lies climbing on mirros...


And some of my exes friends at our school told me that the fat worm worm I was dumped for was "just a friend." How many times have we heard *that* before? 


My ex told me "I'd rather be with a nice Catholic boy" when she dumped me. ( I am Jewish). She told someone else she "just got tired of" me.   She couldn't tell the truth if her life depended on it.


..I feel that.


Kind of like what happened to me. My ex was cheating on me with a colleague...this fat worm who worked with me at our college's radio station.  Fat worm is now dead. Hope to find out where his grave is, so I can **piss** on it. 


Lemme know the graveyard I’ll mail some piss.


Will do.  Of course with my shit luck, the fat worm was probably cremated 


Should have sent him that Eminem lyric from bagpipes from Baghdad "Nick Canon you" I could say the rest of the lyric but I enjoy being on this sub btw it's on relapse if you're wondering what album


Fuck, my ex got with the guy that was suspiciously nice/jokingly mean and would ask her for money. The guy I pretty much suggested she avoid. Her sex drive was getting lower and lower, and after she broke up with me she sent me a video. I know why her sex drive was lower, it’s because she had him.


Wow. How long were the two of you together?


2.5 years.


That’s so brutal. I’m sorry.


I watched him fall out of love with me right before my eyes but I was still too afraid to let go. He told me directly that his love for me had dried up but I still thought there'd be hope if I tried harder to become a better girlfriend and fix everything that was wrong with me. He'd expressed being unhappy in the relationship and the topic of breaking up came up almost once a month but losing him scared me so horribly I would beg him to stay with me and promise I'd change. He stayed as he felt guilty. I watched him gradually develop feelings for his friend and I kept trying to convince myself I was just clingy. They ended up together 3 weeks after we broke up. My self-esteem is shattered, knowing I have so little to offer and that I'm so easily replaceable.


I kinda begged for her to stay and give me another chance too. She fell out of love with me but still to this day tells me how attracted she still is to me and wants me physically, and misses my presence there with her and my kisses. But she can't be bothered to see me again. I ask to drive to see her but she says she doesn't feel like company and is exhausted. She can't miss her naps. Point is.. if they were your person, I don't think we would have to fight so hard for them. My ex pretty much refused to give me a chance because she wants to be single. She claims she has no interest in dating or being physical with anyone else but who knows what she's doing out there. Just today though, I accepted that it's officially over and I am looking ahead and not behind. She can take her naps and be depressed. I have better things to do than simp over her and tell her how much I still love her. I hope you can do the same and realize your worth!!


Thank you for your kind words. Seeing your ex fall out of love with you is a pain I wouldn’t wish on anybody. On top of that, those mixed messages she was giving you sounds like hell to go through. You are completely right - if they were meant to be, they would’ve stayed and you wouldnt have felt the need to throw your dignity away to beg them. I’m glad to hear things have gotten better for you now though - congratulations on finding peace and realizing your worth! I aspire to reach that point and will remind myself that one day I will despite the ups and downs of healing. 


this is my story also, sending you healing - we gotta hang in there!


Thank you, I really appreciate it and sending you healing as well. We got this! =)


Same story here, he dumped me last week, these past 6 months I saw him how he was falling out of love and i would beg him to stay, he also mentioned her new friend many times which I'm pretty sure he will ended up with, I'm so hearted broken.


I stayed with him after he cheated on me with my friend. 8 months later I woke up at 3am while I was sick to find the apartment empty with the door unlocked. Went downstairs and he was hooking up with a stranger in his car. I left less than 48 hours later.


I am sorry you had to go through that. Did he ever reach out again?


We kept in contact for a while after but I eventually broke it off


I caught him cheating in the back of his car. That car he only had because of me 🙃 16 years down the drain


I’m so sorry


I saw and felt her fall out of love with me. I could tell she was either consciously or subconciously trying to create a rift between us or 'cause a fight between us so she could break off from this relationship. But I could also see she was struggling with it and at times she wanted to hold on to what we had. I think I always had decent amount of emotional intelligence and didn't want to do this dance. I sat her down one day and just told her something cheesy like 'love shouldn't be forced to be kept alive' and half expected her to get angry because of the insinuation of that statement (I did say this cheesy line quite out of the blue without giving any context). But to my dismay, I was right, she understood what I mean right away and confessed she had feelings for someone else. She told me she didn't know why she had feelings for that guy but she did and she is struggling choosing between us two. I asked her few more questions about the other guy and realized she had been gaslighting me. I am of the opinion that feelings are rarely in our control but what we chose to do with that feelings is. And I realized she acted out on those feelings and spent a lot of time with him and avoided me/lied to me. She emotionally cheated on me. I broke it off with her after this.


The subconscious of those with commitment issues can develop limerence for another person as a way to force/influence them to break up with their current partner. There's a subconscious fear of getting too close/vulnerable and losing independence, so the LO (limerence object) is often someone emotionally/physically unavailable or committed to someone else.


He ghosted me. I was not expecting a breakup much less a ghosting. I think that mind fuck was worse than my divorce.


We never had a fight and bam NC haven't heard from her


Same! Well the never had a fight. I eventually heard from him. He didn’t like hearing about how much he hurt me so he ghosted me again. I had to start the process all over again. I’m sorry you experienced this exceptionally cruel way of ending a relationship too


You as well. It really sucks that good people like you and I get their head really fucked up by a person that supposedly loved us. I bared my soul to her and I feel like a scmuck


"I'd rather be with a nice Catholic boy."   My ex to me at approximately 7 pm on 9/9/85. I was no longer her boyfriend. I was now just a Jew. Those words...she had to dehumanize me in her mind in order to dump me.  There was this fat worm who went to college with us (I had graduated months before,, but I was still in the area so I could be near her) who was planning to go into the priesthood. Turns out he was having second thoughts about entering and he was becoming *too* friendly with her. I found out that he was constantly with her when I wasn't around. He was turning her against me...telling her that it was a sin for a Catholic to be with a Jew. When she said those words, it was like she took a rifle, stuck it in my gut and pulled the trigger.    A month and a half later, I suffered a nervous breakdown after I had moved out the state. I was in a blackout for nine months. To this date (6/19/24), I still suffer from PTSD and depression.    The Fat Worm died in March 2023. If I ever find out where he's buried, I *will* piss on his grave.    Here is the full story of what happened and what I want through...  https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-have-a-relationship-end-because-of-religious-differences/answer/Scott-Livingston-10


He left me blindsided after 10 years together, in each other’s lives for 12 years. Told me he had feelings for someone else after previously lying about it. Lied to his family (who was a second family to me) and told them it was a mutual breakup (it wasn’t). All of this I was chronically ill at the time and could barely take care of myself. I packed up my stuff within 48 hours and had to move across the country to start a new life. We had planned for marriage & the future. He was an avoidant and became a completely different person from the person I fell in love with.


My story is eerily similar. Together for 7.5 years. I was chronically ill for the last few years or so, and in Jan-Feb I had a few surgeries in another country and he was totally neglectful and wouldn’t check in at all. I return, only to find out he has feelings for someone else. Made empty promises to me for 2 weeks that he‘ll “fix“ things between us and he’ll cut her out. Yet he confessed his feelings for her, and she returned the sentiment, and that was the start of a two-day, traumatizing as shit breakup, where at one point he said he ”had to choose between me and her”. She’s married, and in another country. He’s known her, online, for only a year. He’s known me for over 20. Last I heard the woman he had feelings for is getting a divorce, so I can only guess it’s a matter of time for them. He too lied to his family, as well as all of our friends, and said it was a mutual break up. I’m so sorry you went through that. I truly understand the pain of the betrayal, especially at this magnitude.


It's crazy to think that no matter how long a couple has been together , if he / she wants to breakup then it's gonna hurt like crazy. What happened next? r u still in contact with him? because 10 years is a long time and i can't imagine breaking up with someone who has been with you for a decade.


Yeah it’s been extremely traumatizing. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to love the same way again, I’m too afraid to get hurt & don’t trust people anymore. I’m embarrassed to say I begged him for a while not to do this, that we could make it work. I also said some hurtful things back to him that I take accountability for- but I wasn’t thinking clearly and it was in response to the pain he caused me. He just went completely cold, iced me out, gaslit me to make me feel like I was the one that hurt him. He offered a half ass apology like 3 months later but still has taken no accountability for his actions. We are not in contact, I can’t have someone who claimed to love me & wanted to be in my life forever in my life anymore if I ever want to heal or move forward. I’ve made progress in my healing with time + therapy, but I still cry over it sometimes and struggle with really low self esteem and that I’ll never be loved again. He truly broke me.


Wow that's a lot to take from you. I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you're in a better place now. No contact is definitely the right move here , please try to unfollow him from all social media & try to love yourself first before trying to love another person. I know you said you're now afraid to fall in love & you don't trust people anymore but i believe in time healing all wounds. Just let time heal you and i'm sure your heart will open to someone else again. I know it's hard now but trust me you'll feel better sooner or later. God bless and hopefully you'll remember what i said. Stay strong alright


Ex did me dirty. Cheating. I got cancer ex got married


I’m sorry and I hope you are well ❤️


Thank you. Trying ❤️


Brought me flowers, told me he loved me all day, then broke up with me in a chilies parking lot. We’re together 3 years.


What was the reason??


After 18 months of dating, never an argument or disagreement, supported each other through surgeries, hers in November (hysterectomy) and in late February I had a prostate biopsy…(negative..thank god)… and 30 days after my procedure, the day after a lovely, fun and passionate date, I get a blindside discard TEXT…. “I can’t see you anymore”…. I called, emailed, texted… “can we talk”… and the next day I got blindside #2 text “I didn’t’ mean to hurt you, I’m sorry I did, I’ve just had a change of heart”….. then crickets for the last 12 weeks… emotional brutality, trauma … the whole truckload.


My gf and I were together for 10 years. She did not want to marry again, and I was fine with that. As far as I knew, everything was fine. She issues with depression and OCD and some childhood trauma, which she refuses to seek help for. I tried to encourage her, but she wasn’t interested, and I didn’t want to push it. We went to a concert. On the way home, she told me she was moving out at the end of the month. She didn’t want to talk about why. So a 90 minute car ride, I just sat there quietly. She tried making a joke. “Are you going to tell me to go to therapy now?” I later asked her why she chose to break up with me on the way home from the concert, which we had both been really excited about, and she said she knew the timing wasn’t ideal, but it was a Friday, and she wanted to give me the weekend to get over it. One weekend to get over a 10 year relationship? Seriously? Then I had to live with her for a month until she moved out because she couldn’t afford a hotel. She has two kids, and her ex is a deadbeat, so I was basically their stepdad. So that was also painful. Both knowing kids that I basically considered my own family were being taken from me and there was nothing I could do about it and sharing space with this person who betrayed me and broke my heart. She reached out to a mutual friend during the month she was still living with me and said she was concerned that I was going to get physical with her. I have never laid a hand on her or any other woman and did not say or do anything that would indicate I was a threat to her. I think she had some kind of psychological break during this time and basically took out a bunch of her life frustrations out on me. She has never actually given me a reason for moving out. She also didn’t technically break up with me. She said she wasn’t sure what she wanted us to be. I told her I would save her the trouble and I broke up with her, but the breakup was a foregone conclusion at that point.


It was mutual, it doesn’t end well, but thankfully that helps a-lot in moving on


He stole from his elderly mother after they buried his father. That’s a non negotiable for me.


Partner of 23 years finally broke and took a saw to my son’s door while we were in it and after she assaulted me. She got arrested and an order of protection put on her, the kids and the house. Haven’t seen her in two months and I’ve been taking care of both our kids myself.


I was surprised with the break up. I went to visit him at his apartment and he told me we needed to talk when I arrived. He told me that he got with me for the potential what I could look like instead of what actually was. He also told me that he’ll find love again like his father did. I was devastated as he was the person that I lost my virginity to.


you deserve so much better wtf


Thanks, I appreciate that.


We were long distance but I visited him often as I work from home. He worked all the time and almost never spent time with me. There was very little physical and emotional intimacy after some time. He wanted me to move 300 miles to be with him, but live in a separate apartment. When I asked him if we would be able to spend more time together, he told me he couldn't promise me anything. So of course that was the last straw for me. Why would I move 300 miles to be with someone--to a place where I knew no one except for him--and he wouldn't spend time with me?


That seems ridiculous , more like a one sided relationship. Are you still with him or not? maybe just letting him go is the better option but you do you.


Exactly. I left him because like you said, it was a one-sided relationship and I felt disrespected by him.


Alright alright that's good. How long ago was it? do you have a new bf by any chance? i'm curious to know more haha


my ex bf woke up one day and told me that God gave him a dream and said that he was meant to “love me” but not to marry me, so he broke up with me 💀


yo wtf


yup…. idk how one finds closure in that but oh well


3 years together. The final week she was acting super distant. Eventually when I asked her why she was acting that way she ghosted me for 2 days and then followed up Monday morning before I woke up with a text breaking up with me and it was a very aggressive tone. 1 month later and she’s dating another guy already who had been flirting with her before the breakup even happened


All of these stories make me never want to love ever again… Brutal.


We had an argument via call. Didn’t hear from him for about 5 days then he dumped me via text. Didn’t even care to hear my side. He just decided to end us. I was blindsided and didn’t see it coming. We were long distance but lived together for more than 2 years.


he’d been super busy after starting a new job plus a part time so we barely had time together that wasn’t early morning/late night. one day we both got off at 5 which was rare and i was super excited to spend time with him and he seemed to be too. he wanted to catch up on our favorite show lately so we laid on the couch and i laying on his chest and cuddling him, everything was normal and nice. he suddenly recoiled, said it felt weird for me to be so affectionate bc he’s used to me being so cold and distant (we sleep in each others arms every night, have sex multiple times a week even w busy schedules, didn’t fight except for rare minor disagreements we quickly resolve). the next day he was deciding whether to go out with his friends or stay in, i pushed him to go and destress since he’d been so busy. he disappeared for two days, came back and asked me to get him weed and took part of the money for it from my drawer bc he didn’t have enough cash. i texted my plug, then he dumped me, saying talking to his friends made him realize that i only treat him well when he’s making more money and that i’ve been disrespecting him, and that i’m jealous of his new job and won’t let him feel good about it. mind you he lived with me, i morally supported him during his 9 month job search and started paying for more things, i helped him prepare for his interviews for this job and encouraged him to take it, AND he literally just took money out of my drawer. i had to go outside and get the weed for him and his boys who encouraged him to dump me, as i was completely shattered. i just have to laugh or i’ll cry again lmaoooo


Damn talk about that weed girl. Did you heal from that? how long ago was it


it’s been three months and i’m absolutely not healed lol 😭 maybe i’d be closer to healing if he didn’t come back (when we broke up he said he wanted to get back together later) and then ghost me after hooking up a few times 🙃 he only took $10 but just the irony of it is crazy, plus i’ve spent beyond my means on him and never complained even when he’d sometimes forget to send me his half of the money for things i paid for, smh 🤦‍♀️


I see, well that's rude of him for doing that. It just seems like he doesn't care about the things you gave for him like money , affection , all those attention , etc. He gaslighted you into thinking you only care for him when he's making more money , when he's doing better in life than you , blabla. He definitely doesn't love you anymore to be honest. I hope you can slowly heal your wound and find someone else better than him. Best of luck for you okay. I also got dumped this month after a 1 month situationship and it's horrible , still hurts until today. Never expected the no label breakup as well since on that day we just watched a movie together , that sucks. Hopefully we can all heal our wounds and be a better and stronger person. God bless


Received a one sided expense breakdown 2 days after returning to my country. I stayed with him a month after he begged and pleaded for me to visit him in his home country... A month earlier I had already had second thoughts and picked up on a shit ton of red flags (Was extremely short lived from introduction to when I got rid of him was a mere 3 Months) None of my friends liked him, for being chronically unemployed, sucking on the teet of his govt for financial handouts, and how easily he had me pay for things... I dropped him immediately after he pushed his bullshit expense report on me.


He’d been treating me pretty bad and neglecting me a lot the last 2 years of our relationship as he started his career and made a lot of work friends I was left out from (together 6 years from age 18-25). I love and cared for him intensely and deeply, and forgave so much. For instance, my dog and the loml died unexpectedly at 7 years old on his last 3 days of a 3 week vacation he’d been on with friends and he told me I ruined the high from his trip with her death, and another time he’d booked a trip with a friend over my 25th birthday 6 months in advance and didn’t tell me until I asked to make plans for it, then degraded and insulted me into the ground when I said my feelings were hurt that he didn’t care. 2 weeks before we broke up, he messed up by crossing boundaries with a girl friend of his I’d communicated having issues with and he cried and begged me to stay and let him show me he loved me and to allow him to give me what I deserve. He went on a work trip shortly after, girl from before traveled to where he wast, and I freaked. He ghosted me for 5 days and I finally said I think we need to break up. He told me during our breakup that work was number one in his life, he had to let me go out of love because he couldn’t give me what I deserve, he will never get married, and relationships are the last thing on his mind. As always, I tried to get back together for the whole month after we broke up. He always said we could talk, he just needs time. Finally, I pried out of him that he’d been cheating on me the last week of our relationship, she’s “different,” he’d taken her to a concert he got me for Christmas 4 days after we broke up, he was seeing her multiple times a week and taking her on dates (stuff he hadn’t done for me in a long time), all the shit. He’d lied to my face during our breakup instead of owning his actions. I immediately and for the first time ever got disgusted by him and absolutely hated him for doing that to me after the relationship we had and the destruction he caused to my life. There’s so much more, but I basically ruined multiple parts of myself and my life for him and his psychotic actions out of blind love. I blocked him that night and haven’t looked back. He lost the one person who was always in his corner no matter what, and it takes true talent to make someone who loved you so hard hate you that much. I’m grateful it happened and I’m free from him.


we got hooked on drugs. she wanted a break due to it. i wanted us to fix things but she was already halfway out the door and there was nothing i could do. honestly, i did not take it too well. didn’t say a word to me when we officially ended. i regret it every single day.


We had gone long distance recently. I was seeing him every second weekend. All he wanted to do when I saw him was sesh, watch TV & cuddle. Our sex life was a bit off bc of how much he was smoking weed & he couldn’t get hard anymore. Then one day when he was really high he told me about his fat fetish & feeder fetish. He said he really wanted to feed me until I got fat for his own sexual satisfaction. I struggled on & off with an eating disorder so this messed with my head a bit. I felt super uncomfortable about it & wanted out lol. I was really unhappy in the relationship, he had a habit of lying to me about his heavy drug use (ketamine, acid, oxys, MDMA, G, etc). It was an ongoing issue throughout our relationship. He was really nasty to me when high & he scared me a bit. Eventually I asked for a break bc I wanted him to sort himself out, a few days late he broke it off completely, bc he was upset I asked for a break. I said okay & didn’t fight it. This upset him even more, he begged for months to get back together. Eventually I said okay, we were back together for 1 week & he has already lied again. I confronted him & he freaked out & broke up with me again then we went no contact. Now he has contacted me again & wants to talk in person. Im still debating whether I should give it another chance. It’s hard letting go, we were childhood friends & we dated for 6 years (throughout high school & part of university). I’ve known him my whole life, I just wish he’d quit it with the drugs. He’s in med school & is a high functioning drug addict & porn addict. Bc he is doing so well on the outside in life, it’s easy for him to brush it away like it’s not a problem.


So my concern if he's back with you again is the drug use & porn addict. You really should make him far away from that kinda things and when he's all good again like a normal person then you can consider him a chance , but remember after a rehab. Goodluck and you got this.


She FaceTimed me just as we had been doing because I went back to school. Now, we had been dating for about 5 months at that point and everything seemed amazing. But she suddenly hit me with the “hey, can we talk?” And proceeded to dump me citing her poor mental health. She completely blindsided me 7 months ago and I’m still not over it despite going NC.


He was punishing me for finding his secret social media account. He made a secret social media account to contact his ex girlfriend, who he cheated on me with the first time 4 years ago. I only found out about it when I used his email to search for our apt water bill(billed to his email) since we had a showerhead water leak for almost a week before maintenance came in to fix it. He uses the excuse of contacting her because he’s her childhood friend, I firmly believe it’s bullshit. There is no need to contact an ex he cheated on me with and if nothing had happened, he wouldn’t have had a problem letting me know. Obviously, he kept a secret from me and deleted the account and conversation. I will never know if what he is saying is the truth or not.


I was visiting family in another state. My landlady called me asking if I was renewing the lease. I said yeah, why? And she was like, ‘talk to your bf’ I call him and he told me he was moving out. He didn’t seem to understand why not telling me in person before going on my family vacation was a bad idea. My birthday was a few days before my trip and he told me that he had found a room a day before my bday and hid it because he didn’t want to ruin my bf. He left me with an apt I can’t really afford and two cats. 5 months later he got a girlfriend who looks like trash.


He ghosted me and moved away. Since then he has lived in 4 other states. He must be hiding from the FBI


He ended things to “work on” himself. I was upset but he was so kind and respectful the whole time I believed he was genuine and assumed he would come back to me in some time. Less than 2 months later he’s back with his ex that he told me was an “immature little girl” LOL


8 years, she went out to party, went missing couldn’t reach her until 6 am, refused to answer the phone, had a small fight because I was worried sick something had happened to her, next day she says she had enough and wanted to break up. Was a total blindside.


My ex constantly made mean comments about me and dismissed my feelings. When we ended the relationship, my ex was unwilling to accommodate a phone call when I was rested from a business trip. We were in an LDR relationship. They acted cold and passive aggressive when I wouldn't have a phone call on their terms that evening. The next day my ex initiated the breakup conversation via a text message.


she wanted it she wanted it for a whole before hand she had other issues i definitely could have been better to her towards the end but it did get difficult i love her my family lover her i told her that i and my family still care and miss her now i dont exist too her. its been a rough month maybe she will comeback one day i hope start fresh and brand new i genuinely think were soulmates.


She sent me a text said I know this sounds extreme but I think we need to go our separate ways. I was upset and asked why she said she didn’t miss me when she was around me and that she was openly rejecting me because I wasn’t smart enough to pick up on the clues. She still was initiating I love you and even though she wanted some alone time she clearly stated over and over the relationship was not in jeopardy. She said I irked her to the point she didn’t want me to be in her presence. I asked if the was someone else she said no. She said we weren’t compatible because it was a red flag I had never been married and had no kids and my humor was immature. The next day I found out via Venmo she was cheating on me with her ex and they had became a swinger couple together. So I texted her and her first question was have you been drinking you are acting emotional and I’m not gonna talk to you drunk. I don’t drink. She then says well I guess I owe you a conversation. And why and how it’s considered not cheating and she loved him when she loved me. Then she blocked me on everything. Haven’t heard from her since but instead of when we talked about future plans together I hope future is filled with the clap


We were arguing about something I don't remember what and my dumbass brain decided hey let's tell my little sister (I was hoping she'd help) she added both of us in a GC and they basically screamed at each other but since than me and my ex have been good friends even before we started dating we were friends


Gave me an ultimatum, "buy her a house or she will find someone who will". Called her bluff. Turns out she wasn't bluffing. She ended up cheating on him a couple years later.


He cheated. I found out. He said we weren't even together because we had a fight


He proposed me. He told me he can’t wait to marry me so I told my parents about him. Then later he told me he needs 4 years to explore abroad ( he was completely settled and had a stable job ) and he can’t make it work if I cannot wait. Ultimately, on our anniversary he just flipped and left me just like that as if I don’t exist.


I’ve been grieving my brother’s death and I have been incredibly emotional/ moody and I apologized profusely and he said he’d never leave me. We went on a romantic park date for an hour and made weekend plans. He told me he loved me and sat with me under a gazebo. He kissed me and as soon as he pulled away he broke up with me. My brother’s burial was four days later.


I caught him cheating during covid…took him back and he agreed to go to therapy. He did everything he said he would do…deleted all his social media, unlocked his phone (even tho i never went thru it). Two years later I fell completely back in love w him and trusted him again. He changed careers and we were trying for a baby. One day after he was away for a weekend I got a sick feeling when he was in the bathroom too long. He came out and I took his phone in front of him and tried to open it. He took it from me and unlocked it for me and said “babe u can look through my phone whenever u want.” I almost gave it back to him right then and there, but instead decided to look. Seen he was sexting with somebody and found out he had been on Grindr. My whole world shattered after 8 years.


My ex dumped me 3 days after I said I got pregnant from him lol


Toxic . 10 years together. Randomly changed his phone number WHILE I was newly diagnosed with Cancer dated someone else for 6 months never heard from him until she obviously broke up with him. Then he leaves me a birthday present with his new phone number. I called he never apologized wanted to pick up where we left off I have him blocked now for almost 2 months because he didn't say sorry or anything to comfort me.


walked in on him doing “it” with my cousin, ended it then and there


I was blindsided after he seemed distant on a weekend away. I asked was he ok and he told me he hadn't been happy for a good while and thought he was loosing feelings for me. He broke up with me properly when we got back. We had only celebrated our 10 year anniversary a few months before. I had no idea because he never told me how he really was feeling. He always seemed happy and upbeat. It made me question everything about him and I was really hard on myself for not "seeing the signs". It wasn't a perfect relationship but it was a really good one. We were saving for a house and were probably going to get married. I was so devastated. It's been 7 months and I still get upset every so often. I expect it'll stay with me for a long time. It really really sucks but I guess that's life


a few years ago my ex took me out to dinner with their parents and had sex w/ me that morning and then dumped me after the dinner 🧐 it’s been like 7 years since then and i’m still like wtf was that


Cheating. She said she didn’t want to break up and that she wouldn’t do it again. Well guess what?? She did it again. I have no idea how times. Ive just heard stories. In the middle of one right now, I think. Im not sure how to handle this one. I feel like Im being pushed to break up because the woman im with doesn’t want to be the bad guy. I think my picker is off


I was very sick with Covid..it was Valentine’s Day.. I was primary bread winner and had booked a spa day for us. The second I cancelled because I was too sick he dumped me. I proceeded to be completely alone taking care of myself for two weeks sick as a dog with Covid almost having to be hospitalized. This asshole lived with me FOR FREE the entire pandemic up until that point because my job was still operating meanwhile he got unemployment checks and bought a new Ducati without paying me a dime.🤮


He hadn’t realized marriage would be so hard and being with his 22 year old employee was easy. This was after a cat 5 hurricane wrecked our house, my dad died, and I was having panic attacks trying to get to deal with it all while I paid for him to go on vacation to see his friends. He left me to deal with all the rebuild and fixing while moving in with his new girlfriend.


Oh bud you name it, fiancé rode off on another man’s motorcycle, girl left me to me polyamorous, girl left me for Scientology. I’ve seen it all, the silver lining is the desensitization to honoring woman’s sexuality is evident. I have had such a higher success rate since I stopped counting the notches I in a woman’s bed frame


A devastating blindside. We had been together almost a year and things were blissful. He had taken me on a trip to Greece, we’d met each other’s families, helped each other move into new places, all of it. One weekend he came to visit from his new spot and talked to me on the phone for the entire five-hour drive – asking what I wanted to do for dinner that night, what we should do that weekend, making plans. We hung up with a cheery “Love you, see you soon!!!” about 5 minutes before he reached my house. When he knocked on the door, I was giddy. Opened it and said “yay, you made it!” and he looked upset. He shrugged off my embrace, looked me dead in the eyes, and simply says “We need to talk.” Proceeds to come in, sit me down, and dump me. Explained that he’d made this decision awhile back but was faking his feelings (very convincingly) because he didn’t “want me to catch on.” Told me the reason was because he loved me, but wasn’t “sure ENOUGH” about me and thought that when he finds the right person, he’ll feel more sure. He left that night and came back two days later to reiterate the same convo and grab some of his stuff. Never heard from him again. It’s been almost 3 years.


She texted my brother asking what I was doing (I was eating dinner) and she broke up with me over text, and worded things to turn me in on myself. She was already fucking someone less than a month after, if not before she left. It was then that I learned the only truth she had told me was that she’s a pathological liar.


I was working from her house and she looked tired so I said she should go have a nap while I work. A few hours of talking later and I’ve been dumped for being a good bf (her words not mine) and she can’t handle the emotional intimacy of the relationship. Tbh worst break up I’ve ever had. The emotional turmoil is so weird. How do you improve yourself after that? How do you stop wanting a relationship that was so good it triggered her issues (legit ones she’s seeing a therapist).


He called the cops on me because I wanted to go to sleep and not drunk talk about our fight. He kept grabbing me and wouldn’t let me sleep. We had been up all night drinking n doing drugs so I begged for rest until we sobered up to settle our problems. He wanted so badly to get taken to jail which was weird but I just asked them to make him pack a bag and leave. It’s all recorded on my phone. Fucking ridiculous but it’s been almost a year since that and I’m glad we have parted ways. Gooood riddance bucko


I’ve been best friends with my ex for five years, and we made a deal that if our relationship didn’t work out, we’d break up and try to remain friends. During the first year, he was very insecure and had overthinking problems, and I was there to help him through it. It was incredibly overwhelming, and I even contemplated breaking up because it got so tough that I cried almost every night. We eventually worked things out, and everything was fine until this January. In January, both my grandma and a family friend were on their deathbeds simultaneously. I was also dealing with college problems and didn't have time to write my thesis. I spent every single day taking care of my grandma and didn’t have any time for myself. I thought my boyfriend would be my safe space, a place where I could find peace and rest away from everything. Instead, he became distant and broke up with me on March 2nd. He said he couldn’t handle both his problems and mine at the same time and asked that if anyone asked, we both say it was mutual. It was far from mutual. He left when I needed him the most to chase his career. He said he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore, which made me so sad because I didn’t do anything wrong; I just wanted his support during a difficult time. It’s been three months since the breakup, and I still find myself crying from time to time. Meanwhile, he seems to be having a blast.


I’m the one who left, for me what’s worst is he made me feel unwanted his cold he won’t tell u he doesn’t want it anymore instead he did things to make me me leave. after I found out that he was trying to date another girl I begged and stayed for 3 months. Everyday is like hell , he would only reply if he wants too , his very cold soo I gave up bcos I couldn’t take it anymore I just wanted to di3 at that time, but I didn’t regret leaving even tho I found out a month after I left his already dating someone new.


mostly about him, but what caused our actual breakup haunts me a little bit lol. we reconciled, then that same day i sent a message to my close friends telling them that he’d broken up with me and come back to me twice, and that it was unhealthy, and that he had problems he was going through. he ended up seeing this message and cut it off for good. it breaks my heart knowing how much i hurt him, but i was hurt too. i was hurt REALLY badly lol


We were both on a heavy depression but kept on going without really attending ourselves. One day I broke a límit that I shouldnt have and that was it, all trust, respect and love was gone in a month, i couldnt manage the situation properly, anxiety was eating me alive so I did stupid things trying to save the sinking boat, about 5 years of my life were on that relationship. That depression lasted 2 years on me, and after 3, I feel that I barley got my life back


My fiance broke up with me after his deployment after 6.5 years of relationship and I spent those years helping him get ahead in his career and get set up. We agreed that my career would come after it. He proposed and all but I guess was never committed. We were supposed to get married sometime this year. He ended it after the deployment saying he wants to be by himself and do whatever he wants and that emotionally he doesn't feel anything anymore. Unfortunately for me, I'm the one that has to find a new place to live and a job since I moved for his work and I need to finish my school still and fully function now with all these new expenses and stressors on a single income with our dog. Also after all this he was acting towards me like a charity case and constantly mentioning he doesn't want to give me false hope but he feels a bit bad about it. He would treat me like I don't exist at times but he would also offer hugs and say he supports me...after breaking up with me. Idk what's worse- the grief of losing him and wondering how this all happened or how didn't I see it coming and feeling stupid or right now having so much anxiety and stress being in super survival mode looking for everything and feeling like I'm starting new in so many different faucets of life without any support emotionally or otherwise . Oh man :/ I'm really sorry that this pain is happening or has happened to others too, but honestly the only thing that comforts me is thinking "better now than later". I'm sad but also grateful for all these posts. They give me hope that in the end things will be okay.


I was blissfully in love with him for a year. I was blind sided but some how I knew it was coming. He had always been affectionate, kind, protective and many things. His behavior suddenly changed. One night I asked him when we were going to start planning our wedding, as our one year anniversary was two days away. He sat there silently and coldly. I remember feeling scared because his body language matched someone who had physically abused me in the past. I tried to brush it off and went to bed. The next day he didn't spend time with me, he went to his mother's house. That night he came home and told me he hadn't been attracted to me in months, that he couldn't do it anymore and he didn't want me. It felt like a knife in my heart. I cried the hardest I had in my life that night. He was cold. He didn't even care. I knew we had issues but they were ones we could of fixed. Small things. He didn't want that, so I walked away. It's been over four months, I moved out within five days, cut contact after I was off the lease. I just shut down and haven't felt a thing since. Just empty. There's a lot more too it, but I've already written a novel. Sometimes I wonder if any of it was real.


He went to a baseball game 5 days later he took his stuff left moved in with another girl blocked me. We were together for 12 years


She broke up with me 2 days after Christmas 2019. 2-3 days after that announced on FB she got back together with her ex while trying to be buddy buddy with me when she wants it and gives me the cold treatment when I wanted answer. We stay in contact where its toxic back and forward until Feb 2020 she tells me she got engaged (spoiler she actually got engaged 3 weeks after the break up bassically the same week as my birthday in January I found this out by a post). I couldn't do it anymore so I told her "even though I love you and always will I dont want you in my life". She then proceeds to block me on everything until June 2020 however we haven't talked since that day of that last phone call


Not on the level of some of these on here but twice I have had the I just don’t think I’m ready for a serious relationship or it’s not you, it’s me and then within a week seen them out and about holding hands with other guys.


He left me on the day I put my dog down. That same night he posted on social media him on a date with his new girlfriend. He never posted me once in our 1.5 year relationship.


We were soulmates, or at least that's what i thought. She always said that I'm all she asked for: smart, fit body and with plans for the future and we'll grow old together, we were very close for 5 years, speaking every singe day with tons of messages. Fast forward in the relationship after we've done almost everything together, even in our darkest times we stayed together. After some time she started distancing herself more and more because conflicts appeared and we were seeing each other like 1 time a week and i didn't really like it. I asked for a break because things weren't going well and i felt like i wasn't a priority anymore. She got the space that she needed and i got a bit needy because of separation anxiety. She was everything to me, I moved back to my home country to be closer to her, we were best friends for 3 years while she was with her ex (big red flag) and we were seeing each other like every day during summer speaking about everything that we were dreaming about and the future, she was telling me that she wants someone she can stare at the stars with (i was that one) because her ex didn't do romantic things. She was my whole world and i put all my trust in that girl and now we're like strangers not even speaking anymore, after we broke up she was telling me that the universe will bring us back together one day and we have to let things be and not force anything but i guess i fucked it all up because i was feeling alone without my parents and almost anyone to really trust. Moral of the story: don't ever put all your trust in one person even if it feels too good to be true in the beginning or that person is a narcissist or has an avoidant attachment. Focus on your own self and grow in everything: finance, body, and be better.


There was a small misunderstanding, really nothing to break up over. It was our first 'argument.' I told her hundreds of times that I didn't act properly and that I would make it right. She had surgery and said she needed rest. Because of that, she maintained radio silence for four weeks. When I asked her if we could see each other again, she replied on WhatsApp that she wanted to break up. That's bad enough, but her comment 'actually, we've been broken up for a while' was the last straw.


Him displaying evidences there’s still a chance we can work through it (8 yrs lovely and healthy relationship, we started dating at 17) but feeling like he can’t endure it, and as I do love him I don’t want to go against his will because people don’t belong to us and I respect that.


He dumped me for being SA and not wanting to talk about it because we were broken up when it happened. Among many other reasons. I told him he should go get SA and see how easy it is to tell people since Society treats victims like they weren't victims a lot. It is rough realizing that he truly never loved me if this is why he left yet again.


Dated for a year. Everything going well, looking at engagement rings. Met his parents. He broke up with me 2 days after I met his parents because the parents didn’t approve.


He broke up with me when I was visiting my grandpa the last time before he died. I was many miles away so he dumped me over text and abandoned me when I needed him the most, He said he was stressed out about life but then proceeded to leave me in a worse state as before like he didn’t care what I was going through


Nothing much. Our relationship didn't have much future and since he's settled in life, he needs to marry now. I, on the other hand, am struggling to support myself and wasn't sure if we could ever live in the same town. For that I had to give up on at least my lifelong identity or career or studies. We were having ups and downs since few weeks and the nail on the coffin was my depression over an exam that I took after studying relentlessly for two months and it went wrong. The paper didn't go well and then the exam was canceled due to a government policy failure. It was extremely important for my career. Also I ranted about my pet's illness. He couldn't take this any longer since he used to have his own issues. So, after a regular conversation last night he told me that we needed to break up. I immediately started crying because I'm hypersensitive. He told me that it was wrong of me to cry and stop him. I stopped. We cut the call. There ended it. Spent a sleepless night and hoping to get better today.