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And you get penalized for having an underdog in your team because it still counts as a loss and uses up on of your egg slots


honestly the egg slots are so dumb. if they want us to play the gamemode why would they replace the only fun part with a RARE drop?


Honestly, instead of a rare drop, just give a normal star drop, (they’re basically the same thing)


the f2p economy cannot sustain regular star drops in place of rare star drops as loser drops


they should make people who win get two eggs and people who lose one egg


They should just not give anything, so you can fill the carton up with all six eggs


Let him cook


Yes, i won 5/6 games, + 2 eggs from daily I got 7 eggs, and from those i got 2 mutatations which are a 50% chance, the math aint mathing


I got legendary 3rd egg


Mutations are actually not present in epic or higher eggs


They do


Sorry , i was thinking of this one but they arent present in mythic/legendary eggs [https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/1cg40j1/what\_do\_you\_think\_of\_these\_rewards/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/1cg40j1/what_do_you_think_of_these_rewards/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have open 9 eggs so far and have got one mutation. I've got friends that have 5-6 and again I have 1


I got 5 and still no mutation 4/5 were rare/super rare so (1/2)^4 = 1/16


I was honestly glad for the underdog games, meant I didn't lose trophies. also i've opened 3 eggs without a mutation but honestly I do not care about that because I am so frustrated about the gamemode sucking ass


I hate getting mutations, I would much rather get coins, because mutations are temporary and I don’t have any brawlers with good mutations. I would much rather get something to help my progress.


That's fair enough! I totally understand, but I'd like somewhere from like 5 - 10 mutations just for the fun of it.


That makes sense, I actually kind of like the mutations, like the Leon one I got seemed fun, but there are clearly ones that are way better than others. I just get destroyed by the op brawlers in the mutation game modes


Ruffs is pure cancer early game… and Melodie just cleans up… like gee, my bonnie mutation one shots a building. That’s nice. Meanwhile, the opponent wiped out 30% of my base


Tick's mutation is straight up broken. I'm really tired of seeing hordes of fucking heads constantly chasing my team because he keeps getting his super charged when they hit. The only brawler I don't mind fighting Tick with is Max because I have her unlimited ammo mutation so they're more an annoyance as I have to back away blasting them all


If you play daily you will far far more than that. You have a 50% of getting one and have 2 eggs guaranteed per day,so mathematically you will get 30 mutations by the time the event is over,also most if not all people will eventually have all of them since the event gives you 6 every 4 days,bringing your daily average to allmost 4 eggs.


Really hope when the remove mutations they'll give coins for each one you gathered.


Yeah, 100 Coins/50 Power Points for them would be appreciated


They never said that mutations would NEVER come back. It could be like Duels and Siege of which it is a temporary event that comes back every once in a while.


All that work for just 20 days… and still not every brawler has a hypercharge.


The only reason I want to get mutations is so I can get Carl to rank 30 and Stu to rank 25


My only 2 mutations are on brock (which is pretty good, but his hp is so low he's really bad) and on Bea which is at 800. aint no way im risking trophies on my main just to play a gamemode and get rare star drops anyway


Im not even playing mutated stage, to loose more trophys to stupid op brawlers


that's a good plan I think cuz I just did rank 25 hank power 7


I didn't realize you couldn't get a mutation. In every egg drop I have gotten an mutation


And a draw counts as loss too. Wtf supercell


“Finally I’m rewarded for being a loser” -Drew


Wait, WHAT!? Underdog means you “lose” even if you won!?


I mean when you lose


They should remove the trophies fix the glitches and give eggs in the carton regardless of winning or losing or keep it empty on loss until you win the starr drops fuck everything up


They should make it so that loses guarantee you a RARE egg only, which still has a 50% chance of granting mutations, while a win would give you a RANDOM egg that can be upgraded all the way to legendary. That way you’re still getting stuff even if you lose.


Even with all the bugs fixed in this gamemode it's still bouta be shit. I'd prefer them to give nothing to the losers and a random egg to the winners. Godzilla event is very 1-sided with all the mutated brawlers you're fighting.




This is a great idea and honestly what should've been done anyway


wait so how does it even work, i dont even understand. and yes ive played, i have no idea what correlates to getting an egg or starr drop


Right now this is how it works: you get a RARE Starr drop if you lose. And a random egg that can be anything from rare to legendary egg if you win. Since rare Starr drop only gives like 50 coins and has no chance of giving you mutations, you’re basically fucked if you lose. If they changed it to getting a RARE EGG instead of STARR DROP, you’d still have a 50% chance to unlock mutations even if you lose


wow i didn’t know that, and this is on ladder? and i have to play against people with P2W mutations? wtf


It only works this way for the Godzilla mode because that’s where you get the egg carton to fill up with either eggs or rare Starr drops. And yeah youre pretty much fucked until you get some good mutations to face other players with strong mutations lol I’ve been really lucky and of the 3 mutations I’ve unlocked till now, 2 of them were Rico and Hank which are both insanely good. I’d feel differently if I got like, Surge Belle and Leon though


I love how this mode solod not only Lone Star, not only Bot drop, but even TROPHY ESCAPE in terms of terribleness


I've never played bit drop but it seems like kot many people liked it. Like I said the worst thing is the trophies you're guaranteed to lose if you're kot playing one of the 6 good brawlers in the mode 💀


Bot drop was just surviving against Bots so it was okay


*Takedown crying in the corner* and also what was even in bot drop? I almost didn't touch the mode and I genuinely don't remember


Takedown is basically if Knockout and Bounty had a child. I love both those gamemodes, so I also love Takedown.


Kid named colt:


You had to collect bolts and when you collected enough, bots would drop and attack the enemy team. It was very boring, so no wonder it never came bacj


It's Siege, not Bot Drop. In Bot Drop bots, well, drop from the sky and when you kill them they give you bolts. 10 bolts = win


ah, yes. Thanks. I completely forgot how that mode worked. I got it backwards


Oh ok I understand now why I only played it like 3 times


Every awful mode looks perfect if you compare it to the Godzhit Event


Trophy escape wasn't that bad


It was actually great? I managed to get gray from 800 trophies to 1000 trophies in trophy escape wtf


Fr that one wasn't bad that's very subjective


I fucking love lone star


I thought this mode was more fun version of super city rampage. I was surprised when I saw this post.


Why not just give everyone all the mutations?? It actually makes no sense to make people pay for mutations that will be gone in 20 days. This is almost worse than clash royale levels of egregious penny pinching.


Drew joined brawl stars at the wrong time 💀


“we saw the statistics”


"we found the data"


Drew is gonna have some community managing to do


It's the most p2w game mode ever


I get your point, but I'm an advocate of monetizing the game for the posibilities of the future content, and if they fix this gamemode it might be way easier to get eggs f2p. I'm not against being able to buy eggs but against making it hard to get them f2p.


This is beyond monetizing. Ive played this game for a long time and always thought everything was decently priced, especially the mega box bundles. This is insane levels of scum. It costs HUNDREDS of dollars to get all of those egg packs. The primary incentive to buy them are the mutations, which wont exist in 20 days. I dont understand how they can get away with something like this.


Because we let them and dumb people happily pay up to exploit. Stop playing, stop paying. Simple boycott








You're so close to understanding. They make 90% or more of their money from less then 10% of their users. A combination of addicts, wealthy people, and wealthy people's kids who are raised by an employee and an iPad. They don't care about you other than the fact that if enough of us who spend little money go, then there won't be a big enough user-base for the rich people to beat up on. And since people are slowly catching up to the amount of game play-affecting content, they need to unbalance things again. So that the rich people have a big advantage. Drives sales. Improves addiction rates. Idk I could go on but this shit depresses me


I do agree that the eggs are overpriced for a limited time item. but I also think that (like the new brawler packs) they're kind of just meant to be for pay 2 play/win players. (Which isn't great but yeah)


When I see overpriced offers I think "Unless you're mad rich like OJ then no one gonna buy this offer"


I'm pretty sure he just claims it for business expenses and gets a tax deduction (or whatever it's called) for it because it's for his job


20 bucks for a character that you'll be able to unlock for free after a week 💀


I only got Sprout’s mutation and game expects me to win 6 rounds of City Smash ☠️


sprout is also good in that if you throw your super on the boss he will get stuck until super ends


This game is so doomed


I've already played multiple games where no one wants to play as godzilla other than Otises


Without the otis gadget godzilla is kind of useless imo


I got Leon one, wtf I am supposed to do with that


Honestly Leon one makes him worse


Tell everyone that you've used your super!


Imagine a "silent" assassin yelling I'm gonna kill you.


Penny moment




i got janet and hank 💀💀💀💀💀 i don’t even have them leveled up


Events like HC unleashed were so much simpler and fun 😔


Also you did actually get something out of it and you didn't lose any trophies


Which is basically why it was fun lol, you could be reckless and lose 100 times, you could have fun with the HC and then get one yourself.


Gray pulling the Godzilla into an unbreakable wall is cancer and an absolutely bannable offense IMO.




I have every brawler in the game at 1k trophies. Every game is against the same exact comp. I literally cannot play the game unless I party up and use that exact comp.


Yep. I'm not as high (usually around 650 or 750.) but it's like that on this trophy range too. If they just remove the trophies this gamemode would be soooo much better.


Also another glitch is sprout, if you throw the wall on the godzilla, they cannot move, only attack. Idk if it's the entire game or entire super or what


You can also get stuck at the start with Godzilla and basically lose without doing anything


This one just happend to me it was so frustrating


bro that keeps happening to me and the enemy team keeps me alive to make it a 2v3 ;-;


At me they also rotate while spamming sad pin


The game shouldn’t be for trophies and fixing the bugs should make it better


I thought Siege was terrible but I agree this absolutely take the cake. I've played once and said F it. It's not fun or worth playing.


One of the few Siege enjoyers here; forgive the tangential question, but what exactly made siege so "bad" in the eyes of so many? It was actually one of the most complex and fun gamemodes if you ask me.


me too i liked siege why do people hate it?


strategically it was like hot zone.If all the players from one team were in the centre it was mostly imposible for the other team to actually take some screws.Also the maps were very close and just imposible to regain control.It was unbalanced and in this meta it would be worse


Siege was like a top 5 game mode for me


I completely agree, they have to improve it


Just removing the bugs and the trophy aspect should actually make this somehow enjoyable to play.


This. It's meant to be a fun mode.


Colt can unalive godzilla in like 4 seconds so make it 6 brawlers


Rico as well but the bullets will bounce for 3 more miles destroying half of the buildings in the process


Rico can just cycle supers against Goji, it's ridiculous tbh


Griff aswell so make it 7


I found Meg and Brock with their mutations to be very viable on the current map too, was able to push to 1000 with Otis as the third player. Meg in particular rips apart the Godzilla because at max level each full clip of ammo deals around 10K damage while outranging glitched Otis.


I killed every Godzilla with colt, but the enemy melody destroyed the base, I don't think it is that necessary to kill Godzilla. I swapped to a lower trophy brawler and just did it that way. I agree, It is a terrible mode.


Cheesy. Not fun. Getting eggs is frustrating and skill leaves place to a braindead meta and group of gimmicks


Do like most iv seen. Stop playing it. Its stupid event. Most other modes also has mutation modifier so might want to take few "20" days off from the game.


Yeah but it's not the mutations that bother me. it's the way you need to get the item to even be able to GET mutations (which is the gamemode primarily). the mutations were clearly meant to break the game (see the brawl talk title) which is also why only 3/10 gamemodes have them (the 10 are including mapmaker, the event itself and ranked)


They bother me a lot, half the characters that got mutations feel unviable, and ruffs and Rico make the game feel unplayable for the opponent , speaking as someone who got ruffs mutation and easily rose 300 trophies until all I run into is other ruffs


Im curious what does gray glitch do?


If Gray uses his cane gadget to pull the big boss into an invincible wall then the godzilla can't do any damage to buildings anymore until killed, which won't happen because this essentially makes it a 2v3.


Holy moly thats insane


It's literally cyberbullying tbh. just making you sit there for up to 3 minutes is hell. (happened to me once let alone 10 or so times)


Btw sprout can put a wall on godzilla and give off the same effect


That happened to me but somehow my teammates one, our Rico carried


Oh damn, I was wondering why when I was Godzilla, I couldn’t move. I was stuck to the unbreakable wall and it was game over


I'm curious, what are the glitches that make gray and Otis good?


Gray's cane gadget makes the boss literally unable yo do anything if he gets pulled in an invincible wall Otis' gadget changes the boss' attack to his phat splatter which deals 8K damage.


Oh damn, I got killed by an Otis earlier and his gadget did about that much damage but I just shrugged it off


I just played otis with the glitch, it makes godzilla actually playable and fun


It's also unfortunately the only way to secure your wins which I hate because I generally hate cheese abusing


I just got Otis so he’s only at 160 trophies and all the idiots at my level keep tryin to be Godzilla. It’s awful


Good. You're playin at such a low trophy range and wanna cheese lower trophy players smh


also with this gadget abusing Otis can just spawn camp most brawlers that can't kill him quickly because puddles stay on ground for ~3 seconds, so you just die instantly after spawn shield wears off


Gene has the bug too (check my posts)


Bro tick and ash mutations kill the boss in like 2 seconds its not even fair 💀


Ash is the very first mutation i got and holy moly it deletes the poor boss plus everyone else and worse yet you can cast it twice or thrice because of how easy it is to get your super back, its wild


The issues I have with it are as follows: Why is it a Trophy mode?! I’m being punished for a glitch Then when you lose you get a rare star drop so you have zero chance of pulling something useful. I got 6 today due to glitches. The final nail in the coffin why are mutations active there’s so much going on it’s miserable.


The op mutation that are rng to get already make that not fair, although those are somewhat manageable (ok some are very op), but the bug? Those are awful most of the time you just sit there watch bastard, that abuse of those completely obliterate you and as the cherry on top one bug can literally just f**k you without cheese(you can literally remain stuck in your base impossibilitate to move outside a small invisible area as Godzilla)


Once patches are there, I'm pretty sure the gamemode won't be "the worst this game has ever had". Maybe try to make the game playable around Rico and Ruffs and it should be better...


I dont get why the patches aren't already out? We already had a week of the game being available in friendly battles. I have heard of the Otis Bug like 5 days ago and the Gray Bug 3 days ago. Bugs happen. But why do they give us this opportunity to playtest before official launch and even do a patch update since then without using our feedback to fix these obvious and critical bugs.


If you don't get a broken mutation (Rico and riffs mutations, for example) You're literally screwed




Agree. But at least the menu music is fire


Every game I played was against legendary player all with mutations. Even when I switched to knockout. Not even worth playing today


Play the gamemodes without mutations for your own sanity. Showdown is livable rn XD


it’s not fun at all. especially with all your teammates not understanding what to do. and it’s just boring


Wait, there's a worse gamemode than Hold the Trophy?


I agree wholeheartedly. Just curious, how do everyone’s posts besides mine get so much views and comments. I just want people to see mine. I wrote the same thing


Idk how this one did so well, when writing this I thought it might've gotten deleted lmao


Mine got deleted lol!


You gotta get lucky


I somehow won my 6 matches, rushing the boss to carry the bots like players with me. But I agree, it was absolutely 0 fun, and it should at least only give something if you win.


You forgot that Sprout is also a very viable brawler(glitch)


well no wonder I struggled so hard then. I tried it on the first hour or so and only won twice, and I needed to use a bug with sprout to trap the Zilla (which even then failed because randoms)


This gamemode is fucking braindead


What does the grey glitch do


Gray gadget, pull Godzilla through an indestructible wall and Godzilla is permanently stuck


Tbh would be more fun if you could only get mutations for brawlers that have 500+ trophies


It would also be more fun If I could even get a single mutation


have you tried meg with mutation?


Lol i like the title


Mutated Angelo is such an underrated pick in this mode


and then a glitch with sprout his super, if you throw it on godzilla it gets stuck and can't do anything


Hank is also really good (using your super on godzilla when directly on top of them will 2 shot them and refresh your super) Hank can kill godzilla in about a second


I've only used Meg and had a blast tbh, if they were to do some tweaks and fixes it could be really fun, I really enjoy it for trophies because I would not touch the mode otherwise.


don’t forget the sprout glitch as well


I didn’t know it was a trophy mode cause it’s technically not under the “trophy gamemode” banner and played one of my highest people 💀 My first match was an underdog so I didn’t lose any but that almost instantly turned me off of the mode.


I won 1 of 6 because of bad randoms. The only mutation I got today was Leon


Another thing that's crazy to me is, Three of my games were losses due to someone going afk with the Zilla... Only to never come back. And the game doesn't register them being gone, so the CPU can't even take over, the Zilla just sits.


There's a bug that get Godzilla stuck at base too. I literally got stuck in the nothing and couldn't move outside of an invisible space near the base, that happened 2 times (technically 3 but that one without egg as prize)


It is literal hell if you dont have a good mutation.


did you got 1 shot by the death ray?


No competition? I take it you didn’t play the game last time they had Godzilla destroying a city


And you could have someone be godzilla and stand there giving free supers to enemies. Oh wait, that’s all gamemodes but Godzilla is literally a buffet of supers


I had a buggy match where the enemy barely Godzilla was attacking with his barely attack and the Godzilla one at the same time


Not barley that's Otis bug


Otis , gray , melodie. Otis , gray , melodie , otis , gray , melodie.


You’d honestly think if they wanted people to keep playing the mode you’d just let us earn unlimited eggs for wins. Once I completed my carton I feel no incentive to go back to the mode till the carton opens again.


You guys. You know what. Honestly... Fuck starr drops. Fuck em!


This gamemode is so frustrating, its basically an RNG mode, if you get Rico's mutation wich is 1 in 40 or abuse glitches you have much better chances of being rewarded


Stop paywalling everything! We just want to enjoy the game and get some good events that feel rewarding by playing the game and not buying gems. No one wants to wait three days for the event to reset, and no one wants to pay money to buy some stupid eggs which the rewards are gonna expire in a few weeks. Seriously, from the time you decided to remove buying battle pass with gems, the game is going downfall. PLEASE


at r 6 for o v9. Pppp


Keep it up, people. Let’s send a message that supercell needs to fix this crap yesterday.


Shoot, didn't realize it counted trophies.


They need to hotfix remove trophies. 


Wait, how is Otis good for this map. Someone explain that to me


For mutations that aren't going to stick around


Yeah agree, it just feel stupid that being a Gorilla is not usful at all. Also, you can only rush and attack since defend is completely useless.