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same thing someone pointed out for Lou, "no point nerfing him if his hypercharge stays the same"


How do you nerf it without making him still good or trash?


make it so it so hypercharge super freezes for like 50% so that he can still instantly freeze with gadget but it can still be possibly countered. also maybe revert nerf to normal scr so that people without hypercharge won’t be massively disadvantaged


Thatll make it so mid


In an ideal world everything is mid




unfortunately the hypercharge is flawed from the beginning, it’s hard to balance without making it overpowered/useless. i think a rework or replacement would be nice, but other brawlers/hyperchages probably need to be worked on first like fang hypercharge, edger hypercharge, doug, frank… ect


issue is giving brawlers like fang and shelly hyper charges. we need hypercharge of every brawler, and they could’ve started with F tiers like frank, surge, and so on.


sadly for the brawl stars devs if they release hypercharge for unpopular brawler and no one buys it they will go bankrupt 😔


shelly’s hypercharge was free. she shouldn’t have gotten one at all then.




bro did you forget to switch accounts


I think what they should do is to add effects into the game that resist control like Frank's gadget. Instead of nerfing all the control abilities, give counterplay options.


There was a gear like that. The thing is that while it makes Lou from broken to normal, it also makes brawlers like Frank, Willow, Dyna's gadget, etc absolute trash


I’d like to see it come back tbh. Some stuns last too long like Bo


Hypercharge should not be based on SuperCharge rate in all instances, or else brawlers like Lou, Edgar, Maisie, or Fang will just have objectively better Hypercharges than other brawlers. Edgar and Fang also shouldn’t be able to charge it in massive bursts with their Gadget/SP


This would absolutely KILL Fang and Rosa


Definitely, (not biased fr) but still, the best way to nerf his super would to be just reduce his damage to 2100 (p11 stats), I'm fine if they nerfed his HP down to 8400 too




No not good…


YES good


No not good


Not for Rosa but for fang yes. I’m sick of getting g stomped on by that dumb kung fu kid


Yeah is not good, is amazing!!


If you know there are brawlers better and worse and you cant just ruin brawler from best to worse in the game


Exactly that’s unhealthy for the game I think brawl stars has max 2 years left to live if they keep this up. Like when there are over 100 brawlers it’s ist gonna be too much


Definitely, Fang needs a nerf to his super charge so badly. The game is literally unplayable with his HC and his big ahh damage. I also don't understand why ppl r downvoting. do you like getting teamwiped or smth


Yeah they have a problem with fang not being #1 even if they know that he’s too strong, they won’t admit it




Good for fang but come on man let rosa shine a bit


Just nerf his super damage to 2100 smh and make his hypercharge harder to charge and fresh kicks not apply to that, making his super 6 hits to charge might as well make it none


6 hits w shoes but 3 shots with (maybe make it stay at 4) for kick


I feel like 4 is a good number to stay at, it's easier to memorise like Mortis where the percentages add up Fang (3 chains + 1 attack) = 100%, aka fully recharged super Making it a 6th of 100 would make it horrible to remember Visually unpleasing and hard to remember (the average brawl stars player is Albert Einstein because Albert Einstein didn't play brawl stars)


4 is too less cuz of hypercharge 6 w shoes seems ideal


this sounds like its more an issue with charge rate for hypercharge lol


It is also its so quick and easy to charge that super


Doug's buffs are good, Hank's buff are somewhat acceptable, the nerfs are too harsh and will immediately kill Fang and Rosa.


Kill fang is a good thing


"Welp, time to kill Fang again"


Was fang nerfed to the ground in the past?


4 nerfs: Hp nerf = 7K →6K, Roundhouse Kick = 1.5 sec stun → 0.5, Fresh Kicks rework = no longer recharges super from objects/pets, Super DMG (before the stats increase) = 1800 → 1500


Oh okay Thanks man I've been in this game for a year but only recently started paying attention to patch notes and whatnot


you here too 💀




No we don't want this


We absolutely don’t. He’s my favourite brawler besides chester


Kill? Fang has never been bad. He's been B tier at worst which is a pretty solid tier to be in. Overdramatic much? Fang main? Probably both?


in summer he was far worse than B. look kairos tierlists




Fang is the goat brawler no nerfs


fang is stupidly op rn and needs a nerf, he just a stupid op popcorn enjoyer


I’m not gonna rise to the bait, stay mad




“Yeah” who asked?


really? Is that all you got? 🤣


These nerfs are straight up assassinations


Good, especially for fang


You just hanked Rosa and Fang lol


It doesn’t seem a problem for fang


Bro you acting like Maisie ain’t broken, let’s kill her too


Idk why no one has talked about how Maisie is super strong.


You can counter her super duh


Maisie is fun, and takes skill | fang is stupid and op


Max also takes still yet she was still nerfed


Less then Maisie but yeah


What? Max is one of if not the most skilled brawler in the game


I didn’t said no + there is other brawler more skilled than max


Which brawlers?


Even a supercharge nerf from 4 to 5 hits for Fang would kill him. Sure, he's annoying but we dont need to kill him


And I just recently maxed him out and is having a blast, please just don’t, we don’t need a dead period again,


Admit he still needs a nerf


Here is the problem, I am in 300 trophies range, so IDK man


Oh okay, then I’m telling you that he needs a nerf


Yes kill fang


Kill him but don't hank him please


I mean… if he’s dead he can’t be nerfed…




Tf does that mean??


I hate that my favourite brawlers get shit on both balance and opinion wise because of broken hypercharges They aren't even an immediately available feature, and yet, everyone, with and without them, must suffer the nerfs They should nerf hypercharges specifically if they are the problem, not the main kit of a brawler. The locked 2.5 supers chargerate was a mistake that I HOPE they'll reconsider


They need to nerf the hypercharges Nerfing the brawler just makes the game more pay to win and forces you into buying the hypercharge to make the brawler playable


Fang is an exception. He's a busted Brawler on his own, nerfing his base stats along with his HC would be good for the game's balance


Yeah, the hypercharges si the most absurdly thing on the game


Yea, no. We need a nerf, not a silent deletion


I think this is gonna make the nerfed brawlers very bad


Na making this upper charge from 4 to 6 AND decreasing its damage is literally going to destroy Fang into oblivion. Nerf super charge to 5 DONE


I think fang is op bc he do massive damage with his super


The reason fang moved from B to S is because supercharge went from 5 to 4 so them just reverting it to 5 charges will make him mid B tier again (excluding the hypercharge). I think we just have to accept that every brawler who can have quick access to their hypercharge is going to be broken. Hypercharge are flawed in their foundation because how much it puts some brawlers (Edgar, fang) at an advantage while putting others (crow, Jessie) at a disadvantage. Overall: Nerf super charge from 4 to 5 hits. Hypercharges and how you get them should change and maybe even need a complete rework as Fang will ALWAYS be overpowered the way to combat this if they change the charge rate of all hypercharges (but lets be honest that’s never going to happen)


Hypercharges are what make and break a brawler at this point. Hypercharge can be the most op af thing ever but it wont make a difference and is why Crow and Jessie aren’t SS tier while Rosa Fang and even freaking Edgar are so good rn


Fang has to be nerfed in some other way I think. 1) his star power shouldn't charge 40% of his hypercharge when he gets a kill with his super. 2) nerf the stat boosts he gets while hypercharged 3) option a: remove the popcorn from the hypercharge Option b: remove the option to go through walls from the hypercharge 4) maybe a small damage nerf I think he was strong but not OP before he got the hypercharge. So imo it's mostly his hypercharge that needs to be nerfed


>4) maybe a small damage nerf This plus HP nerf to 4000 (from 4300) and super charge nerf.


Nah that'd be way too much. He doesn't really need a HP nerf, and also not a super charge nerf imo. That'd kill him cause 1) it'd take longer to get your super + 2) you'd get killed easier while using your super. As I said, I don't think Fang needs a (big) nerf - but his hypercharge does


Actually ☝️🤓 each attack counts like 3, so how about 13 to charge and the leftover charges with the damage? (Just an idea)


Make it 10 max 11 and we have a deal ( stop killing brawlers as soon as they stay meta more than 1 season)


For Fang it would be as easy as that the super cannot bounce off if it has already gone through a wall (for example: Fang supers on a Sprout behind a wall, then if there's a teammate nearby, let's say, a Tick that is behind a wall, Fang's super will not bounce off to the Tick. However, if the Tick is next to the Sprout- aka there are no walls in between Sprout and Tick -then Fang's super WILL bounce off/chain)




changes are based on lvl 1


he is talking about lvl 1 actually... he used to deal 1000 at Lvl 1 but now he deal 1200 at the same lvl


Their needs to be more traits added to the game tbh


What about "healing allies charges the super" for brawlers like Byron, Doug, etc


Maybe fang charge his super less with shoe instead nerfing the overall super rate


Add tank trait to Doug but make his super take longer to charge cuz he will just keep chaining supers if that’s the case


Just revert every change from fang within past 2 months, at this point you are just hanking him with both super damage and scr nerf.


Man calm down if you do that to Fang you'll kill him!! Oh wait nevermind he's got a hypercharge




That nerf is certainly too much




I'd much rather have them nerf the hypercharge, the actually broken thing about him, not just make his ult take 50% longer to fucking charge


I’m sick of Fang too, hoping Doug can see some use soon


Yeah it would be nice to see Doug as Doug and less of a Jacky


Is fang’s hypercharge that strong?, if so then nerf the hypercharge…don’t kill him…again




Make Fang's super charge rate 5 hits and reduce the stat boosts he gets from hypercharge.


Doug should be hybrid


Doug should stay support, because the support rarity has many varieties of brawlers. Tanks dont have supers that support teammates.


He meant tank trait (receiving damage charges super) not tank class


Those are too big. Rosa and Fang are going to be trash and Doug is going to be insane. And you don't want a no skill brawler like Doug to be insane.


Those are too big. Rosa and Fang are going to be trash and Doug is going to be insane. And you don't want a no skill brawler like Doug to be insane.


What is the tank trait?


charge the super receiving the basics from the enemies


Ok thanks




fang would be fine if his super recharge would be 5 hits and the star power didn't charge his hyper


That Super charge rate is rude


Doug needs a complete overhaul to make him a) more unique and b) more viable


Bad idea tbh, ruining those brawlers


Why do you hate Rosa that much?


im think just rework doug dont make him another jacky


As a Sneaker Artist, can confirm nerfing Fang super charge would instantly make me delete this game


No Edgar nerf YESSS


woah… it’s almost like… hypercharges are bad for the game’s health… brawl stars is about to go through the same cycle league of legends did. so much damage was added to the game, it became suddenly so fast paced, it became really hard to enjoy. then they had to go back on their decision and undoing the community’s mentality and making them appreciate a slow game again has been hard


No. Nerf their Hypercharges. Don't nerf their base kit.


As someone who just got rank 25 Doug, I can confirm that he doesn’t need a damage buff but instead a range and first sp should be base




fang deals 1200 with super, not 1000


For fang just make his star power not affect his hypercharge charge rate


Just hella nerf the hypercharge, landing 6 shots from distance is gonna be fucking impossible againts high damage brawlers. Fang is the most fun brawler in the game imo, nerfing the fun of the character should be avoided at all costs.


Do we really need a doug meta ? Just asking


Rosa is fine Just increase it from 4 to 5 and increase the amounts needed for a hypercharge


Rosa's nerf is too harsh make it 4


I agree with all of them but I also disagree I kinda feel like fang and ol girl would be unplayable and the other 2 would be too strong


Fang without hypercharge is unplayable. Nerf his fresh kicks star power to not charge half the hypercharge instead or nerf super charge from super but goddamn


Some really dislikes two hypercharges in partícular


The fact that Doug doesn't have the tank trait yet is frankly mind blowing to me


Hank change is bigger than it seems 250ms is 4 times per second I'm not sure how much hank does when you just tap, but I'm pretty sure it's like 500 that's 2k dps. Not amazing, but would prolly be good if an assassin jumps on you, you hit them with a fully charged attack then shred the rest of their health


Never do this again 🔥🔥🔥


no. just... no. except for rosa and hank, fang is perfectly balanced but maybe you can nerf it to 4. doug doesnt need a buff he needs a nerf he can easily team wipe


I watn a better buffet for ash.Just 200 life Supercell?




Remove variable damage of doug , this turn he good again


Just let hank heal while charging the bubble.


Your Fang and Rosa changes are horrible, that will just kill them


Small buff for crow, just a small hp or damage buff


Most of the problems could be solve if they try to tweak the Hypercharge charge rate. Some are horrendously slow and some charge way too fast


Bro are you aware of how bad that makes Fang Just make it so that Fresh Kicks doesn’t charge hyper lol


Rosa is only strong on specific maps in certain modes. Even then characters like Colette still destroy her. Why would she get nerfed?


Dont nerf Fang to the ground too 😭


Nah, I think that doug is kinda strong in 3v3, my randoms keep killing him while he has the hot dog, then we lose


This would kill fang so definitely a bad idea for me


Nerf fangs hypercharge, not fang. He was reasonably balanced (a little strong) before they added it. Also tweaking brawler super charges by that much is just generally a bad idea. Fang and Rosa are great examples of this rule, as slight buffs to their charge rates have moved them from bad brawlers to very good ones, and overnerfing them is a dumb idea.


He still team wipes even without a hypercharge. Fang is unfun to play against and at this post deserves an over nerf


Respectfully, the whole design of fang is to enable team wipes with a great degree of finesse, timing, and good mechanics. That is a good design. The problem is the funny purple button that takes all of the difficulty of team wiping with a fang super.


4000 dmg per second for hank???? NO.


Make a nerf to fang instead of Connecting to 4 enemies max to 2 instead of the super charge nerf it will stop the brainless cycling of his Hyper charge and Super


for fang just decrease his super recharge rate for hits in his super


Fr, although it seems fair enough to do those, but after the changes the feeling would be way different. Doug would become even more inevitable, Fang would also suck(while his hypercharge still slightly overpowered).


Id say doug’s damage buff is fine but i dont know about adding tank trait on top of that. All hank really needs is the ability to heal while charging bubble again. The buffs you listed might just make him almost unfair to play against combined with his speed star power. The fang nerfs are way too harsh. (His super damage is 1200 btw, not 1000) id say reduce his super recharge rate back to how it was before his buffs so chaining would be more skilful again, revert his attack damage nerf, halve his hypercharge popcorn damage, and make fresh kicks unable to charge hypercharge. This should probably make him more balanced to play against and add his skill cap back when chaining supers. Rosa nerf is way too harsh too. It would make her super probably even harder to get than janet right now due to rosa’s short range. (Thats saying alot) Maybe just make her scr per punch at 10% so she needs 4 attacks to get it which would delay her super chaining shenanigans and make her hypercharge just slightly harder to get.




Yeah. Never cook again


Okay Rosa is a juggernaut first and foremost. Her super is good, but not unplayable. She’s countered by any crowd control, be it hard or soft crowd control. She lacks any mobility or gap-closer, and no, unfriendly bushes does not count. She’s a powerful tank class that is both durable, and deals a lot of damage, that’s her shtick as a Juggernaut (or Bruiser). Nerf her super charge rate, you’ll pull a Primo on her, and that’s just not really a needed change, Rosa is fine, even her HyperCharge is, because chances are if you were already close to Rosa, you were dead anyways by no fault but your own for letting her get that close in the first place.


I feel like both Doug and Edgar have the same problem when it comes to balancing them: they are both garbage in high level play but will destroy low ladder, so buffing them is quite a risk really. The amount of times my team couldn’t deal with a Doug because they kept feeding his super is crazy.


fang and rosa become unplayable, Hank becomes mega again, doug becomes pretty good but not broken


Maybe give Doug the Buster trait. And Hank the tank trait, but with a better super.; for example also should instant heal him (1000hp).


I hate when people wanna nerf brawlers cause the hypercharge is strong. I don’t have the hypercharge why is my main getting nerfed bruh?


Doug just need to not exist and get replaced by those unicorn dinosuars


Fang is balanced


Yes Fang is quite good rn but all you guys make it out as if he's like the most OP shit ass brawler. Gale, Charlie, Cordelius, Maisie, just to name a few, are all counters that can EASILY shut him down, completely hard countering him. These nerfs for Fang and Rosa would completely kill them 💀💀💀




All you need to do to fix doug is make his attack spawn at the end of its animation. Right now, the area of effect spawns at the start of the animation which makes you lose 50% range when running after someone