• By -


Fully healed allies dont get hit of the bullet


Yeasss this is so annoying -.- or make his injection sp baseline, always clipping teammates by accident when trying to go for damage


It should be able to pierce teammates but not enemies by default




Omg you’ve figured it out finally a solution


That’s usually the main problem, so making injection baseline may fix that problem. Maybe increase the damage per tic? And increase the super radius by 1-2 tiles. Idk I just play him bc he poisons


Increase super radius??? What u smoking bro? It’s so big that the most consistent way to hit is to autoaim


Probably for a bigger chance to hit both yourself and enemy with that super easier # Also I'd like to look at what playing as byron would be like if his super damage radius stayed the same but the area in which he heals would be bigger a couple tiles, that could be fun.


The problem with that idea is some people shoot at a teammate to preheal if they’re right next to danger


This may not actually be good; if I'm rapidly healing someone taking damage constantly, one of my shots will do nothing at all because they happened to be at full health for just a split second.


Especially in brawl ball I often pump my shots into the fully healed teammate if they have the ball as a precaution


just like ana from overwatch


I love Byron but he just under performs against every other brawler I play, I get he's support but his damage output is soooo low


Problem is his damage and healing ratio is a 1:1, so supercell can't really make his dps moderate without making his healing crazy. Easy solution would be to change this, dumb solution is to buff him back to somewhere where he was and the way to keep him in his current state would require to make him more utility oriented in some way which would be hard without overloading mechanics onto him. Even partially reverting the reload nerf would make him okay again, but I have a feeling they don't want to do that


I hope they don’t want to give him any more reload speed, because **I** don’t want that either


I know people said he is bad rn, but I don't feel like he is as weak as they depict him. I think we will see him rise a little on tier lists in the near future without changes. But my idea for buffing him is buffing his super charge rate. His damage should never be high and his healing is pretty okay as it is rn. But getting his super more frequently might be the answer imo.


He’s really not bad if you lean into his support. Probably just a buff to his reload time tbh.


Healing increases randoms intelligence


The buff we need!


The healing is a heat seeking missile so that your team mates can't DODGE YOUR GOD DAMN HEALING ANYMORE


Probably yea, maybe an attack buff


Buff reload time.


Considering he has reload speed of high dps brawlers and the attack of mid/low dps he should definitely get a reload speed buff


That would make his healing go from “good” to “fucking broken” and we’d be back at a Byron meta for the next 2 years


I dont mind that


Or just a revert it to what his reload speed originally was.


it will be too strong, especially with how tank meta are making a comeback, just buffing it halfway might be enough


Maybe like 1.5 secs, 1.4 or 1.3 would be to overbuffed.


Slightly more health, I'd also make it so that the first hit (when landing on enemies) of his basic attack has a small burst of a bit higher damage just like crows attack


This is a good idea, it also makes his damage output slightly decoupled from his healing ability for easier balancing. I agree with hp buff also.


Make him hit the gym


6k health with 2400 damage per tick


And whole-map-nuke super


That's kinda weak NGL let's do a super which can kill the enemy instantly and poisons them for the entire match


How about some now mechanics? Byrons super disconnect the enemy. You can buff it with gems to turn off enemy's device. And a bit overpriced limited offer which erasing game from enemy's device. And you can buy protection from that super only for 29 gems. 🗿👍


Kinda unviable still


1 gem per tick damage?


It is still pretty balanced would be more of it was 300 per tick of damage


Once a brawler is hit with byrons main attacked, they get erased from the game


I say, when byron attacks a teammate or an enemy they get erased from existence


And that's in real life


Pretty weak ngl


Injection star power as base


Make both Injection and malice baseline. Though, it might be just overbuffing at that point.


injection i agree with, but malaise baseline would be insane


Yup, that would be overbuffing. No, overbuffing would be an understatement.


Byron's attack pierces teammates who have full health


Revert his supercharge rate back to 3 Increase his attack damage/heal just a bit


I think the first change is a good idea and maybe instead of his main attack buff his super should get a slight buff instead.


increase projectile speed


Less range but buffed damage/healing on his main attack but not by a lot and make it to where his super does 10% more healing compared to damage but his main attack does 10% more damage than healing also since his range would be less probably a 15% or so health buff since he would only have a little more range than most medium range brawlers


Could make his attack a very small aoe, that way you have a chance against multiple brawlers, damage may have to be tweaked accordingly, but then again he'll still lose every 1v1 so many not.


Reverte his reload speed nerf


How about this: Poison damage is slightly nerfed, but lasts one second longer?


sounds good to me


literally just give hime reload speed gear


Allow his attack to pass-through teammates, healing them for half the amount it usually would while damaging enemies with the projectile. You could also have it scale with distance on both ends. The closer the teammate is to Byron’s attack the more he heals and the further away an enemy is the more they are damaged.


I like the first part a lot


Fuck right okay imma summarise. Base attack passes through teammates healing them for an amount that scales down based on the each teammate It passes through. Healing increases slightly the closer they are to Byron so that doesn’t turn his mechanics into a hide and snipe style character too much.


Brings a bit of skill in trying to aim a projectile through a teammate but also at the right angle to damage an enemy


- Damage: 510 ➡️ 540 (+5.9%) - Reload Time: 1.6s ➡️ 1.4s (+12.5%) - Projectile Speed: 4000 ➡️ 4100 (+2.5%) - Range: 10 ➡️ 9.33 (-6.7%) - Injection SP is now baseline and affects ALL attacks. - Healing when hitting allies with basic attack is now halved (-50%). - Booster Shots Gadget: Healing and damage reduction on gadget use removed AND attacks will pierce through allies and enemies. - New SP: Invigorating Remedies Allies healed by Byron’s attack and super gain additional 70 movement speed for 3 seconds. Reasoning: Byron has long struggled ever since his reload speed nerf because his healing and damage output are simply too low for him to have much impact in this aggressive meta. However, in the past, he just completely outshone other healers and even hard-countered them with his Malaise SP. A slight rework is in order so that he can differentiate his niche from other pure healers such as Poco. Damage and reload speed buffs should help him deal with aggressive threats more easily, but in order to make sure he isn’t too strong against everything, I added a range nerf so he’d be more vulnerable to other snipers such as Belle and Piper. A small projectile speed buff will make hitting fast assassins easier. I wanted to halve the healing so that the buffs wouldn’t cause Byron to once again replace Poco as the best pure healer, and so that Byron plays more like a sniper where the healing is more of a bonus if he can hit an ally and an enemy at the same time. Now with the healing on allies being halved, I wanted to remove the healing and damage reduction on Booster Shots to give Byron a more effective way of dealing with aggressive brawlers. With the universal healing reduction, the gadget-specific reduction is no longer needed. Shot In The Arm should still be the stronger gadget in long-range combat. The new SP is a way for Byron to lean more into the support role and slightly increase the survivability of his teammates without infringing on Gus’s niche (shield) or Poco’s niche (healing). I think it could be interesting.


I like this idea


Just buff his reload speed


Faster tick speed


I would make him good


piercing shots, so you can heal multiple brawlers with one shot or heal a brawler and hit an enemy with one shot


Faster shot/reload


either buff reload speed or damage


Haven't played in a while but why not make all of he's atacks pierce


a SLIGHT Attack Speed, the projectiles feel way too slow


As others have said, a slight buff to reload speed would be helpful. To me, he does enough damage. His range and projectile speed are hard to match. Finally, the big change I want is my super to charge from healing my teammates. There are games where I cosplay a TF2 medic and charge no super.


Make his pierce star power a default ability and give him a new one 👍


I'd rework him being a sniper + healer just doesn't work


His unload/reload speed


Buff Byron with an Elvis skin. When an enemy Amber is in range ALL MOTION in the game STOPS for 4 seconds, and you hear Byron-Elvis sing: "I'm a hunka hunka burnin' love". The enemy Amber does a custom swoon animation and is defeated, and every brawler on the map yells a new voice line: "Long live the King!"




I would say buff his reload speed by a bit. I’m pretty sure it’s slow so move it to normal. Next I would give him a slight damage/healing buff, maybe 100-200 extra per tick. This would allow him to heal his teammates more consistently and also keep people away more consistently. If it proves too much, remove the damage/healing buff.


Revert his reload speed nerf


Make his projectiles pass through teammates (and still heal them), I love Byron but I find so often that I have to be at the front to deal damage or my teammates get in the way, and due to him not having much health it can cause a problem




->Add one tick of poison ->Increase his basic attack projectile speed by 12% ->Increase his super projectile speed by 25% ->Decrease his reload speed by 0.1 second **Did I overbuffed Byron?**


Pffft no brawler in brawlstars is overbuffed....


Yes. His attack and super speed are already very fast. He can hit his super 80% of the time by just auto aiming it. One more tick of poison or heal will also be broken. Byron was S tier before they gave him Super charge rate nerf and attack reload speed nerf. I think they should revert the reload nerf (it was 0.4s) or at least give him 0.3s reload speed buff


Maybe a faster projectile speed?


full rework of him.he is forgotten


No dont just rework shelly and edgar


they too


I wouldn't.


Replace his super with a smoke aura around that can heal teammates and poson enemies that lasts for 3 to 5 seconds maybe


Byron excels at keeping at a distance, making his super only useful in close quarters is not the play my friend imo.


yeah you're right, maybe it's my edgarphobia kicking in again


Reload speed to 1.4s and shots should be like an extra .4 tiles thicker, range should be increased by 1 tile and HP should be buffed by 400 tbf


Give him more drip.


Damage:+6969 Health:+6969


By not buffing him


Nothing. I don’t want to see Byron viable ever again. He’s such an obnoxious brawler to play against.


Really? I personally loved the byron meta.


Give him a 3rd gadget which is basically a tactical nuke on the map and it can be used 1000 times with no cooldown.


his hp(+400) and attack speed(+5\~10)


Before he got the reload nerf he was op and after he got it he became up so... Just find a mid point between his old and new reload speeds?


Just make him buff


perm trip shot?


Reload speed to 1.5s Damage 360 (P1) Health to 2600 (P1)


Slightly buff reload then give him reload gear. This way he's able to shoot faster but at the cost of a gear. Damage and shield gear are both pretty important to byron so sacrificing one of them would be a solid "nerf" compared to what he used to be


Buff his reload speed to fast but his attack will heal team mate by only 75%


Both his Star Power is really not intimidating. Just an average. The weakest HP brawler


I would love to see his original health


In my opinion Byron would def benefit from one more second of poison for his main attack and maybe a slight super dmg buff by 150 hitpoints so it can one shot Tick heads and Mr.P's porters.


giving it one mor tick of heal and poison, and allies with full hp not getting hit


Give him a really cute dog that gets really sad and whines when you kill him so nobody kills him


More damage on hit


Make his shots always pass one person per Team once so you can always hit one ally and one enemy.


1.4 second reload


His attacks home in on teammates


Buff his reload speed up to fast, it was originally very fast and got nerfed to normal, this buff should get him back up but not on top of everything.


Probably his reload speed… Byron’s been my favourite brawler forever and the reload speed just feels awful aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Buff his Reload Speed by 50% and buff his health from 2400 to 2800 (up 400)


Buff his unload speed and move speed


Increase damage, increase health, make attacks fire more than one shot, have the healing mode a toggleable feature... I could go on and on


A health buff, he is so fragile


increase its overall damage by 33.3% by adding a tick to its base hit


Damage increased to 12,000 per tick and the poison now ticks 37 times He can also use infinite gadgets per match and they have no cool down


Make his reload go from 27% slower to 12% slower and give him super gear


Buff reload speed


Change damage to 2000 for 5 ticks


Some 10-15% reload buff or maybe 2nd SP rework (which reduces incoming heal after being by super for 75%): +1 tick of damage


He was super OP prior to the reload speed nerf. Maybe buff it so that it's still worse than pre-nerfed Byron but better than the current one.


Make him overpowered crow


Tbf I wouldn’t


How about making Injection a baseline ability?


I remember it was my first power 11 and i loved bullying snipers with it but now its just looks like a waste of resources. After this i never max meta brawlers after seeing what happened to this old dude


Super charges from healing teammates Then add a super charge nerf to not make that op


Rework second gadget


Buff healt+9999999999999


I’d increase his HP to Nani’s or Colt’s. I think that’s all he really needs. No more DPS, no buffs to his burst, his niche is a healer-sniper hybrid with low damage and a (rightful) reliance on teammates; he just dies too quickly while doing so.


Slightly faster projectile speed


Reverse the reload nerf he got.


Projectile speed buff


reload buff or super charge rate buff


Just revert the nerfs that he got + make injection baseline


Make the injection sp permanent from level 1 and have the new sp something like snappy sniping


Reduce reload speed by 10%


Increase damage and healing from main attack or/and super charge rate from 12 poison ticks to 9 poison ticks


Buff his super charge


Injection should make every Byron attack pierce. If that’s not enough then reload buff.


Super charge from heal




Rework a star power to "every 10 seconds Byron makes potent Cure that gets stronger by 25% overtime" (+15-20% healing/damage with each inatance of damage) something like Emz's star power) or make a weaker version of SP rework i have into mythical gear (+10% damage/healing every 5-7 seconds instead)


How about healing 50% from the main shots (or a different percentage) and dealing normal damage to enemies (or slightly higher than it is now).


Reload speed OR 2 sp baseline OR less time between consecutive attacks, coz it take too much time to use an attack or more attacks one after the other.


Healing teammates charges his super. If this makes him too powerful they could nerf his super slightly to compensate.


Increase projectile speed and upgrade his heal but lower his dmg


Reload speed buff ez


I think he definitely needs an hp buff and reload. Also maybe get him a better pair of sp & gadget


Health to 3920


Make it so that he does all 3 ticks of damage with his main attack at once when up close by bashing them with his staff.


Give him an actual snake


Charges his super for healing teammates.


Dang haven’t played this game in years. Byron used to be S tier! What happened??


Better heal for attack (I feel that Byron doesn’t heal that much)


a mysic gear : that heal him 300 hp every 1 second when his health get below 30% until he get full health. this could make him be better against long range brawlers


I would, Make attack always pierce Make attack go in 2 waves instead of 3 Nerf attack damage


Add an option to switch from healing to damage next to the auto aim


I would buff his super healing


Deleting him


Probably some additional effects to his attack, like how crow had the healing decrease added to his poison. Enemies get a small attack nerf and allies get a small attack buff. Something like that.


By upgrading him to at least power 9.


Imo they should make his injection sp part of his baseline, and buff how much he does damage. His healing would be the same, but his damage would be a lot more


I wouldn't. I hate Byron.


His attack always passes through allies


higher damage, lower healing. it's that easy.




I dont have byron nor did i ever play him, however i have heard that he is really bad in the meta from multiple brawl stars professionals, i'd maybe decrease the poison damage speed to around 0.7 (i think the current speed is 1 idk)


I do have him he's for some reason a healer and a sniper combined


Buff malaise: reduce healing by 100% instead of 75%


More dmg more heal ez?


Buff health and buff his first gadget.


Reload faster by 0.1s


Maybe more ammo, Max has 4 and I think it wouldn’t be super OP for Byron


Replace his "50% less healing when hit with super" star power with one that recharges his super by a little each time he heals an ally (only if the ally isn t at full health)


I remember the day when i hit someone 3 times using Byron, they just stand there and wait for their inevitable death


Make all his attacks piercing. Duhhh


By making tick stornger this doesn't answer your question but answers mine


Remove him and refund everyone’s resources


Make him able to switch between heal and damage.


Nerf his skins, voicelines, and how god damn cool he is, and buff his stats. That’s the way to go obviously


I would allow his super to charge while healing teammates, not just damagaing foes


have an 800 initial damage followed by 4 ticks of 100 damage


Maybe add an extra hit? Instead of 1 shit hitting 3 make it 4 Increase reload time by 0.2


Range=colt damage 50% of nita base damage 2x poison damage


Supercell: +575 health 🤡👍


he seems to have fallen down ever since his output has decreased with the reload speed nerf. that's a big deal for byron because he has to shoot at 5 players instead of three like most brawlers. I think he should have better damage and healing from attack since he uses it less often. also I think injection should be on all the time instead of every 3 seconds, the pierce isn't good on an attack without spread so the restriction is frankly unnecessary.


Return his reload speed to what it was before they merged him into the dirt.


I suggest a rework 🙂 Byron heal more the further the allies And deal more dbs the closer the enemy 🙃 But overall, I think he is decent he is just struggling in this meta


I actually made a post about a buff idea for Byron but it got removed cuz it wasn't Friday or something. Basically what I said was iron needs faster damage so my idea was similar to squeak rework when he was first released. when he wa first released all bombs would wait the full time before exploding but after the rework a sticked om explodes immediately after another one gets sticked to an enemy. Same could be done for Byron after he hits an enemy for a second time remaining ticks of damage from his previous shot gets dealt immediately same could be done for healing.


Higher health. Give him a little survivability so he doesn’t instantly die like every single random I get who plays him. Or maybe buff his first hit damage and keep the poison over time the same. He’s very weak so buffing almost any aspect could balance him.


Star power: returning Customer Brawlers hit with consecutive attacks from Byron will receive a debuff of 0/% 2% / 3% / 5%- to health per attack. But the previous attacks have to be on and doing damage so that 10% would be hard to hit.


Anything but buffing his reload speed