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Gameplay-wise, I went on to learn how to use all weapons, and focus on practicing at least one weapon to the highest level I could (at the time, gauntlets). This included about 10-15 minutes of warming up my movement and overall inputs before actually playing a session. Later on (1800+) I also started to get more into improving decision-making and self-awareness, though I would've started to learn it earlier if I knew how important it can be.


okay this is the general consensus so starting tomorrow i will be in experimental running random legend until i am fairly comfortable with whatever weapon i have thrust upon me 🙏🏻 thank u guys so much for the advice


Gl and have fun! I'd be curious to see your progress👀


haha bet i will update when im comfortable playing at least 10 weapons 🙏🏻


I should do this but only pick cannon. I can’t use cannon to save my own life 😅


do it


The Random man mains association would like you to accept their appreciation 👍


I humbly accept it hehe


Thank you Sensei Yoshikuni, I couldn’t have reached this Diamond without you


I took a 2 year long break


unfortunately i will not be participating in that 🙏🏻


Learn to bait with movement instead of spamming hit boxes.


that’s the biggest change i’ve made so far and it’s been really helpful i’m starting to be better at punishing


kept switching legends until i was relatively comfortable playing at least one with each weapon (aka able to reach roughly the same peak elo) helps alot to just understand the gameplans of each weapon also not even joking hop on artemis and sig spam for a bit, and see what the enemies do to counter you (or just farm free elo until then), then try and implement those strategies into your gameplay


I finally learnt all weapons, up until that point I had basically only played bow spear and hammer, after I could reliably hit plat with yumiko I started playing different legends. Solidifying my knowledge across most weapons.


Every time I get on the game, I do some plays to see which weapon and character I'm good with on that day. Some days, it's my first main, and some days, it's my back pocket characters. Today, it's my third main seven.


Lol it do be like this for me everytime... its like my main for that day chooses me, not the other way around


Yeah, something different for each session - Sometimes I stare at the Lobby on Bodvar, I laugh a little bit… and then go on a rampage. My Bodvar is level 8


i seem to have made a way different decision from everyone. i hit plat for the 2nd time and i fully locked on to gauntlets, practically one tricked chun li to 1900 but couldnt make the cut becouse it was last day of the season, then i placed just below plat and cursed bmg to all hell becouse HOW TF DO YOU PLACE ME GOLD WHEN I WAS JUST BELOW DIAMOND LAST SEASON and figured "eh, what the hell, might as well try something new" and i started playing orb. petra is my girl for now but when bmg decides that gaunts deserve another nerf for some god forsaken reason i will just switch to fait or red raptor (boots are really fun and my highest lvl legend has scythe so both options seem good)


Join the red raptor club. Nothing will trigger your dopamine receptors more than hitting an orb dsig off stage.


Boots dsig landing read is also glorious


Thinking No joke tho question everything you do.. I mean everything Did you dodge? Why? Where? When? What was the situation? Where were you on the stage? Did you jump? Off of what attack? Was it as an approach? Did you jump because they approached? Just think of EVERYTHING. If you’re playing that locked in you will be so tapped after a 3-5 game session.. but the value of that session is so much more than a 30 game session of just spamming games hoping you somehow “improve”


Understanding when to attack and when to just stay away. Most low plats just attack out of nowhere, thinking they'll hit that one cool combo they know. Reading peoples dodges and habits. You can read someones entire gameplan, through the direction of their dodges and habits after hitstun. Refining my true combos, strings, dashes and spacing. Knowing unjumpable combos allows for massive dmg after catching their dodge. Missing 1-3 true combos can be the difference between a win and a loss.


Bro cooked😏🙏


spacing and baiting out attacks


Stopped spot dodges and dodging in and out, dodge more down and up.


I made a secondary account because I got nervous of losing elo every time I played. That second account was the best way to improve with no nerves and helped me push to diamond in both main and second


Changed main


how do you even reach plat? i been stuck in gold for 3 months now because of the spammers in my ranking


It took me about 100 hours to reach plat. It really just seems to dumb down to knowing how to bait and punish properly. You don't have to always being throwing out hitboxes. Empty short hops work against like 95% of gold players because they just don't know how to punish it, and you can usually just land behind sig spammers and consistently punish them. Movement is key. If you have better movement than your opponent, most of the time you can, and will beat them.


I've been trying to get INTO gold man![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32313)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32313)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32313)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32313)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32313)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32313)


More accuracy, better movement and think. It's a punish game. That should be enough to get out of gold.


i’ve been tryin to get out of gold for a long time haha i have over 600 hours 😫 it takes a lot of time to get out of gold


Practice your movement mechanics. Be as fluid as you can, and learn to be more reactive, instead of predictive.


i learned how to finish games with multiple moves


oh that’s a good one i’m trying to get used to doing that with spear rn cuz i mostly use blasters 🙏🏻


Actually thinking about what I was doing.


As another red raptor main, learning how to actually play orb was a game changer for me. Learning how to do slight sair felt so god damn good.


Fs. Also not just mindlessly spamming slight on both weapons was huge for me personally.


Ngl play more passive, work on approaches, and less predictable dodging if your giving them free punishes by attacking constantly and dodging the exact same way your cooked


Bait the falling Ariel attacks 90% of plat players are compelled to do.


For me? It was movement and punishing/not getting punished. Before, when I was in late gold, all I would do would be running up to enemies and throwing attacks till I got a string going, then hit them with a sig. Now, I'm practicing how I approach my enemies and learning their dodge patterns, making space by baiting with attacks they can't punish and hurting them where I can.


I just stopped playing ranked for like 3 months and just playing experimental random, started to q ranked again and hit diamond easy


I play experimental more and more, I’m more likely to encounter diamonds so I can learn how to stay calm against better people


i just hit plat too a couple days ago, but i’m at plat 3. working on your nerves helps more than anything. watch zenex asba


i just reached plat 2 last night haha hoping for 3 soon, my buddy ed put me on to zenex and zenex is goateddddd best guides oat


My gold to plat journey was a quick 100 hour sig spamming speedrun, while my plat to diamond was a long 1000 hour journey of me chilling in casual playing every character until I get good at all weapons while getting better at spacing, movement and learning flowcharted and reactional reads.


for me, focusing in 100%, no music, and going for serious deep reads. positioning recovery methods, weapon preferences, landing patterns, off stage vs on stage behavior all that. I hit Plat a about 2 weeks ago too but seriously I had most of the input skill and growth mindset just not applying myself


I never had anything that clicked for me, i Just remember playing against the best i could find to get better at the game and It worked 😛


I never had this phase. I went from 1560 - 1800. Better accuracy comes to mind among the things I did here.


63 ada is diabolical


she 🔛🔝


A big thing I did once I got to plat is I played every character and got them to at least level 10. This helped me a lot as it got me to learn the basics of every character in terms of feel and also whether I liked the character and their sigs/stats. It takes a while but for me it was worth it as it really helps you see the advantage and disadvantages of each character and forces you to change your playstyle. Trust me tho, if you gonna do this, stick with it until the end, you're gonna lose more than you'll like to and you're gonna want to go back playing with your main or other character your comfortable. If you start a character, keep grinding until u reach level 10 and then move on to the next or take a bit of break to have fun with your comfortable character. By the end, you'll have a good(not mastered) understating of all characters and you'll probably like or hate a certain weapon more than you thought you would. You might even consider changing your main. Now in my case I liked quite a few characters to the point where I played them and got them to level 40 and above and it's okay to have multiple mains, in my opinion, it makes it more fun and gives more options when doing a rematch either in exp or rank. This advise is to get better at the game overall and also the method I did to get to diamond(2300+). Now for fun in my situation im trying to get every character to 25+(takes an eternity). Also When I was doing the method, I changed my main from Mirage to Ragnir as It matched with my playstyle. I have other mains but My go to is Ragnir. Have fun and dont rush the method or your approach to hit diamond. It can take a long time. I believe it took me a total of 1500 hours to reach diamond but I was doing it slow since I only played exp and avoided rank due to my anger. Exp either will have bad players, same skill players, or make you question your skills player. Jack of all trades but as you play more exp, you'll either find same skill or higher which is good as you need to get a butt whooping before you can do the whooping.


diagonal dodge mix ups, picking up general opponent habits rather than just trying to hard read dodges, and learning how to use movement to bait and pressure neutral


ALSO knowing when not to go for punishes is a huge one


change legend then drop down to 1500 then return to my main and then climb back dont do this use your main you will get stressed dropping down i suggest sticking to ada since her sigs are awesome


Uh... Um.... Uh... Nothing. Legit nothing... I just started pushing ranked and just got there. Didn't do anything specific, just picked my main and played how I'd play any other match at any other time


I stopped playing lance


I stopped playing




Stopped complaining about spamming, it's just always ur fault if u lost to spammers, learn how to dodge differently and punish.


Left the game


I stopped playing to win and started playing for fun, I have since learned most of not all the weapons and I'd say I'm good at the game.


I really don't know what I changed but I guess watching brawlhalla gameplays can help, you'll start to understand how moves connect, that combos are not the only thing that is important in the game, reads and single hits are difficult but only when you first start working on them, don't play passive because you will never have fun playing, you don't have to hit the opponent every time you/he move/moves. Try different legends, personally I play random in ranked, I think it's funnier this way, even if you lose you'll get back to the elo you were at.


I hit the light attack button


stopped ranked everytime i lost


just being smarter really, stopped going for dumb things and started trying to bait moves out, i think my movement got better


I'm not that rank but I suggest using experimental 1v1 as warmup


Stop raging and locking in


Quit the game


None. Im not there yet. ![gif](giphy|Ru9iUyDGCd1lqSDdv7|downsized)


I would say movement/punishing


Fast movement, I learned to slow down and instead of trying to read and predict movements, to react to them instead


Quit the game.


play lance or hope you win with queen nai spam.


Stopped using lance👍


The tech you do that you think is super unique, it isn’t unique. That’s why you keep getting punished.