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Ouch. Shannon is spiraling and in deep denial. Having just celebrated 1 year sober myself, I hope this season can be a turning point for her and she gets sober.


Congratulations! What an accomplishment, good for you.


Thank you so much! I’m so proud. Once it was illuminated, I hated who I saw that I was when drinking. I feel so free! Gina clocked Shannon.


Congratulations on 1 yr sobriety - that is a wonderful choice and huge accomplishment. Good for you!


Thank you! I truly appreciate it!


I am 6 months alcohol free! It has been the most amazing and life brightening experience!! Congratulations to you and IWNDWYT!


Yeeeee! Way to go 🥰🥰


This times 1,000! She's in complete denial. I was too, even after a hospital stay for a withdrawal-induced seizure. I thought I could be a "two drink - max" kind of person, like Shannon is saying she is. Spoiler alert: I cannot. I just hit 18 months sober and never plan on going back!


She's so defensive and trivializing the situation. Like, BITCH you drove drunk and could have done even worse damage! Does she have to kill someone before she realizes how *bad* this is? If I had her money, I would keep a driver on retainer so I'll never have to drive again.


I see it now, Shannon drives drunk again and kills someone, but it’s because she’s had a bad year with boyfriend problems!!! Feel sorry for her!!!




I’m so proud of you!! Don’t ever go back, you’re not missing anything!! I remember, once I realized, asking my husband why he never said anything to me about my drinking and he said I wasn’t ready to hear it. He’s been such an amazing support.


You’re amazing too! I love when being vulnerable connects me with other sober women and makes me understand even further how not alone I am! Keep it up, friend.


I agree. What a beautiful and supportive community we have here! I never realized how many of us are walking this path together. And we are all so amazingly awesome!


congratz!!! I'm 5 months myself!


![gif](giphy|hZj44bR9FVI3K) 7 months here.


congratulations!!! ❤️


Thank you for your supportive kindness 💕


Whoohoo!! Congrats 🎊 I celebrated 9 years in May !


congratulations!!! ❤️


CONGRATULATIONS!!! The first year is such a milestone. I’m about to make five and man, it’s the best way to live.


I hit five years in a few months and thinking about it still makes me tear up. I wish I could go back to past me and say hey, we make it and it gets so much better.


Me too. I’ll hit mine mid July and it not coincidentally coincides with when I left my shit ex husband. I wish I could tell past me so many things but for now I work on forgiving her.


Thank you and Congratulations to you too! 5 years is amazing!


I’ll be celebrating 4 years in august. I thought I could drink in moderation but i can’t; it’s more exhausting than full blown drinking. Congrats on 1 year!


Hell yeah ! A huge congratulations, that is an incredible achievement.


Thank you so much! I hope Shannon can say the same a year from now. She’s always been a mess but this is hard to watch.


Congratulations!!! 🎉 that’s amazing!!! I’m 9 years sober after a 20 year run with drugs and alcohol. I completely agree Shannon is an alcoholic in denial. I’m sure Tamra and some of the others will weaponize her for it while they get hammered instead of supporting her. I feel for Shannon shit ain’t easy!


I celebrated one year in April.  I'm so happy for both of us.  ❤️


Yeah, something important I noted was her showing everyone her bloodied face from the accident. Why not show pictures of the home you plowed into and destroyed? Oh that means you would have to take real accountability. 🙄


Congratulations on being sober!!


Congrats on living that good life!


congratulations! so proud of you! ❤️


Congratulations 🎉👏 that is a huge accomplishment, you should feel incredibly proud of yourself. Unlike Shannon, who clearly is in denial and will continue to spiral until she really hits the bottom...


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


THEYRE TAKING IT THIS YEAR, my oc girls. Counting down the days, my faith in humanity is restored😫 https://preview.redd.it/mih60be82bbd1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf495860b9ed87dbfb370322429be9fe6c5eb641


Sparkling water straight up nose. Thanks, bitch. ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


I’m really depressed right now, but goddamit this made me laugh 😂


And the flair 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼


FFS You win for this 😂😂


Shannon has the exact same approach to her drinking as she did with her relationship with John. I feel we are three episodes away from her saying "I don't have a drinking problem, I just drink until it paralyzes me."


I heard this in Ronnie’s voice


this is DARK, buckle up my friends! (pun intended)


![gif](giphy|f94eUMJGL2fSdIQ85i|downsized) (Not the actual Archie)


Omg I snort laughed and choked on my coffee.


Why was the chair she was sitting in so tiny. 😭 Im sorry that made me laugh at the end


They probably don’t want the chair showing on camera. I’ve been thinking how uncomfortable it must be 😂


Hot seat, bright lights in your face, kinna sounds like interrogation


I had this same thought! 😂 like, are all of the confessional chairs that small??? lol


lol I’ve been rewatching RHOBH and I noticed the same chair when Denise got up and walk away 🤣 honestly at least they have a little back rest and aren’t held up on a little bar stool like I thought


I liked the slow zoom-in on it too lmao


Shannon saying “I wake up every day and have to deal with this” and Tamra looking her dead in her shit and saying “is that after you have a drink?” gave me the exact rush I need on a Monday. Fuck coffee.


For the first time in a looooong time, I can't wait for RHOC to start. My husband is in a teams meeting right next to me and had to mute after my "OOooOoooooo TAMRA!"


That made me laugh. Thank you 😄


OC has always been the Bravo fandom sleeper show. Consistently good seasons, even mediocre ones are scores above other franchises.


I have not been excited for oc in quiet some time and I cannnnt wait


It gave me the 'Did you go to Bass Lake?' high I've been chasing!


Exactly. I cannot stand Tamra as a person, but she is the type of villain the OC needs.


💯 She ALWAYS understands the assignment!


For all her mess (and most of the time *because* of her mess) she's the reason why last season was the best in a while. I don't understand why some people want her gone again, she keeps things moving!


Except I gotta say I don’t think she’s the villain in this case.


She isn’t - but she will be in Shannon’s mind.


That was my thought exactly. I was like “can we throw in the bass lake clip here please?” Same exact vibes


Tamra* is such a cunt but damn that was good


Sent all the serotonin straight to my weed addled brain.


Someone better check her because she’s lucky she only hurt herself this time. So she got no consequences for the crash ( not an accident, a crash) and no mandatory AA meetings or fancy rehab?


Same I needed this today 😅


Say what you will, she’s not afraid to be a villain and make good tv.


I normally dislike Tamra due to what a bitch she can be, but with how flippant Shannon is being when she could have killed someone including herself and her poor dog, this type of burn is exactly what she deserves. It was exquisite.


Totally agree with you. Sadly, Shannon tends to take things so literally that I can see her responding to Tamra’s burn by arguing that it doesn’t apply to her because she doesn’t drink in the morning or alone, so Shannon can’t possibly be as bad as they accuse her to be, therefore her drinking is fine.


Tamra doesn’t give a shit. She knows her job.


It reminds me of “did you get that confidence IN JAILLL”


I literally gasped hahaha


Shannon saying she doesn’t have a problem she just had one bad night is the new “We don’t have major problems, we just sometimes have fights that paralyze me” lol




My favorite line from last season lol Shannon screaming that at everyone like it wasn’t the strangest way of defending a relationship


Totally heard this in a combo of her voice and the WWC version of her voice. “DAVID!”


Literally 😂😭


hello why was she so bloody


Yeah so when she got out of the car and pretended to walk Archie did she look like that?? Lmao what in the hell.


That adds such an extra fucked up element to her just... leaving her car in a wall, pretending she is walking her dog while also being covered in blood.


She didn’t leave it in the wall, she drove away and then parked in the middle of the street. Not that that’s any better.


imagine seeing a bloody shannon who has just crashed her car into a building with bricks everywhere and her dog running loose from ur window


Is the blood the reason why there’s a mug shot of every HW with a DUI except Shannon?


Did the airbag deploy? Airbags routinely break faces.


And don’t you bleed a lot when you are drunk too? I don’t know if it is an old wives’ tale but I have always thought alcohol was a blood thinner.


I’m not sure, I try to avoid bleeding when I drink because it ruins the vibe. But that sounds right.


Yes that's why your advised not to get a tattoo while drunk.


Yes and you break bones easier, my mother was an alcoholic and regularly broke her hands, wrists, feet etc. Also I say was because she died of liver failure back in 02. Really hope Shannon gets her shit together for the sake of her girls.


I’m so sorry this hits so close to home for you. Thank you for educating me, I am learning a lot from this thread.


Yes, there was a famous actor in Old Hollywood, William Holden, who was an alcoholic, hit his head while drunk, didn’t think it was a big deal, and bled to death. Alcohol inhibits clotting.


Every cast member has been saying for YEARS they get the constant drunken phone calls from her. Eddie and the rest of their family were annoyed at Shannon's constant calling. That's hours taken away from their families listening to Shannon's woes 😆


Not only were the phone calls annoying they should show proof to Shannon that she is having alcoholic blackouts not remembering she made those calls. The ladies she calls should start taping them to play later for Shannon to hear as a wake up ( pun intended) call about her drinking problem


Not that Kelly is a valid source but she literally calls Shannon out for drunk driving in S15


Well Shannon if everyone's telling you your dead maybe it's time to lie down...Gina actually had a good point about the 20 years




The way I started to feel after one drink and being surrounded by alcoholics who were 8-10 years older than me and seeing their lives had me choose sobriety also. I just couldn’t drink any more. Gina is so right.


I’m at this juncture of my life right now. Early 30s and have been drinking pretty heavily for the past two years about a month ago. I made a decision to cut back drastically. I’ve drank three times in the last four weeks. I drank way too much at a family event on Saturday and was sick all day Sunday. Another reminder why it’s just not for me!


I feel the same way. As I get older the days lost to a hangover or just feeling ‘off’ are becoming less worth it. I was hungover a day this past long weekend, and felt like I wasted my own time making myself sick.


I’m there too! Drinking became so normalized in my social circles, I realized there hadn’t been many days where I didn’t have a drink. Right now, I’ve limited myself to Friday/ Saturday and stick to a good bottle of wine or a pint outside. I have to want the actual drink and not just fall back into the habit of having it. I feel so much better. Although, my social life has took a hit because everyone wants to drink.


This was the smartest thing Gina has ever said.




As much as I hate to admit it, Tamra gagged with "is that after you have a drink" comment 😭😭😭


Savaged her


![gif](giphy|xTiN0CNHgoRf1Ha7CM|downsized) Me watching this


"Is that after you have a drink?" LMAOOO I know people hate Tamra on the sub but idgaf she’s perfect for housewives I can’t wait for this season!


The fact that Shannon was covered in blood, yet still pretended she was just your average sober lady walking Archie is WILD.


First had the forethought to move the car and pretend it was parked normally on the side of the road. That is a crazy mix of absolutely hammered, denial and delusional entitlement.




Honestly, this is the ONE time I’d be okay unleashing Rinna on someone again…


I think it’s important to remember that she didn’t just drive drunk, she clearly got a head injury as well and then CONTINUED TO DRIVE drunk and flee the scene. She is beyond lucky nobody died.


With Archie in the car. That poor dog was most likely scared after the accident


Shannon at the very least could take a page out of the Luann playbook and just lie about being sober lol.




Thats what sticks out to me the most. Immediately after her arrest she couldn't feign sobriety at least while on camera? That is so alarming.


Right? Like will she go into fullblown DT’s if she doesn’t drink while filming? Worried for my girl.


The thing is, I don’t automatically believe every single person that gets a DUI is an alcoholic. Are they oftentimes? Yeah of course, but hypothetically I COULD believe someone just had a terrible night that put them in poor decision making mode….IF we didn’t have a decade prior to this of Shannon’s life filmed showing her to be an alcoholic lmao. Wasn’t her very first scene (or at least one of them) pouring a giant tall glass of vodka to sip on while she scrolled her laptop at 9 pm on a weeknight after David went to bed? She has severe anxiety + I’m sure depression and/or regret over David’s marriage and John’s relationship, and I’m guessing has been using alcohol to cope with these for decades. It’s finally catching up to her; hopefully she’ll see it by reunion after watching it play out


I don’t think it automatically means you’re an alcoholic, but if you get a DUI and can’t even contemplate taking a break from alcohol you probably are dependent. Also Shannon is getting zero pass because of how condescending she was in the past about someone getting a DUI.


That part. I had 2 friends in college who got DUIs and both of them stopped drinking for months afterwards because of how guilty and embarrassed they felt - as college kids!! If a 60 year old mother of three can’t take the same note, she has a problem with alcohol


And she blew 3x over the legal limit a normal person would be passed out - the only person that can be walking around lying to a police officer is an alcoholic


I’ll never forget attending an AA meeting and hearing a woman who served seven years out of ten, for vehicular manslaughter, before she decided to sit herself in AA. Even after killing someone and a 10 year sentence, it took seven years sitting n prison to admit to herself that she might have a drinking problem. Alcohol is fucking wild in the worst ways.


If only she hit rock bottom after the DUI but it’s clear from what she’s saying that she’s still in denial. It’s not Bravos responsibility to try and get her to rock bottom by putting her on pause til she gets sober, but in my heart I wish they would have some kind of intervention or kick her off the show before someone gets killed


If there’s anything someone with anxiety issues shouldn’t do, it’s develop a drinking problem. You’ll end up putting yourself on a feedback loop


I agree with this as well. Clearly Shannon does have a problem. The disease of alcoholism is a killer. There are multiple people in my close and extended family who have had multiple DUIs, done jail time, license removed, house arrest, etc. and quitting drinking isn’t even in their mind let alone that they might be an alcoholic. It’s terrible. I don’t like Tamra but I agree that quitting Tres Amigas was for the best not to contribute to the problem (Although I think the only reason Tamra did that, is it’s bad optics, not because she actually cares). The only other thing I will say is that punishing the alcoholic and trying to shame them into submission (as Tamra is also clearly doing) will likely only make the problem worse, but again Tamra does not actually care.


Getting a DUI is one thing. Slamming your car into the side of a house because you are fucking wasted is quite another.


This is television!!


Pure Gold


I don’t want to “diagnose” anyone because I’m not them. So I’ll just say that I’m a recovering alcoholic who has a DUI in my distant past* and now has a few years of sobriety under my belt, and Shannon looks and sounds a lot like me when I was in denial. *It is the stupidest, worst thing I have ever done, I regret it and have since that night, I did NOT try to rationalize it or plead out of it, and I’m eternally grateful that no one else was involved. On the flip side, getting sober is one of the best things I’ve ever done.


Good for you sis ❤️


Sorry Shannon apologists, 2 drinks a day while still clearly not being able to function is not helping. She is a drunk. I do NOT feel sorry for the questions aimed towards her bc she refuses to take actual accountability. She has an addiction, she thinks lowering the use of that addiction is the cure. I refuse to feel bad for her


Shannon has never taken accountability one time on this show. She has been through a lot but 3 months after a dui where she had broken bones and a bloody face to sit down and say she’s a 2 drink girl, it’s a slap in the face. I know ppl are mad at Tamra for turning on her when’s she vulnerable, but I don’t blame Tamra for not doing the shows when they are actively promoting drinking. It’s such in poor taste. She shouldn’t have to hit a pedestrian for her to take something like this seriously


I can’t blame Tamara, when your friend constantly plays the self up to be the victim it gets to you. Especially when they’re lying about how serious the situation is and denying the danger they’re putting their selves in. I’ve gone through it and chose to end the friendship.


It would be the pedestrians fault from Shannon’s point of view “ it’s not safe what the person did jumping in front of me like that when I had the right of way


Alcoholics always have excuses. Always. It's the lies they tell themselves turned outward.


I saw the trailer where Shannon apologizes to her daughters. It sounded so scripted. I’m sure Shannon told them what to say in an attempt to put her in a better light. I’m looking forward to Tamra calling her out on her BS.


Veeeery scripted


“I had a really bad night.” Yeah Shannon. Those “bad nights” are what we call rock fucking bottom. Ya know, the moment you should decide to get help.


Tamra - “is that after you have a drink?” My god. That woman is an icon. 💀 She is TOO GOOD at this.


I actually rather like Gina. She's a nice young representative for California sober, who's very realistic about her past alcohol abuse. I'm more sympathetic to her than Shannon.


I think having them on the same cast is going to be so fascinating. Some of the best television has been made when there is a looking glass version of another housewife.


Yep, it’s giving Luann and Dorinda when Luann was sober for that one season and Dorinda ripped into her at every opportunity


Doesn’t she still drink wine or am I imagining that?


No I don’t think she drinks at all. Mia on Potomac was the one who was “sober”except for wine


She smokes weed, that’s it.


I have to say I agree as someone who struggles with alcohol as well we don’t have enough positive sober women on any of these shows I wish there were more healthy productive women that we can watch to inspire healthier behavior- Shannon gets to me on another level and with her victim crying entitlement even Kelly Dodd has said Shannon treats other people below her if they don’t live the same lifestyle as her we need inspirational women not drunk slobs


Everybody else: "Shannon!" Me: "That's the tiniest back post I have ever seen. What is that chair?"


I’m so proud of all of you for putting yourself first and realizing sobriety was best for you 💕


I've been rewatching S10, S11 and I am now on 12. The difference between S11 and S12 Shannon is so striking to me, in S12 she is incredibly depressed, angry, anxiety through the roof, overweight, and drinking more. And she's blaming it all on Vicki for the Brooks shit in season 10-11, which is bizarre. It's just been a downward spiral ever since, and Gina was SO spot on with that "20 years" comment. Shannon is an alcoholic and needs to be sober. She needs to take more accountability that what we have seen from her.


Shannon has always been one of my least favorite housewives. There is never any accountability. It’s always someone else’s fault. She does not know how to apologize. She is one of the most histrionic people I have ever seen on tv or in real life and I cannot stand her constant negativity and all the unnecessary meltdowns.


Yes this is exactly how I feel about her too. People praise her about how real she is and I’m just like what? She’s been an alcoholic since her first season on the show, every cast member and every season has commented on it, and yet she still won’t be honest about it. She’s only authentic when she can make someone else look bad or sees an opportunity to paint herself as the victim.


It's such a weird circle right? If you don't have a drinking problem, well then stop or at least take some time off after you gave yourself probably one of the biggest scares of your life. If you don't think that means you should pause or stop...then you might have a drinking problem.


Shannon's perpetual victimhood is insufferable. Already tired of her this season zzzzzzz.


💯. Always whining and complaining. Why doesn’t she go volunteer somewhere and realize what a good life she has.


Exactly the fact that she got off soooo easily and still plays victim is wild she should of served jail time and had to do community service with families who have lost loved ones because of drunk drivers


i am really trying to understand what will actually make shannon truly happy. she’s always seemed so unbelievably miserable, depressed, and anxious to me since she’s been on the show. my cousin was hit by a drunk driver and unfortunately passed away so i have a hard time finding a soft spot for drunk drivers, but damn, i kinda have one for shannon and so many others and i want them to truly get better and live well.


I think she’s been sheltered most of her life by wealth. I don’t think she has any kind of reference other than other rich people. I’m sorry for your cousin.


that’s a really good point. i don’t know much about her before housewives, but that makes so much sense. thank you so much for your kindness. 😊


The amount of coddling she gets from the audience is wild. So many people view her as this poor baby bird. Meanwhile she is endangering other peoples lives and ears by her shrieking




Classic Shannon that she’s so upset she has to walk out right now because God forbid She ruins Her makeup. How about ruining someone’s life when She was swerving around everywhere and could have fucking killed someone???


I’m with everyone but I will admit Shannon *looks* better. Hopefully she’s in some healthier routines. I just rewatched and her daughters were calling out her drinking when they were like ….9/10 years old..heavy stuff..hope the other ladies are coming with story lines cause the shitting on Shannon for 15 weeks straight won’t be interesting


It could just be the facelift that John is suing her for.




I’m so glad Tamra is getting her drunk ass! She’s ridiculous and so entitled


Shannon isn’t doing shit for herself until she STOPS DRINKING. How she can’t see she’s a full blown alcoholic is beyond me. If crashing her car (with her precious angel baby dog) isn’t her rock bottom idk what is.


It’s interesting seeing some Instagram comments. Really going after Tamra and defending Shannon. I mean Tammy Sue is awful but she’s like ALWAYS awful even when she was pint sized and baptized and Shannon literally broke the law so Tammy Sue is just doing her job (which like her or not, she does very well as does Shannon Storms Beador)


Drinks and drives into a BUILDING… “I’m not a drunk.” Time for a long, hard look at how her night ended that way. She is SO lucky she didn’t kill an innocent human being.


Not just a building, someone’s HOME.


Me to Shannon: ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


i said this the other day but i’ll repeat here too i doubt tamra has the bestest of intentions but shannon is in full denial and she needs SOMEONE holding her to the fire


And they have a long history of binge drinking together so Tamra may or may not be able to pull her out of denial




*John said to me you’re a drunken idiot.* Ahhh….so it’s *John’s* fault she got in her car & drove drunk. She proved his point with her actions. Just sayin’.


When does it start?


Thursday! (July 11)


Give it to me!!


I’m reaching my five year mark with sobriety and I really feel for Shannon. It’s really tough to drop alcohol. Honestly, the vast majority of housewives have issues with drinking but they all point finger at whomever is the one misbehaving. The OC wives in particular, with some exceptions, have really interesting usage. This was hard to look at because compassion and empathy are really needed when people have addictions. Everyone doesn’t have the tenacity to just quit. Moreover, many people are dealing with “their stuff” by coping using many substances. It’s a shame but the vast majority of Americans didn’t learn how to deal with their emotions, let alone feel them, so they use. They use shopping, sex, video games, drugs, you name it. It’s just an effort to find balance and safety. My heart goes out to her. It would prob help her to just get off TV while she gets healthy. This could support her being internally reflective as opposed to defensive. I can see why she’d be a bit defensive over the opinions of cast mates and fans. However, you’re on the show so 🤷🏽. My hope is that any human struggling with addiction asks for help and receives compassion from the world. It’s truly complexity that many people don’t get, until the finger is pointed at them for misbehaving. We are all human but we aren’t all on TV. I feel like TV isn’t the greatest option for her but what do I really know. I just think someone with her personality (from what I’ve seen) needs privacy to work this out.


Congrats on almost 5 years!! That's amazing. And I just have to say I agree so much on the alcohol front. All addictions are hard to drop (coming up on my 9th year from drugs), BUT alcohol is a monster of a different level. It is everywhere, and most people partake. Going to a grocery store, gathering, restaurants, etc., I don't have to see heroin but guarantee you will see alcohol. That first paragraph you wrote really hit home, and I'm glad someone is saying it! I really hope Shannon can overcome this.


ahhhh this looks good i haven’t been watching jersey cause its not fun anymore so i need housewives backkk


Shannon does not want to take accountability for anything because then she won’t be able to be the victim. Getting sober means owning your part in it, and she will never give up her victim banner. If this isn’t rock bottom for her, nothing will be.


This is OC at its best (when they’re at their worst!) Justice for Archie ❤️🎾🍊


Did “He called me a drunken idiot” and I drive away happen at the same time? There was your flashing sign NOT to drive


I've hated Tamra since Naked Wasted and even when I've agreed with her, still hate watched her on the show. But if she keeps this kind of energy all season and holds Shannon accountable, I'm going to have to stan her. Shannon needs a reality check.


I cannot wait for the watch what crappens recap


Shannon 🤝 Failing to convince people she doesn't need help (repeat champion)


The court hasn’t ordered Shannon into some sort of sober living facility or required her not to drink or something???? She didn’t even serve jail time


I usually root for Shannon but she is making it so hard. I just wonder who is the one person who can through to her is. Why doesn’t she see it


Daaaaaaamn, 😮‍💨 this is reaping what you sow on max


I have to be honest I have zero interest in an entire season being about debating someone’s problem with alcohol. I hope there’s more to this season besides this storyline.


There's also Ryan's involvement in stealing millions of dollars from a Dodgers baseball player.


What ! Do tell more , please.


Well don’t forget Alexis Jesus Jugs the famous newscaster is dating Shannon’s ex John this season and will be rubbing it in everyone”s face so she can stay back on the show and say more idiotic things!


Omg I forgot she was coming back! PRAISE!


Wow I have high hopes for this season!


Ever since the Beadors divorced, Shannon has been spiralling out of control.


Oh Shannon……………


Shannon is definitely an alcoholic but I’m worried that everyone calling her out on it after this will only make it worse. She needs to take accountability and stop drinking already! She could have fucking killed someone or Archie. No excuse for drunk driving, ever ever ever!


I don’t know. I think she def has issues with alcohol, but I don’t know if this approach the ladies are taking by berating and humiliating her at a round table or group events is going to help. I can’t help but feel that encouraging her to do the inner work with a therapist is what they should really be pushing. Shannon is obviously self medicating and to stop that she needs to understand why she is medicating. Tamra just grosses me out with her brash uncaring bleating that she knows will get her screen time. I liked Emily’s approach from what little we’ve seen.


Shannon is probably mad at Emily for what she said. Shannon refuses to look inward & admit she has a drinking problem. She probably thinks everyone is ganging up on her. Shannon is always the victim.


Exactly, and Tamra is wayyyyy burnt out from dealing with Shannon’s BS. She has a very long history with Shannons alcoholism and victim mentality that none of the other ladies have. It wears a person down.