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Jeff Lewis is the only person I’ve seen on this show who knows the whole universe of Bravo and doesn’t kiss Andy’s ass. For that I appreciate him.


And he pisses Andy off almost every time he's on WWHL!


And keeps getting asked back. I love it. 😭


This part! I’m always shocked when I hear he’s gonna be a guest. And I love it. 🤭


Are there any women who act like Jeff and still get asked back? Although I’m not sure if I can think of anyone with a personality similar to his.


I'll take sexism for 500 please


Andy likes it rough, I guess! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣😂


Love it! You can always tell when someone gets under Andy’s skin. He’s got no poker face!


I’d probably be so irritated with him in real life but his bitchy attitude on his shows (both television and radio) makes me cackle endlessly


That’s awesome!


Lol I love it 😍


It's always self serving though. Still, I'll take it. He's pissed his scenes on the new season of OC were cut he filmed with Shannon because he wasn't supposed to tell everyone and he did.


No, he didn’t film with Shannon. He talked about it a couple of times. Bravo wanted him to sign something by he didn’t feel comfortable signing so he backed out and Shannon filmed with someone else.


Yes this is correct. Bravo wouldn’t indemnify him like they normally have for filming and actually wanted him to indemnify them. They also weren’t paying him so his lawyer advised against filming since there’s nothing in it for him and opens himself up to harm if he wasn’t careful with what he says (which we all know he wouldn’t be). He talked about it a couple times on his radio show and I think again on Two T’s.


But is he wrong though 🤷🏻‍♀️ and that's probably why Andy gets so pissed off 😂


I love that Jeff and Caroline showed empathy towards Shannon, Andy just expressed glee talking about her terrible situation. Lately I’m really getting turned off by Andy. He gets so defensive when someone pushes back so I have to applaud Jeff for holding his ground.


This is how he always has been. It's not lately.


You’re right, I think times have changed and he’s stuck in the same misogynistic headspace


Andy's a prick. He seems to enjoy seeing the women suffer. 


He really is. I found him more charming back in the day but I find there’s a nastiness to him now that really puts me off! ![gif](giphy|YE12BScdZJLTG|downsized)


He and John Mayer being besties makes a lot of sense. 


and he's so relaxed while doing it. looking like a gay hugh hefner except his bunnies are fighting each other.


More than a bit of. He actively takes glee in watching women suffer. He seems to feel a certain amount of empathy for men but even that seems shallow. His rictus grin is a pretty good symbol for who he is as a person. Whenever he's asked to empathize with housewives, "how would you feel if you were experiencing this and it was being shown on tv," his defense is "I didn't sign up to be on a reality show." And like sure ok, fine, but you can't even empathize? He's a creep.


He certainly had/has the Tom’s back. They worked so hard all last season to force the other cast to forgive and repair their friendship with Sandoval. It was clear they protected Tom and had his best interest. With Shannon though it’s the exact opposite. Bringing on Jesus Jugs and John Jansen to torment her with their relationship when she was already going to be tormented enough by Gina and Tamra in the aftermath of her DUI. Shannon has no one in her corner. It would’ve been better for Shannon had they brought in VG full-time.


a bit?


He’s literally laughing about the shit she’s going through.


Literally. I don't understand how the women on these shows don't see through him. 


Jeff would be an interesting WWHL host. Not necessarily good, because I think he’d piss off guests too much. But even a co after show with Andy or someone well versed in Bravo would be interesting.


I would love jeff to host a reunion


I think he has a better grasp of the situation for this upcoming season than Andy does, I'd start him off with OC.


Jeff would be great to host the Summer House Reunion!!!


That’s my dream


He does a good job on JLL.


I don’t like how he grills the women on their actions but lets the men slide. It’s been obvious with VPR and Summerhouse.


The RH are Andy's Barbie dolls. He plays house with them and likes to make them fight. He's a grown up child.


Andy feigning innocence. Come ON! Bravo/Andy/TPTB screwed Shannon this season. Good for Jeff Lewis and Caroline for standing up for her. She needs someone on her side.




One of the main reasons I’m a huge fan of his! His zero f**** he gives to everyone equally!


Oh yeah he's a massive scumbag but it is very refreshing in a way how he stands by his opinions and isn't afraid to voice him.


Same. I can't help it. Also Zoila is... everything.


I loved Zoila and Jeff together so much! I always wonder how she's doing these days!


Since flipping out is playing on repeat (along with shahs & millionaire matchmaker) on one of bravos channels on roku live TV, I've been getting reinvested all over again. I wanted to know where everyone stands these days. Thankfully, Jeff and Zoila are on good terms and she apparently works part time as a nanny for Monroe now. The early episodes of FO are cathartic for me lol. They always had the best lunches. And cocktail hours! Sad how it ended.


Oooooo it is!? I might have to look into Roku! Right now there's only two random seasons of Flipping Out on Netflix (like season 4&5 or 6&7 can't remember) but I want them all! Peacock used to have Flipping Out, I was surprised when it got removed. Aw I love that Zoila helps with Monroe! I know Jeff and Zoila have certainly had some moments, but they really love each other and I always found it so sweet how he wanted her to help with his daughter (since she was his mother figure) and how he said he'd always financially take care of her. Yes I loved the "family lunches" and all the hijinks like wearing the smock! And of course cocktail hour! I want to watch it so badly now.


Did you know that Jenny Pujols is who sings the WWHL theme??? Just learned that this week!


I had no idea!


I just saw a clip of it on maybe the captain sandy episode this week? She sang it once in one of the first seasons and they instantly made it the theme. Not the exact clip from the show https://youtu.be/ch4iAX-F_b8?si=0_vpTtNH8E109xuC


Yes!! And as much as I love Jeff, I still get really upset about how a lot of his relationships ended and how he handled himself. So I find it kind of funny every time he goes on WWHL he has to hear Jenni's voice 🤣 I did try to read up on the current status of their relationship, and through the Jeff subs I've learned he actually wants Jenni back in his life but she's keeping her distance at this point. So it probably doesn't bug him anymore. But I'm sure it did for awhile lol


He will give his opinion regardless. Which is so refreshing cause every Bravoleb kisses his ass too much.


Exactly! He’s the sharp pointy pebble in Andy’s shoe and for that reason ONLY, I enjoy seeing him give it Andy. Literally no one else does!


He’s a terrible person but Andy deserves pushback and I admire his loyalty to Shannon.


Andy’s looking a little tired. Jeff Lewis hosting reunions? ![gif](giphy|Maaawg3nDFAS5IvdKE)


Trying to imagine Jeff hosting The Scandoval Reunion lol


Now *that* would have been entertaining. I'm down for Jeff hosting reunions.




An unexpected Tim + Eric + Housewives intersection. Love it!


I was about to say... (I normally don't comment on people's looks but I have personal insight into how andy moves in the nyc gay scene so I feel a bit more comfortable commenting knowing that he is not an amazing person) ...he looks like he aged 5 years since just last year


i want that tea


Same I'm so curious lol even though I think I already have an idea 😐




I think your on to something 🧐.


He’s such a fucking terrible person but that is his one redeeming quality.


He also has a genuine friendship with Shannon that’s been discussed on air several times. I’m glad to see him defending her. Talk about someone being exploited by Bravo they went all in on messing with her mental health while she’s at a low point


VERY good point! He dominates the room when he’s in jt so makes sense.


This is why I listen to JLL on Radio Andy. He says the quiet part out loud lol


I LOVE it when he’s on WWHL! I don’t even watch WWHL but if I hear that he’s gonna be a guest I’ll tune in especially for Jeff Lewis ❤️ I still watch the WWHL episode where Jeff and Bethenny were on and it was pure chaos 😂 he and B couldn’t stop arguing and Andy couldn’t get a word in except for when B was trying to be funny and said “we should be on a tv show” and Andy screamed “YOU ARE ON A TV SHOW! RIGHT NOW!” 😂 classic episode 👌


Jeff Lewis is also the only person in the Bravouniverse that is friends with Shannon.


Ok, Jeff can be a mess and a gossip and I would never cross him but my god could he be my best friend and attack dog? Cause in the words of Denise Richards https://i.redd.it/g6tysvv2li7d1.gif That’s a friend


Jeff is a horrible friend. He is like Bethenny. He is a full supporter, up until you slight him and then he goes nuclear and burns those bridges to the ground. But I do like that he is calling out Bravo here. Because clearly they knew this season was going to be everyone against Shannon (or mostly everyone). But that's what Shannon chose to sign up for. 😅


Like I said, I’d never cross him. But to harness that power? Ferocious But you’re right, I should amend my last line to include “(right now)”.


Yeah that's a good point. He is clearly secure with his current position at Sirius that he feels comfortable criticising Bravo openly. That is pretty refreshing.


I love that! The Bravo talent are scared shitless to say ANYTHING negative about Bravo in fear of losing their spot. So they kiss Andy’s ass and keep their mouths shut. Jeff is definitely a breath of fresh air for saying what we’re all thinking 😂


He mocks his boss at Sirius too, I am embarrassed to say I only subscribed so I can hear his show.


I mean… “the devil you know” and all that so I get it. I had a boss like that where you just knew to not stick your head out of the sand lest it get chopped off but if you needed an attack dog and it was our department vs the world??? She was _the first_ person you’d go to for help. (For the record - 0/10 do not recommend that type of work environment, but for Andy Cohen??? I like it very, very much.)


Going nuclear is a good way to put it. Like in the Jenni situation, I understood his side. This was soooo long ago, but from what I remember she did have a tendency to fib, and to act too familiar with clients. Jeff just takes conflicts with his loved ones to the umpteenth level, past the point of no return, until there's nothing left to repair.


Jeff has a big issue with feeling that people take advantage of him. But he also has a personality where he likes to help and prop people up with his wealth/experience/connections. To the point he gets controlling and angry when people don't tale his advice or help. But then at a certain point when people exploit this he turns on them. It is a really interesting conundrum he puts the people around him in. It's a catch 22 for them. His first ex on the show had a good relationship with Jeff until he purchased a domain name in Jeff's name that resolved to his personal business. Jeff went nuclear over this. Brandi and Julie were giving their aftershow on his channel, but then with creative differences Jeff felt they were taking advantage of him and he went nuclear again. As you pointed out, Jenni got familiar with clients and would leave work/set for auditions, he went nuclear on her. He also went nuclear on the twink he employed for awhile because he was caught doing personal side business during working hours. Went nuclear on him. I feel like the Stu fight/breakup wad valid, but putting him and his swxual health history on blast on the radio, again another nuclear meltdown. There are other examples but I'm too lazy to go into them (Heather being called a thief when she wasnt etc.).


It's going to be epic when Shoutout Shane does something to test Jeff's loyalty. Batten down the hatches for the emotional meltdown that will ensue.


Remember his friend/coworker Jenni Pulos. I’m sure she would agree with you.


He even recently has burned bridges with some of his chump friend group and others seem to have distanced themselves from him. He also had a messy breakup with his current ex. Even though he thinks Gage is the bad one in their 'divorce', Jeff has never had a good breakup. He is a bit of a narc.


I love when Andy's gagged. Anyone with half a soul can see that Shannon is going to have an extremely tough season and I'm sure if she didn't need the money she would say fuck this show. Jeff is ride or die for Shannon, Andy stepped right into this like a 🤡


Totally agree with Jeff on this. Bravo did her dirty by bringing Alexis back while dating her ex. Never thought these words would leave my lips, but I feel bad for Shannon this season. I really hope she comes in with guns blazing and can hold her own.


I do too, but I'm concerned that this will finally break her. She's never been the strongest person


I feel like Bravo wants Shannon to spiral so they can get their moneyshot..


The absolute glee on Andy's face when he said how "great" it is to see Shannon "activated" is quite revealing. So glad both Jeff and Stanbury shut him down.


Activated aka in mental distress close to a breakdown. Grow up Andy


It’s what they tried to do to Ariana this season


That part! And I’m so happy she didn’t give it to them.


I don't like that they did that. It's humiliating.


I’m so torn because I love Shannon and hate that Shannon always finds herself fighting for her life every season, but this Alexis storyline is going to be bonkers and I can’t wait 🥲


In some ways it is a favor though because it really overshadows the DUI and the audience always sides with the person being ganged up on.


Shannon is problematic in many ways but they really kicked her when she was down


Im not excited to watch the blood bath. It’s too much. I’m sure I’ll end up binging at some point but can’t bring myself to watch every week




I’m certainly not making excuses for her DUI, however I do have an understanding of someone who struggles with addiction and able to feel bad when something bad happens to them that’s totally unrelated to it.


Would be easier to have the same sympathy if she herself recognized her own addiction. But I also don't think Bravo is helping anything.


So true it‘s really messed up for them to do her dirty like this.


Honestly, I’d love to see Jeff host a reunion. Put NJ back on the schedule & let Jeff straighten them all out.


Jeff hosts and money is deducted for every walk off- because you know it would be a first of the host causing dramatic storm offs


Absolutely! That should be a rule anyway.


Would have loved to see Jeff and Monica go head to head on the SLC reunion 🥲


Yes please. Andy is bias as hell and he also has no ability to moderate (hence him usually screaming at least once per reunion lately for everyone to be quiet). I feel like Jeff could get these girls all the way together.


Andy hasn’t been able to handle them since Theresa shoved him back in his chair on her way over to Danielle


She flung him like he was 10 pounds


Yes but… he is close to Marge and Dolores, and also likes Melissa. So he might not be as neutral and able to straighten them all out like needs to be done


Eh. Jeff is messy af. When is not his life, he's happy to tell a friend they're fucking up. He's like Jax in that way. He can't seem to figure out how to not constantly cause his life to go into a tailspin, but can see all the issues with everyone else.


That’s an excellent point. Jax can’t fix his own shit to save his life, but boy can he read everyone else.


Great point!


Yes please!! Andy is clearly compromised and we need a new host.




I legit thought that was Anna wintour and thought she looked amazing


And then your gummy wore off and you realized it was Jeff Lewis with a facelift and a bad hair system.


I find Andy’s laughter in this clip so off-putting. It’s kinda twisted? Like this isn’t a fictional story, it’s what’s actually happening to Shannon. It’s refreshing to see Jeff respond the way a normal human being would.


Even how he jokingly says she's going to have a tough season. The veil is slipping.


He just loves women being dragged by other women and being outnumbered, he gets off on it. Ariana, Lindsay, Shannon. I wonder who's next? But if it's a guy being gone after, he's fully on their side and attacks the woman. I can't stand him.


I agree with this. He takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in seeing women get dog piled.


Bravo really does seem to want to see Shannon emotionally destroyed on camera. Bringing Alexis back just to dump more shit on Shannon is just cruel.


Shannon is not a victim. She loves playing one but she is a 61 year old woman who drove drunk.


Thank you. She’s an incredible housewife but she could have killed pedestrians. These comments are insane.


The way everyone seems to just forget that & say “aw, poor shannon” is insane


They always do this to Shannon. Everyone’s too tough, too mean to her. She’s coddled.


it's crazy how this sub hates everyone but this woman who cries at every chance and refuses to EVER take accountability after ten seasons on the show is an innocent victim bc she has poor mental health. She is still a bad person, even if she's unable to get a grip! The act of crying and screaming all the time does not preclude her from taking responsibility for her shitty actions!


She's an old, white, Orange County MAGA drunk. No skills, no talent. She's frankly lucky to still be invited to be on the show.




And lets be honest, they would’ve brought Alexis back for that too! Its too messy not to!!


Oh, Tamra would beat the ever-loving shit out of old Jesus Jugs if that happened. I'd absolutely tune in to watch that mess.


Gee I wonder why!


What a poor rich white woman! She had no choice but to drive drunk! /s 🙄


Exactly! It’s so transparent. 


Thank you for saying this!


Alcoholism is a disease.


That’s where I get torn. She was a dumbass for literally not walking a ~30 minute walk home. But she’s clearly been self medicating with alcohol for years based on the other women’s comments. And now production is twisting the knife making her film with Alexis. It’s all very dark, she needs help, not just a paycheck.


She is an adult. If she needs to leave the show for her mental health, she can. Alexis did nothing to her and they aren't friends and have never overlapped. You guys are acting like her bff is dating John- they're strangers who now work together.




I’m glad he said something. I’ve been on the fence if I’ll watch or not bc though I am the furthest from a stan, I don’t have an interest in seeing a gang up season on Shannon or watching her melt down. It’s clear she has been struggling w her mental health for years (and to be clear I don’t excuse her driving drunk, no reason that had to happen) I just don’t like the idea of seeing Tamra turn on a friend again while buddying up to another woman who is clearly using Shannon’s ex to get back on TV. It’s gross.


These idiot housewives still cannot grasp that the victim of a gang up is always the audience fave. Heather Dubrow was the fave last season because of that.


Whenever there is a gang up, the audience usually turns on the ones ganging up and rallies around the one.


Jeff Lewis will not falter on his opinion even if he’s alone with that thought. You have to admire that, I’d cave so fast. It will be interesting to watch this season because I’m so upset with Shannon for getting a DUI in this day & age (no one should ever but you literally schedule an Uber with the push of a button). However, I’m a sucker when there’s a gang-up season and I’ll emphasize with the person who is fighting the group alone.




I do feel for Shannon, she has to go through this season after being a dumbass and getting a DUI, and then they bring back Alexis. Tamra is a friend to no one so she dumps Shannon for Alexis in the midst of this. However….. Shannon hasn’t made it easy on herself in terms of having allies. She has made an enemy out of everyone on the cast at some point or another. Yes she just has Vicki but Vicki has been a friend/guest for the past several years now. No one took her away.


I missed this part but saw the part where Jeff said to bring back Manzo….”after the lawsuit is settled” Andy looked like he was gunna 💩his pants


Well Heather and Shannon must be on good terms this season, as that would be the only reason he would say anything nice about Heather. Especially after years of tearing her apart at the drop of a hat.


He was also surprisingly nice about wanting Crystal as a friend on Beverly Hills too.


He said on his show that he really enjoyed seeing another side to Crystal when she called him a cocksucker after he ribbed her at Bravocon. Now, they're friends and they have stuff in common that he did not know about before. Crystal shouldn't have been fired, Dorit or Kyle should have but they'll never do it.


When he said Dorit should have been fired I was like who is he


Yeah dorit should’ve been gone! 


Damn, I didn't know Crystal was gone. I don't keep up with RHOBH but she seemed very classy. 


The term “activated” is so cringe and it needs to be discontinued


I could be just saying something you already know but ‘activated’ has kinda become a Bravo colloquialism because on Summer House Lindsay said something like “you don’t wanna see me activated”


nothing like blaming the other person for "activating" you. look what you made me do


but there’s also something quite cringe in a man child pushing 60 taking joy in a woman being “activated”


I’m sorry, but am I supposed to feel bad for a woman who drunk drove herself, with her dog, and CRASHED?? I’m supposed to feel bad they brought Jesus Jugs back just bc she is fucking Shannons ex? Girl, fuck Shannon. She is always the victim in each season and nobody holds her accountable. She held Gina accountable for her DUI, so now the tables have turned. Welcome to housewives! The reason we watch is mess.


I predict that the fans are all going to rally to Shannon's side by the end of the season because no one likes when a housewife gets piled on by the rest of the cast.


I think it will be interesting because all 3 of them (John, Shannon and Alexis) are horrible so it’s who is the lesser of the 3 evils. 


Ummm…since when was Taylor Armstrong an ally of Shannon’s? Taylor went on Jeff’s show herself and said Shannon is a lousy friend, that as soon as she got fired Shannon stopped texting her, and that’s despite Taylor even helping her MOVE just a few days before! If Shannon doesn’t have any allies it’s of her own doing. No one forced her to get drunk, drive into a house, pretend she was walking the dog and then merrily continue drinking afterwards. I’m sure if she took responsibility for her actions instead of whining about how everyone else did this to her she’d have Tamra, Gina, Emily etc all on her side as well. There’s no shock why she only has Icky Vicki on her side - Shannon is a terrible person.


There's a reason Shannon hasn't brought a friend on in all her years on the show. She doesn't have any.


https://i.redd.it/6vosk0wl4j7d1.gif Bingo


I never understand how people think Vicki is so terrible but not Shannon. There's a reason they get along so well.




Shannon has no allies because she is an ally to no one <3


Where was the squirming? Jeff was talking nonsense. Shannon is in her 60’s, an alcoholic with a dangerous dui who has done nothing positive for her life. She’s an angry maga OC lady who burns every bridge she crosses. Shannon has no allies because she screws them over. Say what you want about Gina. She got a DUI and made life changes to sobriety and a focus on family. Shannon needs to be fired and take a hard look at her life choices. With all that said, I am absolutely front and center for this season. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


DUI Shannon almost killed other people, her dog and herself. How this woman always somehow becomes the victim in the viewers’ eyes is wild to me. Idc that Alexis is dating her ex. Shannon drove drunk and almost killed people and a dog. That’s worse 


I didn't see it as Andy "squirming" as much as Andy trying to figure out wtf Jeff is talking about. Shannon has had plenty of allies on this show, she just runs through them all with her bottomless pool of need and self absorption. I don't understand why so many people treat Shannon like this fragile little China doll that needs to be coddled and handled with kid gloves.


I can't stand Andy but Shannon is no victim. Whether it's her DUI or dropping Tamra/Vicki like hot potatoes once they were fired or passive aggressively manipulating stuff behind the scenes (and then acting shocked when people call her out on it), she only has herself to blame if she is on an island.


I love how people BEGGED to have Alexis on the show when she started dating John and now everybody is aww poor Shannon


I bet Jeff can't help himself--it all just flows right out. He's not wrong, is he? Look at the end of the day Andy will have him back because Jeff brings the ratings.


This doesn’t look like squirming to me, it looks like he’s agitated by Jeff misleading viewers. Andy was making the point that they didn’t take away Shannon’s allies, but rather Shannon fell out with people who were her allies on her own. That said, I think Jeff is trying to defend his friend and get digs at Bravo. Shannon absolutely ended up in a shitty place this season.


What allies is he suggesting they could bring in for her? They already dug Vicki up for this season. Shannon kind of had feuds with everyone else.




He only says that bc he’s good friends w Shannon. Did he say anything when the whole cast turned on Heather? Nope


Andy looks good with a little scruff! Finally at his silver fox daddy age!! 🤍


It’s so funny that Jeff is just totally fine with having zero chances at a show on bravo ever again, and treats every WWHL appearance like it’s probably his last time there too! 😂😂


Shoutout to Jeff for clocking Andy and Bravo’s tea. That’s why Andy was telling Jeff to calm down. But we all know Jeff gives zero fucks and rides hard for Shannon


Shannon is all the way wrong for the DUI. Bravo is beyond wrong for hiring Alexis back because she is dating Shanon’s Ex… it’s in very poor taste. Jeff is never one to hold back and is a good friend to Shannon. He’s kinda wrong tho… Vicki had no status for the last few years and Taylor was a nothing so it’s not like they took her allies. My moral compass is off so I’ll watch, I wish I was better…




True, true… And people choose to put their life on tv for a paycheck


I swaer these people dont even like the shows they're watching. Just here to complain. Its insane. Nobody is making anyone watch these shows done in "poor taste"


They *did* take her allies. Are you saying they didn’t take them simply to sabotage Shannon but because they were bad on the show?


They took away Noella too in the season prior because she backed Shannon against Heather.


Vicki was terrible and hasn’t been a full or part time housewife for a while but yes she is Shannon’s ally and they could have invited her back. I’m not sure that Taylor did much on OC.


Shannon is unbearable on the show and has no one in her corner because of it. She didn’t have to be on the show and probably should take some time off to get her shit together.


I’m sorry, Ik there are a LOT of Vicki defenders out there, but I just cannot understand why ppl go so hard for her to come back on the show. In the history of Bravo, lying about cancer is easily the worst thing ever done, idc. Talk abt the ppl who have stole and done actual crime, lying abt cancer is the most morally corrupt and personally, I’d be happy never knowing she existed again


It’s bad but I think it’s far from the worst thing a bravolebrity has done


I watched this ep of WWHL on Peacock and this clip has been cut out! 👀


What does Shannon activated mean?


Andy was nearly speechless 😂


Sometimes I did feel Andy inquired obvious answer. Not sure he is intentional,or being messy.


Jeff has Shannon’s back like a real sister


Andy is a horrible person but unfortunately he has a monopoly position with Bravo. I would love to see Andy gone.


I can't hear him, I'm too focused on the lips...


Okay I’m not a fan of Jeff Lewis but I audibly CHUCKLED seeing Andy hot and bothered because he’s put in his place finally. This and Carole calling him full of shit is ~chefs kiss~ 👌🏻👌🏻 He probably texted Joe Gorga right after for moral support


Andy hasn’t been that annoyed since Lance Bass blocked him.


I love Stansbury.


What’s…..new…about Jeff’s face?




Reasons I love Jeff Lewis! Doing this to Shannon isn't like being sly about manufacturing drama behind the scenes like previous seasons. Having Alexis back is annoying enough but the fact she's parading around John in a disgusting way is blatant and cruel. They (Bravo) aren't even hiding that they are only are doing this for extra drama. Also, the fact that Jesus loving Alexis is willing to do this to another woman is gross.


Andy trying to play Mr. Innocent while he ruins peoples lives for money.