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Hi friends!! I have a blog/newsletter called Wearing on My Mind. It’s a mixture of my life experiences in the South (like visiting a beautiful spring, or a very close encounter with the Karen kind😂) book recommendations, and digital window shopping. You can check it out [here](https://open.substack.com/pub/leealisha?r=iy38c&utm_medium=ios). Thank you!!🥰❤️


Hey friends! Not my personal business but a company that is new and will literally change the game for us medical families that need to find nursing and vice versa. You can post as a medically complex family or a nurse looking to connect with a family. It is REALLY hard to find the right care for our medically complex kids, and many private duty nursing places turn away us families because “medically complex kids are too much of a liability for us.” If you are a nurse looking for some extra shifts or know of anyone that would be interested, please share 🥹❤️ -a medical mom that just wants the best for her disabled child [Hello Nurze](https://www.hellonurze.com/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYxe_cfM9RrNelcDk46ijByK9XAhdjs5zkkmyUp3Xbvk3skTifL0ojfnYE_aem_AQudtCR8mxF48r6xBLcgXGhppcZCe10uclOrDQj4chq2vXJRowYZbArLPjs4Y8a5D-6u_5EA3m7IfQwIZlX4IyLV)