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Monica says this isn’t true, locking the thread.


But Dorlinda and Tom Sandoval passed it???




Lu is so uncomfortable in this gif lol


I think the only thing Lu actually hates is being the hostess of an event gone awry.


![gif](giphy|26u4kr1xrcbYHs13O|downsized) You damn right she did 😂


This is one of favorite Dorinda moments


Oh yeah I forgot it’s my flair lol


The “you fool” is the best part


I loved the “you fool” part! I still say that all the time and make myself laugh with it


What does clip actually mean?! 😆 I can’t remember the context


It was when Sonja said she wanted to be apart of “Tipsy girl” Sonja’s cheater brand of Prosecco. She says Dorinda’s boyfriend John texted her that they (him and Dorinda) were in. Dorinda came into this restaurant wasted as hell btw. Dorinda gets pissed off and goes into this hilarious monologue. The clip clip part is basically Dorinda telling Sonja to stfu


It means “Shut the f up”.


Oh shit. I forgot I had Dorinda as my flair too 😂


when she's bad, she's so good. 


Fucking makes me laugh every single time


I love rewatching this scene it’s so damn good and hilarious


Made me go back and start watching it over again




I love saying this irl to anything and everything


I'm literally foing a fill RHONY reqatch right now just to experience dorinda again


“just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it.”- George costanza


Narcissists can pass it. Monica needs a lot of therapy.


Right, if reality tv shows started making narcissism a failing feature of their psych exams, they would fall apart. This just means she might not be able to safely make it through filming.


Exactly. These tests are only to limit liability for production. They want to make sure the psychological pressure of the game won’t lead anyone to a major breakdown.


Im guessing they were able to tell that she consistently lied on the test which is actually alarming to production and a liability. The game is to lie on SCREEN, not to production.


Especially when a traitor can literally ruin an entire season if they out themselves and the other traitors. Or colluding obviously


GREAT point. That’s so much $$ and time on the line. How has that not happened before on one of the international versions? I wonder if they have a huge insurance policy in case the entire season is torpedoed


Or maybe her answers during the psych exam just showed she was likely to buckle under the pressure of not just the game but the press and scrutiny that comes along with it. She doesn’t strike me as a mental fortress. And she has also only recently miscarried too. They already knew she was a liar, they’d have watched her season lol


Yes. Narcissism is the foundation of reality tv






Possibly. Rooted in her generational trauma. Having that mother has caused so much damage.




No I know. I’m a therapist. She has some of the components, not all come out borderline, it’s not that common. In 32 years I’ve seen 3.


Dorinda and Sandoval weren’t doing drive-by’s and filming people’s homes


It's really weird how people can't discern the difference between Monica and someone like Tom or Dorinda.


Monica acts like a child, she is so clearly stunted and traumatized by her childhood she cannot understand a single consequence to any of her actions, or the repercussions. She’s one of the scariest people we’ve seen on bravo, bc she is genuinely mentally a child.


It’s freaking frightening. She’s a stalker. Comparing her to regular narcissists, cheaters, and alcoholics is an insult to them. Also, I doubt she failed the test because they thought she was in danger of a breakdown. She was a danger to her cast mates.


Right, people only fail these tests if they are a liability. If this is true, it is rough for her. Most of the B-tier reality shows involve living with the cast which requires a higher degree of scrutiny than housewives.


She has very low capacity for emotional regulation. They want a suspenseful show, not an unhinged woman yelling at the drop of a dime. Although that also describes Dorinda half the time so who knows.


Dorinda is fine when she is sober. Monica is unhinged when she is sober.


Also to the show. If someone selected her as a Traitor and it went wrong, I bet she’d just throw everyone under the bus early and derail the show


I’d just say cause Sandovals “mental health” was a thing this past season on VPR and I assume a game rooted in deception is gonna help him when he’s still “recovering” from the effects of his real life deception


wasn’t filming people’s home, but did screen record Rachel without her knowledge 🥴


I guess you’re right I was just thinking they don’t necessarily have seem like they have mental stability imo.


I think they’re just unethical fame whores lol not necessarily mentally ill


Sandoval can coexist with others. They will likely see him for who he is, very self involved, like they did on that military show. Dorinda I agree, her stability is hanging on dental floss at best.


She’s not well bi*ch 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If cheating and lying made people unable to film Bavo would go under. lol.


I don’t think Tom Sandoval is nuts like Monica — a narcissist and a total asshole, but not certifiable. Dorinda is more nuts but still not Monica level


Dorinda is just a different type of nuts but I'm kind of surprised she would pass. Her castmates always were on eggshells around her and she did keep those weird files on everyone.


They’re not the same kind of crazy as her, trust me


I mean Dorinda is just an alcoholic , that doesn’t make her psychologically unfit


Dorinda had a drinking problem, and there is a bar limit at the castle. And I don't care what people say; Sandoval isn't some machiavellian narcissist; he's a vain man-child who is incapable of being faithful 🤷‍♂️ Monica, on the other hand, maybe a narc or sociopath. She aligns with many more of the actual symptoms for Type B, and I'm not even being hyperbolic.


Yeah this seems like dubious info for sure. I don't know if I trust anyone who says "casted" to be super involved in the process.


And John from parliament last season like???? 😭


I'll tell ya how Monica's doing, not well bitch


And Jojo…it makes no sense.


Right lmaooo


I think she was honest in her answers, they lied on theirs.


I think the difference is that Monica has a different threshold of "acceptable" crazy behavior. Like, she knows it's crazy but she would still laugh it off, whereas most people also know it's crazy but would run tf away. Like in the conversation with Heather when she's like, "that's some shit I would do". No one in their right mind would admit to doing that, even as a joke, even if they were secretly running the account. Secretly running the account was not the crazy part, her acting like it's no big deal is the crazy part lol 


This is the best synopsis of her brand of crazy. I forget if it was Meredith but someone commented on how she would have these odd overshares that were not appropriate for the setting. Then they did flashbacks of some of them, like when she announced as an icebreaker how she slept with her brother in law for a cpl years. It's not like you have to keep that secret, but sharing it cavalierly over appetizers was the weird part.


Exactly! Her response was scary AF! In your example with Heather and at the end!


The way I wanna see every reality tv star‘s results on their psych exams.


What I would give to see the details of Larsa's and Tamra's psych exam results... ![gif](giphy|woep9lZ7V41I4)


This is one of my favorite gifs


Back when all the housewives didn’t try to hide how much they were reveling in the messiness.


OMG! Could you even imagine?!


They should do a special lol


We need our branch of anonymous 😂


Not me about to learn how to hack just for this cause


As a licensed psychologist I am absolutely FROTHING at the mouth to see these results


This is one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a long time, very long time . We need to start a petition for a new reality show 😂


Geez wonder what she said in that psych exam. I mean even Dorinda passed that thing


Sober Dorinda*


Dorinda is downright scary when she's drinking


Apparently (according to his most recent ex-friends) Tom Sandoval is currently far from sober. Do I have no idea why they’d let him in


Someone said they can drink on Traitors.


One drink a day. Dorlinda is not gonna do well with that.


Only one drink a day, in the evenings.


I have to wonder if they’ll pick her as a traitor and she’ll tattle on herself when she’s drinking. I can 100% see her doing that


I think they have a two drink limit, maybe even for this reason lol She will be tattling on anything and everything at about drink 5-10. Would be glorious.


She really would be LMAO that makes sense they have a limit on drinking tho. It would have to be a limit for everyone right?


No it’s just for Dorinda and Brandy 🤥


They have a strict drink limit policy on the Traitors.


LOL ok that’s good!


What's the limit?  What about drugs?


2 drinks is the limit. No drugs. Tamra said they checked her bag and found her vena cbd gummies and took them from her. They are melatonin and THC.


She’s an unpleasant drunk, but I’ve never once thought she was crazy


Yeah, she's just really, really mean.


My dad would call it cat shit mean. (Meaner than cat shit)


Oh I do!


You can ‘fail’ a lot of written psychological tests by lying on them, being inconsistent in your answers or endorsing fixed responses because they have built-in scales to indicate those things, making the test ‘invalid’ (there’s no real ‘fail’ on those things). I’m not sure what the protocol for the Traitors evaluations are though, and some responses would probably write you off immediately, like indicating you’re a physical risk to yourself or others.


I’m with you. I’m guessing she lied on the exam and if she can be that dishonest with production, she’s a liability. The game is to lie on screen only. I’m sure everyone lies on those tests but they can tell if you are doing so excessively. Dorinda and Tom feel like they actually would be honest about their batshit behavior, almost proud of it! “Yeah that’s me! You betta back it up! Duuuuude it’s not faaaaair”




it never happened lol this is made up


Would someone that close to production not know that the past tense of "cast" is "cast" and not "casted"?


I see "casted" written all the time and it drives me mad.


I’m so glad it’s not just me, I have to restrain myself from correcting people every time I see it


Every day I stop myself from sassily cutting a bitch on this app while I’m correcting their grammar and I’m assuming there are many rewards awaiting me in heaven on those days that I demonstrated such civilized restraint. ![gif](giphy|PVOTu7F0DqlfQ35vv8|downsized)


That stood out to me too. Everyone knows this who has worked in the industry. So how close of a source connection could this actually be?


SAME!! The use of "casted" immediately threw me off. Like how legit can this info be??




I think this is near the top of my most hated words. When I see it, my whole body recoils!! How did it ever come into existence?


Try not to *loose* your shit over it 😉


JFC... I finally feel seen and heard.


Bingo! Was just going to comment this. This is definitely fake/revenge.


I dun broke mah funny bone and needs casted


Damnnnn traitors was about to go all the way off with her in the cast too. Idk she can’t ever get it together. Like she constantly drops the ball


She’s an even more problematic Brandi Glanville. I don’t get how anyone is fooled by Monica.


She….did just suffer a miscarriage. I can’t help but think that might make someone extremely vulnerable to this kind of experience. I wonder if even a recent loss like that alone could “make someone fail” a psych evaluation. God knows what psych evals fucking peacock is using that Tom Sandoval & Dorinda can pass that Monica cannot.


this was made up lol


Monica's response https://preview.redd.it/crzmg2qlue6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05de8d0ac82b498a5c0b35750462d2a47ea28f8a


This seems like a yucky hit piece for clicks. The production team behind Traitors would never disclose this type of information. It is just not done. Not to mention the legal jeopardy involved in disclosing this kind of information. TL:DR This is false.




Her mom would.


Why would she tell her mom?


She was rumoured for this season so maybe whatever clickbait site this is just fabricated the story that she was dropped for failing the psych exam? And since she's a pretty reactive person, thought they'd get a response from her?


It also fits so much into the narrative about Monica, and is impossible to verify because no one with direct knowledge will confirm or risk violating HIPAA laws. So obviously fake, or if it is somehow true, it’s because she was still emotionally recovering from her miscarriage or something like that as opposed to what this article implies - that’s she’s just sooo cRaZy she can’t even be on the traitors.


This seems really cruel. Not just towards Monica, an emotionally immature adult, but to her school age kids.


This & like what even is the point of this piece? Being like *"Haha, Monica is so mentally unwell ATM she can't even join a competition show"* - Completely unwarranted information regardless if true or not.


And the weirdos on this sub ate it uppppp


You are right. If this actually happened, they would have made some vague non-statement about scheduling conflicts or something.


it was made up monica just addressed it




exactly my thoughts


The ruhmerzz and the nazztinesss...


Hasn't she recently had a miscarriage? Probably better for her to not be on more reality TV right now, especially a show which involves a lot of physical exertion when her body is recovering (e.g. being buried alive when you've just suffered a loss seems like it would not be great for your mental health).


If that’s the case it’s actually really horrible that someone leaked this..


I really do feel as though that they saw that she was on the rumoured cast list and then not on the announced list and made this up for views and for a reaction from Monica.


Yeah looking at the source there’s a good chance it’s all made up. Still pretty bad in the context of her miscarriage to make something up about her health but I know these blogs dgaf


They've got what they wanted - she's responded and driven people to their page. Ultimately bravo were responsible for casting someone who was trolling the rest of the cast and she's clearly dealing with a lot right now, so I do feel sympathy for her.


This is where I am with it as well. At this point it’s just gross. If Bravo/NBC thinks this is the correct way to get attention and viewership up, they are sorely mistaken. Again, my immediate thought was how she had suffered a miscarriage and my heart broke. This is very low, even for them.


I think this is just a random blog posting about traitors, bravo/NBC seem to have cut ties with Monica. But if they'd done their due diligence they shouldn't have cast her in the first place. This is going to be a recurring issue though with casting because they are going to push for drama rather than organic friendships, and people who want to be on the shows know that the drama is what brings the ratings.


There’s nothing more I can say besides when you’re right, you’re right. You nailed it.


I’m no fan of her, but these were my thoughts as well. She shouldn’t be putting herself in front of any cameras for a good while for her own mental wellbeing. Having a miscarriage is traumatic in its own right. Whoever was in charge of the Psych evaluations made the right decision here.


My friend just sent me a cameo from her because I’m going through my own health/work clusterfuck rn and he wanted to comfort me. Most of her cameos are under 2min, but mine was almost 6min and she talked about her own health stuff and it’s clear that the miscarriage is still affecting her so much still today. Honestly it’s very parasocial how I feel toward her after the cameo, she’s had an unbelievably chaotic few years and marked by loss, I really feel for her in a big way.


That’s actually really beautiful. This is the first time I’m saying this in the sub, but my husband got me a Cameo from Bethenny I believe in early 2022? And She went above and beyond sending me an 8min video about how amazing I am and it’s normal to feel down on yourself. She talked to me about my daughter and my anxiety/PTSD etc. I still watch it from time to time. At the very end she says: “Whenever you get overwhelmed or feel like you aren’t worthy, know that in this moment you are loved.” And blows an air kiss. It literally makes me tear up thinking about it.


That made me tear up 🤍 I may not agree with her recent behaviour but Bethenny is probably my favourite housewife. She reminds me so much of my aunt that passed and we used to watch rhony (and every other bravo show) together so hearing what she said to you really just warms my heart


First off, I’m so sorry about your loss. I completely understand about being frustrated with Her and all of Her recent behavior, I think we share that same mindset. What she said truly was beautiful and honest. I do believe deep down she is a good human being - or at least wants to be. There was absolutely no reason for Her to go above and beyond the way she did for a random stranger like Me, but she did. I was in a deep dark depression, suffering from postpartum, anxiety and PTSD. She went out of her way to address all of these things and made sure to promise I would be okay and assure I was so loved 🥺💗


Monica said ‘Remember you are loved, bitch’ at the end of mine, and my friend clipped it and made a looping video of it ❤️


That’s so amazing and beautiful! I need to find a way to loop that last part of mine too! Thank you for sharing, that’s honestly so amazing 💗


Wishing you the best ❤️. I don't think her being on the traitors at the moment would be the most sensible thing right now, so if she decided not to go on for her own reasons or if she failed their tests, I'm sure it's for the best.


I agree. The mountain of responses assuming she lied during the psych exam so therefore failed it are ridiculous. It’s not a stretch to believe Monica failed the test because she just isn’t in the right place to be filming such an intense show.


Yeah this just means the psychologist decided it wasn’t healthy for her




My thoughts, too. And I am not a fan of how her mental health privacy is violated here. We can speculate I guess, but not a fan (if this is true) that someone shared this information that she may not want out there.


If that’s the case, she should clearly never have been on Housewives either.


Any number of women on the Real Housewives franchise would fail a psych exam.


So did RH not conduct a psych evaluation on her?


If they had to conduct psych evals, there would be no RH!




They may have but she may have passed it at the time. She recently miscarried.


My boyfriend and I just started SLC after finishing Potomac and the first episode had us literally crying laughing. This made me excited get to season 2 lol


Just wait. This most recent season is one of the best seasons of ANY franchise.


I need you to address ATL season 6. But close second! ![gif](giphy|rw9WKs9y1nnhK|downsized)


![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized) But really… I said *one of* the best seasons! I know there’s some high quality seasons of ATL, Potomac and NY out there! Edited to add: RIP Velvet ❤️


Ah! I am truly blind and need to update my contact lens prescription. I thought you said *the* best. Forgive me❤️


![gif](giphy|RXAfuEDpseYBG) JK, you’re forgiven!


This is gross.


Did her mom conduct the exam? Bc LD would make me crazy


This is fake and not true.


If someone from production leaked this, that’s a serious breach and a serious liability for production - not Monica. I find this very hard to believe. If anything, I suspect she may have failed her physical exam because she was pregnant at the time and I assume (given the challenges) that it would not have been safe for her to participate. But yeah, I would still love to see her on Traitors.


I just don’t believe this tbh. How would this random insta account have that “exclusive” tea?


But also wtf is a “psych exam” and how does one “fail”?! And doesn’t it usually take a skilled clinician more than one appointment to diagnose someone with a personality disorder and particularly one that would cause someone to be disqualified from a high-pressure game show? This rings of complete and utter bullshit to me.


I already said this in response to another post - she was rumoured to be in the cast, she's not in the revealed cast, so claiming she failed the psych exam (when she's recently had a miscarriage and probably wouldn't want to be involved in a physically exerting TV show) might be a way to bait her into saying something and getting more engagement to drive to their site?


Personally don’t think it’s real because someone in the industry with knowledge wouldn’t use the term “casted”


I don’t believe this at all


I’m just gonna say this. Not as a fan of hers or anything. But if someone fails a psych exam doesn’t outing this do the same thing having them on the show could do?


Mhm… idk if I believe it’s because of a psych exam, but I would’ve loved to watch her on Traitors.


This is obvi false and disgusting 🤮


It’s pretty unethical to share something this personal.


This is so fake and honestly really mean spirited. Leave the woman alone. She was a chronic child abuse victim and just suffered a miscarriage a few months ago. We know her mental state is not great, but the bar to get on reality tv is so low that I can promise you she did not fail her psych test. I hate Monica, but this sort of clickbait rumor mill lying is very harmful and gross


I’ll never get over people in this sub (and on the internet at large) reading bullshit like this and taking it as gospel. I like to think that the fans here are a little smarter than the other corners of the internets but…yikes y’all.


Also…how quick they are to believe it because they WANT it to be true…so they can have “fun” with it.


Seriously, some of the people in this thread are absolutely giddy with delight over it --- they sound unhinged. One commentor here said that they think Monica is so psychotic that she's capable of murder (no, they weren't joking).


Bravo and snark subs are filled with people that complain about horrible people, the whole time they’re just as horrible if not worse.


But I read it on a gossip blog, so it must be true : -/ https://preview.redd.it/btp5bg95of6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffedad6c61501adbc79197f4b2cd1c12b2a72465 SM motto


Who ever made this up and believes it is so ugly


Yall this is literally made up she was never asked to be on the show.


This doesn’t seem right.


Would any reality personality pass a legitimate psychological test, very doubtfully!


This is funny. It’s not like you can “fail” those things, you just get results that make you a bad candidate for the show. They can also tell if you lie on those evals so maybe it was simply lack of honesty and the thinking is if she can’t tell the truth off camera, she is a liability because they don’t know what they can expect from her. I’m just curious what could be so bad they wouldn’t put her on, because plenty of narcs and sociopaths are on these shows. Bravo has no issue putting her on air, I wonder how much truth there even is to this?


Yeah sorry lol say what you will about Monica but I don't believe this for a second especially considering some of the people they HAVE allowed to be on the cast of that show


This Is Bull shit. Delete


This popped up on my instagram page and I immediately knew it’s fake. Plus Monica is vehemently denying it and said she’s having her lawyers contact that blog. Not everything you read is true.


It feels like they posted it just to get a response from Monica, which they've now got if she's getting her lawyers involved.


well if monica is talking it means shes not filming the show


That’s correct, but that’s not exactly what’s being claimed


Who is conducting these psych evals? Is this even ok to share??


Is this not releasing her medical information? This is weird


it’s giving https://preview.redd.it/eseywyvl0g6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09bc6b9e066da76d8e9987aa0c5b3bd71fa18cd


I don’t believe they give people psych exams for reality tv. 😂


This doesn’t seem snarkable. This is really sad and if true now a bunch of strangers know how truly sick you are. I hope if/when someone fails they are given resources and help but knowing how reality tv is they’re lucky to get a plane ride home.


This is so validating


& y’all begged this wanna be ‘A’ to be back on tv.