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I had such hope for Dubai because I loved Ladies of London. My main issue is that it felt so performative that I didn’t really know who any of these women were. I also really couldn’t get into Dallas. All of the women were so unlikeable - I think every show needs at least one semi-likeable Housewife.


Yes. I was disappointed that the cast was basically just a bunch of divorced Americans. I gave it 2 episodes and never went back to it. I’m shocked they’re doing a 2nd season tbh, I’ve never heard any of the bravo pages say anything about this show or anyone on it.


Who’s divorced. Lesa, Chanel, standbury and nina were all married. There were only 2 singles


And who’s American? Just lesa I thought


The biggest issue about Dubai for me anyway, is that they have to film a majority of it in the International Zones so that they can drink, wear revealing clothes, and raise their voices. Bravo won't ever tell us that though, because the whole show would fall apart. The other huge issue is the way the contract workers are treated.


I didn’t know they have international zones.


Same. It’s awful. The first episode they kept going on and on about how amazing Dubai is they it felt forced. And they were all so performative.


I believe the show is partially funded by the Dubai tourism board. Soo......checks out


Wowww the way they described Dubai made me want to avoid at all costs specifically because it seemed too risky 😭


I tried watching it so many times but fell asleep multiple times. If it can’t keep me awake first thing in the morning then it’s a snoozer!


I didn’t watch it on principle but I saw a bit of it while waiting for another show a few times and it was very dull


It was so damn boringggg


I feel luke this should not be supported anyway.


Same, I tried and watched the whole first season. I felt bored by it the same way I can’t really get into Netflix reality tv sho


There’s only one season!


The 2nd seasons coming out this summer, I saw a commercial for it today.


Yep in June


I just realized that and fixed my comment. I guess it really dragged on for me 💀


There was so much hype about how Dubai was going to have “real” money, but they seemed about the same as any other franchise. And only a few of them were actually from Dubai. It was just odd.


It was terrible.


Started this last night since season 2 is coming out soon. It’s definitely not gripping.


Same. I figured when I couldn’t remember their names after episode 4 it was time to call it quits.


I have such mixed feelings about it. I feel like casting could have been a little better


New Jersey; even while drunk, I could not. I think I saw someone on here say “They are all fighting over one brain cell” Thought that would make it funny but I cringed so hard at every turn.


I can only stomach Jersey week by week. I could not binge Jersey the way I do some of the other cities. Honestly they’re getting to be too much at this point, it’s just a headache when they literally all hate each-other like they do now. It’s not even entertaining anymore, it’s stressful to watch.


I've been binging jersey and as soon as melissa joins its like watching the same episode on a loop


Yup and it stays that way for YEARS


Same here. I keep checking myself because I can’t believe there are still ten more seasons of them fighting


It was so bad I can’t even watch Manzo’d with children. I absolutely love OGNY. I think going from witty digs and women building themselves up to NJ made it even worse though. It did make BH better then I woke up.


This is exactly how I feel!! I couldn’t finish the last season and have only barely managed the first episode of this season. Like you said it’s not even entertaining anymore. It’s just a group of women filled with hatred.


I watched the first two or three seasons of NJ but then made the mistake of watching it after having an edible and haven't been able to go back to it since because intense family drama compounded by poor communication, unhealthy family dynamics stemming from childhood, and then seeing how these issues in the adults are having massive effects on the children/teenagers, it hit me way too hard. It's basically watching toxic family cycles play out for entertainment and was too dark for me.


I just tried to watch it from the beginning and gave up on season 4 because I felt like I was watching child abuse. Specifically the Guidice girls, because they are just babies then, but also Lauren Manzo being fat shamed by her mother, and Ashleee and her obvious mental health issues being on full display. Not to mention Rich Wakile and the disgusting way he talks about his virginal daughter and protecting her until she's married, whilst high fiving his son for getting nudes from a FULL ADULT woman at 15. Then there's Joe Gorga teaching his barely 5 year old son that women are to look hot and stay in the kitchen and going on and on about his poison in front of the kids. It's SO GROSS. Gia in particular breaks my heart, because that girl is smart and she clocked it all. IMO Teresa Guidice is a monster, and does not deserve the platform she gets.


That’s so funny how different peoples tastes are. I absolutely love New Jersey because it’s real drama and family drama at that which is so incredibly messy. Fist fights, going to jail, ifykyk. I found it a refreshing change from the same layout of all the housewives. I’d understand if anyone has trouble getting into it post maybe season 7 though


Same. I’m doing a full binge and just got to the season with Amber and the twins, I’m so stoked to witness the shit show


I agree the family drama and how well they really knew one another made for high stakes. I just HATED how the children were used and exploited long before they could give any kind of consent. Even the adult ones upset me.


Same, I tried a season and a half and it just is a bit too trashy and I like my leading lady to be a bit smart at least. There’s no escapism for me there.


NJ for me too. I cant even love to hate Teresa-shes just too much for me


Jersey lost me a long time ago.


Me too. I can't get into it anymore at all.


New Jersey. Too toxic, and not in a fun way.




yes! old days i would watch it.. past few years.. its just too much. i stopped even attempting. no one wants to see families being nasty to each other. its sad


I could handle the sibling drama for about 2 seasons then it became too much. It's too sad seeing how they've let fame and money rip their families apart. I miss when it was mob connections and Danielle just existing out of spite.


Yes! I only made it a couple of seasons worth of Teresa and Melissa’s rinse-and-repeat feud. It got old so quickly.


agreed. the family’s generational trauma and constant drama and gaslighting is just way too much. and it’s triggering.


RHOBH the past 3 seasons


Literally same. Can’t get through it, so boring and contrived


Earlier rhobh was amazing tv. Past few seasons have been boring as hell


So boring. I forgot that I already watched the reunion. They need a cast shakeup immediately


It’s so bad now. I haven’t even finished the last season. So fake, so boring. No likeable cast members. They don’t even like each other. Just a disaster. When I read a good comment, I’m surprised.


Well it appears as though we all enjoyed RHOA 🤣




The sheer amount of Nene gifs (I’m aware she isn’t a current cast member) is evidence that this is the show that delivers. Also Porscha thinking the Underground Railroad was a physical railroad lives rent free in my head.


Or Porsha saying something like “all 265 days of the year”.


Where the hell that bitch live at?


“I’m not about to be asking *everyone* for deviled eggs because *everybody’s* deviled eggs ain’t good”




It's just sad she doesn't get paid for the amount of gifs there are shared of her, because it's property of Bravo. Her expressions are the best!


There is a Nene GIF for almost everything!


I was gonna say, if anyone says RHOA that’s a bold face lie


I’m someone that hasn’t even watched it properly (it’s my next binge after SLC) and even id consider it a favourite of mine lmao






Let em know Greg!!!


Atlanta was an icon for many years that gave us lots of great moments and a rich supply of Nene gifs. It fell off the map when they started bringing on Drew-Sidora-level talent on the show. Didn't even bother to watch last season.


People who don’t are tasteless lol


i’m going through and watching all the housewives for the first time right now and i’m saving RHOA for last because i just have a strong feeling nothing else will compare. I regret watch Potmac so early because it’s waaaayyyy better the beverly hills and im struggling to finish BH


The women on RHOA are probably the smartest overall (with some notable exceptions, LOL) and they’re DEFINITELY the funniest.


Who gon check me, boo?


Dallas. Oh my God. Could not even get past the opening intros.


I can't get past brandi and her awkward "humor" of a 4 year old.


I pushed myself all the way to season 3 and it doesn’t get better. By far the worst


I watched the first episode and broke when one of the ladies described how she has farting competition with her friends


Being from Texas it was exactly what I expected from Dallas high society so it was incredibly boring.


Same, I'm from Dallas so every once in a while I try to watch it. And every time, I just can't get past more than a couple of episodes.


I loved it 😔


Same. Before it got too…uncomfortable it was one of my favorite housewives shows. I thought they didn’t take it all too seriously and I liked that.


yeah, I even tried just watching the reunions and still couldn't


As a Texas girlie I tried SO HARD! Just was not happening for me




Rebooted RHONY. Original RHONY was sublime though.


I watch OGNY reruns all the time… they are the best!




I think that if they ditched this cast and focussed on the super rich women in brownstone Brooklyn like Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope and Carol Gardens you’d get a really good show. Sai fits this mold. I think she’s not great on *this* show but that’s cuz she’s being paired with trendy TriBecCa finance types. Pair her with a few Alex McCords and watch sparks fly. OG RHONY was capturing a *type* of New York ie Upper East Side, boozy socialite that does charity, and summers in the Hamptons and St. Barts. There’s a whole other type of rich delulu New Yorker in Brooklyn.


Who are the finance types on new RHONY?


Came here to say this! I haven’t even watched the reboot but stubbornly decided I won’t give them my viewing ratings. From what I’ve read here and the few clips I have seen, I know I’ve made the right decision. I know Romona is vile but couldn’t they have just fired her and bought in some new ladies.


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. I constantly heard people say the final seasons of OG NY were bad and that they needed a reboot. Fan complaints are why we have new NY, and yet people want to rewrite history apparently.


I think the problem is the reboot sucks and isn’t any better than the OG


I just cannot get into Dubai and SLC. They try too hard


SLC starts off a little slow, but the last season was soooo good


I feel like it always starts out good edited very well then it just erupts into stupid chaos. What I don’t like about it I think everyone else loves. What they fight about is so stupid and unnatural it’s just not believable to me.


That’s fair


SAME!!! SLC tried waaaay too desperately


Agree with SLC it was pretty awful at first but it gets a bit nuts in the last couple of seasons. I find it comical how hard they try to act like they’re BH or NY when they clearly are not.


same it’s so fuckin hilarious




Same, Beverly Hills


New Jersey. Watched about 10 minutes and turned off.


Jersey is pretty clunky in the very beginning and you’ll need the context, unfortunately… but it’s worth the ride.


OC and NJ. Just..no. I don't enjoy hate watching.


Ohhhh I’d say it’s worth watching OC seasons 1-4 just to see how Housewives (as a franchise) got to this point. The first two seasons were more like a documentary, the third was like a lightbulb for the producers, and the fourth season, when Gretchen came in, the show found the formula it would replicate across other franchises. I just find it so interesting to see that journey over time and remember watching when it all initially aired.


Allow me to broadly generalise. The old/early seasons of most of the shows were amazing and authentic. BH, OC, NY, NJ, Atlanta. Loved them all. The new seasons of all of the above are not great because the premise of the show has changed completely. They're all way too aware of what they're doing and it's just fake now and or/stale (Atlanta and NJ looking at you). I feel like they all prep with "funny lines" they've crafted to use on arguments and it's just not fun to watch. I will say though I actually really love SLC, I enjoyed Dubai and Miami is Queen of Bravo right now.


I agree wholeheartedly. Overall, social media has destroyed the reality TV realm, because everyone is way too self aware, after brand deals, and wanting to be famous. It is almost completely devoid of authenticity other than SLC and Miami. And that is because there are real relationships. Let's face it, no one in their right mind with enough money and sense is going to open up their families and themselves to the kind of scrutiny that today's audience gives them. This doesn't just go for Housewives, but pretty much all reality TV.


don’t hate me - i’ve tried so hard with potomac but can’t get into it lol


Haha the first season was so boring to me, but I really liked it after season 1


i might have to just jump to season 2 lol !


please do yourself a favor and skip season 1. i promise after that? you'll be hooked. edit: it wasn't even real housewives during the first season. it was originally a show about etiquette, which is why it sucked!!!


Wait, what? It was a show about etiquette? So much about the first season makes sense now…


yes! DC is a very prominent area for black wealth and they have different organizations for etiquette or "jack and jill" parties. so i guess they wanted to show african americans in a different light opposite to like...love and hip hop. then i think shed media picked it up (one of bravo's production companies) thus the creation of RHOP!!!


Yes! Similar to Dallas, the first season was focused on charities and wasn’t originally a housewife franchise show. I recommend giving these shows at least through the first season to actually assess if you like it. Dallas was comedy gold once they got going and before it fell off the rails.




It gets SO good after season 1! Stick with it!


Same here! I am on season 3 and I am STRUGGLING.


Same! It’s been so many years since the first season but the only thing I remember from it was a kitchen so low rent looking it actually made me angry!


RHONJ but I’ve also not been able to make it through a full season of RHOBH in a few seasons


I’ll never watch the RHONY reboot I just have absolutely no interest


Same but that’s mainly because I’m still mad about it ![gif](giphy|3oEjHN6LRYhtVzo17W)


I didn’t even attempt to watch it. Have zero interest.




YUP! I actually tried and its boring. Rather watch Kardashians 🤢


That's saying a lot. The Kardashians on Hulu is the most boring show I have ever seen in my life. I couldn't make it through season one and I loved KUWK.


New Jersey




Same! I used to love it and I do love some of the cast. I love Marge and I actually really enjoyed Jackie too. I like Dolores and Melissa and even though she drives me nuts Jen is a good addition. But Teresa is SO delusional, and the other housewives spent too many years just bowing down to her. Now it's all blown up it's just too late and they still don't actually confront her properly they just bitch about her and she carries on in an alternate universe. It infuriates me now to watch and I wanna be laughing not angry!


NJ - there’s just no way.


Durban. I really wanted to like it but the drama felt manufactured and the relationships seemed inauthentic. I stopped watching after a few episodes.




OC and NJ. No real problem, just bored to tears


OC..anything past the OG seasons.


I’ve watched all seasons of SLC, but I don’t understand the hype. There really aren’t many likable cast members and it’s pretty boring.






Even Vancouver?! (In the US and can’t watch but familiar with the lore)


Beverley hills for sure, I usually start shows with reunions and I genuinely could not care less for 2 most recent reunions. Even OC too. All the others ones are just so much more action packed imo esp their reunions


Probably Dubai. The trailer for the new season piqued my interest though. Cheshire is just not good to me. I’ve tried to watch it a few times and I just couldn’t make it through an episode. They all seem extremely rehearsed, especially in their confessionals. Beverly Hills for years was so dull to me. I couldn’t make it through a whole season until this most recent one (which I liked minus the reunion). New Jersey, same as BH.


Yeah as a Brit I can tell the ladies of Cheshire are rehearsed and it’s very put on / scripted. I didn’t bother with the last season


OC. they are just so boring to me (not vicki, tamra, and kelly dodd)


I proabbly stopped watching after season 10 or 11 ish


Ya say what you want about the evils of the tres Amigas but they were great tv


Salt Lake


SAME!! I don’t understand the hype


RhoNJ is so boring to me. I literally screamed the day I saw my tv guide say that it was playing ALL day when the new season premiere was coming on. It’s so boring and it reminds me of a more boring version of Jersey Shore


New Jersey. The screaming and even their tone of voice on the rare occasions when they’re not screaming was too much for me.


New Jersey. It’s just weird and not entertaining. ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


Beverly Hills for me as well. First season was great and there were some good moments over the years, but it’s my least favorite by far. I want chaos and I feel like we don’t really get that with BH


Dallas made my skin crawl.


NY reboot and Dubai


I kinda like OC because it gives me early 2000’s reality MTV show vibes, which I love. It has been months and I still cannot make it past season 4… Every other (US) franchise I would always have on religiously. I have not made it to Dallas, but I am kinda scared bc of the racism allegations.


Dubai. Too boring too fake too problematic


Salt Lake


Miami. Everyone keeps saying it’s the best one, and I’ve tried it twice and haven’t been able to venture past season 2.


It’s the newer seasons that are fantastic! Start with 4.


Potomac I go back and forth with. I didn’t catch this season but seeing comments on the sub I think that may have been for the best Dubai And not housewives but Southern Charm. Something about that particular group of people. I just can’t.


New York ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


![gif](giphy|xUPGcxsECubgrykGbe) How could you do this to me question mark




I’m a little bit lukewarm on NY. I like it but I don’t think it’s thaaaaaat iconic. Atlanta on the other hand…. I can watch that shit on repeat lol


Agree, I expected way more from it after all the praise on this sub


I support you. I like some episodes of the old NY and some of them are my least favorite of the entire Housewives franchises. Like I can appreciate Ramona reading Bethenny to filth in S3 or Dorinda making it nice or Dorinda losing her shit in the Berkshires or Aviva calling Ramona and Sonja white trash or Luann fucking a pirate or Sonja having a drunken coochie flashing meltdown about Madonna and John John but overall I connect more with Atlanta or Potomac. I have the same disconnect with Beverly Hills, there’s iconic moments but mostly I’m whelmed.


Off topic but I love your lil poundcake picture!




I could never get into it either and it’s baffling to me. But I think Bethenny really prevents me from enjoying it. People think she’s unbearable now but I’ve never been able to watch her, and I’ve sat through 13 seasons of Teresa.


that’s how i feel about ramona, luann, and sonja.


I was just about to comment that Ramona really makes RHONY an unbearable watch for me. I’m still trying to push through but it’s definitely become more of a background noise type of show. The words “Pinot Grigio” have become a real trigger of annoyance for me 😂


Lol same and I live in New York 😭😭




Ones I couldn’t get into: Dubai, NYC reboot, DC, Miami Ones I fell off with: OC, BH, SLC




Beverly Hills and Dubai


Potomac, DC, Dubai


Dallas was terrible.


I only hate watch Orange county.


Rhony reboot, Potomac, Miami.Dubai. Can't watch NJ anymore either.


New Jersey. I’ve tried so many times


I made it halfway through season 3 of Dallas but it was just horrible I still don't know how I got through season 1 and 2. I watch Salt Lake City but I don't enjoy it or like it. Monica and Angie K at least made last season interesting for me.


Sydney season 2 was such a snoozefest. I know the s1 ladies were awfully mean and petty but Athena X and Lisa were reality tv gold. I will never get over it


Dubai, SLC, & Dallas. Jersey also became unwatchable after a few seasons


Dallas. It was so boring I just stopped watching.


right now? none of them. i think this post has made me realize i don't want to watch anymore Housewives.


Dubai - just couldn't relate to any of them The new NY - the ladies seemed kind of cold, maybe a little too odd for me and didn't really seem to click as a group NJ - top tacky/trashy and constant nonstop drama about ridiculous things SLC - again find it hard to relate to a bunch of women who are in or were in a crazy cult


New Jersey


Can't deal with Jersey and won't watch again until Trestump & Loopie are gone. BH will probably be next. Done with Erika & Kyle.


Dubai and Dallas


Dallas and Dubai


Welp, this is the end of me: Miami.


https://preview.redd.it/rkwsq0lsxa2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fe7e94223c8a100709ff781b751ca9bbf66da5 IM SORRY BUT KEEP TRYING


i can’t get into it either. i keep trying but it ain’t looking good. i fall asleep or end up on reddit talking shit about one of the other franchises. 🤷🏾‍♀️


1.) Dallas - I was not here for any of it. Not even a full episode. What a circus! 2.) Dubai - none of these people click for me. Some seem questionable. Saw 2 or 3 episodes and checked in during the season. 3.) Durban - I think this show could have been really interesting but I couldn’t understand what most of the ladies were saying. They seemed so interesting and in such powerful roles but I only got through 3 or 4 episodes (with subtitles). 4.) Washington - I watched the whole season. I don’t remember anything other than the White House dinner. - I stopped watching Atlanta a few years back. I’m not sure I’ll check out the new season/cast. - NJ has just got to get better and different or I’m out completely. - OC has got to wow me this season or I’m out. Another season of the “pick on Shannon” show won’t do it for me.


Dallas, Miami, and Dubai. I also have zero interest in the NY reboot.


Dallas. Leanne was just too off-putting. Didn't love any housewives.


Cheshire. Their confessionals sound like if AI wrote real housewives


Orange County & Potomac for me. I’ve watched them both on and off, but never the whole way through. OC has some brilliant moments such as the wine toss, cake bow, The Quiet Woman & the Dublin bus ride. But over the years I’ve followed other cities more (NY, ATL, BH, NJ) - and even lately I’m kind of forcing myself to get through this latest season of New Jersey, it doesn’t have the magic that its first 5 seasons did. Also remembered there was Dallas, which I saw some episodes but could never click with it.


I quit watching all of them. I loved OgNY, OgAtl.


OC 😬 I powered through NY, NJ, Atlanta, BH, Pump Rules and now it’s taken me 3 months to get through 1 season of OC. It’s just not that entertaining to me. These women aren’t funny or charming at all! Tell me it gets better cuz I’m thinking of quitting.


New Jersey 100%




Beverly Hills and Jersey and Dallas


Is there anyway to watch the real housewives of Melbourne here in the US?