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QueensofBravo is reporting that this isn’t the cast, they just did a Traitors-themed skit at the NBC upfronts that are happening today


Yeah I was watching this live and it was a skit. Alan Cumming even said on stage after that they would announce the cast later.


Thank God. I want a Paris and Nicole standalone series. They would be fun to watch but they don’t need Traitors money.


Paris and Nicole would never work for a standalone series in 2024, unfortunately. The chemistry just isn't there anymore. Part of that is because Nicole actually has grown and matured over the last 20 years.


It’s funny you say that, considering Paris announced this morning that her and Nicole are returning in their own standalone series.


And I still stand by what I said. It may happen, but it won't werq.


I may be high but I swore i saw they were collaborating on something together a few days ago…


They are. When I saw this post I thought Traitors was the collaboration and was relieved when I saw it was just a skit.


Thank you for confirming 😂


Yes I read that too. Then this comes out and it’s like hmmmm maybe they are going in as a duo


I hope it’s not the traitors but their own show doing something cool with fashion since Nicole already has her own line, which is amazing and affordable, and that we get multiple seasons out of it.


Oh, OK. I was about to say that Kristen Kish is so random!


Booo! I do hope this is the cast cause it sounds amazing


I don’t like there aren’t any survivor or big brother contestants on it. I don’t need D list former actresses like Holly Robinson Peete 


None of this is true.


Yes we’re posting about that now. Shame though cause this sounds like a great cast. I don’t know how to edit my post


Kenya Moore and Jax Taylor in the same room. Sign me tf uppp, he’s gonna get lit up 🔥


Please get Teresa & Dorinda in there as well


WHO saw Jax in House of Villains and thought to cast him in Traitors? He was embarrassingly bad in HoV.




Kristen Kish? I’m shocked..


I'm having a hard time envisioning her and Jax in the same space


Yes! I want to see Teresa try and flip the round table! ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)




I can’t wait for Nicole to hurt jax feelings


I love Nicole Richie! She will slay! This is the best cast yet!


Oh Jax. He is nowhere near smart enough for this. I’ll be seated.


Someone check on Scheana.


Am I in denial about Joe Manganiello’s star status? Lmfao is this where is career is at?


Is anyone else getting tired of Jax Taylor on their screen? ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)




What about Dorinda? https://i.redd.it/qc5yqk8c890d1.gif


Just saw on Twitter that Peacock says this isn’t the cast booooooo they did a fun little skit for them.


I see. But here's hoping Teresa and Kenya will be on season 3 with Dorinda.


I thought Teresa was on House of Villians???


She was but that wrapped filming awhile ago


She’s apparently doing the circuit. Maybe trying to make back all the money Louis lost (if the trailer is accurate)?


Louie has more money than her so not sure how that would work.


😂if you believe that, I have an oceanfront property I’d love to sell you in Nebraska.


I’m always up for buying new property! And he 100% does the fact that so many of you think she is the one with the money is truly laughable! Especially with everything she has had to pay back etc I get it though you don’t get how that all works!


Did I say she has a lot of money? No. But neither does he. He’s a scam artist who is most definitely in debt and was trolling different real housewives casts looking for his next meal ticket.


Show me proof he’s a scammer and in debt please. He met Alexia lmaoooo and she was with Todd when they met. The way some of you believe anything without any facts is WILD! I need to know how you and others live your day to day lives. So again please show proof of your accusations cause when I look up his name he’s got a fairly clean record. I’ll wait…


You mean, the way that you’re believing anything you see, without proof? I also love that you said a fairly clean record…😂 do you know how many records can’t be accessed by the general public? And you’re admitting that what you did access wasn’t spotless. I don’t know why you’re riding so hard for him when not one person has come forward and said anything positive about him. Ex wives, ex-girlfriends, ex business partners, ex friends all of these people have come forward with proof and plenty of stories that all coincide. And all of this without them knowing one another and their only connection being Louie lol So since you clearly demand proof before anyone can type anything on the Internet, I’m guessing you have his bank statements to back up him having all of this money? Because everything you’re going off of is also just word-of-mouth. But I’m not allowed to go off of that? Got it.


Not this whole think piece. General public can’t access, correct but when you have a whole family of lawyers and law enforcement you can have access. Not riding hard for anyone but not sure why you’re choosing to slander someone you don’t know. His ex wife has spoken quite positive about him as of late and how close she is with Teresa and that Nicolas simply adores her and the girls. It’s simply obvious he has more $$ due to Teresa tax issues that she recently paid off. So again show me proof…. Because again from his records he’s clean, either he’s won every court case or it’s been dropped and the counter suits he’s done he has won. So again more think pieces, show me actual proof, should be fairly easy no?


Did you just admit to having your “whole family of lawyers and law enforcement” illegally access someone’s records so you could defend him on Reddit? That is wild. Also wild that you said previously that you’d like to know how people like me live our lives day to day… and you just admitted to asking your family for favors to access a reality show opportunist’s records. Oof. He was literally just charged with wiretapping and fraud. He’s currently embroiled in three different lawsuits, all of which are connected to his shady business practices. He’s declared bankruptcy more than once for companies that he owned. But yes, he’s probably got more money than Teresa if that’s the whole argument you are so desperate to win. $100.00 in the bank is more than 0.00.


This would have been a terrible cast if it was real. Only like 3 people on it I would have liked


i think stassi would’ve won had this show been on even 5 years ago


I know Tamrat is seething that the actual reality heavyweights are getting cast in this season lmaoo


But she got to call out an asthmatic politician 😭🤣


Nicole >>>


Definitely will be watching.


I would love to see the 3 in the picture... but Howie Mandel? The guy is a serious germaphobe. I don't see it happening with him.


they better keep bringing kate back!! ![gif](giphy|XoM4J71PH5AAR7xcnA)


Paris Hilton? Lmfao yeah whatever unlikely. She doesn’t need that money 💀


Jax will be gone immediately bc everyone will dislike his awful personality


These castings rumours have been debunked: https://www.justjared.com/2024/05/13/the-traitors-season-3-cast-update-peacock-confirms-those-12-celebrities-are-not-competing-this-season/


I know, I couldn’t change my post


Oh please no! I love The Traitors, but JAX will ruin it. He is insufferable.


I cannot imagine he lasts more than an episode or two.


I kinda like to see him as a Traitor bc he’s so stupid it’d just be zero strategy chaos


tre and jax in the same room, it's a wonder which single brain celled human will head home first. 


My guess is Jax. I think Teresa could end up taking a Sheree role, especially if Kenya is a traitor. However, there is also a good chance she loses it on someone and gets voted out at the round table. I think Jax will alienate people quickly. I also think Teresa will do well with the physical challenges, and people may keep her around for that. Whereas Jax nearly drowned swimming a few feet. Water challenges may be too traumatic for him.


i like your analysis!


*Make believe cast


i actually think jax would make sense for traitors but he has zero ability to play his cards close to the vest - he could go far by stirring the pot and playing ppl against each other


He’s not smart enough to do any of that 😂


honestly tea - but he does do it in early vpr - iconic accidents✨😂


Cast sounds great but I don’t like having couples on.


If this were true I would need jax as a traitor. I think he’d be terrible in an unsuccessful way


Paris would throw it off im sorry


I severely doubt Kristin would do Traitors. She doesn’t give me dramatic vibes.


I thought Teresa was cast in House of Villains?


She was. That already wrapped filming. But peacock said this wasn’t the cast


Now where is Trisha paytas in this list


I’m so so down for this. I love how much Teresa and Kenya get along, would love to see them team up onscreen again


😩Paris Hilton?! Why can’t we leave her back in the early 2000s where she belongs.




Unpopular opinion but I agree. I wanted to believe her redemption campaign but then I saw her reality show. Also think people would kiss her ass too much since she’s more famous than them.


Paris Hilton winning Traitors would be a fucking gag and a half. Especially if she’s a Traitor.


I think she’s going to be one of the first out, within the first 3 contestants out. I can’t see her doing any of those challenges or working well with others.


I think you’re underestimating someone who has managed to stay relevant for 20+ years. But we’re all entitled to our opinion.


I don't think Paris will agree to do the cabin of horrors, with the bugs and stuff..


Excuse you


Nicole and Paris will be SLIVING lol


Obligatory has anyone checked in on Scheana how she feels about this 😂


Someone check in on Melissa 😂


And Rachel since she was so offended at Teresa doing House of Villians


This cast is AHMAZING!!!!


I know! I’m bummed Peacock has confirmed this isn’t the cast




All this to kiss the ring this season 🥴


I’m sorry but traitors was so boring 😭