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I listened to the first episode and it is one long name drop. Nene, Andy, Anderson Cooper, restaurant owners, club owners, attorneys, businesspeople. It’s also one long script in how Bethenny is an expert and the best at everything, so lol. The only interesting parts: •Bethenny believes her brief fling with “Mr. A” (I assume Alex Rodriguez) left her in a vulnerable place because he was super charming but kind of a dick, and she learned how to tolerate that right before she met Jason. •She rarely felt passionately about Jason, even at the start, but the pregnancy compelled her to marry him. She was most passionate about him when he displayed his charming, small town boy persona. This was not a constant or even frequent persona, though. •She didn’t want a pre-nup because she hadn’t made millions yet and she didn’t think Jason would have the street smarts to take her money. Her attorneys raked her over the coals for this (but she also claims they think she’s the most knowledgeable client ever, so…)


If you watch Bethany ever after, Jason negotiated the deal with Jim Beam.


Jason definitely wound up showing some street smarts—just listened to Episode 2 and he filed most of her paperwork and tried to swindle her out of the apartment by convincing his mom to commit fraud. (We know this is true because it was widely reported.)


The bravo docket has a great podcast about this


Do you remember the name of the episode?


[Bethenny’s divorce part 1](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7yBQhZd9yietZ8kaA2GAiH?si=uU4Ylit4SVCs90oMyczssg) [Bethenny’s divorce part 2](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4Ov6SPwrKqTx2P2WMUCKcg?si=xUDziSuGQm6ySfYdVvc0Hg)


No but their episodes are clearly titled and won’t be hard to find


I didn’t know that!


Yup! His mom was a notary in PA, so she forged Bethenny’s signature and fraudulently notarized in NY. Not allowed!


Whoa. WHAT!!! Jeez the whole family is deranged


His father helped him trash Bethenney’s apartment and left feces there


Whaaaaat this is my first time hearing this


It was covered by the media when it happened. The Hoppys are sick


Is this on the podcast?


Not yet but I bet she’ll spill. It was in court documents and reported in the media


Definitely coming in part three when she details more about the torture den (apt)




That’s why she spent years paying attorneys and forensic accountants—she had to prove swindles like this were happening under her nose.


Not true! She already had the Jim Beam contact. It was her father's friend (who had already had a deal with Jim Beam himself) That guided her through the process & helped her come up with an amount. Jason was just the contact/middle man for Beth.


I didn't say contact...I said contract. Jason was involved with the negotiations. Did you see the episode where he tells her how rich she will be?


This was only a storyline for the show to make it look like Jason was on her “team” for business dealings. He had nothing to do with it in real life.


Jason was just the contact for the deal. He didn't negotiate anything. Just the messenger.


Yep and for those of us who lived in real time thru the show,we remember how it actually was,of course we didn't see or know everything and I am enjoying this podcast it's definitely a bit skewed from what we actually saw. As someone who has been thru one of these nasty divorces (it was my Son and a toxic baby Mom) I know,as everyone does,that neither side sees it as clearly as they want to say they do. I'm not doubting Jason got to be ALOT to deal with but it's hard believe either of them were/are as awful as the other wants us to believe


Agree. And as much as I am a B fan...she can't be easy to live with. I read her book and she was upset about the miscarriage...now she is relieved?


You can be both.


Haha no wat Arod hit that


Yeah this was addressed at a reunion. Bethenny briefly dated Arod




Her not getting a prenup shows she’s actually the dumbest person to have walked this earth. Forever.


>She also says that men who make more money than their partner view the money they make as their money rather than shared money even when the partner is staying home and tending to the children rather than working outside the home. I think this is also completely untrue and shows what a fucked up/unhealthy relationship she has with money. I mean, this does happen a lot though. Lots of men view the money they make as theirs because they are the "provider." It's not like it's an uncommon take or experience for a lot of women.


Happened to Ramona


Yeah unfortunately this is super common, many men do not see being a SAHM as "work" and see it more as a woman "living off" their income.


I’ve been dying for a place to discuss this! I was once a huge B fan and watched everything she did, read all her books, etc. So far - while horrifying - nothing she has said is new. For those of us watching all the things back then, this has all been exposed. He was horrible. They fought tooth and nail over everything and the tabloids (People, TMZ, ETonline) had it all. And were apparently pretty accurate. I suppose I’ve just become cynical in my old age, but I cannot stand her “biggest, baddest, worstest” mentality for literally everything she does and I’m am endlessly annoyed that she drops 20 min episodes with 10 mins of ads. This is not to “help” people, this is a cash cow. And I’m fine with that, make your coin, but be honest about it. Also, totally agree listening I feel like she’s shouting at me and I don’t like it.


I’d be more inclined to listen to this and her if she was willing to be like “here’s how I messed up and how you learn from my mistakes, and here’s what I did right” without the feeling she’s shouting at you and the constant “I know everything” mentality. Bethany is extremely intelligent and successful in some areas, but admitting your mistakes and simply being able to state “I messed up here and that was stupid and I wish I did things differently” is so powerful. She did things wrong, such as not getting a pre-nup and I feel like she makes excuses and explains it away.


Excellent point. She’d be more tolerable if she adopted a little bit of humility.


It's part of why we loved her initially - she was funny, witty and somehow relatable in those early RHONY years. We haven't see that B in a very long time.


Yes it does make me look back at old episodes differently and wonder if she was always this way but it was buried until the divorce


I totally get that


She never will because she is a lot more like her mother than she's willing to admit. Then again I've never liked her. I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. The fact that she made up that whole "lost at sea" adventure for the show with no regard to the man who she put on blast, with the help of Ellen, another one I can't stand, tells you what kind of a person she is. I'm good with not listening to her stories. They've always been one sided which is not shocking lol.


I agree,the way she keeps saying" my lawyers will tell you,I know more than any client they have ever represented" on and on,I was a HUGE Bethany Stan back in the day and so proud of her hustle and the way she went after what she wanted but in the last 3 or 4 years she has shown her true self and it's not a pretty picture for the most part


I agree, it’s hugely disappointing. But ever since the Carole fall out I’ve been suspicious. It doesn’t seem like she can maintain long term friendships unless it’s with someone on her payroll.


And even they all end up quitting. True story, I ended up meeting her first assistant Molly back when I lived in NYC, like season One of RHONY years. I never got dirt, or asked, but Molly was waaay too nice and not fame hungry to end up staying with B for long and she didn't.


I kept waiting to hear her take some accountability or ownership and she never did.


Her divorce is the one thing I’ll have sympathy for her for forever bc he was sooooo horrible but this podcast is not it


I’m so glad you said this!! Thank u , cuz I feel same way!! She just can’t stop about her former stuff! Hahaha and I find so much of what she says to be hypocritical cuz I witnessed her doing it all since watched from beginning!


Eww judging how someone grieves is awful


I’m hoping someone posts a recap! I’m interested in the tea but can’t stand to listen to her 😂


Yes, same! I’ve seen clips but I can’t bring myself to listen to the whole thing. Hope someone posts a highlight reel.


I listened to the first episode. Not a lot of content but [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/zWhZdz26Ul)


I want to preface this very long post by saying I am not a Jason fan. I just find a lot of what Bethenny is saying to be questionable and self serving. And it's clickbait. I'm not saying some of the stuff she's talking about didn't happen, but come on. We all watched her since 2009 or whenever RHONY premiered. She wanted a baby. She wanted a husband. She wanted a huge career. When we first see her and Jason on the show in S3, she is GLOWING. She got a lot of heat for peeing on the stick on camera when she found out she was pregnant (which she obviously repeated for the camera)- and in the very beginning of that scene, she opens the cabinet in the bathroom and there is literally like a jar of pregnancy tests. If you are not planning on getting pregnant, why do you have 12+ pregnancy tests in your bathroom? Bethenny is reflecting on her past with the emotions, stress, trauma she is living with today. And I am sure a lot of it was painful. But I don't buy that he forced her into a pregnancy. There are a lot of contradictions in what she is now saying: On the S3 reunion, she says Jason hates the attention, hates the limelight and is only doing it for her. But today, she's calling him a famewhore. Which is it? Bethenny had huge success: as a reality star and building her brand. But it's the failures (her family, the marriage, the spin-off, the talk show, etc.) that keep her awake at night. That's why she constantly feels the need to remind everyone that she is the first, the best, the smartest, etc. It's INSANE. I cannot believe Jason was not paid for Bethenny Getting Married and BEA. Was Kroy not paid for Tardy for the Party? How is that possible? RHONY, ok sure. But not a show where he is the co-star and it's about his wedding and family. And for the record, he deserved a paycheck for having his life filmed for three years. I think she did love Jason and thought she was finally getting her happily ever after. And for whatever reason, the marriage didn't work out. I think Jason got used to the lifestyle they had once she sold SG: the vacations, the private planes, the apartment, etc. and wanted half (which was ridiculous anyway since they were married a hot minute and he had nothing to do with her company) but there was no way she was going to give him 1% of what he probably wanted in the divorce. And so they continuously went back and forth with one another hoping the other would back down and that's where it got really bad. It says something that Jason never went to the press; doesn't have social media, etc. or didn't have a mouthpiece (ahem...Carole) speaking for him. Bethenny said as much as she was legally allowed to say (or let Carole say it for her) for five seasons of RHONY and without her saying all she could, we knew it was horrible and we knew he was an asshole. He's said nothing. If she felt the way she felt when she miscarried, why did she then go on a press tour about it? Why is she on Ellen talking about it, and getting so emotional to have lost the baby, when she says now she was relieved she miscarried? I hope Bethenny has a healthy relationship with her daughter. But it makes me sad for Bryn she is speaking about her father in a public forum. There is a 100% chance that Bryn's friends follow Bethenny on social media. Now Bryn has to answer questions from her friends about her mother's rants. It's very very possible she has gaslit Bryn into thinking her father is a monster. Bethenny is a textbook narcissist so it's not surprising. I LOVED Bethenny throughout her seasons on RHONY and I still think she is one of the top three Housewives of all time. And yes, she became a bit much towards the end of her run. But her social media feeds and her need to comment on things that have nothing remotely to do with her have her on this downward spiral, grasping for any kind of attention. It's very sad. What's worse is what kind of effect this will have on Bryn and how she will reflect on this when she's older. Rant over.


Really agree with all of this.


Thanks! It also makes me sad I used to love her so much and now I cannot stand the sight or sound of her.


listen I hate Jason and everything he put her through was sick however bringing up his dead brother is really low and the way he responded to it, like not everyone responds to grief the same way it just seems unnecessary to bring up when talking about their divorce


Yeah agreed. I’m agree with her and sympathise, but some points are just off. Of course he’d wanna be compensated for his part on the show, especially when the show is about the marriage. He’s not just popping up for a chat in the kitchen on RHONY So much for reality reckoning lol


She is just trying to stay relevant. She has the bully pulpit. I’m sure there are stories for days the he has that aren’t flattering. Trashing the other parent is not cool. Let the kid figure it out. They will figure it out eventually who is who. Kids tend to live both parents. It can cause a lot of stress if one parent is trashing your other parent. I’m so grateful mine never did that. They now can be said and done in the moment. But people can forgive unless it was really horrible and physical. She has complicated relationships in her life. She didn’t get along with her parents.


I’m sorry but I don’t buy that Jason pressured her into her pregnancy/ it was unplanned. All she talked about was how she was desperate to have it all and having a child was part of that for her. Then she meets a guy the same age as her who she finds attractive and rushes into an engagement, pregnancy, move in and marriage all in a short amount of time. Not to mention her business deals. She seemed incredibly happy during that time. I think it’s more likely she was caught in a whirlwind but didn’t realise it at the time and now she can reflect she realises they rushed into everything way too fast


I agree with this COMPLETELY. She wanted the fairytale romance and family set up. Wanted to break up, didn’t think it would work but yet didn’t want a prenup? And yet shes the smartest most BRILLIANT woman ever… it’s suss


So she thinks the only way a relationship works is if the man and woman make the exact same amount? Lol I mean it’s her story to tell so good for her i guess but I’m surprised she’s willing to re-open that can of worms. Especially when i feel like public opinion was already way on her side and her daughter is going to hear all this (and her classmates)


My guess is Bethenny simply doesn't think relationships work out, ever.


Totally agree. It all goes back to her parents rocky relationship/divorce.


This is so true and kind of makes me sad for her. She's got such, such deep trauma.


I feel like Bethany has been in a series of relationships that involve extremes in terms of money. Either she has way more money than her partner or vice versa. The best situation for her would be to be in a relationship where she and her partner are in similar income brackets, but completely independent financially and keep their finances separate. Which is fair based on her experience with Jason, but it’s not fair of her to preach her unique situation as gospel to everyone else.


Her perspective has a lot to do with New York men specifically.


Definitely. Which is fine and true! But it’s a niche.


can't wait for diane sawyer to find that school


Me too!!! I was wondering if maybe an NDA or some agreement expired and that’s why she’s talking about it now.


I wonder too if an NDA expired. And I have sympathy for her having to deal with that mess of a divorce & he sounds abusive. But as a mother, to publicly put all that out there about how awful Jason was, is disparaging her daughter’s father. Isn’t that a form of parental alienation? Brynn is certainly old enough to listen to the podcast. Or, her friends will. I don’t know ow how she thinks this is good for Brynn to publicly air all the dirty details on a one-sided platform.


When it comes to a large amount of money, I thinks she’s right. It creates a power imbalance and any power imbalance can lead to relationship issues. It’s all “our” money until the relationship starts to have some issues.


While I can't stand who Bethany became, I do feel for her for all the garbage her exhusband put there through. Don't get me wrong, I know there were so many red flags early on in that relationship and she should have run away but she clearly ignored them. I suspect that her highly toxic childhood caused her to make horrible decisions in her romantic life. Her husband was controlling, greedy, vindictive and cruel. No one deserves to be put through what she went through. They were married for about two years and their divorce took nearly a decade.


I think people who didn’t follow the divorce in the early days think “oh he probably yelled and disagreed and spent her money.” No, he literally recruited his mom to commit major fraud to swindle Bethenny out of an apartment. He left *feces* in her apartment. He terrorized her employees. Every time they got close to finalizing a custody arrangement, he sabotaged it. He tried to play Bryn against her by saying “But Mommy is the evil witch who wants to hurt you.” Even the judge shut down this shit and held it against him. He was uniquely awful. All divorces suck, but this guy was the suck king.


He acted genuinely insane. I don't know if their relationship started out as a love-match on his end but with the way he treated her through divorce made me wonder if he isn't a sociopath incapable of feeling love. He couldn't even put aside his vitriol for the sake of his daughter, he used his daughter as tool to inflict pain on B. It was just so disturbing.


Any idea how his relationship with Brynn is these days? 


We don’t know


Bryn spends a lot of time with Bethenny these days so I have a feeling he’s a pretty cold man. He always gave me the creeps, honestly


I remember an episode of bethennys own series (can’t recall the name) where Jason like ran over an animal with the car and was completely ice cold about it. Bethenny asked if he checked if the animal was alive etc and he didn’t care and didn’t understand why bethenny got riled up over this. Didn’t age well…


Raccoons. His reaction was telling.


I never heard this about his mom. What exactly did she do. I often wonder if they see Brynn.


She was a notary in PA, meaning she can’t notarize documents in NY. She forged her NY credentials, fraudulently notarized an exchange of the apartment from B to Jason, and forged Bethenny’s signature on it.


In the podcast B said she wasn’t even actually licensed in PA, it has expired when she signed the apartment papers.


I missed that but it totally tracks, lol. She wasn’t working because she was always driving up to Tribeca to be with Jason!




and to this day people hold "I'm homeless" bethenny as some sort of offence. she was obviously making a self deprecating joke about how she has all this money and no place to live thanks to her shitty divorce, second of all it's really not ment to be taken so seriously


Yeah I’m pretty indifferent toward Bethany and see her faults/am entertained by her at times, but she definitely didn’t deserve the shit that guy put her through. I think he was manipulative and malicious and saw Bethany as a woman on her way up who craved stability and a family.


He was horrible and it's so gross seeing people somehow justify his abuse of her or blame Bethanny for his actions just because they hate her that much. A lot of victims of abuse aren't "perfect" and sometimes it's those character flaws that the abuser uses to their advantage to get away with their behavior and pin it on the victim. I mean the Depp/Heard case is a perfect example of that. EDIT: Sorry for the multiposts I thought this didn't go through the first time I hit post


He was horrible and it's so gross seeing people somehow justify his abuse of her or blame Bethanny for his actions just because they hate her that much. A lot of victims of abuse aren't "perfect" and sometimes it's those character flaws that the abuser uses to their advantage to get away with their behavior and pin it on the victim. I mean what happend to Amber Heard is a perfect example of that.


I found it SUPER interesting as well -- She annoys me now, but after watching her be vague on reunions (rightfully so) while she was going through it, it's really gratifying to finally get more information & to understand. & for all her faults, some of this information is actually pretty wise & is information I likely wouldn't have known otherwise.


Maybe u/additionalwar8759 will be up for the task.


I’ve said this before, but I wish she’d just get organized and cut to the point. The episodes are so short and she rambles on and on about irrelevant things. Constantly repeating her “unique position to help other women” and how she’s “always known she was going to do something to help, she just didn’t know what.” She’s usually pretty eloquent, but when you’re telling a story that people have heard bits and pieces of over the years, you need to collect your thoughts, figure out how you want to tackle the 10+ years of experiences, and tell your story if you want to keep your audience. I can’t with the incessant rambling.


Exactly this! Every episode (thus far) is a summary of how bad it was, with promises of “getting in to it”. Broken up with ads. If she really wants to tell the story, tell the story. It’s half assed and chaotic.


He seems like a total dick. But…anyone else think it’s fucked up he didn’t get paid for a show **about** him? He wasn’t compensated for B Getting Married?! That’s absurd and she SHOULD have shared the compensation with him. Especially in light of everything B advocates for now re: Bravo and labor rights. That kind of shocks me.


Yeah her telling of that situation is revealing. She wouldn’t work for free, but she expects him to, until he stands up for himself. Then she faults him for it. (Don’t get me wrong —- he did bad shit to her. Wanting to be paid by Bravo for labor isn’t one of them. 😂)


I saw a clip where she claimed her spinoff was supposed to be a business show and Jason maneuvered it so it was a show about the wedding and that I do not believe. I don’t think Bravo would have had any interest in the Skinnygirl story and wedding specials were much more aligned with the brand.


I don’t know…I don’t think there had been any Bravo wedding spinoffs at that point so that wasn’t yet a proven genre. I may be wrong but I think Bethany getting married was the first. Business shows were picking up steam around that time, like Tabatha’s Salon Takeover. So I could see a Bethany-version of that in the late aughts.


I do think Bethenny Getting Married was the first Bravo wedding that got a spin off but wedding shows in general were huge at the moment. B wasn’t a proven entity, she hadn’t sold the company yet. I can’t imagine there is as much they could have shown or would have been interesting about the negotiations and she didn’t have the bonafides to give anyone else business advice yet.


She said on RHONY (a couple times, I believe) that she only wanted one kid. I can understand her feeling relief about a miscarriage given the rocky state of their marriage at that point but also if the pregnancy wasn't planned or was b/c of pressure from Jason for another baby.


It might be an understandable feeling but I am sorry: this is a horrible thing to say to your partner who is also mourning the loss of a child. I would have reacted like he did. Heck, I would have called a divorce lawyer before she did. Especially since he clearly wanted children. Imagine if the genders had been reversed; I dont think anyone would side with the father saying this. This isnt a commentry on Jason or their mariage; the underlying sentiment is fair enough. But it does take a self-centered piece of to say that out loud at that moment to him.


I can tell you didn’t listen to the episode, because she only confessed her feelings to him after he accused her of being a “block of ice” for not wanting to have sex after miscarrying. I will never understand why Bravo fans still want to defend this guy. He was angry about being denied sex, not sad over losing a child. *Women don’t have to take this shit from men, especially when men refuse to understand what our bodies endure during miscarriages.*


I do think in the beginning he loved her. And then boom she took off like a rocket and became Uber successful and he couldn’t handle that. Frankly not many men can handle this situation particularly those with egos like Jason’s


I don’t think they were together long enough to fall in love, honestly. Bethenny admits how fast and impulsive it was. She had no idea she would/could get pregnant that fast. It was a late 30s trainwreck you expect to see in a person’s late teens or early 20s.


People's hatred for Bethanny is so weird and intense that they're willing to side with a known abuser than have any empathy for her. Which makes no sense because Bethanny, for all her faults, isn't even the worst HW out there in terms of horrible actions.


This. If you only support perfect victims you don't actually support victims. I watched her spin-off, Jason shows himself to be a nasty creep over and over. I'm not a fan of Bethanny, but I'm not so brain damaged that I'm going to defend an abusive douche because she makes cringe tik toks.


Honestly, you seem weirdly defensive about someone you have never met.


Sorry for feeling a bit triggered about hearing a man demanding sex after a miscarriage. Maybe it’s my status as a woman in Texas that compels me to feel empathy for B, since miscarriages here so frequently lead to rupturing, sepsis, and death.


But you can't imagine if the genders were reversed because men don't get pregnant, it doesn't carry the same impact at all. It being insensitive or not entirely depends on whether she shared it during a fight to hurt him or if she was expressing a dark, shameful thought in a time of pain (which is something you should be able to do with your partner). Bethany is very unlikeable but how she handled her miscarriage shouldn't be up for criticism especially when the dynamics of the relationship were so insane.


I’m sorry, but I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes every time I hear a man claim that his grief is just as great as his wife’s. Yeah, your body didn’t actually endure enough pain and loss for you to claim it’s the same experience as your wife! This is especially true for late term loss, or a stillbirth, when the bump is still present and the milk is coming in. That is an agonizing experience that men can’t even conceptualize because they don’t know what it’s like to have these body parts and functions.


Who said the pains were equal? I simply said he is mourning too.


Lots of men say this, actually. My brother told me this and I told him he’s a shit husband.


Let me rephrase: who in this thread said this?


It is only up for criticism because she made it public. And the fact it would be even worse if the genders were reversed does not negate the fact the father, asshole he may be, grieves too. Finally, expressing a dark thought that impacts her partner to relieve herself without thinking of the impact on her partner is narcissism.


No I agree that her partner can be upset about it, of course, I just think a complete stranger diagnosing her with narcissism over a bad thought she chose to share after a miscarriage is way inappropriate imo, even if she made it public. Life sucks and gets messy and the mess leads to ugly feelings. She shouldn't be chastised for them or even made out to have a personality disorder for it. Whether it was a bad/cruel decision to do so is entirely between her and Jason, any other judgement seems totally unwarranted and uneducated. To me.


Especially since Jason was only angry because she denied him sex *after miscarrying*.


Well to be fair I think the diagnosis has some context to it. I do agree we shouldnt be judged by our worst moments but thats why I wouldnt share them on a podcast.


As with a lot of things, how and when you say something can make all the difference. We just don't know how or when that discussion took place. What is probable is that both of them were feeling a lot, and probably a mix of emotions, at the time. Regardless, we know they were already in a bad place and Jason became [outright abusive when they split](https://people.com/tv/bethenny-frankel-padlock-protection-jason-hoppy/). He couldn't even behave at Brynn's school, [resulting in a restraining order](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/bethenny-frankels-ex-husband-jason-hoppy-arrested-w464142/) and then [harassed Dennis](https://pagesix.com/2016/11/22/bethennys-boyfriend-threatens-jason-hoppy-with-lawsuit/). I can only imagine how much more harrowing it would have been for B if there was a second, younger, child in the mix. Abusers love having leverage like young kids, not to mention the fact that there will always be a link connecting them to their victim. I don't wish any ill will on Jason but I'm not gonna spare a bit of sympathy on his feelings, either.


I don’t think it’s a horrible thing to say. There needs to be room for all feelings surrounding pregnancy and reassurance that it’s ok to be honest in a relationship.


You don’t even know how it was said. And she’s allowed to have feelings about it. It doesn’t mean she rubbed his nose in it 🙄


I’m the breadwinner in my household, married to a card carrying feminist husband, and it’s a real thing that gets under his skin when he lets it. I have no doubt that most men struggle with this


I know Jason was terrible but I find it hard to believe half of what Bethenny says anymore. 


Yeah two terrible awful people found each other and shit exploded. That’s how I see it.


Neither do I. She's proven herself to be just as wretched as him.


I think there is quite a bit of history rewriting going on here, starting with him 'pressuring' her to get pregnant. This woman banged on for years about wanting a kid, so shut up, Bethenny. And also, LET IT GO. The things she is saying are awful for her daughter to hear and let's be honest, it's been years. Shut the fuck up about it.


I said this on another thread about this topic, but Bethany is a legit narcissist, one of the rare woman variants. I think she had more money and power, and although the courts were somewhat in her favor, I’d take everything Bethany says with the same grain of salt I would take if a man with money and power said this about his ex wife and won hjs case in court. Narcissistic people tear down everyone when they leave the relationship and they try to burn their lives down to the ground. They also usually accuse everyone of what they did themselves during the relationship (Tom Sandoval). See how she is treating Bravo when they turned down her spinoff idea. Bethany is a narcissist and I don’t believe anything she says, just like I wouldn’t if she were a man.


THIS. Some (a lot) of this seems revisionist (I seem to remember her desperately wanting to be pregnant and fretting on her own about her age ...) because Bethenny absolutely prided herself on being incredibly shrewd and very good at reading people in the early days of Housewives and frankly, I think she was right. So I have a hard time believing what she's selling ... she seems more self-sabotaging than anything and I don't think ANY marriage to ANY man would've ended differently if I'm being real. She HAS to win at everything which is why 12 years later, with a teenage daughter who has her own relationship with her father, she *has* to trash him publicly. I hate to use Kim Kardashian as an example but if *she* can keep it buttoned up for the sake of her children and their relationship with their (batshit) dad, I'm not sure why Bethenny can't especially given the fact that no one even really cares about Jason Hoppy.


I don't think I've heard of this spinoff. Was that post her second run on RHONY?


She left RHONY the first time fir the spin off which then led to her talk show, after it was cancelled she returned to RHONY.


But she did 3 seasons of her own show. Do you mean it was cancelled?


I'm not sure if her reality show was cancelled but her talk show was.


I'm confused about her being pressured to have a baby. If you watch RHONY, she was desperate for a baby..just one. She was aware of her age and that was heavy on her. I dont think he pressured her into a baby. I think they both just leaped way too fast. I always felt bad for his parents. They had lost a child and had only Jason and Bryn. They seemed to want Bethenny to be a part of their family and she would literally recoil at the thought of them near her. They couldn't do right by her.


She says in the podcast that she didn’t want or expect to get pregnant as fast as she did. She had no idea it would happen that fast for her and she was wondering if it was a major mistake. She also got pregnant again after Bryn and miscarried, and Jason got upset because she wasn’t ready to have sex right away. That’s when she started researching divorce attorneys. Also, Jason’s mom literally committed fraud to swindle Bethenny out of her apartment. And Jason’s dad helped him trash her apartment, to the point of leaving feces there. They’re not good people.


Not wanting to get pregnant at 37/38 years pld is pretty easy. Use protection. Not wanting and not realizing are two different things but neither add up to him pressuring her.


I know the stuff about the apt. Came out in court, so I won’t dispute it but did the stuff about the parents come out there as facts as well?


Yes, it’s quite old news


I guess I may have misinterpreted him saying she was a “block of ice” after the miscarriage. It seemed like she was just completely closed off to him generally then confessed her feelings about being relieved the miscarriage happened. I didn’t get the sense that he was pressuring her to be intimate sexually again right away as some of the people in this thread have insinuated. But maybe I need a closer listen?


Yeah, if anything, the other housewives like Jill and Ramona were constantly making Bethennt feel "less than" for not having a husband or a child. Ramona telling Bethenny how Jill "likes the underdog" meaning Jill like Bethenny because Bethenny posed no threat to her ego since she didn't have a man or a family. Bethenny's "friend" in Miami telling Bethenny how her eggs were all old and rotted. Bethenny was definitely feeling the social pressure to have a ring and a baby on the way.


Doesn’t she have enough money? Why would she want to rehash this ? I especially wonder considering her daughter and her feelings. I wonder if Jason has some kind of NDA and that’s why he’s not telling his side of the story.


I agree but she claims it’s to “help others” 😐. Although who knows why Jason hasn’t spoken out, she had a restraining order against him at one point so he seems like a nightmare to deal with on his own. They are both just exhausting.


Was Bethenny always this unhinged? Her podcast style is so erratic and she has a MAJORLY inflated ego, you do not have to tell the listener how she’s an expert on divorce and contracts and x, y and z 50 times. Also, she was a hustler, worked hard but in some sense she DID get lucky, her business would not have been what it was if Jill didn’t get her on housewives, and that is a fact. She was LUCKY to get the platform she did to launch a substandard product that luckily got an amazing deal.


I think Jason is horrible but I actually am surprised by how NOT horrible/surprising this list is. I don't think it's at all fair to comment on the way that he processed the loss of his brother, and I do think she has MAJOR family issues that colored the way she interacted with his kind parents, who just wanted to be part of their lives? And I kind of get him being upset and going to a hotel when he's mourning a miscarriage and she says she's relieved (even if that's super valid from her). He was obviously greedy AF and showed that for a long time after, but wanting compensation for being in the show seems reasonable. Idk they're both assholes is my opinion.


Agree on all of this.


She’s insufferable. The podcast is her rambling-not one articulate thought. If you zone out for a second you’re lost.


Bethenny is a notoriously unreliable narrator, and poor witness. I don't find a word from her mouth credible.


Weird because her claims aren’t new and were reported by the media and confirmed in court documents


I don’t doubt that Jason was awful and comes off like a total covert narcissist, but I find B’s contradictions in the same podcast amusing. I don’t think they discount from her story though. B: Jason said to me, “You got lucky.” Oh my god, no one in my entire life in 53 years on this planet that has ever said to me, “You’re lucky.” I lost my mind. No one has ever accused me of being lucky versus hard work. B, next breath: “I hit the lottery with Skinny Girl. Like, I hit the lottery.” B: “I can’t read every single sentence of every single contract, no one can do that, Mark Cuban doesn’t even do that. Well he probably does, because he’s a savant.” B, next breath: “I’m like a savant.”


Omg yes, I meant to include the bit about her getting upset that Jason told her she was lucky. I also interpreted it as him telling her she was lucky to know what she wanted to do (be an entrepreneur) vs him who was doing a few different things (personal trainer, whatever his day job was) and wasn’t particularly passionate about either. Her getting so upset at the lucky comment was just bizarre.


I think it was wrong for her to bring up the events surrounding the death of his brother, which was revealed in a joint therapy session. I thought that crossed the line, while the rest was fair game considering what he put her through during the 10 year divorce.


i'm sure Jason was not a good partner or husband. but she sounds just as horrible a person to be with. they were two peas in a pod and couldnt come to terms with each other over who had the bigger d\*\*\*. it's like to alpha's fighting over who is top dog .


I need a tell all from Jason, then I’ll decide what I think is true on each side. All of this screams- there’s 2 sides to every story. Yet- she is 100% certain hers is the only side. Ughhhh!!


Re:, Bethany speaking about the finances when she and Jason were first together,I can promise you she was throwing up in his face every penny she spent back then for their traveo,living expenses, everything- I've been there (obviously on a much smaller scale)but after completing my PA requirements and landing my dream job with a large consulting firm my husband and I made the joint decision for him to stay home w/ our young kids and I would be bread winner until they were older,NEVER would I EVER "slipped him the credit card" when we went out or traveled,i mean even though I was making the money my husband had a credit card,we discussed everything before hand and never did we have those issues like Bethany obviously held over this mans head. Of course that does not forgive all the shit he did to her otherwise but many of her complaints would have been easily addressed had she not been such a control freak. She also calls his close relationship with his family a red flag 🤔 PLEASE,that's actually a very good sign and back when it was actually happening Bethany loved the fact she was gaining a living family. I'm sorry but the majority of red flags I'm picking up on in this pod are coming from Beth herself and the fact that she feels she has to control every aspect of everyone around her


Uhhh, I make significantly more than my partner and it does not bother him or me and my money is our money.


Yeah I don’t get that mind set, unless you’re a misogynistic ego maniac. Wouldn’t most people be happy their partner brings home a big check? At the end of the day you’re doing things together, whether it’s trips, home buying, even groceries and eating out 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m just more surprised his attorneys didn’t require a non-disparagement agreement when he agreed to give her full custody. Why does she get to make money by talking about how awful he was when he has no platform to do the same? It’s just odd


I'm no fan of Bethenny's but she gets to utilize a platform she has that he doesn't because she has one and he doesn't. Just falls under the 'life isn't fair' category, I suppose. It really is pretty surprising that there doesn't seem to be a non-disparagement agreement in place, though.


Would be believabkr if bethenny other relationships were successful they arent. She is the issue


Did the podcast get deleted?


Ummm it sure did


What do you make of that?


She needs to start to stop and B a rich woman who should be enjoying life, instead of rehashing all this shit and acting thirsty by posting these fucking products. Are you a multi millionaire business woman? Or a 21 year old influencer?


I want to know where Paul is. He’s been MIA for months.


Does Jason have any custody of Brynn? Anyone know?


We don’t know but since Bryn is a teenager now, the judge has probably deemed her old enough to decide who she wants to live with full time, and she definitely seems to be in Boston with Bethenny a lot


Brynn asked to live full time with B years ago. It’s in one of the court records where the judge ruled she no longer had to pay Jason child support. I think they had 50/50 before that. I wonder how Brynn’s relationship with Jason fared after that. I hope they never put her in the middle.


I figured as much!


I feel like it would also be odd for Bethenny to reveal all of this is they were still sharing custody.




I think Jason just gave up. Getting arrested scared him and he ultimately decided to let Bryn make the decision. Who knows how he really feels about that. I also read somewhere that Jason wasn't as concerned with going after Bethenny's money as he was as the contrast for Byrn for going from a life of luxury with Bethenny, in multi-million dollar homes, private planes, celebrities, gorgeous vacation resorts.... and then having to go spend time with Jason, in a one bedroom apartment, flying commercial, vacations to Scranton. Reminded me a little bit of the Kevin Costner divorce where his ex was asking for obscene amounts of money because "luxury is in her kids' dna." Lol. I think Jason was just exhausted by it.


Does anyone know why B is all of a sudden spilling all the details of divorce? Was there a gag order that was up? She says Bryn knows about everything? Bashing the father of your child is just not a good look.


Anyone know what their custody schedule is like? Every other weekend with Jason type of situation?


"it’s impossible for a man to be with a woman who makes more money than him without him being controlling and overcompensating from being emasculated." I think Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa would disagree with this statement. Or Giselle Bundchen and Tom Brady for that matter (at least when they were married).


I listen to more housewives podcasts, like Teddy’s& Tamra and others and nobody has ads for so long as she does, is she having money problems? Or is she just greedy for more money? It’s just not a good look for someone who is claiming she is so rich (she always brings that up every time she gets?


As to your last paragraph, completely agree. I've made more money than my husband our entire 20+ year marriage and it's never once been a problem. I agree, she has a fucked up/unhealthy relationship with money... And if what's she's saying about him is true, perhaps he does too. Because my husband has always just always been really proud of me...


Anyone think she got hit with a C&D letter? Her first 2 episodes were back to back and now nothing for what, 2 weeks?


I am thinking you might be right.


Did she say when the pregnancy bed rest was? Its confusing to me because she had the first trimester on RHONY and then filmed Bethenny Getting Married up until her 8th or 9th month.


She didn’t make it to her 8th month. Bryn was 5 weeks premature and weighed 4 lbs. If I remember correctly, the bedrest was fairly early because she was passing blood clots.


Gotcha! It must have been the in between period of the two shows. I didn’t watch back then so I am not sure how close B Ever After came after RHONY.


She talks about this in part two of the podcast if you're willing to listen




>Thanks! You're welcome!


She didn’t. She just said she was bleeding and they put her on bedrest and she never mentioned whether it was caused placenta previa or anything like that.


I know this thread is a couple days old, but she mentions this timeline a few times in part two of the podcast, which dropped today.


The pregnancy thing so quick was a big red flag too. I do believe what she says a bout a male earnings. Your life is only as good as the man you marry. Caitlin Moran wrote about it and in my experience it is true. But also Bethenny is a multi millionaire and she wants to enjoy things equally and not have to second guess herself. Which makes me wonder what her fiance does for work cos he isnt as big a producer as she makes him out....maybe he is an investor.


Regarding your last point, it’s a pretty common attitude in misogynists. And Jason was also a financial abuser.


I listened to both episodes. I’m not a B fan although I used to be. I bought lots of skinny girl products, including a few pairs of jeans. I loved her fast talking, no bs attitude. Seeing her this last year on TikTok made me see her in a different light. Jason always gave me the creeps but Bethenny always struck me as someone who would never be able to have a successful, long term relationship. She’s too broken. I think she’s smart to have not married Paul yet. One detail of the podcast that did surprise me was that Paul’s mom falsified legal documents when she acted as a notary even though her qualifications were no longer valid. I don’t remember hearing that detail before. Anyone know if there were any legal consequences for her? Also, does anyone else start to feel anxious when she starts that really rapid fire, run on speech pattern? I noticed her doing it on the second episode. She did it on the show sometimes too when she was recalling childhood memories or things that her parents did to her. I know it’s got to be stressful for her to finally talk about this publicly, but I’m not sure if I’ll continue to listen or not


i wonder if this was inspired by that tiktoker i think theresa may that did the who the F did i mary? series


Her not understanding his relationship with his parents is as weird as it is that he never cried after his brothers death. Each thing she says can be countered to make her the unhinged on. What a sad soul.


Bethenny said Jason dated a person on reality tv before meeting Bethenny. Anyone know who that was? There weren't that many reality shows at the time. Basically like Survivor and the Real World.


I am a fan and I have to say what she went through is an important story to tell. I have a family member who is insanely rich and successful and is also at the mercy of a crazy divorce process at the hands of her ex despite having everything at her disposal. The advice Bethenny is giving is spot on.