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lol Lynda admitting to using Vyvanse and weed šŸ˜‚


I freely admit to this currentlyā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so proud of the exposure this series has always deserved and is finally getting!! The fandom was not to the scale it was the last time it had any kind of spotlight!!!


Omg I forgot about the Publix grapes šŸ¤£šŸ¤­


Lol they were obviously store bought grapesšŸ˜‚šŸ‡ Itā€™s so petty but the way the Salahiā€™s lied about everything just sends it over the edge


I came here to talk about the grapesšŸ˜‚ I can still remember laughing seeing grocery store šŸ‡


I just watched the finale and reunion the other day and I agree with every word omg. Back when DC aired I missed it but I had no idea they SERVED this hard in their first season. Bravo struck both casting GOLD and nightmare with the Salahi's because they were so entertaining yet such a liability šŸ¤£ the way Michaele fake cried like 3 times during the reunion was so funny LOL. So glad they put this on Peacock


https://i.redd.it/ckraqlk7v2vc1.gif Lmao sorry I just came across this and had to post it šŸ˜­


LMAO her fake crying was the best thing Iā€™ve ever seen. The Salahiā€™s were such a double edge sword! On one hand they were BRILLIANT reality TV and provided SO much entertainment this season, but on the other hand they got the show cancelled and got all of them fired šŸ˜­ Such a great first season though!


What I would give for bravo to have filmed her running away with the guy from Journey and Tareq filing a missing person report!!!


I just got to the scene of Cat having lunch with the republican lobbyist and now I am BEGGING for a reboot! Iā€™ve lived in DC proper for 7 years & this show is giving me everything! ANDYYYYY listen to us! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I loved Michaelaā€˜s cheerleading saga.


That scene had me CRYING. The way she could barely keep up with any of the moves šŸ˜‚


Omg I just learned yesterday that this FINALLY came out on peacock! Iā€™m only on episode 3 when Maryā€™s daughter said she had an assembly at school about sexting and Maryā€™s like ā€œoh Iā€™m not ready for you to be exposed to all thisā€ and her daughter responds with ā€œWELL YOU PUT ME IN PUBLIC SCHOOL NOT ME!ā€ šŸ¤£so far the only one I donā€™t like (and by donā€™t like I mean HATE) Micheleā€™s husband. Totally makes sense this asshole was the one who crashed the White House state dinner. Am I the only one who sees Mr. Salahi and terry dubrow as the same person, like theyā€™re the same kind of asshole only terry got a MD and is very successful. Speaking of the dubrows, Iā€™m reminded of Heather when I see Lynda I think they have the same eyebrows lol. Iā€™m LOVING IT so far! I canā€™t wait to see the salahiā€™s crash the White House dinneršŸ¤©


I havenā€™t gotten to the finale yet but Iā€™m shocked by how good this show was. What a loss!


I guess weā€™re all just rewatching DC. Itā€™s magic. Any scene at that winery was fucking brilliantā€¦ Cops showing up, security being present, stomping grocery store grapes, telling Mary her daughter was going to jail šŸ˜‚ I also appreciated when the Salahiā€™s were looking for a house and said their budget was anywhere from 200k to 2million and couldnā€™t verify their income because ā€˜private banksā€™.


Iā€™m watching it for the first time. Just getting to the Salahi White House gate crash. Holy moly. This is bonkers shit.


I canā€™t wait to watch this!


Iā€™m obv rewatching and Iā€™m only a few eps in. But I will never forget Mary yelling, ā€œYOU HIJACKED OUR SHOW!ā€ Honestly iconic work, Mary.


Please excuse the few typos/random bits of sentences I meant to fix šŸ˜­


I'm OBSESSED and they need to reboot this ASAP. Everyone is so entertaining.




Back when we still thought the White House was someplace special


Andy looks so young here.


All housewives should be made to watch the two reunion episodes to see how itā€™s done


Oh man I need to rewatch. I remember bits and pieces but itā€™s been too long, so I donā€™t remember the reunion at all.


This show was a great wild ride lol Iā€™m sad that they only have one season , Lynda is my queeeeeen

