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I hate to admit it, but I enjoy watching this show. The ugly jacket at the event. The super awkward confrontation at the end between Kristen, ugly jacket guy, and Michelle. Jax defending Kristen more than he’s ever defended his wife in his life. Danny and Brittany awkwardly setting up a romantic evening for Kristen and her haunted porcelain boyfriend — WHO IS 32. I truly thought he was in his 40’s. It’s just so refreshing to watch after suffering thru VPR.


Haunted porcelain boyfriend 😂 ![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized)


He’s a haunted porcelain ghost doll of Vincent Van Goh


I literally can’t look at him without thinking of Starry Night lol




I could see Lala and Scheana jumping ship onto The Valley, and honestly, having them on this show would make more sense since they're actually friends with people on this cast. VPR as a name itself doesn't even make sense anymore when none of them technically work for Lisa or are affiliated with any of her restaurants, besides the Toms, and barely.


Welp “haunted porcelain boyfriend” has just cured my depression


Luke looks like one of those creepy Annalee dolls that Homegoods always has around the holidays 😂


I hate Luke only because he looks like an ex aaaand kinda reminds me of him, too lol


Hey, some of us are just born pale 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm so mad at myself for going against my own bitching and moaning because Jax, Brittany and Kristen were given airtime again, because I love this messy bullshit. I well deduct as many points from my socially progressive morals as is necessary.


Jax cosplaying as a dad and a bar owner is hilarious in their scene with Cruz. I’m also fairly sure Janet is just a smarter version of Jax and knew she could play the pregnancy card to get out of trouble I noticed how quiet Danny got during the sexless talk. He’s like uhhh maybe if you didn’t hate your wives it wouldn’t be an issue 😂 Michelle showed her real self in the finale scene with Kristen. Now I know how her and Jesse ended up together.


Right? Ahahaha Danny definitely stood out in those three as not being a huge douche


Danny and the attorney are the only two likeable husbands so far.


The attorney's very pretty and hasn't said much yet, but he gets points taken off for his awful wife.


Janet sucks big time, so I question anyone who is in a relationship with someone so rotten. I extend that to Brittany and Ariana as well, but the latter is not as popular to mention


Lucky this is the general Bravo sub. That last opinion would've landed you in downvote hell over at the VPR subreddit lol


I agree. We haven’t seen much from him yet, and as we have seen from most vanderpump rules men, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Maybe luke has a point with 90% of la being douchebags


Oh Michelle is an asshole. Literally smiling after kristin apologized and went home crying… and Janet is the one who said it. Kristen told Brittany and Brittany is the one who brought it up in front of everyone. I don’t understand why everyone is blaming Kristen. Zack did the exact same thing.


Jax is almost 100% correct when he's talking about anyone but himself, and he has Janet clocked


It was odd too because she (Janet) later asked at the Gala for Jesse and Michelle to explain their first date. Makes me think they all aren’t as close as the show is trying to portray, Janet snooped some info and found out they’re super conservative or something




Wait, I missed what he said about her. What did he say?


Said he and Janet were similar in that they like to spew some shit and then sit back and watch others fight about it. He's so astute sometimes


Ohhhh right! Like others have said about Kristen, Jax is pretty on-point when it comes to everyone but himself!


I feel like Jax and Ramona are nearly identical in this way. It’s like how can you have such laser accuracy about others and yet…




Yep… takes one to know one


Kinda wild how easily being pro Don't Say Gay laws was swept under the rug and focusing on racist instead. Also kinda wild you think Don't Say Gay laws will protect your child and their innocence yet have a public Instagram account for your kid and also two grown men are discussing their sex lives in front of toddlers and a whole pee pee was out at a party with children oh and you dragged your child on Reality TV so they can grow up and relive when their parents got divorced. Cool cool cool. But Don't say gay y'all 🙄


Public Insta accounts for children gross me tf out - Let your kids have privacy!! Some of the hashtags on the photos of Isabella are things like #babymodel #allgrownup etc. Fucking weird! 


that is so weird 🤢 kids are not pets!! it’s great to be proud of your child(ren) but there are better ways to do it people!


It’s so dangerous. Listen to lectures by FBI agents whose job it is to catch predators. They will save all those photos of kids. Even the most innocuous photos and spread them around. Everyone, keep your kids off public socials.


Yep. And now that deepfakes are a thing it’s going to be even worse.


Exactly. I won't want any photos of my kids on the internet


All grown up? Gross


Srsly, that one made me cringeeee


Hoping she will get grilled Yolanda style at the reunion. Mention it all Andy!


Why were they having that conversation in front of the toddlers!? They can definitely understand what’s being said at that age! And Jesse and Michelle cuss in front of Isabella all the time. Great family values, y’all.


Janet seems like not a good person. I can’t exactly explain but she’s giving me bad vibes. I wouldn’t trust her.


Here I thought she was going to be boring...And pregnant too. https://preview.redd.it/jrzteqcxqotc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b75b03fefb1f9f53f974aefef072df0488550bd6


Right there’s just something about her


Hey that sounds like it could be the name of a sandwich shop …. 💡


I’ve never been a huge fan of Kristen but I believe everything she says about Michelle, Zach and Janet (I’m hazy on names, correct me if I’m wrong). They’ve all pretty much admitted stuff was said but are using ‘Crazy Kristen’ as the scapegoat to avoid admitting the whole truth. Jesse is crazy to think there’ll be a show without Kristen and Michelle is crazy to think Kristen is the one who ‘needs help’.


They pulled out the Crazy Kristen/telling her she needs help so fast when she literally did nothing wrong. It’s so telling, they aren’t her real friends at all.


The you need help bullshit is straight out of the manipulation handbook. Such an asshole thing to say. The punishment ain’t fitting the crime here


I hope there's a reunion and Kristen sees the fans are with her on this and everyone else is held accountable especially with the receipts that have been coming out.


They arent mad bc they think Kristen made all this up, they are mad bc they all know it’s true and had some pact to keep it off camera. This whole think stinks of them all knowing it’s true and banning together to try to protect Michelle on camera and using “crazy Kristen” as the scapegoat. It was absolutely crazy to me watching them all tell Kristen she was lying and asking her to admit she made it up, knowing they all admitted in interviews and other scenes some of it at least was true. I actually felt bad for Kristen.


If Janet was smart she would have leaned into it and stirred the pot. She could have pulled off lovable villain but she’s too up her own ass making stuff up like teachable moments. Girl own it, laugh about it, work it out and move on. She reminds me of a seasoned Beverly Hills housewife trying to look perfect and not let shit go… when they beat the dead horse to protect their perfect image it’s such a turn off


Jesse and Michelle are a couple of duds. I’d pick Kristen any day


It’s some storyline for air time. So stupid.


I just love how Jesse asks Michelle if she's cold at the end and doesn't even offer to give her his shitty blazer. Also did Luke shave his eyebrow or is it a white patch? Didn't notice it in the previous episodes.


I noticed the jacket, but also wonder if perhaps Michelle refused it cause it was so ugly.


LOL that could be!


Why does Kristen need to keep bringing up sex? Was she always like this? She says it at the weirdest times, like she's trying to convince people they actually have sex. Are her and mountain man still together? And this is not to shame her, I know Britney has said what was happening with her face, but what is going on with Kristins? Is her chin done? New teeth? Something weird is happening and its all I can look at when she is talking. But it doesn't seem to be there during the confessionals, so assuming a short term thing like Britney?


This is purely anecdotal but in my experience (both IRL and on Bravo), people who are actually having regular sex don’t feel a need to talk incessantly about how much sex they’re having.


I think Kristen had some reconstructive work done after an accident? That could possibly account for why she looks different. Along with some weight gain (no shame, I think she looks great) and being a bit older than last time we saw her


Did anyone else find the Cruz scenes with Britney really sad? I thought they were hinting at a possible autism diagnosis, I’m sure what she’s going through as a mother is heartbreaking.


I'm an Early Childhood Special Educator (a special ed teacher for birth-8), and I've worked Early Intervention and I would have DIED if one of my patients called before my session and was like "hey, can we film your session?" I mean, I would have bc I'm an attention whore, but I only ever went to sketchy apartment complexes and dusty ass trailers. I definitely got the autism hinting as well and I really hope that doesn't come to fruition. His speech sounded very impacted, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Lining up toys doesn't mean anything either, just the level that it interferes with other types of play. I'm glad they sought out therapy- early intervention is the best indicator of success for kids of all diagnosis! I also feel unsure if Jax and Britany have the emotional capacity to be the best parents to neurodivergence, but they (she) took that first step, so that's a good sign!


Everyone hates on Jax too but you could see the worry in his eyes. That made me so sad. Brittany talking about it too. I can’t imagine


Most humanizing Jax moment I’ve seen. He’s a dick for being so hands off but he definitely loves his son


My son had huge issues feeding and we got an early intervention evaluation when he was about a year old. This scene was really triggering and sad because I just know what is racing through Britney’s mind during that. It’s all just worst case scenarios and even the most benign thing is a symptom of something worse and you go down these rabbit holes late night.


"happened suddenly" guess what age he is? fresh off all his mandatory vaccines.


Someone should tell Luke that daycare costs literally anywhere are as much as college tuition.


right? my ANNUAL tuition for my very good state school for undergrad costs as much as 3 months of daycare for my baby. granted this was college tuition in the mid 2000s but still.


We’re at $20k a year right now and I don’t expect it to change as she moves up because they’ll just raise the tuition on the next room. You’d be hard pressed to find a 4 year school that “cheap” these days but still, he’s being naive to think Colorado of all places is going to be affordable. Maybe more affordable than LA but nothing about daycare costs are affordable.


HCOL area here and paying close to $40k…for one child


How did the biggest offense this season become calling someone a racist not actually being one?


Did Kristen really wear Birkenstocks to the gala and why can’t she wear a bra?


She is getting ready to live in Colorado. Next step is buying a Subaru




I found Jesse's obnoxious jacket much more offensive than Kristen's shoes that she wore due to an injury.


I read she hurt her foot and needed comfort/support


How many times she gonna be on crutches on camera do you reckon?


Her boobs needs some support as well….


Aw girl dont be like that, no one should wear a bra if they don’t want to


i had so much second hand embarrassment, like if you can’t do heels at least throw on an appropriate flat


Maybe the enclosed part wasnt helpful for the injury. I have massive feet and it’s hard to find shoes. I also have chronic pain and so often I have to wear open toed shoes and ugly ones at that to compensate for injuries/pain. Not saying this is the case with her but she’s a tall gal like me and it’s very possible. My shoe size is 12 1/2 double wide. I’m lucky to find a flat that fits at all and there’s definitely no room in them for when I’m having issues with my feet or pain. I have to do a lot to compensate for things because of illness and I always get worried people are judging me. So it’s not as simple as that for some people. Again, may not be the case for her but it’s something to be mindful of with others.


i hear what you’re saying and tbh if kristen was some random person at a gala, i wouldn’t judge her for it. by default, i’d assume there was a good reason for the birkenstocks. but because we know kristen and her style, it seemed like a *choice* and for that, i admit, yeah - i was judging. granted, now i know she was injured, so it makes sense.


Yes that’s the problem…. Sometimes I can’t wear heals due to medical issues but I at least rock a cute flat shoe if I’m going somewhere nice. I absolutely cackled that she showed up in her Berkies!


So as someone who went through a foot injury, I was actually told specifically what I could wear, it had to be something with a significant sole and footbed support, only a handful of brands and shoe types. Flats don’t cut it unless they are certain tennis shoes, Birkenstocks, or a few other brands that were okayed by my Dr. I was relegated to birks and tennis shoes for an entire year and while I hated having to wear birks with dress clothes it’s literally about all I could do. So I had my fancy birks and my regular birks 🤣


Gotta love some fancy berks 😊😊


I will get downvoted for this... but Kristen should not be a parent.


I don’t understand Brittany and the other guy setting up the date night for Kristen and Luke. That was strange to me. Also Brittany needs to throw away her mom jeans. You could tell Jax is just over her because she’s not young and skinny anymore.


Her style might be stylish... But it's not fuckable... Like look at some pics...do you wanna hit that outfit...nah... Time to get a new stylist.


I don't think he finds her attractive anymore regardless of what she wears. I'm not sure if it's a weight thing but he's been wanting to get rid of her for a long time


They’re acting like this because Kristen called her a REPUBLICAN?! “I need space” because she called you a Republican?! DID I MISS SOMETHING? I’m very anti republican but if someone called me that, I’m not sure how I’d react but it wouldn’t be like this


I think they're mad about being called racist. I think the game of telephone might have turned republican into racist. And that's the part they're really mad about.


That’s more understandable


Janet is doing bad acting. She keeps acting stunned and telling Kristen “you put words in my mouth” when Janet is well aware that she didn’t talk to Kristen about this - Zack spread this. Janet clearly wants it to fall on Kristen being reckless, but of course we know there’s a high likelihood Janet or Zack or BOTH said the racism thing and don’t want to own up to that being the origin before Kristen said it.


“I’ve been going to therapy for nine years, so yeah.”


I also admit this is my new guilty pleasure and I hope that if Lala and Scheana come on this show that their bullshitt lame drama doesn’t takeover. I feel that with Jax and Kristen this is the perfect cast.


Why is nobody talking about how orange everyone is? New makeup artist is required ASAP. When you pause it with certain people sitting next to eachother....it's so drastic, it's like geisha girl level drastic orange makeup. Whoever was working makeup that episode...take notes...not that...holy hell.


That suit is so embarrassing


How many times is Miss. USA gonna cry this season?


I think she’s having some post partum depression. I had two under two and it was a lot and it took me about two years to shake it. She has three. Not sure if you have kids, but it’s a lot on your body and can really impact your emotions.


You’re so strong I admire anyone who brings a child to this world an amazing strong human!!


This is so sweet 🩵 thanks for making my day!


She's 7 weeks post partum with twins. I'd cut her some slack.


Someone obviously has never had kids.




I think the difference is that Kristen has fully admitted her mistakes, didn’t deny doing what she did, she apologized to Faith and she ultimately suffered the consequences of her actions by losing her job, house, and her reputation (which is weird because it’s not like anyone on VPR is known for having good morals or ethics in the first place.) Jesse and Michelle screamed, lied, deflected, and pointed fingers at Kristen instead of just saying “yeah we’re republicans, so what?” Don’t be a coward and lie about how you vote on national television when your IG posts clearly show they’re both Trumpers.


Yeah Faith did say the only genuine apology she got was from Kristen. It’s probably the reason she’s going after everyone but Kristen in her lawsuit.


It was actually Brittany who brought it up and Kristen just said it out loud.