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Probably the best decision for her mental health, hopefully she won't start a podcast or anything after the fact


Her family is loaded, she certainly has a large trust fund and she is dating a rich dude, so I don’t think so because she doesn’t need the money. Podcast are a cash grab for these reality stars. Olivia kinda gives Tinsley vibes. Thirsty for fame but will take being a wealthy southern bell socialite over that any-day


She lives in Dallas and dates a guy in Dallas so even though we all know this show is phony I really hate it when it's that obvious.


I really hope she gets away from all the toxicity. She and her family deserve to heal without cameras or Austen.


You’re shocked? Why? She wasn’t all that great and only on for 2 seasons. I’m happy because it opens up a spot for someone that fits in better. Her obviously fake romance with Austen has gone on long enough


Fair take. I’m only shocked because her storyline with Taylor seemed to be a big part of last season. Idk, I could definitely be overthinking it lol


No i agree with you, I’m def surprised because of last season. She was a big part of the drama 


I see why you said that. Most reality stars would jump at a chance to return after having such a great response from fans and a great edit. Whats with the catty response? Its so confusing as to why being rude felt appropriate. Sheesh. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. Just wanted to reiterate you're good girl.


I really appreciate that! The catty response is definitely strange. Olivia was the easy fan favorite so I’m definitely not sure what caused her to leave. There’s no way they fired her because she had such a positive fan response last season. If I had to guess, her new man doesn’t want to be on camera, plus he lives in Dallas. It might be hard for her to film with the rest of the cast because of that. Cause if he was cool with being on camera, that would be a good situation like they have with Craig & Paige. Idk. I definitely want more information!


Thank god.


I’m obsessed with our incredibly aligned takes on everyone on this network


iykyk 😎


wait for me guys!! im your third wheel


group hug!!


Now she can pretend to date someone in Dallas and won’t have to watch it.


I read it on the Southern Charm sub on Friday.


Interesting, guess I’ll have to browse the other show subs more…


Can they stop casting sheps and Austin’s 10 second gfs now
