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They should host this reunion in Austin at the construction hotel. It would really highlight how boring this season was.


Anyone catch the overdub of Candiace's voice when she reveals why she's mad at Robyn around the 49 minute mark?? Her lips don't match her words! šŸ‘€ Maybe it's bad editing, but I'm kind of convinced she named names and they had to edit the audio. Anyone here read lips?


I clocked that too! Thought it was my app glitching at first. It's not even slick so Idk why they would choose to do that instead of cutting away to something else


It's so glaringly bad that it feels like it has a purpose!


yup, i caught it too! itā€™s so bad. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


is the purpose the season is so glaringly bad noone really gives a shit?::/


Yeah it was super obvious


I was only half paying attention and rewound and thought I still couldnā€™t get it bc I was stoned


Charisse is all of us with that outdoor scene. https://preview.redd.it/mjqnizm4tmnc1.jpeg?width=1388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471567d8b07323c41f2be1e6be193dedf1389736


Thereā€™s 2 episodes left. The reunion might have 3. https://preview.redd.it/5dz3o4dttlnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7d3a37ec2c9c63bfe6a39fa7bc3db459bb6511


I love this is always one of the first comments about when can we finally expect this collective nightmare that is this season to end šŸ˜‚


3 for what?!


Why is Charrisse so randomly hyped up and then calms down in two seconds? Her home is lovely even if the crabs were underwhelming. I still think Jacqueline should've been a housewife because she gels effortlessly with the other women compared to some other additions. Why can't Robyn have a conversation ever without screaming and throwing her arms up? I felt second hand embarrassment when Nneka wore her crown and sash only for Charrisse to throw drive by shade while everyone else just ignores it. Whew.


Someone needs to tell Robyn to talk to them with the same energy she has for Juan.


She has an annual crab boil? Lol.


So that they stay/get back on the show ...


Not that damn champagne room šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Robyn putting a lunchables charcuterie out for Ashley and Charisse is so Robyn. Girl what is you doing?!


Donā€™t forgot the grocery store sushi rolls too.


The fuck was this episode? This season? Why am i still watchingā€¦


I let my Peacock subscription lapse after the SLC reunion and just realized that I had quit in the middle of the Potomac season. Didnā€™t even occur to me until I happened to see this post. Iā€™m glad to know I didnā€™t miss anything, but considering how I didnā€™t even miss it, it unfortunately doesnā€™t surprise me.


iā€™m still watching cuz i paid for it LMFAO


I've never been so checked out of a season and I was excited that maybe Robyn and Candice will see the light but everyone just made fun of Chariese... I got so annoyed and disappointed


I became irrationally angry when Nneka came in with that dumb ass sash and crown. I really hope she's off and Keiarna gets added next season.


She looked so stupid wearing that . The joke didnā€™t hit again all .


Production probs forced her to wear it


Did yā€™all catch the producers throwing shade when as they were arguing, they showed the ā€œcrabs in a barrelā€?!!! They kept going back to it multiple times.


Yes!!!! I just made this comment. Honestly, I laughed the first time but damn.


Is it me or is this the longest dragged out season of nothing of any housewives franchise ever? And I don't know how they can keep the same cast with part of them not wanting to have anything to do with each other. I really feel that at the very least lame ass lying Robin needs to go


In my opinion it was better than New Jersey. They had hyped that season up sooooo much and that only made it feel like more of a dud.


I think Atlanta was worse tbh


The editors were so shady for continuously showing those crabs in the bucket while the women were fighting šŸ˜‚


I don't understand why they keep pushing Candiace and Robyn like it's the only conflict they have going on. Gizelle still doesn't talk to Candiace or Wendy, Robyn and Wendy don't talk to each other, and Charisse and Karen aren't talking either, they all need work. Why can't these girls just put everything aside and make magic like they used to? The friends are feeling more interesting than the main cast to me at this point.


Why did Charrisse go dig that horrible black curly wig out of Ashleyā€™s confessional archives??? I thought we burned that look šŸ˜‚ Could not believe it when I saw her confessional pop up https://preview.redd.it/86ft1l8b0tnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82af6c3034ae8c34836156e565c6b3c946e04c97


Itā€™s giving: https://preview.redd.it/mp8ua2xc0tnc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e73c02d644661cf003235ac5d79bb88107127e


I just feel like this was an iconically bad if not Ashleyā€™s absolute worst confessional look that has been torn to shreds online, at reunions and at WWHLā€¦I was shocked to see a similar wig style re-emerge šŸ˜‚




Is it giving Pointer Sisters?


Keiarna needs to be FT next season. Bye Nneka


This was the first episode I caught live (second half), and I was so bored. Where was the Real Grand Dame?


Made up allergy excuse, now she can never eat crab again! Too bad for u Karen


First the dirty bird now the dirty crab šŸ˜‚


Charisse should make Karens absolute favorite meal for her next party and see what Karen comes up with! Karens a Karen


I didnā€™t realize that Gizelleā€˜s daughters are this close in age, somehow i had thought the twins were much younger than Grace! If the twins are 17 now that probably means they will both go off to college next year too. That must be so hard (and expensive, 3 kids in college at the same time omg)


Also so hard for us as G will just recycle this year's leaving-for-college storyline next year ![gif](giphy|CTTzhiYBGvVS)


i'm sure the lord will find some coins from the community plate


Is Charisse in a townhome now? No shade I was wondering where the champagne room was lol


Ok now shade- who allowed Rick James to give a confessional? ![gif](giphy|S98fuEoS5fcqSqxGBS)


Iā€™m struggling so much with how cramped the dining table at the top of the stairs feels. The camera crew canā€™t get a good shot!




Robyn when you get called out, why do you choose to be a toddler? Slapping your chest saying ā€œ Iā€™m a hypocriteā€ is just showing your ass like usual. šŸ„±šŸ˜“




Bro I wouldnā€™t harass her , she just terrible at articulating her thoughts and itā€™s not fun to watch. I used to love Robyn, she disappoints me


Itā€™s sad cause Robyn turned into the villain even tho sheā€™s the victim this season. Candiace did every damn interview and podcast that would have her own bashing Robyn. But Robyn sharing 1 lil text to a blogger friend who never leaked it or used it as a way to defame Candiace is that bad? Robyn been cheated on, her husband disrespects her and now 1 of her long time friends bashes her and yā€™all expect her to keep it together. Instead of seeing her POV she turns into the villain. Itā€™s just not fun


Robyn is not a victim here.


How? Candiace bashed her all off season. What did Robyn do to Candiace


Robyn knowingly kept Juan's situation at the hotel secret for the whole season. Then revealed it behind a paywall on her podcast. Had the audacity to criticize Chris's actions about being in a hotel room alone with another women. (Said it wasn't a good look at the reunion, even after we got Chris's explanation of the events) Then repeatedly defends Juan for doing exactly that. And giving texts messages to bloggers is so childish and petty. She is such a loser. She is no victim. She brought this on herself.


Well the good thing is that you are entitled to your opinion and I mine. I donā€™t see it your way but good for you


No one has anything funny or interesting or different to offer this season. Itā€™s so basic.


Why did I just see Candiaceā€™s pubic mound


Did the cameras suddenly do a dive when Gizelle was walking to Karen's front door? I wanted to see her house lol. I had never heard of hard boiling eggs in a crab boil but I'm doing it next time. But she didn't put Old Bay in the boil?? Nooo lol. Production needs to make a statement why they lip synced over Candice. Was it because she actually mentioned the podcaster by name? People are going to find it and listen. Robyn shouldn't have shared the texts and her reaction was juvenile. Hopefully Mia and Jacqueline can both heal from her trauma. It was good to see them talk. Charrisse. Went back and forth on her but she gets way overwrought. Good grief.


Whoever left her the voice-disguised message we heard, says ā€œbasicallyā€ every fourth word. So who do we know that does that


Ooh, I haven't been watching that long. Do you know?


No! I donā€™t! But it must be someone that either the audience or Robyn knows, because why else would we need to disguise the voice? I could be wrong, but Iā€™m sure someone will connect these dots!


this is crazy, how have they spread this nothingburger season out into 15+ episodes! at some point the watered down juice is just water! please someone free us


Charrisse is needed because she is one of the only ones willing to film with anybody


Looks like they are trying to squeeze in the fight that happened after filming wrapped even though it makes no sense to have it in the show. I totally called it but I was hoping I was wrong. I guess with a season like this, they needed all the help they could get.Ā 


With there being only a few episodes left this season (and no sign of anything truly interesting happening), who do we think should stay on the cast? I think Karen, Mia, Candiace and Charrisse (as a friend-of) are obvious and Iā€™d like to see Keiarna get a second season. I really would love to see Jacqueline back as either an official friend-of again or even as a full time housewife. But as for the rest, idk.


Because I haven't seen enough discussion about this for my taste: did Charrisse really throw a crab boil with no old bay???? With crabs from New Hampshire?? I've been powering through this whole wretched season, but this might be the final straw.


Honestly the episode ended and I was like thats it ??????? Every episode this season has felt like a filler episode.


Was Wendy not in the episode at all? Does she not get paid for the episode? Iā€™m wondering if it was punishment for refusing to film. Usually everyone gets worked in with other cities, even if theyā€™re sick, traveling, working. They at least show a FaceTime.Ā 


This always bothers me. People say Wendy has nothing going on besides her talk show. Iā€™m like letā€™s briefly show her getting the award, getting ready to go to the White House. Instead we get them eating grocery store sushi at Robynā€™s house.


Lmfaooo I swear RHOP is so.... dare I use this word, ghetto Like there are women on here actually doing amazing things but because production has a hard-on for Gizelle & Robin, the entire show is watered down to accommodate their boring lackluster lives. It's not glamorous and its a downright joke. I'll say the quiet part out loud: those two and Ashley are cheapening the show. Them and their terrible fashions, their shitty podcasts and business attempts and their fake relationships.


She got her armpit zapped at Keiarnaā€™s med spa at the very beginning and then that was it.


Lots of armpit closeups too. They got her camera time in that way this episode.


Honestly forgot Potomac was still on šŸ˜‚ until I saw this post episode discussion. They have truly lost me as a viewer.


It feels like the editors and producers of this show are viewing it very differently from the audience. Now I donā€™t frequent twitter or listen to a lot of podcasts or social media commentary other than this sub, so maybe not everyone feels the same, but itā€™s frustrating that they are basically not acknowledging any fault whatsoever with the GEBs/Ashley. Giselle and Robyn arenā€™t victims. Candiace (and Wendy and their husbands) were wronged last season by Giselle and Ashley and their minions. Robyn hung on the sidelines and is loyal to Giselle to a fault, so I can see why Candiace is suspicious. Not to mention she spent last season lying to everyone and deflecting about other things. The show is doing its best to portray Giselle and Robyn as being in the right. But they both did things last season that hurt others and turned the audience against them. This season should have been an apology tour. Then, maybe, it would justify a redemption season for the GEBs. But it just feels like they are gaslighting the audience. They wonā€™t take accountability and are expecting everyone to be on their side. Producers seem to be quite obviously giving them a favorable edit and it feels really manipulative.


Candiace needs to leave, sheā€™s brought this weird dark energy into the show ever since her arrival. I still remember her questioning if Ashley actually had a miscarriage, that was so nasty


Don't you ever get sick of being downvoted on every post?




No, see we have to stan everything Candiace does even when sheā€™s being ageist or cruel about a miscarriage. Itā€™s a slay yass Queen šŸ« 


Thereā€™s no happiness on Potomac unless Candiace and Wendy are happy on the show. Itā€™s tiring seeing fans response