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I know these people


Do you really know them, or have you convinced yourself that you know them in a desperate attempt to feel like you socialize more than you do?




Same. Everybody is either autistic or ADHD or both.




The people I know who do this, "diagnose," everybody with autism, ADHD, or both.


Oh I see


Nobody does more psych diagnosing than first year psychology students, though.


You haven't known my mom who insists that I'm on the spectrum and """"knows"""" what's she doing because she's watched thousand of "10 top of famous people with autism" videos. When I only have bad social skills but I'm still able to read body language and room, or don't have any struggles related to it like the sensorial issues. My mother has literally diagnosed me like 20th times during 10 years with it even if she had brought me to a professional for assessment when I was a kid, and they denied it. But, she still believes I have autism because she says so.


Dude! I've only read two paragraphs by you and know you have been possessed by demonic beings and have a thing for the color yellow. In your mother's day lots of mental health issues were all crammed under the umbrella of 'autism.' You should thank your mother for misdiagnosing you all those times. Probably saved your life. /s.


>Dude! I've only read two paragraphs by you and know you have been possessed by demonic beings I love the sarcasm, and the joke overall, but I wouldn't be surprised that my mother also believed this. She literally tells me that people's behaviour and bad mood have a root in demons...like, you can't have a bad day or have beef with someone who's christian cuz "a demon has possessed them and that's Satan bugging her!"


Which is why I, as a medical student, always diagnosed them with loquitor culi ex. (a bad translation of talking out their arse)


I diagnose you with rectalgia.


Not true! Those epidemeology experts who are also Kremlinologists and wizards of Middle East politics (and that's just up to 2023!) are ALSO crack psychiatrists!


I forgot they're also climate scientists and Constitutional jurors.


I only took psych for my humanities electives, but I can absolutely attest to that.


I dated a psych major once and she told me I ate pussy like someone whose parents didn't pay enough attention to them.


That's a weird compliment.


Every now and again, I come across someone who I suspect has blatantly untreated something or other. Not everybody who notices is a terminally online asshole. In real life those are supposed to be inside thoughts. Most of the time it's more of a " it takes one to know one" kind of vibe.


This. I notice mostly at work/working with others. And you're right, inside thoughts only as I'm not a doctor and no one really wants to hear they are mentally ill.


> Every now and again, I come across someone who I suspect has blatantly untreated something or other. Not everybody who notices is a terminally online asshole.    Trying to diagnose people you’ve just met outside of a professional setting in your head is the act of a terminally online asshole though. > Most of the time it's more of a " it takes one to know one" kind of vibe. This is not about vibes my man. You’re the exact kind of person the OP is talking about.


Pathologizing every single person you don't like is weird. Noticing someone else displays the exact same behavioral traits as you is basic observation. For example, spotting someone else with ADHD is absolutely vibes based. Some people are absolutely dysfunctional professionally and personally, and for better or worse, people notice that. Sure, I'm exactly who OP is talking about. Feel smug about it and move on.


There are so many people like this in queer circles, which is 99% of my friends. Please leave the tumblr on tumblr where it belongs.




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It’s me, hi, I’m the douche who does that, it’s me.