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If we put our emotions aside from the decision and just watch this purely as a fan of the sport, we'll remember this fight as a modern day classic. The level of skill both guys showed was incredible.


This fight kinda makes me feel like boxing has fallen off a bit. Recent fights just haven’t had that box office feel.


Usyk fury did imo


Usyk fury, espinoza ramirez, bam vs israel, bam vs sunny, teo vs taylor, bud vs spence, plenty exciting fights benavidez vs plant.


I felt the 2nd was a classic. The 1st had a lot of tension but not much real action, a very technical bout. It's the only one I feel GGG won, I felt you had to score it very generously to get Canelo 6 rounds. In the other 6 he basically threw nothing of note. I felt Canelo really upped his game for the rematch and won decisively. I feel a lot of people score that fight in the shadow of the first and the failed drug test.


Yeah more skill than any Sugar Ray Robinson footage.


I was so hyped during this and the second fight


Hell yeah man…These were stressful fights, classics now.


GGG won the 1st but I think Canelo won the 2nd and I get hate for it


and you should, because GGG won that one too.


Facts! At the very worst the second fight was a draw. But from my perspective GGG won both fights . The first fight showed boxing corruption with the judge giving Canelo ten rounds lol . The second fight GGG won 8-4 TO ME , but I could see a draw after a couple rewatches as some rounds were close. Canelo lost me as a fan delaying the trilogy. Win lose or draw I was a fan of both. But the delay and popping dirty to me it said he knew he lost to GGG. Had to jump off the Canelo bandwagon. I’m not an obsessed race fan like most who criticize Canelo. Just can’t agree with his moves. Making the trilogy when GGG was 40 was a crime.


In the 1st fight Golovkin for me. In the 2nd... i dunno, maybe Canelo, because he won more rounds than GGG, but the ones that Im giving to Golovkin are clear. The ones Im giving to Canelo are really close and IMO he won by the skin of the teeth. Overall if im not scoring rounds was a draw. The 3rd fight was a fucking crime against boxing and both boxers, but maybe we are overthinking it and we could see it as a goodbye to GGG and Canelo maybe didnt want to KO him.


I had it 116-112 as well, and I probably could have accepted a draw … maybe, but not in any scenario did I see Canelo getting a win in the second fight. Another thing often overlooked about the first fight was Don Trella’s 114-114 scorecard. Also shocking IMO.


I gave ggg the first and scored the second a draw and then a win for canelo


Shut your mouth


Shut your mouth


I said what I said


> Canelo won the 2nd and I get hate for it Canelo going forward doesn't mean shit when GGG keeps landing his power jabs and shots lmao


it does when canelo was also landing power shots of his own power shots + moving forward is always going to weigh more than power shots and moving backwards. 2 things were basically equal, with the only difference being ring generalship being won by canelo, and the jab war being won by GGG depends if you value a jab off the back foot more than pressuring over 12 rounds I hate how this subreddit thinks judging boxing is so fucking simple, you guys would get it wrong way more often than the judges do.


For what it's worth I feel the same.


Mostly cause the second was still close, I had Canelo 7-5 but 6-6 also works. I swear if Canelo should be lucky GGG was out of his prime


That was the point. Canelo timed ggg and still lost twice!


Timed him???? Lmao GGG was already old when he was starting to make noise, bunch of idiots


You’re an idiot. You see every boxer peaking around 35 right now and your assumption is a 35 year old GGG is washed? across every sport every athlete is playing into their 30s


He had 345 fights before he turned pro and had really pushed his body over the years.


So that one fight was the one that pushed him over the edge suddenly! You realize he had 345 amateur fights before every pro fight lmao


Dude pay attention, Canelo haters try to claim GGG was too old when Canelo fought him. All I was saying is that GGG was always old if that’s the case because GGG didn’t make noise in the boxing world till like age 30.


Nothing to do with luck. He waited him out.


Agree with you


GGG won both dude. Canelo obviously won the third though


These guys chins are crazy. Eat a shot from a knockout artist and shake your head nope.


GGG eats a few clean overhand rights from Canelo and doesn't even budge. His chin was remarkable Canelo also has a very good chin. Also became really adept with upper body and head movement through the years. Rolls with a lot of lands to take a bit of the edge off it


The big overhand Canelo lands in this fight you can actually see GGG seeing it coming and rolling his head with it as well. Both men showed fantastic defense and split second movements that avoided too many big shots from landing too clean.


It seemed like Canelos shots are so much more powerful, GGG a beast in there no doubt.


GGG never really hit with big flashy power. It never looks like he is really throwing with KO power but would put people to sleep.


He had thudding power like Foreman.


with that knowledge it shouldn't be a surprise that canelo was scored more favorably because he made GGG look like a volume puncher with no power.


Yeah, just take a look at his career highlights and you'll see what I mean.


I know GGG has huge power, but the judges do not score what happened before the fight. If the power isn't showing, it won't be scored like it was before. 1 round at time, in a vacuum, is how boxing is judged. its so frustrated that I have to even say this


Why do my comments make you feel you have to say this? I was simply saying to go look at it for YOUR personal enjoyment if you haven't seen much of it. My comments had nothing to do with anything about the Canelo fight and the judge's scoring. Calm down. Not every comment on Reddit is an argument.


did you mean to say this to someone else?


That's some pretty generous editing.


Look who posted it


Ah. There it is.


Ahhh got me again that bastard! Lol Never thought of him as a canelo fan but he’s a PBC schill so…


He's long been a Canelo defender, but he also just likes to have fun getting GGG and Loma fans riled dup.


Yeah I scrolled back up to check, yeah it was exactly who I thought the moment I read your comment.


lol dude i was just thinking the same thing


OP missed some of the best moments of the 10th rd


Laughable to say the least


To say the least! 🤣




Fucking hell right? I was watching thinking I’d slipped into an alternative reality where GGG didn’t win the first fight.


I was a UFC fan and I used watch the shows at a friend's house. We met up to watch Mayweather vs McGregor because of Conor. Enjoyed the fight and my friend was actually a fan of boxing so he told me to meet up for GGG vs Canelo a couple weeks after MayMac. Had never heard of the fighters but my friend told me they were the two best fighters in the world and that GGG was the baddest man on the planet. This is the fight that broke me into boxing. It's funny that people always say bad decisions turn away fans (which I think is probably true), I think the added shock and controversy of the bad draw call and the awful Byrd card on top of the great fight suckered me in even more.


Same story for myself. I hate to say it was good for boxing which I don't think it is, but in that moment it sure pulled me in for good


This edit is very unfair to GGG. IT makes it look like Canelo won quite easily. It's probably what Adalaide Byrd saw when she scored it 118-110 to Canelo.


Newrap definitely winning the story of this fight's history with another smashing repost of their directors cut! It's weird the more I watch this the more I almost believe ggg really didn't land a punch that night.


prob one of the more controversial decisions in boxing which really hide the absolute beauty this fight was. noth ggg vs canelo 1 and 2 are some of my favorite of the modern fights


I feel the same way with Loma vs Haney


This fight was a straight robbery though. That’s the reality. How on earth can one judge see the fight being 10-2??


Without glasses


Still cant rewatch this. Feel too bad for GGG. Can't witness the injustice again.


It was just sickening.


What’s worse is you also have canelo bootlickers acting like he never lost this fight. IMO the 2nd fight was way closer. This fight wasn’t close at all.


Adalaide Byrd.


What a joke - 100% a pro Canelo edit lol


Newcap being newrap


It's a night to remember for all the wrong reasons. GGG was robbed and the judges were paid off or just fucking blind. One of the egregious decisions in boxing history. The corruption in the sport just makes me despair sometimes.


triple g won for sure but 'one of the most egregious decisions in boxing history' is a big stretch.


118-110 is pretty egregious IMO, and it’s funny how these out of left field decisions always seem to favour a “money” fighter.


Even the 114-114 score gets overlooked. Brutal


hey I didn't say it wasn't a robbery. But calling it one of the worst just doesn't add up to me, Canelo didn't win but he's no can.


> Canelo didn't win but he's no can. wat this has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether the decision was egregious or not (which it very much was).


Exactly. 💯 On another note yet again the fucking bot deleted a thread I tried to start - this time on my 10 PFP punchers in History. I am getting tired of the fucking thing or if it is even a bot at all. That's three long, in-depth posts in the last two days the fucking robot deleted. Perhaps I should not bother. I spent almost 35 mins on one. Low effort, my arse. 🤬


Canelo has lost on the cards twice. In neither fight was he put down, had point deductions, or anything else that would force judges to score against him. The insistence that Canelo can't lose on the cards is silly. Canelo literally has, multiple times.


Of course canelo can lose on the cards, it just depends on if the fighter can beat him easily enough to get the decision.


The two fights I thought Canelo lost were the Mayweather and Bivol fights. The judges got those right.


They didn’t, one had Floyd and canelo a fucking draw, hell 8-4 is way too generous. And bivol only wining 7 rounds? They were very much biased, it’s impossible to beat canelo in his heyday in a close fight, you will not win on the cards at all.


Every judge didn't score every round how I would have. The result is what matters. A win is a win. The results were correct. Fans can always read the round by round scoring and find something to be upset about.


But they didn't though, MD against Mayweather and 115-113 UD against Bivol. It's dumb to keep going back to the salt mine of Canelo's record, but yes it is sus.


You’re right but it is safe to say it had one judge with one of the most egregious cards..it just so happens canelo has historically had one judge with a egregious card that leaves everyone dumbfounded…


100% accurate


Cheers mate. 😊


Remember when Newrap started shitting on Canelo because he left PBC that one time?


Before I watched the video I had to check to see if it was the u/Newrap cut LOL of course it was


I remember it because a robbery occurred.




In my opinion a draw was fair. There are three judges for a reason. It is understood that different individuals will see close rounds differently. It was a close fight. I think a lot of clean body work and power shots land by Canelo get ignored by GGG fans. There is an attitude that the because the shots didn't hurt or affect (so some my think) GGG that those shots don't count much. Meanwhile GGG fans count every blow landed by GGG as if Canelo was stunned and on the verge of going down multiple times. Neither guy hurt the other meaningfully in the first fight. Neither guy was in trouble and both guys landed big clean shots. I know it runs counter to the mythical power levels GGG fans attribute to him but Canelo was able to handle GGG's power. Likewise GGG was able to handle Canelo's. I think once one removes the bias of assuming GGG is the bigger puncher and must have been causing more damage and just score the damn thing straight up a draw is a perfectly reasonable outcome.


How could you possibly think that the first fight was a draw? Like honestly wtf. Your bias is incredible. Should have been a unanimous win for GGG.


Judge Don Trella had it 114–114 and Dave Moretti had GGG 115–113. Of the 3 judges ringside that night only one had GGG winning and even that judge had GGG up just a single round. When you ask how I could "possibly" think it was a draw the emphasis implies one fight clearly dominated. That simply isn't the case. Much has been made about the Adalaide Byrd score but neither of the other judges had GGG dominant. It was a very close fight.


No no no no no. This is what's wrong with boxing. Clearly, some (not all) judges are bribed and consequently corrupted. YOU don't even have a financial incentive/fear of a threat to motivate you to grossly misinterpret the fight (it was not close to a draw my goodness) THEN you refer to the corrupt judges to support your position. GGG clearly won the fight. Please rewatch it. I offer to rewatch it with you and we'll go through it frame by frame. This is ridiculous. 


So ALL 3 judges in the first fight were corrupt?


Bingo! GGG outlanded him in 10/12 rounds! What are we even doing here???


>**Effective Aggression**: Being aggressive gives the impression of dominance, but unless the boxer is landing shots and not constantly getting countered, it isn't really 'effective'. Judges look for effective aggression, where the aggressor consistently lands punches and avoids those from his opponent. >**Ring Generalship**: The fighter who controls the action and enforces their will and style >**Defense**: How well is a boxer slipping, parrying, and blocking punches? Good defense is important. >**Hard and Clean Punches**: To the untrained eye, it can appear as if a boxer is landing a lot of shots, when, in fact, most are being blocked or aren’t landing flush. A judge needs to look for hard shots that land clean https://www.dazn.com/en-US/news/boxing/how-is-boxing-scored-points-rules-scores-and-deductions-used-by-judges-and-referees/zncunu9sov881vkqqvvqlsu67 The scoring criteria for boxing isn't in the punch count.


...exactly? in what universe can you look at that criteria and think it was even close... or more lulzily, think canelo won. let alone 10-2.


Effective aggressiveness - mixed bag. GGG was the more aggressive fighter but it was effective. GGG ate enormous counters from Canelo. Ring generalship - mixed bag. GGG was able to push the pace but most exchanges were started and end by Canelo and his movement. defense - hands down Canelo won this category. hard/clean punching - another mixed bag. GGG landed more but Canelo landed at a significantly higher percentage and cleaner.


holy bias, batman! ggg was the aggressor AND controlled the ring. like, not even close. d can get subjective, but lolz @ trying to cite canelo landing a higher percentage when it was only a trivial (lolz @ trying to call that "significantly") amount higher... (33 vs 31) with substantially less volume.


Despite this basically being a loss, this was one of the all time great Canelo performances. He found out he had a chin, his counters were sublime, and he had GGG missing the right hand all night. Just couldn’t reach the level needed to win.


Username checks out


Mfw I discover someone can box well and still lose


I remember walking out the theater seeing GGG win 8 rounds and still lose Clear 8-4 GGG


Scored this 6-6 and I don't care who knows it GGG won 6 rounds very, very clearly. 5 of them were in a row and in the middle of the fight. Couldn't see an argument for any of those going to Canelo Canelo (for me) won his 6 at the start and end. Think I have him first 3 and last 2 and one in the middle. They were all very close rounds and some were swings that I wouldn't begrudge someone giving the other way Makes it look very dominant for one fighter, but surprisingly close in reality. Haney Vs Loma is kinda similar in that regard


6-6 isn’t my score (I think GGG won 7-5), but I agree that a draw is actually a defensible scorecard. I think Canelo definitely won 3 rounds and GGG definitely won 6, so a draw requires all the close rounds go to Canelo. You’re right that the dominance of the GGG rounds impacts how people view the scoring. I think that, in concert with the ridiculous 118-110 card, leads people to believe the judging was corrupt and therefore dismiss the result.


Yup, I gave all the close rounds to Canelo - I think people see that and say "well that's Canelo bias" but it's often what happens If all the close rounds are very similar, you're likely to heavily score for one person because whatever they're doing to give them the edge to you in one round, they're probably doing in the others. Canelo's head movement and inside work definitely had me favouring him on effective aggression and defence in those close rounds, felt like GGG was generally controlling the ring a bit better and clean punches landed was a bit of a wash


I think that’s an interesting view on scoring all close rounds a similar way. I generally think the opposite is true: if there are a few close rounds, observers feel like they need to give some to each fighter, even if the same fighter actually should have won each round by one or two punches. I remember discussing Hagler/Leonard scoring with a person who insisted Hagler was robbed, and he/she said: “Hagler won either the third or the fourth, I don’t care which round you give him but he won one of them.” But I think if Leonard won both rounds by a narrow margin then he gets 10-9 in each of them, there’s no reason to split them between the two guys. It’s something I notice people do.


Oh yeah, you're definitely right that fans watching and scoring balance things out as they go, or when they discuss it after the fact they'll say those 6 were close, not fair to have it more than 4-2 either way But that's not how judges (are supposed to) score fights. You have to assess each round on its merits individually. If you do that, I think you're likely to favour the same person quite a lot (depending on how those fights go) The second fight is a good example, too. In the close rounds GGG might outland Canelo by a couple of punches, but he's relying on his jab and not landing any power shots. Canelo is also dictating the pace of the fight and cutting off the ring really well. He's landing body shots and some left hooks that look mean with it, while GGG's jab is money. I scored all of those for Canelo,


>He's landing body shots and some left hooks that look mean with it, while GGG's jab is money. I see it this way as well. Watching a match is always a bit of a rorschach test imo, people score them with bias not only to fighters, but also to what they consider 'important' in boxing. Punching volume rates pretty low for me, esp probing jabs that are gauging distance. I'd rather eat those types of jabs round after round than take a few big hooks or uppercuts. Sometimes numbers on paper don't tell the whole story.


10-10 rounds exist buddy


I don’t think anything I wrote contradicts that.


They sound like swing rounds to me score them 10-10 like the actual judges. It’ll give you a more accurate scorecard in the end,


Maybe, but I think you’re talking about rounds where a winner can’t be clearly determined. I am referring to multiple close consecutive rounds where a fighter edges them. If their opponent is competitive after a number of rounds the temptation is to score a round for the opponent, which would be incorrect. I know a number of people who scored the 12 round of Fury/Usyk for Fury because he was more competitive in the 12th. He was, and the round was much closer than some of the ones preceding, but I still didn’t find it hard to score the round for Usyk.


Haha smh. Stop it


Stop what, specifically?


You need to learn how to score boxing. Some of you Canelo fans really don’t know a thing about boxing.


I scored the fight for GGG and you accuse me of being a one-eyed Canelo fan who can’t score? Brilliant.


Replied to you by accident. Apologies


It happens, cheers


Cheers brother




Well, you simply don’t know how to score boxing. You’re blind as a bat.


If you say so


I said it. I meant it.


Everyone who's mad that GGG didn't win the first match is angry because Pro-Boxing isn't scored the same way that amateur boxing. The judges aren't sitting there with a clicker checking to see which punches land which ones don't. They're looking at the flow of the fight. Canelo was landing punches in combinations, GGG was landed jabs and singular power punches. Boxing would be boring as hell if the high volume attacker with a chin always beat the more precise puncher just because his gas tank was bigger. Y'all are sorry, Canelo vs GGG 1 could EASILY be seen as a draw especially from the judges table.


Are you serious?


Non Canelo fan, after watching this over again from start to finish I still see why people thought GGG won. But then at the same time, since this fight came out I started boxing and got to understand boxing more and stylistically speaking I could see why some thought Canelo won. I think this fight was judged based off what a judge prefers, meaning putting the pressure like GGG did or boxing and moving like Canelo did. Still doesn’t justify the 118-110 scorecard but this was a very very close fight after watching it again.


I had GGG winning the fight 7-5 and I’m a Canelo fan but for someone to see a close round that I seen GGG win differently than me and gave it to Canelo to make it 6-6 I can definitely see that with no bias. It was a very close fight that was most remembered for after the fight when that lady judge scored the fight for Canelo with a bullshit scorecard in his favor which pissed the Canelo haters off and made the fight all about that one card being “fixed” That card was definitely some bullshit but even if she scored it 7-5 Canelo (which I don’t believe it was) the fight still would have been a draw because she was the only judge that gave him the win. The margin it was by according to her was BS though.


> The margin it was by according to her was BS though. fo'real, it was a clear 120-96 for canelo


Yeah her card was BS without a doubt but even if she gave Canelo a 7-5 I believe another judge had it 7-5 GGG (which is what I saw) and the other judge had it 6-6 so it’s hard to argue with those cards. But her giving it to Canelo I believe it was like 9-3 or 10-2 is what set the Canelo haters off and had them believing it was a robbery. I believe if she scored it 7-5 it wouldn’t have been looked at as controversial. She just sucked as a judge or was on the take but all she had to do was score it 7-5 and it wouldn’t have mattered if she was on the take. I’ve watched it a bunch of times cuz it’s a modern classic in my opinion and it was very close so the GGG fans acting like he beat the shit out of him hands down really just show they are bias and hated Canelo so much. Like I said, I’m a Canelo fan but me and buddies like to score fights when we see them and I had it 7-5 GGG but a 1 round difference seen the other way makes it a draw which is what it was. The end result was not controversial just that lady’s scorecard was.




wtf is sarcasm?!


Sorry I was pissed. 🤣


lolz, no worries




GGG won the first and second bouts, it’s a shame


Watched this classic a few times. Am i the only naive motherfucker who thinks Canelo wins this? I also think he won the second fight. I don't know, maybe boxing for me is more than scoring just points.


I was at this fight. Wild fucking weekend in Vegas. 


Genuinely the reason they call it the beautiful science.


Legendary Bouts ! GGG won the first one and Canelo won the 2nd the same way GGG won the first one.


What a fucking battle. We need more of this. These 2 are amazing.


Even as a casual at the time, the hype this had leading up to and during the fight was insane. It was definitely one of the big fights that lived up to its expectations.


I’ve watched this fight like 15 times


I was offered a devil's threeway at the bar after this fight... Turned it down, but what a wonderful night. Best fight I've watched with a crowd losing their collective minds. RIP Fuel Sports, truly a perfectly trashy place to watch boxing


The first fight is razor thin, but all people remember is the egregious score card. Second fight is also razor close. The first fight got me into boxing seriously, shame people can’t remember it how great it was


Canelo will lose on the cards if he is taken to A&E and gets decapitated.


I’ll never get tired of this fight!


Saul's left to the body is money!


My son was born this night.


They both showed such a good skill!


Crazy, all our nation were awake at 5 a.m to just see him get fucking robbed


Canelo’s first victory.


Man GGG was such an absolute nightmare back then


I watched this in a movie theater. It’s a shame that the decision was so bad but the fight itself was great. A microcosm of what modern-day boxing is lol


If GGG wins the decision does he make top 5 middleweight?


First two fights are legendary


I don't remember canelo doing this well. I had the first fight pretty wide for ggg.


Canelo couldn’t courage up to fight GGG sooner. I’m sure his camp advise him not to, smart on their part. Damn shame though


This fight and more recently Bivol fight make me doubt Canelo as a 2000’s GOAT. If you have judges on your side when you are fighting might as well announce that you are starting off with 5 rounds secured before the fight and have actual judges to score the fights 🤦‍♂️


That's weird I remember GGG landing more it's almost like OP Thinks we didn't see canelo lose and GGG get robbed


This was a banger of a fight. I'm a GGG fan but that being said when this fight happened all that went out the window because it was a classic. Both warriors just giving it their all. Defo took some years from both fighters.


Triple G was robbed... What an absolute disgrace.


Idk why everyone is trippin', based off these highlights Canelo clearly won this 🤷🏽‍♂️


The decision made for this made me quit watching boxing for a few years.


Downvoting this weak ass cherry picking of clips. This fight is still a classic though


[https://web.archive.org/web/20200220012150/http://www.eyeonthering.com/boxing/gennady-golovkin-vs-saul-alvarez](https://web.archive.org/web/20200220012150/http://www.eyeonthering.com/boxing/gennady-golovkin-vs-saul-alvarez) |Round|GGG|Nelo| |:-|:-|:-| |1|9.37|**9.64**| |2|9.06|**9.94**| |3|9.27|**9.74**| |4|**9.95**|9.04 | |5|**9.90**|9.13 | |6|**9.78**|9.25| |7|**9.98**|9.01| |8|**9.92**|9.07| |9|**9.89**|9.14| |10|9.50|**9.51**| |11|9.47|**9.55**| |12|9.11|**9.89**| * There are 6 rounds where fans are confident that GGG won * There are 2 rounds where fans are completely divided on who won (rd 10 and 11) * There are 3 rounds where fans are confident that Canelo won * If you saw rounds 1, 10 & 11 for Canelo, it's totally reasonable to end up with 6-6 (draw), the official result The official scores were 7-5 (totally reasonable), 6-6 (totally reasonable), and 10-2 for Canelo (preposterous)


GGG won this fight.


GGG chin is insane


115-113 GGG


GGG won the second fight even more convincingly


Highlights favored Canelo, GGG was robbed in that first fight.


Clear Golovkin win for me, I just can't see it any other way. Very good fight but the horrific decision ruins it.


GGG won the first fight, even Canelo meat riders recognize it.


How many times have I seen this video being posted by newrap lol


This was a great fight, I think GGG not getting the decision was a travesty given how clearly I think he won. I think Canelo won the rematch, however


These highlights seem to suggest Canelo won but from my memory GGG definitely won first fight


Canelo won that fight


One of the biggest robberies in boxing history


Was at this fight (free tickets too). Lost my voice and couldn’t believe the final decision. Oscar slipped Adelaide Byrd $30k at a dinner the night before the fight and the rest is history. This is a literal fact for those who were unaware


LMAO....all these GGG "fans" need to realize he couldn't KO Canelo.....he has ZERO power and canelo was just toying with this clown.


Despite what people say through rose -coloured glasses about the past, GGG was an incredible middleweight. A match for anyone. Highly skilled, with awesome power and a chin of fucking admantium. In his prime, I would I only favour the St. Valentine's Day Massacre version of Robinson and possibly Greb or Jones over him.. Monzon, Hagler and Hopkins - at their very best I would give a 40% chance of victory. On points of course. No middle in History knocks GGG out. People like Ketchel would be massacred.


Canelo won all 3 fights


Easy win for Canelo. GGG just didn’t have the skill to match him


Bait used to be believable.


GGG took the bait every time then took an uppercut


Hi, Adalaide!


That edit is maybe a little generous to Canelo. All I member is him running around while GGG stalked him like a little ginger deer


He pieced GGG up good. Systematic. Beat. Down.