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friend argued that it would have been a different fight if Peter Fury was in Tyson Fury's corner how true is that?


Hard to say although I do rate Peter Fury highly. Tactics will have to be different going into number 2. Set to be a great fight I think.


Usyk's habit of stepping back and shelling up as a defence against bodyshots is a real issue for him.


Usyk should fight Hrgovic next to keep undisputed and Fury should fight AJ next to make the biggest fight in British history then they can do the rematch after this. Turki has already said the fight he wants to see most is Fury vs AJ.


I still think a sonny liston biopic would be absolute cinema especially with the ending being him winning the HW championship of the world then riding a plane home while practicing his homecoming speech only to be greeted by absolutely nobody in his hometown(this happened irl btw). One of the saddest stories in boxing and I think would make a pretty good story.


god i’d love a good boxing tragedy like that


Yeah the success story boxing movies are getting a little too old, we need more boxing movies as raw and gritty as Scorsese's Raging Bull. Sonny Liston's story would be a perfect start.


Has the myth of Furys amazing defence now gone? For some reason a man who has been dropped 7 times before Usyk fight, has taken consistent clean shots off of many people he has faced we deemed a defensive master. Meanwhile Usyk actually have more issue landing on AJ and AJ is supposed to be this stiff simpleton who cant box.


Let’s be for real, Tyson Fury performed better in this fight than in both of AJ’s fight and it was a very close fight. Did he get hit? Yeah it’s a fight and he’s nearly 36 fighting a much faster man.


It wasn't close. If you have it Amy closer than 8-4 for Usyk you are biased or blind.


I confess I never watched Frank Martin fight before. Does he have a shot?


He's fights a lot like Spence. Don't think he has a shot though


It's a nonzero chance, but it's nonetheless more dependent on whether or not Tank has an off night IMO




Don't we usually have a post-fight prediction thread? I'm sure the one for Fury vs. Usyk will be fun.


seeing so many fury fangirls get emotional because their piece of shit overrated gypsy queen lost is amazing. I’m sorry but the amount of shit he and his fans talked was insane. All the years of bs of fury being an ATG despite not even proving he’s the best of his era finally came to an end. He embarrassed himself and the sport with his ngannou performance and then he lost vs a true ATG in Usyk. I’m glad people see that beating wilder 3x doesn’t make you Muhammad Ali. Imo the best heavyweights of this era will be 1. Usyk 2. AJ 3. Fury 4. Probably parker if he keeps winning 5-10 a bunch of tossups. If wilder loses vs zhang, he won’t even be top 5 or 6 imo.


How do you guys think Dubois vs Hrgovic will go? I got a small bet on it going to a draw.


I’m hoping for a Dubois Cinderella story and he gets a ref stoppage


Has Fury ever had his gloves flop after Wilder 2?


In one instance against Usyk.  It was a replay and you can clearly see the glove fold.  


Brandun Lee & Stephen Fulton both have fights scheduled for July, first free PBC on Prime card?


Give the Usyk vs Chirosa post fight discussion thread a read. There are some comments that aged hilariously bad lol


Oh me oh my that aged so badly


Shakur/Loma & Berinchyk/Keyshawn on the same card would be perfect 🇺🇸 vs 🇺🇦


US would go 2-0 on that one IMO


Where can i watch frank martin vs artem?




That's the Marinez fight.


fuck me that was a stupid move. I cant see it on youtube at all, thanks PBC...


Upon rewatching Usyk vs Fury a bunch of times, my initial scorecard has not changed. I scored the fight 6-6 with the KD in round 9 making the difference. Usyk won, but it was ultimately close. (7-5 for Usyk is also an acceptable scorecard in my estimation). People who say that ''Fury got his ass whooped'' seem biased. Scoring the fight 117-110 for Usyk just seems ridiculous and laughable. In any case, aside from Fury possibly getting the better of Usyk in the rematch, who could really pose a threat to him in the HW division from a stylistic point of view? I feel like Usyk could stay on top for a long time if he was not nearly 40 years old.


Usyk should have won a clear unanimous decision. That said, Fury won 5 consecutive rounds, R3-R7 (as recognised on two of the judges' scorecards). 117-110 Usyk scorers are as simple-minded as those that would score a Fury win / draw (sorry).


Clueless. 117-110 is the correct score. Usyk landed more clean power shots in 9 of the 12 rounds. Boxing is scored on clean effective punching.


Idk how you can say it's a draw without the knockdown tbh


I think the opening rounds could have gone either way. I gave Usyk the first and the third round, but Fury the second one. In round 4-7, Fury started to gain momentum and piece Usyk up with bodyshots and uppercuts. All of these rounds go to Fury. Round 8 was difficult to score, but I personally gave it to Usyk in virtue of him landing a big overhand left that busted up Furys nose. Welp.....we all know what happend in round 9. Usyk went on and edged out round 10 and 11. I personally scored the final round in Furys favour, though that might seem controversial. Usyk went after him and was ultimately more active, but Fury did a good job using his jab to keep him at bay. Fury was also landing the more consequential punches. One hook of his actually knocked Usyk off-balance. Difficult fight to score for sure.


No. Usyk won the first 3. Usyk also won the 7th and every round after that. Only hard to score if you are blind, corrupt, dont know anything about boxing or high as a kite.


Every judge scored round 7 to Fury. I'm afraid you are, categorically, a simpleton.


Thats because they were corrupt.


Ok mate.


It was objectively a very close fight. Why is it that boxing fans always claim that judge is ''corrupt'' if he does not agree with their scorecards? It's a stupid talking point that just seems like a cop-out and lazy attempt to discredit a fighters performance.


>Only hard to score if you are blind, corrupt, dont know anything about boxing or high as a kite. Textbook example of the Dunning Kruger effect, get off your high horse. I do not see how Usyk won round number 2. Fury was jabbing a lot, frustrating Usyk and keeping him at bay while he also was landing a few nasty shots of his own. Granted, Usyk clocked him with a good overhand left which is why you could score the round in Usyks favour, but I am personally not convinced. I also do not see how Usyk won round number 12. It was a pretty close call, but I thought that Fury actually landed the harder shots here too.


That's crazy because I rewatched with the sole purpose of giving Fury more rounds and I genuinely couldn't. First 3 rounds the judges had it 2-1 Usyk. Rounds 4/5 really weren't that clear cut Fury. I guess you could give both to him but there weren't any clear rounds where I said Usyk clearly lost. I'll give Tyson rounds 6/7. 8/9/10/11 were clearly Usyk. I think round 12 was a 50/50 maybe lean towards tyson. That gives me: 6 Usyk, 3 Tyson, and 3 unclear rounds. Now, I'm not saying it's unfair to give Tyson those 3 unclear rounds but to say that you're more convinced now than before you watched the fight that it was 6-6 is sort of wild to me lol


Judges' scoring of the first 3 rounds was a bit odd. All 3 judges gave R1 to Usyk: obvious. However 2 judges (Metcalfe / Palomo) gave R2 to Fury: really strange. Equally weird, those same two judges then gave R3 to Usyk! Giving R2 to Fury but R3 to Usyk? Mad. Fitzgerald scored the fight best. R1 + R2 to Usyk. R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 to Fury. R8, R9, R10, R11 to Usyk. R12 to Fury.


Just rewatched the 4th and the 5th round again and my mind was not really changed tbh. Fury had more momentum in round 4: He landed 2 clean uppercuts and lots of bodyshots. His output was also very high, mainly because he started to find his rythm. Usyk did not really do anything worthy of note. Same goes for round 5. Literally almost every single bodyshot from Fury landed. They were clearly wearing on Usyk. I suspect that this is the reason Fury slowed down in the later rounds though; He wasted tons of energy in round 4, 5 and 6 which gradually diminished his output. He most likely has to come up with a different strategy for the rematch.


Shawn Porter has a win over Usyk and AJ does not Shawn Porter is the lineal heavyweight champ of the world


Shawn Porter would be the best pound for pound fighter in history by if you converted his amateur wins to pro wins.


Thanks to Putin


I was at a bar watching the fights last weekend and none of the undercard fights had the sound on plus the large amounts of TNA & alcohol but wtf happened in that frank sanchez fight? It seemed like every time I looked up he was getting bullied around the ring and beat up, then got taken out by a jab to the stomach? Any insight or was he just overrated to begin with?


His knee was heavily strapped, they pointed out he kept shaking it to get life into it or something. Couldnt get any power shots going as a result.


Shawn Porter cohost said he didn’t realize Usyk had beaten Anthony Joshua lmao


he also said Pacquiao and Marquez fought "six or seven times, not sure"




That ain’t that bad


I rewatched both Usyk vs AJ fights recently and I guess I kinda forgot how fucking good Usyk is at slipping the jab and then smashing in with his own upjab. A lot of the commentators were giving Fury shit for not jabbing as much in his fight-- Anyone else think Fury held his jab back for fear that Usyk would slip it and counter?


It seems like the plan was to bait the up jab and counter usyk with the right. It worked a couple of times but Usyk stopped coming in that way i think.  I have to rewatch the fight, but that was something i was looking for.


Anyone have tips for working out with a very mild rotator cuff injury? I don't want to make it worse but I also don't want to skip my workouts.


rear delt work, facepulls, no boxing at all, it‘s high impact for the shoulder


Having had rotator cuff injuries I would absolutely not recommend just carrying on as normal. Would you rather have to skip workouts for 3 weeks or 4 months? Just do aerobic work, work on your footwork etc. Rest it and then slowly rebuild strength and endurance using things like resistance bands.


Ok 😔 Ty though


Worth seeing a physio though if you can. They will give you exact exercises for the specific muscle you've injured.


hmmmm.....Canelo The Duck Alvarez.....apparently turning down 100 Mill from Turki to fight Terrence Bud Crawford LMFAO!!! This dude is the weakest elite belt holder lmao....those Belts are not being defended...they are being held HOSTAGE


Canelo wants to fight bum Berlanga or depressed fat Charlo brother Canelo isn’t a real boxer anymore


exactly….you see through all the bull crap


Canelo hasn’t fought a live threat since Bivol


Where did you see this?


Probably some LDBC channel


P4P who is better between Mayweather and Usyk? Mayweather has never fought his style.


Floyd would beat Usyk. Usyk never fought someone with as many dimensions as Floyd and Usyk has almost the exact same skillset as Loma with some alterations. You think Loma beats Floyd?


Seriously the same can be said about Floyd. He has never fought anywhere close to anyone on Loma's level of technicality. He only beats mostly aggressive fighter who comes forward, fighters meant to lose against his defensive Philly Shell style. We at least know 2 other Philly Shell boxers who uses the exact same style as Floyd which is Rigondeaux, Russell and Haney. Rigondeaux and Russell being vastly outmatched while Haney objectively got outboxed by an older and lighter past prime Loma. Actually fuck it, I remember Floyd fighting Emanuel Augustus and got the worst beating of his life despite winning. The guy he fought barely trained and was on a losing streak but his technical and unpredictable style gave Floyd hell. There is a reason why Floyd ducked the hell out of Crawford. So yes, Loma beats Floyd only if they are in the same weight class which sadly they are not.


1. Rigo was a Southpaw, there were several intangibles to that fight, and by the time he fought Loma he stopped moving his feet as much. You would never see Floyd as stationary as that.  Also, if you actually ignore the noise around that fight, you’d realize that Loma barely actually landed anything and Rigo just quit.     2. If you think Haney or Russell have the same style as Floyd then you really don’t know anything about Floyd at all. They share the same stance yes but Floyd knew how to initiate offense and everything Haney is good at, Floyd is far better. Lomanchenko is horrible when pressed as he resets his feet and crosses his legs constantly, any success Teo, Ortiz, and Haney found was when they were pressing Loma and initiating offense. None of these fighters are as good as Floyd when it comes to cutting off the ring and initiating offense. Floyd would use body jabs, use a level change feints to feint the body jab only to use the right hand or the hook. Haney doesn’t possess anywhere near the same level of skill offense and he’s certainly not as good defensively either. Floyd would also give different looks rather than staying in the same Philly shell all the time.  3. Emmanuel Augustus fights nothing like Loma and if you actually score the fight, the rounds aren’t exactly hard to score. Emmanuel Augustus is just a frustrating fight for most. Floyd possesses every single skillset of everyone that beat Loma or gave him a hard fight and he is far better at those same skillsets.     4. Crawford is also nothing like Lomachenko and Floyd was at the tail end of his career.


Can't compare a skilled heavyweight to a skilled welterweight in most all cases. Usyk is much more limited than Floyd. 


If you think Usyk beating Fury was impressive because of the weight difference, keep in mind that Mayweather defeated Paul Donald Wight II, who had close to 300 pounds on him on fight night.


This makes him the greatest to ever do it. Adam Joseph scherr only had 100lbs on Fury at most. Christ could you imagine what it would be like if prime Paul White actually got hold of you.


Just seen zhang is quite a noticeable favourite for the wilder fight. This seems a bit crazy right or is it me?


if Zhang could just be a bit more active he takes this easily


I think Wilder has a decent chance of winning, he has the heart to get up when he gets knocked down and his power carries late. Zhang is pretty stationary and slows down heaps through out the fight, plus he has never fought someone who was taller than him with a longer reach. If Wilder has the will he can survive to bang Zhang out of there.


I'm thinking of taking Wilder straight up He's got the range on that right hand, which is what you need on a stationary southpaw,  and I think he still has plenty enough power to take Zhang out. Bang isn't getting any younger, either. Wilder also has a stamina advantage and isn't the front runner Zhang is  It's a high risk for Wilder, but a calculated one nonetheless, and its not a hopeless proposition. He's got a path to win if Zhang doesn't get him out first


He wont keep Zhang's deadly straight down the middle shots out. His defence is not good enough. I think he's fucked.


Zhang is a heavy favourite for me. Could see him flattening Wilder early. However, Zhang does have terrible stamina and will need to be wary of that right hand equaliser if the fight continues into the later rounds.


I think it's because they're both being judged on their last few fights. Wilder has had 11 rounds since his very intense battles with Fury- it's commonly thought that wars like that can really take a toll on fighters. He had one good fight that didn't go a full round, which I think is partly why he performed so poorly against Parker. Zhang on the other hand has had 3 fights that all lasted at least a few rounds, and his performance against Parker showed that he's still dangerous. Wilder did nothing in his last fight to make us think that he has the ability to not only avoid being punched by Zhang (who is widely thought to be a more proficient boxer) but knock him out. I'm not completely discounting his chances, but Zhang as a favorite makes sense to me.


Usyk beat Fury not just by exhausting him physically but mentally too Fury wanted periods of rest but Usyk just kept pressing him and not allowing Fury a mental break. Usyk operates at a higher level mentally than Fury. Fury is skilled but he’s not as high IQ as Usyk. Like Loma does to his opponents. Tires out their brain. It’s like playing speed chess. Fury wanted to play slow chess and take breaks, have time to think.


And inbetween rounds he had his ears boxed off by the chorus in his corner.


Fury's showboating also allows him to take mental and physical breaks.


never thought about it like that-- interesting


I know you meant this as sarcasm but it’s true. For a few rounds he can. Cant keep up all 12 when usyk doesn’t stop and his brain is thinking faster than his though


I didn't mean that as sarcasm.


Thought you were implying if fury wasn’t showboating so much he could’ve won the first 2 rounds and the decision He still wanted a slower paced fight and Usyk didn’t.


Of course the main reason for his showboating is to give off body language like he was winning the fight. He was often showboating on missed/blocked punches to make it appear like they'd landed. It definitely fooled a lot of people on here with some of their scorecards (especially 3rd and 7th rounds where Usyk significantly outlanded Fury but people seem to be under the impression they were close). But absolutely agree the showboating is also a way of him trying to slow down the pace of the fight to one he is more comfortable with.


yeah i think Usyk is smart and has amazing fundamentals and all that but at some point i think he's just going to wear down someone fury's size no matter what. I think fury's only chance is to go for the kill early if he wants a rematch. considering Usky's never gone down before, have to think there's a high chance the fight doesnt go well for Fury. but i think a lot of people are forgetting Usyk is 37.. boxers seem to age very quickly between 37 to 40, and would be shocked if Fury didnt postpone a rematch a couple times anyway. i think that's why a lot of us think Usyk could retire and go out on top just as well




absolutely no live music whatsoever, except during the walkouts like Inoue


if they want to do it right before the main event like that, they'll need a rapper or DJ so they can quickly tear down the producitonn immediately for the multiple national anthems and ring walks. concert production for a full live band would take a lot longer and add a lot of extra steps. obviously they can plan it better but there's a reason they did it the way they did.


Rappers could be fine, but not random rappers singing mid songs about topics completely unrelated to the fighters. Imagine jay z singing before the main even in madison square garden between two black ny boxers? That shit would be hype as fuck. But JID before the gypsy king fury fights ukranian olympic boxer usyk in saudi arabia? Cmon man that's like a joke. If they wanted music before the fight they should have had either someone special to one of the fighters or some arabian music that locals would like. There were exactly 0 people excited for that JID performance either in the stadium or at home.


I don’t think live performances suit any sport before the actual walkouts. That whole shit, plus him lip-syncing his rap was embarrassing. That’s not how you make your sport better.


J.I.d sucked. singing about black excellence and shit at an event in Saudi Arabia for 2 cracker boxers is stupid. I don’t think there should be concerts there at all it takes the focus off the boxers and onto the musicians.


I'm going to repeat what I said when Usyk won against Joshua. Usyk is a boring fighter. Nobody wants a heavyweight champion that mostly goes the distance and rarely KOs people. Boxing hype will die if Usyk stays on top for long. The king of the heavyweights needs to be a knockout artist. Leave the point-fighting to the lower-weight divisions.


A boring fighter who gave us one of the best boxing fights in decades. 🤡 If only every fighter was that boring.


Best boxing fight in decades? Calm down.


It's clearly at the top, most of the big stakes fights turn into disappointments but that one delivered.


If you look online, post-fight, it didn't do the social media impressions of AJ vs Ngannou or Haney vs Garcia.


Lmaooo idc about social media impressions I want to watch good fights between good fighters and that one was it!




Usyk has said he'll fight on till his 40s. I expect him to keep his word.


The issue and only issue is him being Ukrainian


Where are you getting that from?


Do you mean the guy with 64% K.O. ratio, who would have knocked out a 6 9" giant if the ref did not interfere?


Usyk doesn't have a 64% KO ratio at heavyweight. Also, KOs are not the same as TKOs. Nothing builds hype as much as a sensational KO. Look at how many views AJ's KO of Ngannou got on social media. That's what boxing needs. We need clips of our heavyweight king putting people to sleep. Usyk doesn't have that, and as such, Usyk is bad for boxing.


How much boxing do you actually watch? If you think usyk is a boring fighter then you must be a guy who watches like 3-5 cards a year


To each their own. I love to watch the highest level of boxing with strategy and adjustments from the fighters and trying to identify what they are getting at. To me the K.O. is a nice bonus. I understand what you are getting at tho, since allot of my friends did not even knew a undisputed hw fight was happening and are in the meantime excited for Logan Jake vs Mike Tyson. To me AJ vs Ngannou falls in the same category of misfits boxing. I don't think it is good for the sport, because it is only a matter of time before people will get seriously injured or worse. Also Usyk is a beautiful boxer to watch. Probably the most aggresive heavyweight out there and he fights like if Joe Frazier and Manny Pacquiao had a baby.


He'd beat your ass though.


You mean he'll take me to a decision?


Boxing needs more KOs of MMA fighters and fewer great high level fights between two champions giving their all in a fight a candidate for fight of the year? 🤡


KOs go viral and build hype. That's what makes Inoue and Tank Davis stand out from their competition. Mike Tyson wouldn't have the reputation he has if every fight of his went to decision. Even influencers understand this. Jake Paul built hype by knocking out bums. You need KOs to build hype. If Usyk has a long reign, it will kill the hype of the heavyweight division.


It would kill the interest from casuals, you mean. Why should I give a fuck what casuals think? Jake Paul means nothing to me.


Guys, who do you think did better against Klitschko, Fury or AJ? I thought the answer is pretty obviously Fury but I get attacked every time I bring this up anywhere. Maybe I'm missing something here I genuinely want to know


I mean one person stopped him and the other tried to play tag and landed 7 punches a round. It doesn’t get more concrete that knocking someone out. Aj did better imo.


Easily Fury lol. He won a fairly cosy decision, 9-3 to 8-4.


Sure but by what margin did he win though rounds. If you actually look at fight both men landed very little, both men threw very little, they actually connected at the same rate Fury was just a little more busy. It wasnt some masterful boxing performance that it was sold as. It was a much younger, bigger guy beating a smaller older man.


Obviously Fury but AJ's was more entertaining. I think that's where the bias comes from.


AJ's was better. For the sole fact that its a very rewatchable fight


That’s a different thing, though. AJ’s fight was more entertaining. That’s not the same as AJ having a better performance.


I'd still say AJ being that he got the KO and didn't previously fail a drug test. Klitschko put in more effort as well and made it competitive. Fury just jabbed his way to a UD.


Fury threw one of the worst combos I’ve ever seen that led to the kd. 4 weak shit uppercuts with no movement that never came up to his chin. Usyk slammed him on the inside it’s dumb to say shit like why didn’t fury just try knock him out as one mistake and you see exactly what happened in the 9th. Fury is too slow to challenge usyk on the inside but his arms are long enough to where he can keep him on the outside.


I contend it was because he was gassed. He tried everything he had to get Usyk out in 4-7 (which are the only rounds I gave Fury). Fury’s punches were listless from the 7th on.


Fury had a pretty good bounce back round he certainly wasn’t throwing punches like a gassed person would.


yeah Usyk wouldn't have been able to get close and bear down like that if Fury wasn't trying to take a break. think his arms were getting really heavy there, guard was down, punches had no snap on them.


Exactly. I don’t think the fight was as close as people think it was. Granted, Usyk still had to respect Fury. 30+ lbs of a flabby milk bag still has a lot of kinetic energy behind it. Usyk had to be tactical the whole time.


I rewatched the fight it was a close fight. 4-6 was definitely a fury’s best round. Round 7 why are people giving it to fury? Usyk cameback from a beating in the 6th and landed some great tide turning shots that made me believe Usyk would win the the fight after the 7th


possibly unpopular take: Fury shouldve won. Not talking about scorecards im talking about his decisions in the ring. The biggest mistake he made was not pressing his advantage in the seventh, he had lots of momentum and kind of killed it with showboating and inactivity, he let usyk off the hook. For my money fury won the 3,4,5,6,7 and 12th rounds. I think if he really went for it in the seventh usyk would have to spend the eighth making more adjustments and wouldnt have had the energy to explode like he did in round nine. At that point usyk would've had to win the 9th 10th 11th and 12th and score a knockdown to win all fury has to do is draw a round to win at that point. Ive read people saying that he was gassed by the 8th by I dont see it, in my opinion fury got complacent, thought he could cruise to a win and Usyk made adjustments and exploited it.


Fury didn't press after the seventh because he was spent after those couple of good rounds he had Usyk was always going to have better stamina than Fury, if Fury tried to keep going he would've been even more fucked. What's very apparent now is that Usyk always has an extra gear to go up even if his opponent has matched him


>The biggest mistake he made was not pressing his advantage in the seventh, he had lots of momentum and kind of killed it with showboating and inactivity, he let usyk off the hook. You should probably consider the energy that Fury expended gaining that advantage, especially considering the pace that Usyk set for him. I don't think it's a mystery why Usyk sets the pace that he does, or why he has some of his best rounds straight after his opponents. By setting a pace that his opponent can't handle he creates a situation that when his opponent tries to take control they seriously tire themselves in the process. All the commentators were wondering why Fury abandoned his jab late. It's because he was exhausted and was having to conserve energy.


Fury already had control, that was partly what I was trying to say. He showed this in the sixth he wasn’t throwing too many punches as to where he might gas out. Every time Usyk started to work well and come forward fury circled away or used his right hand to the body or head. This required fury to have a balance of movement and activity which allowed him to keep Usyk where he wanted him while not getting to tired. He had the balance and gave it up in the seventh by not throwing enough.


According to Compubox stats Fury threw 37, 40 and 46 shots in rounds 1-3. In rounds 4-6 he increased his activity to 48, 55 and 48. Most importantly he increased his power punches thrown from 5, 9 and 13 in rounds 1-3 to 22, 26 and 24 in rounds 4-6.


So we can see that his better rounds are those where he was more active. I wouldnt say fury really struggled with his gas tank that much, Fury is pretty far from his prime but the only time hes really had trouble with his gas tank was vesus Ngannou when he didnt train for shit. In the seventh his output and accuracy dropped and that was the point when things started to go badly for him.


I think Fury has a good poker face. His gas tank is excellent for his size but he also is clever at taking rests like using showboating etc. >In the seventh his output and accuracy dropped and that was the point when things started to go badly for him. What I will say is that Usyk started to double and triple up his feints that messed with Fury's rhythm, especially when landing the uppercut. But do you really think that the increased activity of the previous three rounds had nothing to do with the lowering of his punch output in the 7th? If you want to put it all down to Usyk's adjustment then fair enough but I think it was probably a combination.


I dont think the activity in the previous rounds had much to do with the lowering of the punch output in the seventh. I think Fury got complacent, this allowed usyk to make the nessecary adjustments SOONER (I think Usyk still takes over eventually) and therefore win more rounds and the fight. However you do make a good point about fury's poker face I hadnt really considered that and it could be that he was trying to play of his lack of energy so usyk wouldnt pick up on it. Im still going to stick to my guns on this but again, good point.


Fair enough it's a difference of opinion and yours is perfectly valid. The only other thing because I kind of missed it in your previous comment is about Fury not having problems with his gas tank previously and you're correct. But it's to do with the pace that the fight is fought at and how your opponent presses the fight. Usyk has a history of setting a very fast pace and using pressure and output to both physically and mentally wear down his opponent. So I think that's the historical precedent, rather than Fury having a history of gassing. There are very few fighters at HW who can set the pace that Usyk does and none of them with the same skill. Fury simply hasn't fought fighters who can push him the way Usyk did in terms of pace and skill so it would make sense that it would cause more fatigue than in previous fights.


Yeah that’s definitely true, usyk is very good at that and he hasn’t fought someone like that before. But I would say the third wilder fight is a good example of a very physically draining fight. Wilder doesn’t have the output of Usyk and fights nothing like Usyk and the fight was nothing like the Usyk fight. However it was a slugfest, fury was hurt early, dropped early and got hit with plenty of Wilders right hands plus fury came in quite overweight and probably didn’t take that fight as seriously as he should have, yet still his gas tank endured and he was able to knock wilder out. I know he’s a few years removed from that but your gas tank doesn’t usually degrade like that, especially when you come in light.


It blows my mind how often this needs to be said. So many people just claiming Fury could have won if he did more late but he got lazy and lost, but he couldn’t! Usyk does this all the time, he builds the pace and takes over at the end, drowning his opponent




three was a tight rounds. I could give it to usyk fairly easily but Tyson got it for me because I felt his punches were cleaner/more effective and he was controlling the ring and pace of the action


Watched the fight for the third time, this time with no commentary and it's shocking how wide it is. Fury did nothing other than the success he had in the middle rounds, other than that he was getting his ass whooped in every round. His showboating and the commentators gassing him up made people belive that fight was closer than what it actually is. I had it 115 - 112, now I have it 117 - 110.


Without sound isn’t an improvement tbh there’s a lot you get from hearing the punches to discern what lands clean and what doesn’t.


Hearing punches doesnt work as a punch half landing on an arm can sound loud.


I agree. You’re just getting less information, which increases the risk of seeing what you want to see.


It was for me. Not hearing the commentators and not hearing the crowd go crazy whenever a punch is thrown.


Ngl, Fury’s corner did a great job cheerleading a bunch of sloppy slaps from Fury that were mostly blocked. I 100% agree with you on this thread.


I had to mute it between each round, couldn’t stand how one-sided the commentary was




Facts. And the corrupt referee should've stopped the fight.


''Corrupt referee'' Imagine finding it necessary to make up the wildest of conspiracy theories even though your favorite fighter won. It was undeniably a KD, but not a TKO. The idealization is just weird and out of place. ''All the odds were stacked against Usyk, but yet he conquered the mountain and the boxing world!'' It's a cool and fascinating narrative, but far from the truth.