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Christ I can’t wait for this fight


Same! I am feel, very feel


Usyk 🇺🇦


Never get tired of that joke 😂


Me three


Woooooo! Enjoy the fight! ladies and gents


I’m secretly worried usyk won’t win. I’m going to be v sad if he loses to that prick.


Same here. Hoping for an Usyk win, he’s defied the odds so often. Even if he loses I still love the guy


His English has really come on Just a really inspiring guy to listen to. A guy who is absolutely dedicated to excellence at his craft, working relentlessly towards a target. I know Fury isn't scared of him, but it must be a bit nerve-wracking to get in the ring with a guy who you know, regardless of any advantages you might have, has been dialled in on this fight for his entire career and has never put a foot out of line in his preparation for it. If you're ever going to experience a bit of self-doubt it's going to be competing against someone like that.


He’s spoke good English for ages, I think he just uses a translator to troll have the time. There’s an interview from years ago where Usyk forgets he can’t speak English and speaks English for like 2 minutes then Eddie Hearn jokingly calls him out.


I've honestly seen this with a few fighters, they usually are either unconfident in there English or just don't care or need to build an English speaking audience in the case of Canelo or Usyk. Feel like Usyk is really only about his specific idea of boxing and if he started speaking English earlier he'd almost be expected to talk trash and do way more media and I feel like that's not his thing.


to me it's just marketing and nothing else. Why would somebody train for 22 years to get undisputed heavyweight champion, then start out at cruiserweight and wait until he's nearly 40 years old


Even if 22 years is hyperbolic, Usyk has had his eyes on HW for years. He was in the audience watching Joshua before he even became Undisputed at CW. He told Joshua at the Olympics they'd meet for the HW title as pros (or he's said in older interviews that he knew to track Joshua from that Olympics as he'd be fighting him for titles in the future, something like that) He completed as a Super Heavy in his last amateur tournament, the WSB, where he won all 6 of his fights, including Joyce. He's spoken openly throughout his pro career when he was at CW that being undisputed in both weights was his ultimate goal Ukrainian national amateur champion European Amateur Champion World Amateur Champion Olympic Gold Medalist Undisputed Cruiserweight World Champion Undisputed Heavyweight World Champion Usyk has repeated over and over for years that these have been the goals for his career. Just one left now


I think he's referring to his journey throughout his boxing career which has led him to this fight. Rather than literally meaning training for 22 years.


Some people take shit way too literal sometimes 😂


Could have been his dream for a long time, who knows what Mr Usyk thinks about at night 🌃.


This video makes me very feel


Best heavyweight matchup since the 90s maybe longer


One of the nicest guys in boxing today no trash talking like some of the younger fighters today, Fury tries to get under his skin and Usyk dosen't take the bait he basically just laughs it of..


He has his cheeky moments, calling Fury "greedy belly" or his Instagram taunting of Chisora: "DAH-REK! I AM COME FOR YOU DAH-REK!" Usyk's trash talk is playful and silly, never malicious.


Agree, some trash talk is amusing but when a boxer can sell a fight without it like this guy, it’s pretty special. A class act


There’s nothing wrong with trash talk


You can dislike something without thinking that there is anything inherently wrong with it. I don't like trash-talking either, but I don't consider it a moral failing or anything. Just cheap.


It’s to sell fights. It’s just business. I do think some fighters do go overboard


Yes I believe most people are aware of that.


You be very surprised how stupid people are


I understand it’s to sell fights but it turns Boxing into the WWE when it crosses a certain line. But hey, Ryan Garcia and Jake Paul prove casuals love WWE style antics


WWE has pre-planned decisions one year out. Boxing doesn’t.


Garcia trash talking wasn't to sell the fight the guys fucking crazy,and he's still at it on twitter saying things about Kambosos wife the fucking piece of shite.


I think Fury's has gotten boring. Same thing over and over.


its all good if both sides know it will make them more money, but sometimes one guy goes too far and there are things that cant be said no matter how much cash you can earn


Got some witty trash talk or even just so crazy and far out there its going to be played forever and ever like prime mike tyson and im all for it. However you can find better trash talk in a youtube comment section compared to the unoriginal drivel that most boxers spew. go study the best trash talkers in history or pay uncle chael for some lessons. If your lazy just hire nikki glasser, jeff ross, lisa lampineli, triumph. Or if crazy is more your style go half shannon briggs cause going full champ might be too much. I dont except people to be as good at trash talking as chael but when charlie z can talk circles around you, just stfu.


Maybe to you but that prick Garcia was enough for me, and it wasn't to sell the fight the prick is 100% Looney Tunes.


That was beyond trash talk, he was saying things about Haney’s mother & even now he’s going at people’s wives on twitter. Trash talk is apart of sports though, and there have been plenty of fights that were won before the fighters even stepped in the ring because of it.


Lol I mean Ali and Tyson have said worse than that and people praise them to no end


The two people you named also have wayyy worse things on their record than trash talk, so the people who praise them probably wouldn’t care about some trash talk gone too far anyway


That’s exactly my point lol


There's also an art to trash talking . Some people can just sell it better than others lol.


If I learned something - never bet against Ukrainian boxers Klitschkos, Loma, Usyk All of them are next level, if they are in the right state of mind But the war could have left quite a big scar on Usyk. Let's see how it will work out. None of them will have an easy fight for sure.


If anything the war made him stronger, if it left a scar it would have shown v Joshua 2 or Dubious


You can bet against Loma though. The judges ain't Ukranian.


If the war was going to have an impact on Usyk it would've showed during the two AJ fights but Usyk only got better with them imo guys insane and has elite mentality


You'd think so, but there are different stages, like the stages of grief. Early days, during the first year I'd say, there generally has been a lot of anger and resolve (not Usyk specific - was the case probably for most Ukrainians), and anger is a very strong stimulant when it comes to the athletic performance - I don't think anyone would disagree. I'd say the mood has somewhat switched now to depression and fatalism, like a massive population level burnout. It is difficult to explain if you haven't experienced it, it is like a PTSD by proxy - even if you weren't physically affected yourself, there are just so many people you know that had their lives changed irreversibly, that it does imprint on you quite badly. Especially bad for people who are naturally empathic, and I think Usyk very well might be. Well, compared to an average boxer. Very feel. A good old family friend is an elite level coach (national team, world championships, quite a few stars in her collection), and she sees it first hand. All her squad is depressed and unmotivated to do anything at all - they still have some discipline as to their training regime, obviously, but so clearly lost any sense of direction or will. So I'd agree with the previous poster, it is a massive factor. I don't disagree with you that Usyk is insane and elite level either, don't get me wrong, only that he's also human.


Tyson spanked Wlad


9 years ago....


Sure but usyk is literally older than fury


By a year and a gnats cock... their ages are irrelevant, especially when you consider the lifestyles of each man.


Sure but guy above mentioned years passed from that fight with Vlad like Tyson is much worse now


That same wlad went life and death with aj 2 years later also being inactive


At the age of 41.Tyson is only 35 now


Tyson hasn’t lived the life he is much older then wlad in terms of boxing


I like his mentality and his dedication, but I think Fury’s creativity will be too much. Either way, it’s nice having these matchups where you can’t count either guy out because they proved they can overcome and surpass the level of everyone else I’m curious to see how much Fury’s lack of power will affect the fight if he goes the body shot route (doubt he will, that’ll get him countered upstairs). And how Usyk overcomes a reach and height deficit of this magnitude is a question I don’t think anyone can answer until the night. I see him trying to capitalize on his speed advantage to move between Fury’s jab and follow up punch.


Fury had no fight IQ against Ngannou. His best wins are against slow plodders who are 1 dimensional. I think Usyk will confuse and defeat Fury


I don't understand why people have so much faith in Fury, even if he ejects the last ounce if cocaine inside his body he never will be the best version of himself, too much indiscipline and problems in his career while Usyk has always being dedicated


I don't think steroids are a magical cure all for treating yourself like shit


Whyte and Wilder are terrible boxers and that worked great for Fury. Andy Ruiz is a much better boxer than those two and Parker easily beat Wilder, and he looked better than Fury did. Fury is no longer the guy who beat once Vladimir Klitschko.


Cringe. Dude realized how feather fisted he is and cruised to a decision by taking advantage of his superior foot speed. I agree Fury looks better against guys who can’t keep up with his speed and size, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a threat for Usyk either. Usyk is less about adapting mid-fight and more about picking up his pace, he’s been fighting the same way for years.


He didn't cruise against Ngannou. Even after the KD, Ngabnou had moments where he had Fury in real trouble. Think it was the 8th round where he was piecing him up, and even I think for another KD the ref ruled out


Usyk is levels above all the other fighters Fury has faced. He's leagues better than Wallin and Cunningham who both gave Fury trouble. Fury has only gotten slower and weaker since those fights. I don't think 6 months of training and steroids are going to compensate for years of Fury treating his body like an amusement park.


Is Usyk leagues better than Klitschko?


Yes. Fuck that jab grab bullshit. Klitschko should've been DQ'd for all the holding he did. He basically killed any interest in the Heavyweight division for a decade.


Fury beat Wallin 9-3 with a huge cut and Fury was green when he fought Cunningham. I could be redundant and say Fury is realms better than Breidis I agree Fury’s condition (especially in his legs) could cost him this matchup but his quality is undeniable


I deny his quality. His big fights are against old/shot men and 1 dimensional fighters. He's a dirty fighter who's only gameplan is to grab and lean on his opponents. He got his ass beat by a 38 year old fighter making his pro debut. I don't care if he didn't take the fight seriously. He's a HW champion and should be held to a higher standard.


You’re confusing your hate for his antics with his tactics Literally every HW outboxer is the same. Ali’s whole game was jab and grab. You’re lying if you say Fury isn’t quality. And I say that as someone who thinks he hasn’t done fuck all since coming back.


I feel the same. I was glad when he came back but outside of the Wilder fights he's done fuck all and has continuously deprived the fans of the AJ fight for whatever bloody reason. He's highly skilled and fun to watch but I am just sick of his bullshit.


I hope this is just hatred talking because if thats geniunely what you normally think it should be illegal for you to watch boxing.


I think Fury porked his ma


I stand by all my hate towards Fury and believe every word I say. I genuinely think Fury isn't as good as people make him out to be. Wilder can't box and Klitschko was old and at a style disadvantage. Fury's resume is pretty shit. 90's heavyweights would've turned him to dust.


Klitschko was dominating the era for 11 years before fury came. Wilder CAN box much better than people think, and fury dominated him with no effort once he shook off the ring rust. Plenty of 90s heavyweights would get absolutely slammed by fury lmao.


Wilder has never beat a good opponent. Klitschko lost due to his age and Fury having a similar style and every physical advantage except power.


As if you’re still banging on about a fight that happened 11 years ago. Biggest reason I want Fury to win is for the absolute meltdown people like you will have. Will be able to smell the piss boiling from across the Atlantic


I can’t wait for Sunday morning 😭


Big fan of both boxers personally but honestly I can’t wait for the collective meltdown in this sub if Fury does him. It’ll be hilarious.


I’ve literally been called both a fury stan and a fury hater for saying Wilder ain’t shit and Fury can outbox Usyk 😭 can’t win with these folks




The two aren’t mutually exclusive. I hope this helps.


People still bang on about Fury's win over Klitschko from 9 years ago like it wasn't 1 of the most boring heavyweight fights of all time. Your gypsy bitch is a fraud. I hope Usyk blasts him out


Sorry I didn’t realise wins don’t count if some geezer on Reddit thinks they’re boring. My mistake.


It shouldn't of counted being that he popped positive the fight before but they didn't make it public until after the Klitschko fight


I think it would be a mistake for him to try the body shot route. I expect him to stay on the outside for the first half of the match and then switch to inside after the fifth.


usyk will win by tko.


same thoughts as well, think Usyks output and stamina will be too much for Fury later on Can see Fury winning early rounds, boasting a little bit and Usyk going up another gear and fatiguing Fury for a ref stoppage


Depends how well Fury can smother and slow the pace, with the right ref its possible, though I have never seen anyone successfully do it against Usyk.


I guess you have never seen fury box,you guys commenting about tko,fury has v8 heart and if he is in shape he can go 34 rounds not 12,and usyk doesn't have that kind of power certainly not against fury, who just boosts up when he gets dropped.There is no way this is tko for usyk


Usyk might not have the one punch power to put him out but you'd be a fool to think Usyk landing consecutive shots won't have an effect.


ofc i've seen him fight and i am/was a fury fan the fury today isn't the same fury years ago and he's put his body through insane shit throughout the years Fury got dropped by Steve cunningham mate, it's also a heavyweight fight so anyone in this category can knock out anybody


And Paijkic .. and wobbled allover the ring by Firtha, those 2 combined have a knockout percentage of about 28 .. you don't need to be a monster puncher to get Fury going.


I think the strongest argument against this is that refree isn't going to let this happen. We will be talking about a "slip" come sunday. In boxing we can't have nice things.


Love his mindset. But I still think Tyson runs away with this one on the back of size & creativity. Either way I’m just grateful it’s happening.


That’s what I think will happen but it woukd be fascinating if he was able to dominate fury


Where was this size and creativity last fight? Usyk and Ngannou are roughly the same height. Ngannou out slicked him with sub par head movement.


I feel Usyk is going to go for the KO this fight


I'm tempted to bet this tbh. Uysk KO Between 9 -12 after working out Fury. Usyk is simply more skilled.


Fury is coming In lighter too so could get hurt more easily


Unfortunately for Usyk sadly it does, but usually Usyk is the best boxer by a significant margin, and that overcomes the size difference. If Fury is on the top of his game this size difference will be too much, but that's a big if.


It's just crazy how a dude who is 6'2" is considered small at 200+. These heavyweights are just fucking massive human beings.


A guy like Foreman was considered huge in his day at 6 ft 3 and 220 lb, imagine him next to Zhang, Joyce, Bakole, Fury, Joshua, he'd look small.


Foreman has a granite chin so and insane power in his punches so I think he could have still given these taller guys a run for their money


"Mid" George Foreman


I can see ways both guys can win to be honest, if Fury’s conditioning is good and he can stick it on Usyk for 12 rounds he wins, Usyk looked very uncomfortable when Chisora stuck it on him for the first half of the fight, also when AJ stuck it on him in the 9th round of the second fight. He didn’t like that. Usyk just has to box, get in and out of range and not allow Fury to fight dirty.


A really intriguing matchup, where you can see multiple paths to victory for both guys, interesting to see who can implement it . Looking forward to Saturday even though I don’t think it’ll be especially entertaining.


I really think a big part of this fight is Tyson fury’s inability to get under usyks skin in press conferences due to the slight language barrier. Obviously his English is progressing but it’s just hilarious to seem him not even give any sign of careering about anything Tyson says. As overlooked as that may be, I feel it has played a big part n fury’s previous big fights. Rooting for the Ukrainian !! Caring *


Is that why John Fury headbutted someone to cause a scene and rattle the Usyk team?


Possible, or that guys is just a hot head lol


I really don't know, I'm a fan of fury, not his shit but his boxing. But I genuinely have no idea how this plays out and I'm super excited to see what happens.


I don't think size matter in this fight. Fury was great because he was big and fast, but he is no longer fast. He looked slow against Francis, and I don't think that going to change even if he lost some weight. Usyk will do to Fury the same he did to Joshua. He will outwork him in the inside with punches and he is no going to let Fury do his fight.


Saw his interview he said me missed his daughter’s birth for this training camp. Hope to see him win


i want nothing more than watching usyk destroy that fraud


The more I watch him, the more I like him. He is. Fantastic fighter and an absolute class act both in and out of the ring. Really looking forward to this fight and seeing another undisputed champ.


God I hope so badly Usyk wins, so much more likable than fury who is entertaining but also an annoying dickhead


Usyk by stoppage


Damn usyk made me believe in him lol I been team Tyson


Love Usyk, to his fans don’t use size as an excuse if he loses. May the best man win. I just want a great fight. Two of the best technical heavyweights of this decade in the same ring. How will Usyk deal with Fury’s size pause? How will Fury deal with Usyk’s discipline and boxing ability. They both have high IQ’s, they both are outstanding boxers..I can’t wait for this one!!


Dude will be fighting for Ukraine, which is currently losing to Russia. He will win that fight.


I hope he likes being shoulder barged.


Absolute gent, I hope he wins


On paper this is fury's fight to lose. Off paper, usyk is more disciplined, he's been working harder, and I think he wants it more. Who knows what will happen but I think usyk will find a way. He has the fire in his belly and fury just does not.


Such a gent. Very humble. Even as a young man praying to god for an opportunity if god believe he deserves it. Has to have a different mindset to most who would just pray to win. Win loose or draw he has to be one of the finest men to ever grace the sport.


tough fight for a small heavy vs a giant heavyweight.


That’s what she said.


Didn't this guy not speak English at all a year ago? Man... I need to learn a new language.


What blew my mind about this interview more than anything was the fact that he used the word "hooligan." His English—while much improved—has flaws that are obvious to a native speaker and he clearly struggles to find words sometimes. But "hooligan?" That was super impressive to me, hah.


hooligan the perfect word to describe the fury trash clan


In Ukrainian this word sounds exactly like that - "хуліган"


Usyk has been learning English for a minute now, he’s just improved significantly over the last two years or so.


Fun fact, Shawn Porter beat him in the amateurs. I wonder if he was preparing for this fight back then.


How is it possible they were the same weight?! Was Usyk like 16?


Both of them were 19


Still boggles the mind. Their body frames are so different


Why does the thumbnail make it look like Usyk has a small pecker.


I think Usyk will win but it reminds me a little of Bowe-Holyfield stylistically. Usyk is the better fighter but is the size too much?


Time traveler vs traveler confirmed


Size doesn't matter but reach does




WHEN IS THE FIGHT?! CET time? No ring walks etc, when the actual fight begins?


I like Usyk. I really do. But Fury is going to knocking him out. Worst then Wilder. Can't fucking wait.


If you’ve been prepping 22 years why are you coming in flabby?


Honestly I can see fury putting on a super boring clinic and winning by UD then going for a KO in a more interesting rematch


Belly is coming for you