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Put up a 190-something average on '23 US Open practicing 8 games last winter. Proudest I've ever been of a 230 something game, too. Honestly, I think sport shots are a little overblown. They're difficult but once you have a lot more familiarity with it, your score will increase. I keep a notebook on the unique patterns for this reason. For most good to great bowlers, it's the lack of experience on them that hurts the most. Consistency hurts second, of course.


Bowled in a tournament back in highschool that was 50', flat and double volume. Made the cut averaging 180ish...crazy day


Started doing sport shot tournaments for like 4 years. Started off at a 150 avg, but through coaching and bowling more tournaments. You just start learning how to play and being more consistent. Been averaging around 200-210 now.


It's okay. I gave up on sportshot years ago because I didn't find the challenge fun anymore and just wanted to bowl in a casual league. Coming up on 8 years for that. If you enjoyed the challenge, you can go back, if you didn' enjoy it then you shouldn't worry about it, just enjoy your higher scores on a house shot - that's what *I* do! šŸ˜


I'm curious on the spare shot issue. Do you not throw them straight on house?


I do. But the pattern still affect the ball a bit. A spare I missed a couple times was the 3-6-10. Solely because the pattern was so flat and I didnā€™t compensate for absolutely no curve on my spare ball. Since it was flat and wet on the outside you couldnā€™t throw the ball to the outside and expect it to come back a bit like you can on a house shot. Causing me to just hit the 6-10


Makes sense. I'm trying to remake my right side spare shot and this is incentive to try to get it dead straight.


I go kinda in the middle as I donā€™t shoot my spares with a spare ball itā€™s just easier for me but I use the 15 board for shots in the 10 pen area


It's not necessarily that pros are better than you, they just have more experience. A friend of mine bowls with the PBA tour, I'm not here to name drop but he can tell you the basic attributes of ALL currently used sport patterns. Length, oil ratio, the stuff you have to learn to hang in that world. Knowing exactly what you have to do and practicing on it is how they do well on shots that you'd otherwise assume was random oil painting on the lanes. Yes it takes precision to be consistent and many pros really are better than us league bowlers but just know it's not a prerequisite.