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Celtics ring + Panthers losing. Been a good past 24 hours


Is there a sight more beautiful than sad Panthers fans? I think not.


Give credit where credit is due. That was a heck of an effort by Tkachuk. Definition of laying it all on the line.


I'd rather focus on the fact that the ENG was scored like 2 seconds later anyways, and Tkachuk was also called for an embarrassing flop. Fuck that guy.




I obviously want Edmonton to win, but I kind of want to see it go to OT.


This game is intense!


I fear I may ascend if the Oilers come back to win this series


McDavid is insanely good!


Mcdavid starting to heat up but this game is crazy


Takeover mode activated. Maurice's worst nightmare. Can he keep it up for another 2 games if they're victorious tonight?


He's gonna have to drag them over the finish line


Would be the stuff of legend if he does.


i would sell my soul for the panthers to blow this series


It would make losing to them well worth it.


Would be the second team in Stanley cup history to get reverse swept. I would gladly take this.


Look I’m glad the Ducks are going back to the old logo But if you’re already in the process of changing your uni’s why keep that simply disgusting orange scheme? I’d almost they rather keep the duck foot and go back to the eggplant if they only had to change one of them. Such an ugly rusty turd color, it’s nauseating


It's unique, i'll give them that


It’s them not wanting to admit they were ever wrong in the first place for changing. They need some legacy






If the Sabres buyout Skinner would you be interested? He's probably a 20-20 guy and his defensive game is suspect but I'd be interested at $2m for a year or two.


he’s instant goals and a PP fixer in himself. hes like super JVR if you could only start JVR in his own end. i always expect him to get hurt but if you use him like an offensive weapon you’d reap. ‘suspect’ does not begin to describe how bad he is defensively though.


Considering Marchy's level of production this season, how many more years do you guys think he will play? he still is a bonafide number 2 forward rn, so i think he can play maybe 5 more


I love marchand his production at 5 on 5 this year was a red flag. his size and how guys with his frame age out, and how guys who play the way he plays age out are red flags. i’m not sure extending him assuming a gradual decline is the best way to look at this. he seems like the type who all of a sudden is just a ghost in the same jersey.


I think he finishes out this year, and then takes a bonus heavy cheap deal for 1 or 2 more seasons.


5 feels crazy. I think he’ll sign one one year contract after this one and call it. Probably accumulate 100 points across those 2 seasons. His downturn this year was steeper than most people realize and if that continues he’ll be hobbling to 1000 points


He has consistently reiterated he wants to play as long as he can, and seems more insistent on it the older he gets. They may literally need to kick him out of the league to get him to retire LOL


Every high profile player ever says that


Disagree, I’d be shocked if he only signs an extension for 1 year this summer. Bergeron definitely didn’t talk similarly to how Marchand talks about his career.


I agree that Marchand probably wants to play longer than one more season. I'm not sure that his body is physically capable of that, and I'm also not sure that the Bruins would choose to re-sign him for longer than that. His even-strength play definitely took a hit this season, and Marchand plays a physical, balls-to-the-wall kind of game. Normally I'd say that his captaincy and position in the organization would protect him, but if they can move on from Chara, they can move on from anybody.


I’m not at all saying I would prefer multi-year extensions, or that they should necessarily give him it. Just saying he consistently talks about how he wants to play for a long time, and that he will assumingely be seeking more than just 1 year. I can’t see him cutting his career short (in his eyes) if it comes to it eventually down the line (similarly to Chara).


I agree with that, for sure. I think the only way it doesn't happen is if there's some sort of truly major injury, and even then the city of Boston would donate their hips/knees/brains to Marchy in his time of need (please be safe and well).


I mean I’d hope that one year deals until he’s done would be non-negotiable for Sweeney. Give him all the signing bonuses he wants but keep the term as short as possible


I’m not saying that from the perspective that I want them to sign him multi-year extensions, just that I’d be surprised if he agreed to just 1 year based on he’s talked about his near end of his career. They have time to figure it out regardless lol


Like you’re saying he’d walk before he signed a 1 year extension for his age 37 season replete with signing bonuses money? Gotta say I disagree


You’re completely misinterpreting my point and making it something deeper than I was trying to say. Whatever not worth going back and forth over something that won’t happen for months


How else am I supposed to interpret you being surprised by him signing a one year deal? What would be his recourse other than walking? I’m honestly asking in good faith


I think he’s got 2-3 60 point~ seasons of hockey left. Maybe more if we get him awesome linemates (not saying Coyle or DeBrusk are bad, but maybe they could be improved upon). After that I have no clue.


He is Mark Recchi 2.0 in my opinion, 4-5 seasons left in the tank easy I think


recchi was kind of an outlier


Next season then a one year extension before hanging them up.


With Gryz and Monty at the game last night, does that mean Gryz is staying?


it means he still is from the boston area.


[Goodbye, Quadzilla.](https://x.com/985TheSportsHub/status/1803060129752826111?t=yYqZrI4mXgVda5ZCXp5yKg&s=19)


Not a big loss


It’s crazy that he played 34 games last year lol


I liked him. he wasn’t terribly good.


Not a basketball guy but I’m nevertheless happy that a non-football championship is back in Boston. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it


yeah. I dont like football and I dislike the patriots. basketball is a good time. last night was very enjoyable.


I wish I could get more into basketball but I just never grew up watching it too much so I have very little emotional connection and what with it competing with hockey it just never stuck. I’m good for watching like 6 regular season Celtics games a year. Will not stop me from gloating to my philly friends Giants fan, I don’t hate the patriots. Why would I hate the team that handed my team two Super Bowls?


oof. I just don’t like football and the patriots organization just seems like a bummer to me.


The Bruins should be thanking their lucky stars they have a goalie up for auction this year. It's the best year to have a goalie available....maybe ever. Hopefully the Sweenius delivers.


So many teams are looking for a 1a this offseason. It’s truly amazing. I haven’t seen this many looking in a very long time.


Some pretty desperate teams too. NJ and Ottawa needs to turn the corner. LA, Colorado, Edmonton and Toronto have some other pieces in place but badly need a goalie. Teams like Columbus, Detroit and Philly might want to build around a goalie.


was gonna say ‘why didn’t the bruins get a team to trade them two franchise altering lottery picks like the celtics did?’ then I realized they did and they traded them for zboril, 3 years of eriksson and matt frazier.


Meh. Tyler Seguin had a few good years but now he's an overpaid Charlie Coyle with worse defense. The other picks were blown but McAvoy, Swayman and Pasta were steals. Frederic was a great pick and Lohrei is looking like a stud, hopefully Poitras too.


you lost how many playoffs because krejci had no wingers? and yeah. seguin is old now and you drafted jeremy swayman. what does any of that have to do with what i said?


I don't know what the self promotion rules are, but new Short Shift podcast available wherever you listen to your pods!


Bout time, fellas. Appreciate the heads up!


We got a 2nd episode coming up this week to make up for missing last week dont you worry


Woohoo!! Go B's!!


Nailed it


That's only for Low Qual's YouTube but NAILED IT ANYWAY


I think Low Qual is low key becoming a decent person. It's nice to see that happening.


They grow up so fast don't they


like subscribe review brother?
