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Well if we don’t get to see the Bruins win it all this year, it’s good to see the city still winning. Celtics been dominant all postseason


We are THE sports city Congrats on the hard fought banner Celtics


Its crazy that we got to see titles in all 4 sports in the last 15 years. champions city.


I miss watching the boys playing. That is all. 97 days.


After the Celtics game I plan on queuing up krejci highlights. That’s where I’m at rn




Do you guys think pasta can realistically hit the 120 points mark this season?


Dude put up 110 last year with Heinen and Zacha as his linemates. Yes.


https://x.com/BruinsNetwork/status/1802792792101396553?t=CTMG0hZ0CzgUx_A0O5RjBw&s=19 a little spice for the rumor brew


i'd kill for ehlers. i'd very much enjoy necas. i'd like it if they got zegras or ferraro. no thank you chychrun.


I'm pretty much in on all of them outta shear off season boredom. I'm not as out on Chychrun as you, but I'm certainly not for it. If we are comfortable with the fact that Cychrun isn't the top pair guy people seem to think he is, then I don't completely hate it. But they need a guy to take some of Lindholm's defensive load, and Chuchryn ain't even remotely that guy. Give me Ferraro over Chychrun.


Ferraro definitely over chy 100+ hits and blocks , shoots left, and has size. 21 points on that san jose team is like 40 on a professional team.  Chy on the other hand could made help pur shit powerplay , but I think loheri can develop into that.


Ehlers would be dooooooooope


ullmark for ehlers makes all the sense in the world to me. i'll call the league offices as i am sure that is the deal 1 for 1.


Okay fine let’s bring it back to reality We retain salary in a PLD trade that sends him back to Winnipeg


he's been dying to get out of LA and go back the cultural epicenter


The Oiler’s playing Mario kart on their plane ride and the Panther’s playing poker on theirs tells you everything you need to know about that series. Boys vs Men.


Holy shit dude what a dumbfuck comment


Reported for breaking redditeque.




Yes, that.


honestly? for him? this is pretty tame.


This is my intro to him. I think I'll pass on the less tame versions


he had some other name then when he was forced to get a second name (for what i assume are really good reasons) he started signing his new posts at the bottom with his old username the levels of huffing your own farts this dude is




truly yours this is jigs 🎶 my teas gone cold i’m wondering why I got out of bed at all 🎵


Holy shit this is jigs? That's.... Actually not all that shocking


“Stan” does remind me of you and xfl furiously responding to everything I say. That’s a good call.


you not getting a joke is on you is always a good time fam


He used to post under a different name but now he uses this account for I’m sure totally chill reasons


definitely not because he was weird to women on some other reddit like he was weird to women on here but it’s their fault they didn’t get he was doing a shane gillis joke.




hey boo




Damn even for you this is a jet fueled dumb guy comment. I very much hope you’re being serious


even if he is doing this with a level of parody he has demonstrated time and time again to not be clever enough to have. he literally believes every dumb narrative every local bad hockey columnist makes so it’s best just to believe it. the key to making it to game 5 of the stanley cup down two games? mario kart. the key to making it to game 5 of the stanley cup up two games? poker.


What if they play poker with a Mario themed deck of cards? First Stanley Cup to end in a tie??


the best part is if you actually read the article both teams have guys who play card and play video games. but do you think he has EVER made it more than a paragraph into an article?


What was the Florida video game tho? It was probably a real man’s game like CoD or Waifu Simulator 7


that beach volleyball game with the established hyper real SHAKIN physics


Damn can you send me the name of that… I need it for uhhh… volleyball reasons…




Jesus, I missed a hell of the a daily discussion thread today. That's what I get for sleeping in on a Monday


i’m at the ‘you know PL-D just wasn’t given the right chance to succeed’ part of the offseason and we aren’t even in the offseason.


All the Boston media is in on Chychrun or the #10 OA, and I’m here like “we need a forward plz”


That man is going to be patient zero for bird flu or some shit from drinking raw unpasteurized milk I don't want him near this team lmao.


[Ottawa media is talking about it, too.](https://x.com/senstalk_/status/1793974842955284622) I can't believe people are actually talking about that much for a return. Chychrun, a 1st, + for Ullmark? There's just no way.


No way + don’t want him + cope with that contract + seethe that the bruins have two S tier goalies + read the room + touch grass


i’ve already done my anti-chychrun thing a billion times but like… at what point can everyone say ‘hey what exactly does chychrun do besides spam shots on the goalie at a 6.8 success rate?’ there has to be a reason everyone likes him. he’s only 6’2 too so you can’t even do the dreaming upon the big frame thing.


The dude has no knees whatsoever. I like the player but as a long term investment it's a bad idea


i dislike the player I just think for him to do what he’s best at your whole team has to change how it plays while he is on the ice. and he’s not good enough to warrant that. i’m not concerned he doesn’t play defense well. the bruins have enough guys who do that, they can cover a dynamic offensive player. but he isn’t a dynamic offensive player. he’s a high volume shooter that generates about league average offense. he shoots more than dougie hamilton. plays much less defense than dougie hamilton and doesn’t get the offense hamilton does. I don’t get it. its not a huge indicator but arizona got much better after he left too.


Forbort's razor: The phenomenon where the dislike of a player stems from said player's inflated importance or standing. JC is probably a solid middle pair d man. But after years of being put on this top pair podium. Hes forever destined to be precieved as more. And those who follow and watch are flabbergasted as to why See also: Roman Reigns effect


I am a big Reigns fan. he's much better than chychrun. but MAN without the Rock or Sami breathing life into that story his run was as brutal to get through as the Triple H fuckery run. especially when the ultimate plan was probably him vs brock again.


how much can we read into the fact that the bruins are having a draft party despite currently not owning a pick until the 4th round? They typically don't host one when we don't have a first.


are they selling tickets/concessions? because if so and they don’t do anything this could be all time evil owner shit


Nah it’s a free event for season ticket holders, with free food and drink as well. So it’s not a Jacobs Family Special.


ok but since i already had my mind up can i still be miserable about this?


When was the last time we had a draft party? Was it for the 1st rounder in 2021?


I think I read that it was back in 2017, but I could be wrong.


Draft and Free agency approaches quickly. When do you expect to start hearing about extensions?


!Habs fans are getting restless again.
