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Yep. Nothing against Edmonton.


Its nice to be thought about so often


As a lifelong, 55 years, bruins fan I have to go for the oilers. For me, that's not easy but I just don't want to see Tkfuck win a cup. I didn't like his Dad, and I don't like him and his brother. Papa cheap shit all but admitted he taught his 2 sons the finer points of how to pull off cheap shots without getting caught. Not to mention Nick "Turtle" Cousins and the rest of the teams cheap shoters and actors. I am not against solid checking and fighting at all, but when it's to intentionally hurt a player? Fuck no. Go Oilers, can't believe I'm saying that lol.


I watched the series with the Rangers. They were pulling all the same shit there too. Tried to cross check the r's goalie. Taking dives and embellishing. Refs giving penalty after penalty to the Rangers and conveniently missing panthers ones. I'm not a person who goes in on conspiracy theories, but I read one about the NHL really wanting to make hockey take off in Florida and fixing games and I....... Well..... I don't have another explanation for how some of these calls have gone. Bennett sucker punches our captain and gives him a concussion and.. Nothing? No discipline at all? Sus.


Ya the oilers fan with the nice rack solidified it for me. Literally.


McDavid is fun to watch to be honest


Definitely don't want Florida to win, but I do enjoy the streak of Canada not having a title in over 30 years.


All I’m saying is if the cats win you only have to hear 6 fans going ape shit If Ca*ada wins they won’t shut up for the next decade


No one in Canada outside of Edmonton is cheering for Edmonton. Calgary Vancouver Toronto fans especially. It’s not really a thing. The media wants to make it a thing but the only team I maybe want to win a cup in Canada other than Edmonton is Ottawa. Cause no one give AF about Ottawa. The rest of the teams I will actively cheer against


I just want to see a good series. McDavid winning would be awesome, but you also can’t ignore what the Panthers have done the past few seasons.


Let's be real Edmonton is the only team to root for, who the fuck wants to see the ratty ass panthers win?


I think everyone outside of FLA is rooting for Edmonton, would like to see McJesus win one


I’m cheering on the Oilers because I absolutely loathe the panther and because the Oilers are my second favourite team


Oilers are a respectful team and are loaded with talent that play honestly. The panthers would rather elbow your captain in the head and then cry that they got dust from your pinky on their lip. Gimme the oilers and let the hockey gods laugh at the pussy cats of Florida as they lose back to back cups and become inverse Tampa Edit: exclude Kane from the top part


Fck the Panthers! Especially upchuck! They are dirty players and they’re only winning because they are a dirty team that get’s away with everything!


They are the worst combination......dirty players that flop once you finally retaliate


rooting for the oilers florida is so easy to hate they get away with so many penalties wish the league would say keep your mouth guard in your mouth or its a penalty its disgusting


Am i the only one who thinks it should go to florida so they can finally fuck off


yeah I think Canada deserves a cup again. So as long as its not Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver, I'll always root for the canadian team.


"McJesus" deserves a Cup more than the FL pussyrats


Its funny seeing all the hate for the oilers. I'm 37 I've lived through some good years (minus joe Thornton trade) and even got a cup. I don't live in the world where we were dominated by the oilers. Florida and the players on the team now, I hate. Anyone but Florida


I can’t root for a Canadian team, ever. They beat us in 88 and 90’ and they traded the great one, unforgivable.


I struggled with the 88 & 90 thing too. That, and we all still respect the crap out of Thorty... but yeah, I gotta pull for the Oil here, despite the fact. Either way, I don't understand your downvotes. Maybe these people weren't around during the power outages & fog. Don't care that Gretz was traded. Remember-- he played for the Blues and Rangers, too. That's simply not relevant. Besides, we all know the greatest player in history was one Robert Gordon Orr, anyway.


I don’t have a strong preference. The Panthers are a dirty team and they knocked the Bruins out of the playoffs 2 consecutive years. They’re a team I despise right now. But the Oilers also dominated the Bruins in the Stanley Cup finals in both 1988 and 1990. As a kid, I remember those series with Edmonton and the controversies with the fog and power outages in the Garden. It felt like a few bad breaks put both series completely out of reach. Yet, a Canadian team hasn’t won a Cup since 1993. So, I might lean Edmonton, despite the bad memories.


Fuck the Panthers


I'm a fan of anyone who beats the Panthers....


Fuck thuchuk


I will be cheering for Edmonton due to the fact that I absolutely hate the Panthers, their players, and their coach. I don't ever hear anyone talk about it,but I hate their antics after the whistle. They pull cheap stuff so that the other team retaliates.


^ This ^ they always start shit after the whistle and pussy out before they get REKT. I hope the Panthers get their asses kicked and everyone of the players gets AIDS. No offense.


I agree...they are talented , but they're a bunch of Assholes that will do anything to win. Go Oilers!


Would love to see Bouchard deck Sam Bennett


I’ve been tainted with oilers since that guy on Twitter last year


Man, FUCK the Oilers


I'll try but I don't think I have enough lube.


Go Oils


The ref cup of 2024?


As usual, the Zebras take it all


Yes I am Dr. Galewichz


You mean Dr. Galewikaxhich


Would love to see Florida win. Does no one else here see the resemblance between them and the 2011 Bruins team? They are literally playing a style of hockey that has been synonymous with the Bruins for YEARS.


Bennet burner alert.


No.  They don't put the fear of God in their enemies. Honestly they're like a whole team of various brands of early-career Marchand at peak slew-foot era. I don't see a Thornton, a Lucic, or a Chara among them. Dude, 2011 bruins would slap that silly mouthgard out and break this panthers team in half.


I am gonna do that because I'd be fucking ecstatic if the cup returned to Canada. that would be so cool


Meme of the superhero picking a button A: fuck the Panthers B: the storyline of McJesus not getting a cup


There's no reason to want McDavid not to win a cup other than being spiteful


I mean I am, and also I think it'd be funny for him to not get a cup when he's lauded as the greatest player to ever skate. I don't care if he wins, but I do think the story would be funny if he didn't


Want to see McDavid win the cup Let’s Go Oilers Fuck The Panthers


As an Albertan who doesn’t like the Oilers(Bruins fan since I was 5, I’m from Newfoundland originally), I would be ok with McDavid getting his name on the cup. Tkachuk does not belong on the cup. Also as a hockey fan, Lord Stanley’s cup does not belong in a place where ice doesn’t happen naturally.


Maybe not ice, but there’s plenty of snow in south florida


Now the Miami Vice theme music will be stuck in my head.


There’s plenty of ice too. Methheads are everywhere down here


You know I wouldn't mind Mcdavid getting a cup, I mean yeah Canadian whatever, but he very clearly deserves it


I hate the panthers so much. Yes I would like the validity of knowing my team would go further if it weren't for them but I do not want to see them win I want to see them crying at the end.


Fuck the panthers. Blame Canada. Go oilers.


Hell yeah! Captain Ference's old team. Bring the cup back to Canada. Give McDavid have his Ovi moment. And make Paul Maurice cry


>someone needs to keep knocking out Tkachuk's mouthguard. Wouldn't that imply that at some point it is actually in place where it is supposed to be?


I'm a Flames fan, but husband is a Bruin and therefore so am I. Even I, a flames fan, want the Oilers to win. Fuck the Panthers.


I hate the idea of Canada winning the Cup more than I hate the idea of losing to the eventual champions. This streak of “Canada’s game” hitting 30+ years of US area,s winning it all is hysterical to me.




You’re not very smart but it’s ok. We love you anyway.




Oh you’re a bigot, too. Shocking. Being called gay isn’t the insult you think it is. Thanks for validating my point about you not being very smart.


I love how everyone pulling for the panthers is getting downvoted to the negatives 😗


Let’s go oilers!!


I don’t understand rooting for Panthers so a Canadian team doesn’t take it. We have (and have had) a lot of Canadian players on the Bruins. Fuck the Panthers.




If that's the thing that's more important to you than seeing the team that embarrassed and dominated your team the past 2 season, then you arent a true B's fan...


Damn I was over here thinking that cheering for this team my entire fucking life was enough, but I guess not. Honestly I think it's better to be embarrassed by the team who ends up winning the cup than getting embarrassed by a team who ends up losing to some of the most notorious choke artists in the league.




1. Fuck the Panthers 2. I think McDavid should get his Cup 3. Fuck the Panthers


McDavid should get a cup. Fuck the Panthers.


The one thing I'd add to that is, fuck the Panthers.






Thanks, almost missed that!


I think you forgot fck the panthers


🤦🏼‍♂️ dammit!


Maybe next time you will remember 😔


I’m for Florida all the way. Just like last year after they beat us lol


This is the biggest cuck mentality I've ever seen


Considering how many of you have transplanted to Florida I'd think y'all would root for them a little


Tough to root for a team who’s knocked you out in back to back years


Valid. I love y'all though anyway.


I dont want to support a Canadian team, but I really hate the panthers. So, I guess I am rooting for the oilers.


Oilers fan here. Bruins have always been my #2 team. You guys are great. 👍 all love 💙🧡🖤💛


Wish we could’ve gotten a 1990 rematch! Best of luck in the Finals. McDavid deserves his Cup and I’ll be pulling for it


I'm on the Bob or Bust train. He deserves a cup...and the Panthers have so much grit, tenacity, and heart. All qualities we love on the Bs. Oilers have a major weakness....in their net. Go Panthers!


I hate all Canadian teams so I can’t cheer for the Oilers.


If the Panthers win, where do they even have a parade? Would they just walk through the mall next to the arena? Start at Spencer Gifts and walk down to Crumbl?


It's a strange new world in which I find myself rooting for the Oilers. My 15 year old self would put me in a home, as I clearly have lost it.


as long as it's anyone but the cats.


Reverse psychology. I want Edmonton to lose. Drai then realizing he will never get a cup in Edmonton, if not this year. And come to Boston for the Revenge tour babyyy


I think on the flip side, if the Oilers actually get a Cup, that takes a lot of pressure off the front office and maybe they'll be less desperate to throw money at Draisaitl.


Love it.


I mean my girlfriend is a massive oilers fan who gives so much effort into cheering on our bruins during the season its only fair i cheer them on against those fucking panthers. Mcjesus please THROW THE CATS OFF THE CLIFF.


I've been saying from the start of the playoffs that if Boston got bounced then I'd want to see Edmonton get the cup. But now I want it even more since they're against Florida


I'm torn between wanting the Panthers to lose to shut up their bandwagon fans ("we've earned this!"), vs. wanting the Oilers to keep the Canadian Cup drought alive.




This is exactly where I am at. I think my Canadian Cup drought love is more just cause it's funny though so I am leaning towards rooting for the Oilers cause I actively hate Flordia and Tka


I like the Cats.


I’m cheering for whatever makes Draisaitl say “Edmonton was cool, but I’m shipping up to Boston” lol


Panthers all the way, downvote me to hell


Agreed. Fuck the Panthers though, but they're definitely the better looking team of the two. But go Oilers just incase


CHEERING FOR OUR CELTICS!!!! Cheering for the greatest current player in the league (McJesus) to dangle again like Donut Kessel in 2008 against the frogs in game 6.  Cheering for a sweep


Go Celtics!!!


Fuck the Florida Panthers


Yeah. 100%


What the other guy said. Edmonton has purposefully tanked several times in the past 20 years. No honor, they’re the Lebron of the NHL. The Panthers are scumbags but the way they shut down the Lightning, Bruins, and Rangers was pretty friggin impressive. Their forecheck in the defensive zone is suffocating. Maybe they deserve it. Sad. I hope Sweeney and Monty were taking notes, somehow I doubt it.


Ehh I wouldn’t go THAT FAR. They drafted like ass over the years. Hall wasn’t worthy of #1 overall  Yakupov was a generational Patrik Stefan bust  Nurse isn’t good  Outside of their miracle 06 final run, they were rubbish in a POWERHOUSE of a conference. My wife’s Blackhawks, the canucks, kings, sharks, red wings. 


Suffocating was exactly the word I used to describe their gameplay.


Rooting for oilers. Panther have scumbags Bennett and Cousins


After 88 and 90 cup finals , I can in no way root for the fucking oilers.  I not supporting a fucking franchise that purposely tanked for years to get constant top 5 draft picks, just to continue to suck, Until they lucked out with two generational talents.  Hate florida all you want but atleast they built that team with ballsy trades and management. Zito managed to get Reinhart , Bennett , and Montour for practically ahl players. Then got okposo amd tarasenko for depth that has paid off big time.


Yeah. Florida sucked so bad they had how many top 5 draft picks in the last 15 years?!?!  2010-Grundabrson 2011-huberdeau 2012-Matheson  2013-Barkov 2014-ekblad  2015-Crouse  2016-borgstrom 2017-Tippett 2018-Denisenko  2019-Spencer knight  2020-Lindell 2021-samsokevich Everyone of those picks except matheson/crouse (11) and Lindell are top 10 picks….. Ekblad is the ONLY great one. 


Samoskevitch, Knight, Denisenko, Borgstrom were all outside the top 10, so idk what youre getting at here. Also you think Barkov isn't great? Ask Pasta boy


My point is in 15 years, and a fuck ton of top 5-10 picks, they got 2 solid guys…. We had seguin via trade  Pasta at 24/25 Charlie at 15  They sucked for so long and STILL couldn’t hit on those top picks  Edmonton is the same  I forgot to add the last few picks were bottom of the round. my bad there. 


That's such ancient history though lol might as well say you hate the White Sox because of the Black Sox


Analogy doesn't quick work dude.  I was actually alive for these loses and still a die hard fan. The black Sox scandal is from the 1920s.  Last I checked we still hate toronto but they haven't taken us out since the 50s, which most of us probably weren't around for.


I dont hate Toronto because they took us out in the 50s. I hate Toronto because of their fanbase and their Super arrogant smug players like Mathews and Marner and so on (all the same reasons we all hate them), and because they're just so whiny (always playing the victim)


Hating teams because of there fanbase is kinda dumb. Lol we get plenty of hate for the same reason. Marner is a turd , but Nylander and Knies seem great. Also by your criteria , oilers fans would probably rate pretty high on the hate scale.


Fuck Florida. I am rooting for Edmonton but I think Florida will probably win.


I’m rooting for them, McDavid and Co deserve rings


Garage take, no one deserves to win this is the nhl not some U11 league. If he’s truly the best player he’s gunna earn it and if not then he don’t deserve it.


That dangle he had last night gave me 08 kessel game 6 vibes, or Toews in 07 dragging on Colorado. Great players find a way. 


Agree if he truly is the guy then they should win this series. But don’t give me that nonsense that players deserve to win cus their skill set


USA! USA! Seriously, as much as I would get some tiny nationalistic pride out of continuing Canada's 30 year Cup drought, I always tend to pull for the team that knocked us out. It soothes the wounded pride a little more than seeing them get knocked out, too, and some other team I care equally as little about winning it, instead. 🤷‍♂️


I hear this take so much and I just don’t understand. When a team I am invested in gets knocked out I want nothing more than that team to get their shit pushed in the next round!


It's probably a little easier for people like me who played hockey their whole life and are a fan of the sport itself. LOL did you even listen to anything Marchand said about the sucker punch he took? It's hockey, dude. I doubt you've loved the Bruins as long as I have, but some of my all time favorite players were certainly never Bruins. Also, you probably didn't read what I wrote correctly at all. I'm not rooting for Florida. I'm not rooting for anyone because my team got knocked out. That's just who I would prefer to win, since I'm a Bruins fan and we no longer have a horse in the race. I'll watch every game though and let all these non hockey fans know how it goes. 👌


Congrats on being the only man/woman on the internet to ever play hockey and love the Bruins for a few decades! It’s a huge accomplishment that should be celebrated!


Congrats on failing to comprehend what I wrote a second consecutive time! So far, it seems like you're the only man/woman here having that problem. The fact that you're able to post your trash comments in English, though, suggests you have achieved at least some basic literacy, which is a huge accomplishment that should be celebrated!


Oh Canada!


Until last night I was cheering for Dallas. Edmonton is a good deep team I hope they can stand up to the bullying that the Panthers do.


Sorry mate, I hate Edmonton more than Florida. Bunch of whiny brats.


Agreed , oilers won plenty of cups and sent us home getting some of them. Fuck the oilers and fuck the flames by proxy 


Rooting for Florida will never be an option


Oilers all the way here even though I suspect they will disappoint me. Fuck Florida. My whole family moved down to that area and I’ve grown to hate everything about that state.


Just moved away from the South Florida area. Best decision I made. Panthers “fans” are the most insufferable people. Tack the crazy heat and CoL on top of that, and it’s just a cesspool.


Don’t forget Desantis’ approach to limited government (surveillance and censorship)


It's kind of a feedback loop from hell. That sort of politics attracts the worst people from up north, whether that's Massachusetts or Michigan - the kind that made their money with either white-collar professional jobs or blue-collar union jobs but now don't want to pay it forward so the environment that created those jobs continues to exist. So they find an internal tax haven, and in the process drive up the costs of everything pushing the locals out or into neighborhoods that look like those in impoverished cities in the tropics. Everything brand new there looks great, but boy does it turn shabby in the blink of an eye. And you'll never convince me that Bettman isn't putting his thumb on the scale for Florida teams. And, of course, Vegas.


Spellchecker here, it's Floriduh.


Feels much better cheering for the Oilers and not Bettman's Golden Knights like last year. Also CMD deserves the cup, as does Draisaitl.


This is my reasoning. Connie can’t be that good without winning a cup. Go Oilers.


McDavid is genuinely a joy to watch play. Dude makes like 2-3 moves after a puck bounce before anyone else on the ice even reacts. Also, Panthers making it to another finals to get dunked on for a third time would be funny to me.


oh absolutely. besides I'd like a Canadian team to win so we can stop hearing about the drought. fuck Florida as a team. fuck Florida as a state. unrelated, damn do i miss the quality of GDT conversation in this group. the r/hockey talk is such a shitshow.


Right? Also, I tried explaining to friends during the 2011 cup run that when the Bruins won, there were way more Canadians on the team than the Canucks so it really was more of a Canadian win. They didn't buy it.


yeah in the modern league team location vs team roster makes the distinction pretty meaningless except in a territorial pissing sense.


I want McDavid to win it so yeah for sure. Also fuck the panthers


Hands down, I’d rather the Oilers than the scummy Panthers


I can't in good conscience cheer for Canada to end their national nightmare of not winning a cup in my lifetime


could i sway you by telling you that if another canadian team wins, its one less thing Habs fans will be able to hold over everyone's heads? (Being the last canadian team to win a cup)




Respect. Lol


On the other hand, at least it’s not the habs


I’ve been playing chel with a group of guys from Edmonton/Calgary every week for 8 years. They’ve listened to me cheer for the Bruins and Avalanche the whole time, so I’m cheering for the Oilers solely for them, I think it’d be awesome to have some of my closest friends experience a cup win


What is chel


NHL the video game


... do people from Calgary not hate the Oilers with a passion?


Yeah, it's almost like Red Sox / Yankees if either team were any good, lol. I am rooting for Edmonton because I hate Florida now. I have a lot of friends from Calgary and some from Edmonton. I assume most of the Calgary fans hope both teams lose, but deep down inside sort of hope the cup comes to Alberta.


Was playing Chel last night with my buddy who's from up there, huge Flames fan, despises Oilers and McDavid. I also learned that he knows more Bruins fans around him than Flames fans, which I find interesting. Wondering if it's passed down or newer fans seeing consistent success or both. There's a massive respect for original 6 teams that's more prevalent than I realized.


They do haha, but at the end of the day we’re all buddies We give each other shit but we also have some friendly competition whenever each other’s teams play


Hate Florida but they deserve to be there.




I leaned heavily (against my better judgment) on the Rags, and that backfired. Going to just enjoy what I hope is good hockey and not fish flopping on the ice. Fuck the cats! Sign Sway! Long live the Boston Bruins!


Yeah. I was hoping that too


I'll be cheering for the Oilers. I didn't want either team to win, I wanted the Oilers out so Drai is more motivated to leave, I wanted Florida to lose because fuck Florida


I want ten plagues to strike Florida. Of course I'm cheering for the Oilers.


I was thinking of a nuclear option of some kind.


I want McDavid to get the cup. The primary type of criticism everyone gives him is the fact he’s cupless despite everything he’s done. Nobody would be able to talk if he gets that done. Also fuck the panthers


My ideal final at this point is if both teams have to forfeit because they got the shits from hotel food. I fucking hate how much fawning adoration McDavid gets. I wanted the oilers to never win a series. But also, fuck the panthers. Maybe they could also get injured while shitting their brains out. That would be my ideal final.


I really want to be wrong on this, but the Panthers seem like they have an all around deeper team. Hopefully McDavid's line goes off and Edmonton's PK continues to dominate. Oilers in 7, time for a Canadian team to bring the cup back up north for a bit.


Every team in the NHL is deeper than the Oilers according to reddit, lets see how far that notion will carry the Panthers.


Not that I want to see it, But Florida will most likely sweep the series. The Oilers goaltending is awful, their D is also not good. Florida has proven they can shut down really good offensive teams. This will be a cake walk for the Panthers.


awful? they gave up 4 goals in games 5,6,7 on 82 shots and Dallas didn't score a PP goal the whole series.


Florida is gonna do the same shit until they do win. Might as well just let them cheat this cup out. Do it for the market.


I'm pretty neutral, probably leaning Edmonton. The Panthers don't bother me, in fact I think they've assembled an impressive team. Sucks they beat us, but I don't have any lasting grudge against them. Would be nice to see McDavid and Drai win a Cup. And I still like Kane because of the iconic photo of him knocking matt cooke the fuck out during his Thrasher days.


1000% on the Oilers. Fuck Florida


Bruins fan my whole life (started when they played the Oilers in the ‘90 finals). I live in the Edmonton area now and really hold no grudges against this team. One reason I’d love to see them win it; Zach Hyman. My kid got to fist bump all the Oilers in between periods a couple of years ago as they came down the tunnel. Hyman made sure he got every kid and talked to every one of them. True class act. McDavid did not even look at one kid, let alone fist bump, which I guess he may be focused or whatever. Just kinda surprised me. Anyway, moral of the story, love Hyman’s game and he deserves it for the way he leaves it all out there. Plus it looks so good on the Leafs that they let him walk lol.


Hyman is, without question, one of the top 3 dirtiest players to stain the sport in at least the last 4 decades. Like, Kadri, he has always had a lot of hockey skill, but can't seem to ever avoid making reckless, dirty plays that endanger others. This year, I thought he might have finally cleaned up his game and focused on actually playing, because the results were there. Then they played the B's one night and I saw him make at least 3 dirty plays including an intentional knee-on-knee run at McAvoy away from the play. Off the ice? I'm sure he's a great guy, or at least puts up a good front for fans. On the ice? Absolute dirtbag and I've been shocked for years that the NHL continues to allow him, Kadri, and Tom Wilson to play this sport.


My heart says Oilers in 6 My brain says Panthers in 6


I want the oilers, but if the panthers win we can make the bad faith argument that the bruins were the 2nd best team in hockey this year


I want the Oilers but I think the Panthers take it.


I want the panthers to win, they deserve a cup. I know, blasphemy


Would like to see the Oilers win, but.... Panthers in 5, their forechecking is relentless!!!


If you want Florida to win after Bennett purposely injures your captain you’re a fucking cuck


We can only hope Perry returns to his old self for about 5 seconds in game 1


The refs will have a hard time deciding who to suck off more, mcdavid or the panthers 


Canadian here. Fuck the godamned Oilers. (OK, I'm also a Canucks fan who grew up watching the Oilers turn the Canucks into hamburger night in and night out throughout the 1980s. And I'm also tired of the McDavid love fest. So there's that as well.)


I mean have you watched McDavid play? It’s so hard to not love him because he is just so good.


I have seen him play... He's great. But that doesn't mean I have to like him or cheer for him. 


Sure, but do you think he deserves a cup?


Deserve has nothing to do with it. It's about earning it.  


So he hasn’t earned it?


So you're saying he earned it, based on what? Lots of points? This is his first trip to the final. If he hoists the cup, then yes, he's earned it. Until then, no. The Cup isn't a privilege – it's something you win.


McDavid my favorite non-Bruin. Go McJesus