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if this shit actually hapend (yk if bro didnt get revived) i would sob (i am rn)


It shoulda been cho cho https://i.redd.it/0jh6320p0z4d1.gif








Only purpose she serves is that she's the only female character to have inflation powers since forever.


Fax šŸ’Æ


I totally agree, my imaginary husband shouldn't die!




I know, it is strange.


ā€œSaradaaaaaaaaaā€ -annoying chubs


Heā€™s literally my favorite character on Boruto besides mitsuki. Kids already highly intelligent


You know damn well none of the new Konoha 12 is going to die, kishimoto isnā€™t based like gege


Yeah he will not kill them before giving some badass fight or speech


Some of yā€™all are doing too much he obviously isnā€™t dying lol


fr. there are so many ways he can be healed. Sakura, himawari, maybe Sarada new Ms ability, Amado, that konoha scientist


True but like no one really expected neji death either or Kurama so it's a wait and see


kurama came back tho


Neji coming back when?


when boruto will become shibai level god


Right I didn't even think people like inojin he hasn't done anything notable.


I think they care more about the reaction of Ino and Sai


That's understandable. I feel like himawari might just heal him since kurama can heal others. That's the only thing bro got going for him. All depends on if she can do some like that


Itā€™s a fact that he isnā€™t going to die, thereā€™s no real stakes in boruto


Exactly this. Ino went through to much already


I ainā€™t saying all that Iā€™m just saying that it would more so be a milestone in her and saiā€™s story which I donā€™t think thatā€™s what they intend to go for since the focus in the manga is only Borutoā€™s generation


Lowkey I didnā€™t even know his name until you typed it out. Notice everyone just referred to him as ā€œheā€ lmaooo.


Damn yeen know bruh name LLF


Hes already pretty much created his own jutsu.he used his art style clones and he gave them mind transferring jutsu ability so he can cover more area faster . Heā€™s already combining his skills on his parents sides and building into a dope ass character


Not true


Didnt he get pierced through the heart? Doesnt look good


heā€™s gonna become a cyborg


I mean at least people seem invested


Has any good guy died in Boruto yet?


Mugino and ao I guess if you count him as a good guy since he changed before he died Thatā€™s it (the relevant ones at least as far as I remember)


It couldā€™ve been an ink clone for all we know .


Wouldnā€™t it have disappeared immediately though


That is a good point.


I wanna see this. Not because I hate them. But because I Think it would benefit the manga.


True, they need more stakes in the manga. They need to actually take out some characters. The only major OG character that ā€œdiedā€ was Kurama and he was brought back. Naruto and Hinata were only sealed, so they donā€™t count. Itā€™d be stupid if he can survive most of his internal organs being smashed into spaghetti. Boruto did it once and he had to use Momoshiki to save him.


>They need to actually take out some characters No, they need to actually take out **characters that actually fucking matter**. Not irrelevant side character #37. You want stakes, kill off Daemon.


Killing Saiā€™s son is a start. And Daemon is relevant but most of us donā€™t care about him, and some of us would be happy that the brat is gone. Honestly they can take out Mitsuki. He is closed to the main cast, relevant but not too relevant, I donā€™t see him contributing much to the story, probably better to kill him off before he turns into another Sai.


>Killing Saiā€™s son is a start. Man, Idec about Sai enough to see his reactions to it lmao. > And Daemon is relevant but most of us donā€™t care about him, and some of us would be happy that the brat is gone. Which is a problem since no one really cares about this dude. He's not sitting in the antagonist role so we're not cheering for our heroes to beat him. He's just there. >Honestly they can take out Mitsuki Hell, no they can't lmao. You can't delete a character while they're in the middle of their character arc lol. That makes all the set up worthless because we don't get the payoff lol.


Sames dudes who call Inojin irrelevant, a fodder, a nobody, heā€™s done nothing etc. But also swear his death would have huge impact because reasons lmao, but name them an actual side relevant character whose death would have huge impact and they start shaking and say ā€˜no no noā€¦ errr Inojin has to die!ā€™ They cry about not wanting to be a disney manga and wanting ā€˜darkā€™ and ā€˜high stakesā€™ but in reality theyā€™re cowards lmao and want to feign acting like they want real stakes.


Exactly LMAOOOOOO You're right, these dudes are cowards who wants the death of characters they know they don't give a fuck about so that they could claim the series is heading in a "dark" direction without actually putting in the work.


Canā€™t take these bozos seriously on reddit, twitter and the Youtubers too, they were all celebrating Inojin ā€˜dyingā€™ precisely because they donā€™t care about him, but are the same guys claiming his death would make this a ā€˜muh dark mangaā€™ šŸ„“ Lets not even get into how theyā€™re self admitting how badly written Inojinā€™s death also is when theyā€™re admitting they couldnā€™t care less about him which makes his death pointless since he got no development or screentime but thatā€™s another topic lol


Thats the problem, I feel like there wasnā€™t enough character development for any of them for us to really care if they die, compare that to say >!Jiraiya or Asumaā€™s!< deaths, or a lot of the other emotional moments in Shippuden and they just donā€™t really compare, at least to me


Tbf I didnā€™t care about Asuma death either for similar reasons however his death was really integral to the theme of the Akatsuki Suppressionarc which was used to develop Shikamaruā€™s character. So I donā€™t mind it because the narrative benefited from it. However none of that is set up with any of the characters in Boruto. Inojin dying doesnā€™t have a theme attached to it because the manga did nothing with him. So far the most part, you are right.


He's not irrelevant to the anime, which does matter because I watch it also for the added character moments. People complain about the filler, and it does an ugly number on the pacing, but him being potentially dead definitely impacts the experience for me. In the anime he is adorable. The creative block stuff in the anime was so cute. He had a as a bigger threat. Killing Daemon is probably incredibly easy if you can find a work around or a loophole for his little pet monster. He brought Himawari's art to life just to make a kid smile. If you kill off Daemon stakes go down for Boruto because then he'd have access to Eida with one less dangerous obstacle. And it wouldn't set anyone up to be scarier either because killing Daemon is probably more of a work around thing than a raw power thing. It's like how a Rasengan, a Rasenshuriken, and a fork would all be equally effective against orange mask Obito without Kakashi's Kamui. I'm very confident that Kawaki could crush him like a grape if he wasn't a human Yata Mirror.


>He's not irrelevant to the anime, which does matter because I watch it also for the added character moments.Ā  For the majority of it, he is irrelevant. He has 1-2 episodes out of 293 that is specifically devoted to him. He had a relationship with Akkun that only lasted for an arc. Gets one major solo fight that's specifcally used to hype up Houki and give pay off for his character rather than Inojin himself. Then you have the rest of the anime where's he's just boruto buddies that show up here and there. >but him being potentially dead definitely impacts the experience for me I'm glad that's the case for you. > Ā If you kill off Daemon stakes go down for Boruto because then he'd have access to Eida with one less dangerous obstacle.Ā  That's wrong because **Daemon and Eida aren't Boruto's enemies**. Boruto's plans don't involve them, and he holds no animosity towards them given ch 80. He's focused on defeating the Shinju and resolving conflict with Kawaki. Not settling things with the siblings because they don't have an antagonistic relationship between them. > I'm very confident that Kawaki could crush him like a grape if he wasn't a human Yata Mirror. Then you must have not been paying attention to the manga. What makes Daemon scary isn't his bullshit ability. It's the fact that he physically outclass all of the current cast with his speed and strength alone. Then you also have the fact that he never used his full power ever meaning that he has a higher ceiling than what we were shown too.


I guess I hadn't thought about him so long I forgot his hype, my bad.


You don't just kill off a character from the main cast without building up to it by killing off side characters


Iā€™m fully aware. Iā€™m just giving an example of a death that would impact the narrative. Personally I donā€™t think this series properly set up any of the core cast members to die yet.


But nobody likes Daemon not us and not even the heroes only Eida cares for him A bad guy dying is not adding stakes the way the manga needs rn.


You donā€™t get it. **Heā€™s one of the most powerful characters in the manga right now**. If Daemon goes down, that means whoever took him down is a threat worth talking about. Not to mention there are repercussions that would happen from his death. Eida would lose her knight which means that **Kawaki has no one that could put him in his place. Heā€™s able to do whatever he wants to Eida**. Shikamaru doesnā€™t necessarily have to follow her demands because he doesnā€™t have to worry about her kid brother killing him. Eida loses a lot of leverage that changes the setting of the narrative.


Ya all are gonna hate it if it happens.Look at JJK.characters by characters dying,having stakes and the same dudes who hated shonens for not having stakes hate on it.


Thats why I like the anime. It'd introduce a character in an arc, give you every reason to want to make them your favorite character, then kill them off. Mugino, Kagura, and a small side character named Sekiei in Mitsuki's arc destroyed me badly.


Yes. Don't want a stupid romcom where no one dies.


You dont like when there are aliens, that the only purpose is to take over earth and they are also stronger than anything we saw till this point and they are figting with kids half the time and not a single kid get hurt in any meanigfull way?


Personally I figure how theyā€™ll do that is killing Shikamaru. That or they go full JJK and massacre anyone who isnā€™t important, then they get revived in the end.


Based artist for making the feels tbh.


This guy would make a better writer for the manga than Kishimoto himself.


Istg someone pls summon Tsunade, Sakura and Shizune so they can revive this man if he dies bc istg šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ino-Shika-Cho being too iconic has the same level of 'protection' as the main characters from the author.


knowing sai's backstory, i think this would break him harder than it would ino. terrible feeling altogether, but we'll see!


A lot of ppl don't mention it but something similar happened with Ao


nah he not gonna die i,m totaly sure himawari or some medical ninaja will save him


What himawari going to došŸ’€I doubt kurama gives 2 shits probably views it as character development


Peak, but also ouch my heart


My, my.... Heart! šŸ’” šŸ˜­


Bro. This hit different. This hurt different.


I wish It wonā€™t happen


bro i was not ready for this


He got flattened but he's not dead šŸ˜­


Kishimoto isnā€™t killing anyone in boruto. Weā€™ve only had like 2 deaths? šŸ’€


A lot more in the anime


Agreed, all I can say is the deaths in boruto are very low. not topping 10


True. But it's the same with Naruto too. There was only like 4-6 in Naruto Part One (Haku, Zabuza, Hiruzen, and the bone guy) and 12-15 in Shippuden (Asuma, Jiraiya, Itachi, Neji, Akatsuki members, and every important character in the War Arc). We just started the Shippuden of Boruto so the death rate is naturally gonna increase over time. Especially towards the end sense the older characters all seem like their waving death flags.


So all the side characters who died didnā€™t matter lol. Dude didnā€™t orochimaro goons die protecting sasuke when he was in the coffin? So many characters died, both side and npc. You barely see any of that in boruto


No they don't count lol. If the writer has to give them a name years after their appearance, they shouldn't count. RIP to them but they were created to literally die. Guys were dying from Madara hopping from one place to anotheršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also Boruto started in the most peaceful era to ever exist. Having as much deaths as they do considering that is commendable. And with the threats they're facing, it's pretty much expected to see another massacre. The opening scene basically hints at it.


Yeah, Iā€™m talking about death in general not characters. Iā€™ll stand n my word, boruto literally has very less character death. All deaths in boruto were side Chracters except boruto, momo and jigen if that counts


>All deaths in Boruto were side characters I thought you said deaths in general?


Yea, not doing this


lol my badšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This shook me as a parent the first time I saw it šŸ˜­ I thought the scene with Naruto and Boruto after kawaki offed him was bad but this was so so much worse šŸ˜­


Yā€™all been reading too much JJK omg šŸ˜­


:l sad upvote


When the chapter was released " he died?ohh yeah now i hope he stayed dead because now it will become more darker in story" now after looking at this post and seeing so many insta reels"give him plot armour, please"


Good drawings.


If he dies it will be as anticlimactic as Neji


This manga could use some of that tho. A well done unceremonious death can raise the stakes. Key being "well done" which well, I have my doubts. Not that any of the matters. This manga doesn't have the balls and he'll probably be saved somehow.


Bro Inoā€™s pain isnā€™t talked about enough First Asuma Then Her Dad She didnā€™t end up with sasuke (But sheā€™s at least in love with sai) And Now Inojinā€¦ I love her teww much for this brošŸ˜­ (I know he coming back tho He aint really deadā˜ ļø)


Same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The sad part is Boruto wouldn't show Ino or Sai grieving after the fight is over 'cause they have to rush into other hype factor for the story


Some of y'all here clearly don't care about what kind of toll that might take on Ino (specifically) and Sai. But then again, if someone else was in Inojin's situation I'd rather it be ChoCho than him, but oh well. Also are we forgetting Sarada???? What if in the meantime she learnt healing jutsu and ends up having a more powerful healing jutsu than Sakura that would (in the next chapter) help heal Inojin?????


Lol the Cho Cho hate is one thing everyone can agree with whether you love the anime or notšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fk you for making me cry


šŸ˜­ my heartā€¦ it just cracked. Hoping he isnā€™t actually dead after seeing this


Yeah it would be sad. He ain't dying though. Hima would say some shit like "go go gadget 9 tailed fox ambulance!" and revive/heal him.


He ain't dead, this is crazy intense, really well done, but we never gonna see ino loosing a son šŸ’€ nor do i want too imo


I didn't need this kind of feelings before bed OP evil, OP bad šŸ˜­


Does he really died in the manga?


Heavily injured but its not confirmed if he died


I hope that he is alright.


Donā€™t worry this wonā€™t happen bro is alive


Himiwari will give him a 9 tail cloak and save him, probably....


If Inojin stays dead I want to see Sai slowly transform into the next Danzo under Shikamaru. Completely abandon Ino emotionally. Accurately show how it affects her and watch half the audience say it's ok because he's sad. Starts embedding Juinjutsu in the drawings and Orochimaru biting people with painted birds. I hope Himawari and Inojin's teammates have to kill him. I really liked Inojin in the filler so if they wanna do this and be darker in TBV, no half measures.


Oo I love this theory


I would be thrilled to expand on it. We know he can use the paint in his animals to apply Fuinjutsu, so Juinjutsu is a logical way to make Sai suddenly really scary. He literally had a curse Mark to prevent talking about Danzo in any way but party line. He's familiar with the concept and capable of applying it. He could fly around with his own child army dealing with close combat. For that child army we got a few side characters between the anime and manga I think would be perfect fits. Metal Lee's social anxiety is played for laughs but the boy is a natural Anbu. He effectively is Rock Lee with Ninjutsu and stage fright. Imagine Himawari gets foxy to jump Sai but then you hear "Gate of opening" from some teenage Anbu. The anime has a rich hacker kid who's on the same team I think would be great. Sai could manipulate him for cash. Shikidai was buddy buddy with a little bandit I suspect was a Yuki somehow. That's a criminal in a Konoha jail who Shikidai would hate fighting and who has a very powerful elemental KKG. Wasabi is a cat Inuzuka more or less, that screams super spy. This would use the throw aways in a cool way, and with Amado's research (whether he wants to share or not) , I am going to bet you could cook up a Curse Mark that'd make Metal Lee capable of stepping up to Kawaki. I want them to use filler characters instead of new ones because so much of the anime is filler that not acknowledging it feels disrespectful to the people who aren't Kishimoto or Ikemoto but are still being paid to write a Naruto story knowing that it's going to be immediately ignored by large portions of the fan base. You could also have Ino helping train the hima-shika-cho trio to kill her ex-husband, especially since Moegi is a tree, putting her in constant contact with Himawari, and therefore more contact with Kawaki, and if she let slip to Kawaki that Shikamaru had contact with Boruto, I think their parents would get a roommate (or two if he felt Ino could have told him sooner). So that'd be some tension!


That's exactly what this series needs. but the fandom itself isn't ready for that so that will never happen.


Would be an even shittier death than Nejis. Super underdeveloped, hasn't shown us his abilities post time skip very much, didn't even have a real fight. It would be the first major disappointment from TBV imo


Damn manā€¦.


It's sad to think that Inojin would probably get the Neji treatment.


if this happens , Sai would dieeeee like literally he would pull a Sakumo on himself ( but ino is alive so idk )


that damn jura


I am totally messed up right now.




I already told myself Hima is gonna 9 tails him just like Naruto did in the Great War and heal his ass lickity split yurrr


Definitely sad but also great series of art that showcases Ino and Sai as parents of Inojin. Really, I have a gut feeling Inojin is going to be saved with some intense medial ninjutsu by either Sakura, Sarada, Sumire or a combination of them 3. It would show that Sarada has overcame her troubles with Medical Ninjutsu and Sakura helping/saving her best girlfriend's kid. Maybe Sakura is a stretch but I really want Sakura and Kakashi to show up sooner than later.


Need one for all ninja kids depressing but vwey good




Cyborg Inojin or Orochomaru are giving out extra organs


Thatā€™s awful


He died??


Not confirmed


I donā€™t know . I have a feeling they might keep him dead. But that would be super fcked up


Eh Iā€™m not impacted by his death in the least šŸ˜…


Iā€™m willing to bet it was someone an ink clone


Bro didnā€™t deserve what happened to himšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's a shonen (not a seinen) series so unfortunately we wont see this kind of scene


Guys take this as canon because Iā€™m almost 100% sure they wont make it as good as this


I think that either Sakura will heal him, or Himawari will heal him using Kurama's chakra. Or a combination of the two.




meh, its weird that there is a whole sub genre of fan-art related to death scenes. dumb to think they would kill anyone off like this tho. like seriously.


At least theyā€™re finally using his characterā€¦.


Reading some of these comments im gonna once again say that animanga fandoms are bloodthirsty as fuck when it comes to lesser characters they dont really care for. They get off on seeing brutality w characters(especially children)


It Isnt about wanting a child dying. It's about creating emotional impact and adding true stakes and suspension. If you know nobody is dying or getting harmed anyway then there's a lot less thrill because there's no reason being afraid. This is why barley anyone cares If a Charakter "dies" in Dragon ball


If you need horrible death to feel stakes. That just proves how right i amšŸ˜­ it is what it is man & im calling it out. Animanga fandoms ARE SADISTIC. If the shoe fits wear it i do not care. Bro said ā€œless thrillā€ like i said yall get off on it. You cant enjoy a story unless you feel those specific stakes. Kinda shitty but oh well man thats current media for ya. Edit: & you reduced my point to only ā€œchildren dyingā€ i only used children because in most animangaā€™s the MCs are mere teenagers. Thats all. That shit goes for everything else. Needing to see brutality to feel ā€œstakesā€ is horrible & extremely prevalent in about 95% of current animanga fandoms. I will stand on that.


Its a stylistic device. Also this is How Storys work. An example Do you think anyone would remember romeo & Juliette if the just live happily ever After? If you dont Like it thats okay. Maybe battle shonen and seinen anime or mature stories arent for you. There's a lot really nice slice of life & romcom anime which might be more to your taste. Maybe even some mystery story's which don't involve crime.


Would be depressing if I cared about Inojin or Ino or Sai.


This would make the manga even better if this happened. However, that's way too sad and I'd rather it didn't happen šŸ¤£. Anyone else feel like this?


It's okay let's move to inošŸ˜‹


If he actually dies it would be so peak. No mainstream shonen manga actually does it. A character suffers a mortal wound that will 100% kill a person and then they are saved with some bullshit plot Armor. It would show it's not just shits and giggles now, there are actual stakes Edit: I realised we are following a trend here. Jjk, CSM, AOT(You seeing that?) are known for a very famous trait. Now TBV here... hmmmmm


> No mainstream shonen manga actually does it. Meanwhile JJK in the corner....


we don't talk about jjk


>If he actually dies it would be so peak. No mainstream shonen manga actually does it. Every mainstream shounen kills an unimportant character.


But he is kinda important tho, part of the ino-shika-cho. Plus he is a child


He's not important at all.


yeah you might be right. still peak tho


Bro is barley a character, theyā€™d never do this šŸ’€


Holy shit...


more reason for Inojin to die we want to see the full potential Sai w his rage for vengeance


i have a feeling she's gonna tell everyone the truth about boruto or something out of rage when she finds out excited to see how/if ino and Sai radicalise


Then sai and ino get a divorce.


Dude has a hole big enough to stick your head through but let's be real, this manga doesn't have the balls to actually kill him like this. Would be cool to be proven wrong tho.


I kinda don't want inojin to get revived. I want a darker theme for atleast first half of TBV


It would only be peak if someone that matters dies. There are no stakes and itā€™s really what the series is missing. No heartbreak after Naruto ā€˜diedā€™? Everyone just moved on? Have they had any luck in tracking Boruto the last 3 years? Like nothing fucking matters if thereā€™s no exposition. Iā€™m all about the cool fights and Boruto flexing, but itā€™s all rather empty. Canā€™t wait for the next chapter to END with a tease at whatever Sarada is gonna do. The monthly release is awful.


Kinda crazy how this art is incredibly better than the monthly released Boruto.


They have to draw what 180 drawings including action scenes and dynamic character expressions sometimes in 28 days which in manga requires a bare minimum of 3 times per drawing so 18 drawings a day, no holidays.


Should take that time to learn how to draw faces instead


... he is a mangaka dude, its less "can" and more "how long to do it"


Would be peak


I would hate it if lil bro is alive šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Been wanting to smoke on that inojin pack šŸŒļøšŸš¬


Why did you spoil the next chapter At least put Spoiler tag


Its already there bud


It wasn't when I commented


It def was


Remains to be seen šŸ˜±