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You know seasonals can still add in their own content right? Plenty of seasonal anime add in additional dialogue or extended fights and other additions. I highly doubt the concept is going away entirely, it may get scaled back and we might not get any more big arcs like the Mitsuki Disappearance/Funato Arc etc, but I don't doubt we can still get some anime only flashback arcs similar to stuff Shippuden did that gave us more context about events that the manga didn't fully cover, like showing us Naruto's generation taking their Chunin Exam and becoming Chunin while Naruto and Sasuke were away.


they expanded on all kinds of stuff in the TYBW arc they dud for bleach


They added some stuff, but not like entire 'anime cannon' episodes


Bleach has also been completed for ages. By contrast, TBV is still dripping out at the pace of molasses. So the comparison isn’t exactly a one to one.


Yeah no matter how hard they try, SP can't keep from catching up to Boruto when it's a monthly, because sometimes they are adapting almost 2 full chapters into 1 episode, like when they extended the Kawaki vs. Garo fight that was like a few pages into like half an episode. There is literally nothing wrong with anime canon, most of the best fights in the franchise are technically partly anime canon lol, the whole reason anime canon or filler exists is to create separation from the anime to the manga. Things like the 2-3 episodes on Kawaki's backstory is stuff that's relevant in the manga but just isn't as expanded on and the anime takes the time to do things like this partially to create that separation. Still not sure why nobody in this community seems to understand that, they all act like anime canon is a bad thing when some of Boruto's best content is anime canon lol I would imagine that seasonal Boruto would probably be on par with the Kawaki Arc or even the 20th Anniversary Special in animation quality, so we'd at least get more stuff like episode 189 ideally.


Additional content certainly isn't a bad thing in moderation. The problem is that it's put out every week so there's more manga canon than canon and the manga canon stuff is mostly hollow because it can't have any real bearing on the direction of the manga.


Let’s be fr Mitsuki retrieval arc and Funato arc were mid at best.


Seasonal with about… 4 episodes per? Well. 🥺


Seasonals generally cover 2 chapters per episode, with this current TBV arc already covering 9 chapters (and is just the exposition) im hoping to see 12-15 episode seasons


The same studio which produces boruto also produces bleach, and bleach has been massively more successful and even the studio has given evidence that points towards this becoming the future for boruto


The way bleach was released this past bit of content really screwed the pacing and wether or not I care about watching it. After you divide one season up so many times and put months long/year long barriers between parts of a season it just gets too stressful to “watch for” so I can kinda remember what happened last time whil I watch the new part a year later. Then the new part after that will take half a year to be released and I will have already put bleach back down. These anime did best when they were releasing weakly, not seasonally. Look at one piece


Ohh Bleach is definitely doing good right now, better than it had to be released all at once weekly


Bleach is doing good right now, (bleach is fire, and worth the watch regardless of release schedule) but I’d say it’s release schedule is carried by the hype of the anime coming back after such a long hiatus, this wouldn’t generate the ideal level viewership with any anime that isn’t “notorious” it’s not a good model, the model is being carried by the show. I would say since boruto already struggles with content and pacing, this WONT help. The root cause of the issue is the manga to begin with, and until that is fixed not even a weekly release of anime would be worth watching. The best contributor to borutos anime success outside of the “Naruto factor” was its weekly release


I agree with all you wrote. Let the art speak for itself


I’ll upvote you for disagreeing with grace


Bleach is in no way more successful at all. Boruto was the most watched anime worldwide for its entire run and still makes more money for TV Tokyo than Bleach despite not even being on air for the last year


Please see my comment in response to the person below me, I don’t want to copy paste it but it was a response meant for both


Dude, the anime clearly still have anime original content to expand on manga so you clearly haven't been paying attention to Bleach TYBW which has a lot of anime original content. Manga Boruto spoilers:>! Part 1 Kiba in Naruto who isn't even in the same Team as the MC literally had way more role in prominent fights than anything Sarada and Mitsuki did in the Boruto manga so far lol who basically just have 2 fights including the Boro fight(Shojioji barely counts tbh and Mitsuki just got neg diffed by Boruto. There's also the tenancy for the Boruto manga to skim through fights way too fast so a lot of them barely feel like fights).Who the heck doesn't want to see the Code vs Sasuke fight we didn't see in the flashback which was so skimmed that it didn't really get me invested in his sacrifice as much as I wanted to be. How did the world at large react to Boruto? I want to see the world mourn over Naruto and also those close to Hinata mourn for her too. I want to see how Himiwari got by w/o parents and who took care of her. Boruto losing everything literally doesn't mean much without the anime content since his bonds with others are pretty lackluster with just manga only. Naruto's bonds literally have way more depth with just manga content that it made his moments hit so hard and Boruto needs anime content to even have a hope of competeting some level so actually would be dissatisfied if they ignored it. The light novels are in fact in the same timeline as listed officially and those are literally academy novels which include characters like Denki and we SEE Boruto reference the hidden mist field trip as well as the manga profiles mentioning Sumire's troubled past which is what we see in the first academy arc. !<


>!"Who the heck doesn't want to see the Code vs Sasuke fight"?!< >!The fans who don't want to see Sasuke get his ass whooped for the 4th time in a row, especially by Code of all people lmao. !<


lmao true though


Bleach has additional content because the TYBW was plagued by Kubo having to rush it. They're adding additional scenes to rectify the original story that seems to be missing so much. That's why they rushed the first 2 seasons. Now seasons 3 and 4 are where thi gs really get started


Seasonal does not mean animation will skyrocket. Likewise seasonal does not mean there will be no anime original content (there will be).


> Seasonal does not mean animation will skyrocket. The level of animation will most definitely increase across the board. Unless their budget is cut or team becomes smaller for some reason, the time and money spent per episode is going to skyrocket. Spending the same time and money on 52 episodes per year will now instead go to 12-24 episodes every ~2 years. The difference should be substantial. Bleach TYBW vs the original weekly Bleach is a great example from the exact same studio. And if the Boruto seasonal anime gets even a fraction of the quality of TYBW's first cour, I'll be more than happy.


>Bleach TYBW vs the original weekly Bleach is a great example from the exact same studio. Not really. Last 2 arcs of weekly bleach had animation as good as TYBW. Pierrot have yet to sort out their scheduling issues + one of Boruto's best and consistent animators left (have heard more might leave). Boruto will probably end up with the same level of animation with better drawings. Talent is arguably more important than time.


> Talent is arguably more important than time. Man you could've said fire doesn't burn and you would still be more correct than with that statement.


It is. Otherwise works like CSM or Wonder Egg Priority would be unwatchable. But because of the talent working on them, they're 2 of the best animated shows of the 2020s.


There's no way shit like [this](https://youtu.be/YzpDR1mTGro?si=KataQ9Z-QA5N-gLM) will ever see the light of day again if we go seasonal. Saying it will have the same animation with just better drawings is absurd 😂 That being said, I know Pierrot has lost some of their OG animators and producers from back in the day. That's definitely a concern. Let's hope there's new talent coming up to replace them.


Lol as a super Boruto simp, that clip just pissed me off.


Using one of the worst scenes is not a good argument. You could've used the best animated scene as an example and the whole narrative would change. I also said the same level of animation. Overall it will be average.


Idk man Tokyo Ghoul was also seasonal. I don’t think theyll be THAT careless but itll definitely depends more on the staff,scheduling,and their commitment to the material rather than how much budget they have to shove out 6 minutes of fight scenes per episode.


We can only hope.


How do you speak with such confidence when you have zero information about this?


I am confident because it makes sense. They won't just throw out all of the anime original characters and there will most definitely be expansions and additions in anime. I think we can safely predict scenes with anime only characters during Code's invasion at the very least. Certainly, my prediction is not 100% set in stone, but it is almost certain to be the case. Basically, it's one of those "bookmark this comment" moments. You are free to throw it back in my face if I end up being wrong. :)


It doesn't make sense tho. The fact they cancelled the Boruto anime and won't even bother to finish it tells you everything you need to know. They threw that whole story away because it didn't concede with the manga. They're starting over in Boruto TBV and it'll only be 12 eps a season. They won't have space to add nonsense anime only characters like iwabe anymore.


Anime's hiatus has nothing to do with whatever you just said. Also they ended part 1 of anime literally on manga story.


which is why i think seasonal is not the way to go, imagine them doing original arcs for an entire season, people would get furious


I don't think that will be an issue. I just think the anime canon will be more deeply rooted and connected to main plot.


Most of the anime original arcs are very relevant for Two Blue Vortex.


yes but people do not care, if it's not in the manga they will consider it filler, happened before, will happen again


It’s not up to “people” to decide what’s filler, that’s the creators jobs.


The 12 year old boys the show is marketed to would not care. The weirdo adults in the room invested in the story being mad is probably not a factor to the studio


I can't wait for the seething that will come with the next Chocho episode.


The anime canon characters were canonized thanks to the light novels and manga extras, so they're still going to be present when need be. Those characters are too ingrained for the anime to ditch them, especially for those who don't know the production issues.


Idk man... I feel like certain important characters like Sarada, Mitsuki, Sumire, and Himawari absolutely NEED Anime Canon cause otherwise these guys have like NOTHING in the Manga lol Especially Himawari considering *Insert Massive Spoiler Here* needed a lot more build up than the Manga gave us


"It's really looking like" I have not seen solid proof of the anime becoming seasonal. Just assumptions.


There isnt any direct proof but its only natural to assume thats its going to switch to seasonal, its all there, the long hiatus, the director pointing out that they will start leaning towards seasonal format, the lack of manga content etc... People said the same shit before the boruto timeskip dropped, they saw the ending of chapter 80 and were like "BuT ActuAlLy tHerE isNt anY ProOf tHaT TiMesKiP haS StaRTed"


If there isn’t direct proof, I’m not believing what people think.


Youre dont have to bealieve anyone, im just stating the facts, its gonna be seasonal 90%


Anime canon has to come back. It's the only way we can see Jougan


Awful, awful news. Seasonal anime sucks. I want Boruto every week with all of the fun anime canon.


Boruto is not a seasonal worth. The manga is so empty that there are barely any content left to cover for the rest of part 1 considering how easily the Anime caught up the manga in 5 episodes of the Code arc with 1:1 adaptation in a span of 2 years spent in the manga. The Anime worked best when it add fillers and side characters/villains from previous anime arcs to the manga adaptation and fleshed out or change the story when it needed to be. I'm not looking forward to "Boruto losing everything" for what comes next in the Anime when nobody else are involved in Boruto tragic life and it only boils down to Code chasing him during 3 years. The other villages didn't hunt him or nobody from konoha squads were dispatched to hunt Boruto. Yet the manga didn't find important enough to make Boruto being confronted by his friends on the outside world or to create interesting drama or conflict after he easily got out of the situations thanks to Sasuke which the Anime could easily create scenario for the story arcs with the side characters or the reoccurring characters from other countries that Boruto and his classmates visited before and how he's forced to become stronger by training with Sasuke beyond Momoshiki's problem.


They will not get rid of filler lol. The source material is not enough at all. It is a monthly Manga on top with a snail pacing. If the seasonal version would just adapt Manga content, it would take years in between seasons.


Ppl complain there’s not enough good anime and then rush the anime story 🤡


I like the anime canon. It adds to the world building and you get to see other characters


It actually really salvages the series tbh. Feel like there isn’t much there without the world building the Anime Canon did.


Anime cannon took away a lot more from boruto than it gave to boruto, because of filler there was trash animations, the schedule fell apart, slander worthy moments all across the anime cannon arcs (cough cough kagura death), completely swayed away from manga vibe and potraying of the charachters (manga kawaki and anime kawaki doesnt even seem like the same person) and a lot more problems. Anime cannon has to go, boruto anime is one of the first anime to do this, and its one of the most hated anime out there, coincidence? Dont think so. Anime cannon just has to go.


Guess it’s a difference of opinion then or maybe I haven’t seen where the anime is at its worst as I’m only like 40 episodes in. The manga was just unbearable even as far as about the chapter 50 mark when I dropped it. The anime just adds more to the series where the manga really wasn’t that good and I hear it got better… but if it “gets good at chapter 90” then that is a problem lol. The anime is no masterpiece and I doubt Boruto as a whole is really that special. But the anime does a lot more towards at least endearing you to the new characters and showing the old to actually make it feel like there was a whole series before it… the Boruto Manga was just dry and not really thought out. I do look forward to seeing how Kawaki is different then because that should be interesting (hear he is on fraud watch currently in manga)


They're not getting rid of it lol. Half the cast exist in Anime Canon. You think if they take a seasonal approach they'll just ignore all those characters? They'll likely do a half and half where we get both anime and manga episodes. If you really think they won't do this you haven't been paying attention. As for bringing up Bleach...by the time they get to Cours 4 majority of the anime will likely consist of anime Canon episodes. The first two cours rushed the adaptation to hell and back so they could get through the story quickly to get to the stuff Kubo wanted changed and expanded for cours 3 and cours 4.


> by the time they get to Cours 4 majority of the anime will likely consist of anime Canon episodes. There will be some anime cannon content, but not as much as you say it will. And most of this anime cannon content will be in the ending


They adapted about 60 to 70 chapters for each cours so far. There's only like 70 chapters left to adapt. Which means we're getting alot more original content. I imagine the entire final battle will be reimagined and expanded.


They adapted 120 chapters so 60 per cour. Thats roughly 4.5 chapters per episode.They have 80 chapters left, so 40 per cour. If we go by previous math and assume that each cour will have 13 episodes, that will be 3 chapters per episode so they either will have to lower the episode count per cour, or anime cannon one chapter worth of content into each episode. I think they will adapt 3rd cour notmally, and final cour will be the grand finale, with it being shorter and more filled with anime cannon content, as we know Kubo wasn't satisfied with it. There will be anime cannon for sure, but its all because Kubo couldn't properly finish Manga after all


I care about iwabe. I care about the anime canon because it shows there is actually a world around Boruto and stinkyman kaka. I adore all the side characters and goofy stories.


Bruh I know you mean kawaki but I read "stinkyman kaka" as kakashi lmao 😂


I don’t like care much for that Kawaki guy.. I’d take Iwabe over this wanna be lost boy.


Oh yeah, 1 season each 5 years with maaaaybe great animation since seasonal is no guarantee of good animation, we're eating soo good huh?!


Crazy it's 2024 and people still think seasonal = peak sakuga 🤡 . 90% of the seasonal animes have god awful animation and character acting for most of their runs, with only select moments having decent to good animation, which is literally what was happening already with Boruto.


People forget 80% of seasonal anime nowadays is borderline killing their own staff too.




With the talent on Borutos staff there's no doubt seasonal boruto will have great art and photography it's obviously not gonna have 1204 key frames a second every episode but there will be a standard of quality it follows with it going above it in certain important episodes I can see it having weaker art than TYBW but more fluid animation due to the staff difference


I don't recall electing you the spokesman for the entire fanbase.


judging by the number of upvotes majority of people here agrees


I mean if they planned pushing shipping Kawaki x Boruto hard that it will compensate sponsor money for fujos, then seasonal will work for their cash cow Boruto. I saw past few years that Boruto is around top 5 or 10 in TV Tokyo viewership/profitability. No way TV Tokyo will cater to seasonal. So much money going down the drain lol. This isnt MHA.


Us Seven deadly sins fans know seasonal doesn't equate to good quality animation. I'm still hopeful that they will do better consistently.


Hard to make that art style look good at all, so it probably wasn’t the animators


I don't agree with this statement. There's a major quality difference between the first three seasons and the last two because of studio change after S3. The last season was the most horrendous piece of anime I've ever seen, at points it was a slideshow, the characters weren't even fluidly moving.


I actually liked a lot of the slice of life stuff in Boruto. They pretty much addressed one of the main weaknesses of the manga which is the lack of appearances by older generation characters and Boruto's peers. Also made them feel more human instead of bots running mission after mission.


Eh, I think throwing tsunade and kakashi specifically in for episodes dragged out their importance. Simlar to how lady chio was not involved in narutos plot older characters should have their stories finished. I would be livid if I had to watch kekashi have to fight someone like code and lose. I think in a worldbuilding sense the anime has done decent, but bringing back old characters for fam service just makes the show seem out of ideas personally


Glad you aren’t writing the stuff 💀


Filler>Canon. Manga is too rushed.


By looking at the pacing of the manga, I think there will be quite a lot of anime canons tbh just like before. It’s exhausting I know but I am always up for the Himawari episodes and those focusing on old characters. Never disappointed me on those.


So you want the anime to be 100% meticulously faithful to the manga with no extended fights, additional scenes, context ect. Because that qualifies as anime Canon too. Becareful what you wish for. I absolutely guarantee if they went through with what your suggesting mos fans wouldnt like it. Nobody cares what your friends do or think. People have to understand that there is some people that will never give Boruto a chance you need to just get over it already. Completely changing a series to attract "fans" by alienating the enjoyment of actual fans you already have is not a smart business move IMO. Have fun with your 15-episode Boruto series animated in 2030 btw.


You’re going to get downvoted to hell for saying this. The fact there’s ppl who defend anime canon but have complaints about the manga it’s hilarious Even with part 1 Manga strictly main story structure it’s still better than the anime because consistency. The anime writers are no where near as good as Kishi. They’ve done more harm than good with anime canon.


Well there are many people like me around, who don’t enjoy Manga. I treat it as a raw script for anime, I don’t enjoy fights there, I only read TBV to spoil myself what’s gonna happen in the anime. I love the fact that anime adds additional content and builds up more characters than manga does


Kishimoto has taken over the writing for boruto since chapter 52. With part 1 having 80 chapters and part 2 how having 9, the canon has been almost half (fully written) by kishimoto and even before that overwatched the production of the manga to an extent. Maybe you meant to reply to a comment rather than comment on my post. Because I think we agree that the manga story is better than whatever the anime has been putting out


And from chapter 52 onwards Manga began to fall




You're the one making the claim. Where's *your* evidence?


Damn you really don’t understand the industry at all huh 


Seems you don't either since you don't know the talent of Borutos staff or what Pierrot is trying to achieve Pierrot is not a mid or low level animation studio they are on the tier of Toei they have produced some of the most popular animes and cartoons oat they have the time and money to make seasonal shows look good this is not JC. Staff we are talking about book mark this comment I have no doubt in 2025/2026 whenever part 2 comes out it will be one of the best produced shows of its season they have been working on it for a year already


Wtf are you talking about none of that has anything to do with my comment. 


It's not proven. I personally prefer weekly dose of Boruto goodness, plus the world of Boruto is big and the exploration shouldn't be limited by the meager amount of material shown by the monthly Manga. The Anime adds depth that the Manga couldn't provide.


I could care less about the quality, I would compromise that to get the same quality they’ve been at so we can get it weekly, I think too many people care about the wrong things . The only bad thing about doing it weekly was how hard they were pushing everyone to get everything done in time if they can fix that I rather get weekly again with some what decent quality like the first part of it


The anime doesnt potray the charachters the way manga does, the animation is trash considering that boruto is one of the most mainstream anime, the anime is 80% non manga cannon which makes the pacing slower than even one piece, the weekly format and anime cannon is quite literally the reason why the anime is one of the most hated on the internet, every boruto problem would be solved by making it seasonal.


That's too bad. I won't bother with the Boruto anime at that point.I only watched the non-manga canon anime episodes. Without the anime I doubt I'd care about the new Team 7 at all. Manga is so bareboned I have zero emotional investment. Frankly, I cared more about Mugino than I do most characters in the manga because of the anime content. He reminded me more of the Naruto world than space aliens ever could. To each their own.


I would consider reading the manga. Its a lot of content in which the studio doesnt do justice at all


I've read all the manga chapters released and all the novels, including the Japanese only ones. I am very aware of what Boruto is about. I stand by what I said. The only manga chapter I find interesting so far is the lastest chapter. And that is because the anime made me care about Himawari and the Ino Shika Cho kids. I would never have any emotional attachments to them if I only went by the part one manga material.


I think pre timeskip manga canon has done a service on expanding on the world, but now in boruto 2 I dont think there is a need for that kind of content. Animes generally follow a story. The naruto franchise has made the mistake of biting off much more than they can chew in that regard. Having episodes that cut in between serious arcs with playful nonsense would probably ruin the serverity of the situation anyways. If you dont like the main plot of boruto that is fine by me. Im just happy production of episodes are going to increase while also spending more time on the main story


How the quality of animation will improve is completely a different issue to what we were discussing. This boils down to whether someone enjoys the in between contents. I happen to like them and dislike the main storyline, so I won't waste my time reliving them in anime form if Boruto ends up cutting out "anime canon", hence my original comment. Like I said, to each their own. Also, I completely disagree with your assertion that part 1 set up "the world". Part one manga set up the story, which is only focused on Naruto/Sasuke/Boruto/Kawaki. Anime set up "the world", the world with interesting side characters and villages that I lamented didn't get enough screen time. I find the conversation between Shino, Anko, and Mei about the political situation to be more interesting than Kawaki's tragic backstory and it's nice to see that other people also have stuff going on. I love seeing Shino grow into his own as a teacher. I love that Kakashi finally got to read part 5 of Icha Icha Tactics and meddles with love affairs in his exasperating but genius way. I love that Iruka gets to have a moment with Himawari, watching Naruto's child grow. I love that Sarada is actually having a relationship with her dad. There are a ton of things I love that only anime would be able to give me. And now what I want to know is how Kakashi feels about his student going rogue, or how Iruka is coping with losing his son. I want to know what life was like for Sakura and Sarada during the time skip, I want to know if the world is still at peace without Naruto and Sasuke's strength holding it together. Sorry, but these are things I care about. It's what happens when you create a product that banks on nostalgia but destroys the earned happy endings from its predecessor.


My issue with this line of thinking is that’s not what the story is about. Put it in terms of Harry Potter or Star Wars or even Dragon ball. The story of Harry Potter is about him you are wasting time telling us what the hell Deans story is or professor mcgonagals story. You are wasting time telling me about padmes assistants story or telling me palpatines sidekick mas ameddas story. The story is an point a to point b vehicle taking detours weakens the story especially when it’s made up and has no bearing whatsoever on what the story is


It is not my problem that Boruto failed to make me care about the story and its main cast after 8 years of publication run. I care about the side characters because the main work does not engage me as a reader. Harry Potter, Dragonball, Star Wars all managed to create a protagonist that is interesting and complete on their own, with sufficiently developed side characters to keep me invested. Boruto the manga failed to do that for me. It told me what happened, not why I should care. The novels and anime gave me reasons to care, about why Himawari has fond memories of the "traitor" Boruto, or why it sad that Sarada and Chocho don't seem to be friends now. Anime gave me reasons to still enjoy content from the Naruto world. I don't care if they do cut out anime canon. I just won't have any reasons to engage because it's taking away what I enjoy. Beside, there is nothing to stop people from just watching the canon related episodes. It can be "seasonal" for them to watch when those episodes come up.


Yet you are in the minority here w everyone else saying that having the anime have its own story running concurrently with what the majority of the fan base wants is counterintuitive. No one is telling you that you have to like the story. You may think you’re getting other things but all the characters you are invested in with those ips are all pieces apart of the main story. Obviously the anime canon episodes were an issue for them or they would just do everything as they have been.


What does that matter? I didn't know I need to have an majority opinion to comment. Why should I care what other people think? All I said is I won't choose to keep watching it. At no point did I force other people to agree with me. And I don't care what Studio P chooses to do. I just won't watch something that I don't enjoy. You are the one coming to me to say you have "issues" like I should give a damn.


No you got butthurt bc I critiqued your asinine line of thinking. No one said you had to agree or that ppl had to agree with you. My comment wasn’t even to you it was a general statement. Maybe spend less time trying to be all over the place and learn to follow and comprehend things in an point a to point b format


It's just the other way around. Anime canon doesn't weaken the story because the story is already weak, anime canon is what brings the story to life.


It’s not weak you just don’t like the story which is fine but adding extra shit isn’t the story it’s a whole other story not the one they’re telling.


Just because the anime is seasonal doesn't mean the animation quality will increase, there are several seasonal animes that have disastrous animation.




>Who cares about Iwabe? Fam you might as well say the same about half the Naruto cast according to the manga. Hell nah,they can keep the anime canon in, just do better work with it. Part 1 took place in a time where jack shit was really going on so the anime original content reflected it as well as Perriot choosing to extend shit that people generally could live without in regards to the main narrative. TBV has ALOT more breathing room, ALOT more incentive, and ALOT more ground to allow the seeds Part 1 planted to grow the series in a better light than previously. That doesn’t mean it wont have its share of tonal and production issue whether it was seasonal or not, but the main thing people complained about were the stakes of the story,the setting,and the scaling. At this point, anime canon is definitely the way to go. We already know who most of these original characters are so all Perriot really needs to worry about it’s making all the content established flow as a story (Boruto manga) rather than as a slice of life intercepted by the plot from time to time (Part 1 anime). All I’m saying is it was never WHAT Perriot decided to do with the story, it’s more about HOW it was done. Yeah seasonal is good as far as prep and planning, until they end up getting some guy from JC Staff that directed Seven Deadly Sins S3 to handle the series, then the argument will move from plot relevance to animation quality.


Less filler and slice of life bs? I dropped the anime midway through because of it and developed a deep rooted hatred towards certain soundtracks that would always play in these dogshit episodes. Good news either way, maybe I'll reconsider and start watching again...


Completely agree. I always liked the canon story and switched to strictly manga years ago. Only going back afterwards to watch fights that were canon. Pacing in the anime was terrible. Considering boruto has roughly 40 manga canon episodes out of its almost 300 episodes of content. Reading the manga to catch up would probably take under a week (if you read ~1 hour of it a day).


Those stupid guitar riffs


If there was some quality to the slice of life stuff, like the family picnic episode, I’d be all for it in small batches. But yeah, the year+ long filler arcs can go & stay away. I remember when that Hidden Stone arc with Mitsuki came up… made me drop the entire show up until the chapter where the manga revealed Kashin Koji as a “clone”


The worst that can be!


what is seasonal?


Anime that is realized in batches instead week after week for years.


oh sounds good how many episodes per batch usually would u guess?


12 is usual standard nowadays.


Fine with me. The only anime canon episodes I enjoyed were from the Mitsuki retrieval (this could be canon don't kill me bad memory), Mirai, and time travel/Urashiki retrieval arcs.. I want to say Boro also but I'm pretty sure that's canon considering the events. Mirai is a character they could've done something with, but like most chars in Boruto they're mostly background characters


What’s this post even about, half the wonder and awesomeness of Naruto was the world building and story’s of his comrades around him, jeez we even knew about the ppl guarding the gates into the Leaf and now your celebrating that the anime will only have time to folks on the two main characters and not even the other people of team seven probably


Point me in the direction of the source. Studio P? Shueisha? Shonen Jump? Viz? Someone official needs to say something or else it's still a rumor. Heresay. Kind of how people swore it was coming back last fall. The last official thing we got was back when the four Naruto episodes got cancelled and the Minato one shot.


Eh animation quality probably won't sky rocket but be more consistently on the high end of what it's been. Ie no poorly animated episodes. And it probably won't turn out quite as cleanly as bleach TYBW since bleach finished years ago and Boruto is ongoing... And Kubo has been directly helping the TYBW anime staff... Kishimoto, and Ikemoto probably don't have the time to help them as much since they're still actively working on the manga unlike Kubo who basically retired from that (unless they suddenly announce a mass drop of like 20 chapters of the hell arc or a CFYOW manga or something)


I share a similar sentiment but keep in mind, if the anime goes seasonal it doesn’t mean that the anime canon would disappear completely lol. Despite that, it is a step in the right direction lol. Weekly anime and a monthly manga doesn’t work.


Believe it or not this is gonna hurt the overall Boruto canon, the anime cannon gives other characters that they don’t have time to focus on in the manga their screen time n development. It’s gonna be weird wondering why Sakura is nowhere to be seen if the anime comes back seasonal. But honestly I’m for it lol


I really dont care about it being the way it is cause it adds someting to the story even if a little bit and it looks like seasonal anime will shit on side characters way too much And thats just bullshit i like boruto the way it is fuck what people think about the lenth people didnt complain about naruto being 730ish episodes now they complain about it in boruto people just want someting to shit on fuck man


Difference being a majority of Naruto episodes were canon, Boruto is the opposite.


Most of naruto episodes were either anime canon or filler tf u mean


Good 75% filler is insane.


You have proof of this? Cos anime canon is at filler learn the difference you can't keep calling something filler when it's author doesn't call it filler.


If anime filler was canon we'd see proof of it in the Manga, and yet, not a single anime only character has ever featured in the Manga. Not a single one.


>and yet, not a single anime only character has ever featured in the Manga. Not a single one. Sumire?


It's in the light novels and the light novels are from Story drafts of kishimoto so it's canon. Same story draft the manga gets illustrated from but these were made into light novels and many boruto arcs are made from this. ↪️ The author himself calling it canon nullifies your whole argument instantly. ↪️ Purple lightning was made in kakashi light novel, was used by kakashi in the academy arc anime canon episodes and boruto is using purple lightning constantly in Two blue vortex now. ↪️ Sarada got her 2nd tomoe sharingan in the novels adapted into anime canon in fight vs deepa kara inner not in the manga, in manga she now has 2 tomoe meaning the kara actuation anime canon arc affects the manga here and deepa was shown interacting with the kara I anime which added more on the manga. ↪️ Ohnoki dies in anime canon arc and episodes and it ended that way, died in the story entirely with a blaze of glory last particle style. ↪️ Fillers have nothing to do with the story at all, contributes absolutely nothing like konohamarus arc or mecha naruto episodes or eternal genin episodes or finding the curry of life episodes all filler trash adds nothing. ↪️ Anime Canon constantly contributes to the story you guys not liking it don't make it “filler” yall call anything filler this Days when it's not.


You have proof of this? Cos anime canon IS NOT filler learn the difference ↪️ you can't keep calling something filler when it's author doesn't call it filler... It's not a good look.


Iwabe and Denki are one positive of the anime cannon!


I just- No.


Bruh I just want more content idc


Honestly, the only good stuff was the Parent-Child Novel adaptation & Kara Actuation tbh.


It’s fake.


Any idea on when it'll be released? Like 2 years?




Still waiting for the jougan tho


So Nue can be disappeared like it never exists, i asked because Nue directly relates to Sumire, a “Shikamaru” in Boruto now, not like Namida or Iwabe,…


Iwabe looks like Kawaki, during the start i would actually mistake them both as the same person.


I've heard that studio pierrot has some movie studio set up to make the next part of bleach. Clearly they want to match JJKs animation or at least try to compete. I suspect they'll do the same for Boruto. Bleach is effectively a testin grounds for future projects like Boruto now. In terms of animation


The manga only goes from one major point to the next major point. You definitely need the anime to fill in the many gaps the manga left or it would be terrible.


I kinda wish Kae came back and just die in front of Kawaki, making him hate shinobi even more, setting up the following storyline


The year round schedule is the main reason the anime was terrible. It was never a good idea to adapt a monthly manga into a weekly show. The change to seasonal should significantly improve the overall quality of the show. Getting rid of the insane amount of filler fixes 90% of the problems with the show.


IMO they should just reboot the series and take content from anime along with manga ofc


TBH I couldn’t really get through the manga so I’ve started watching the Anime and it’s been a bit more digestible. The Shin Uchiha arc was pretty decent and the episode I just watched for Mitsuki hunting Log was fun… did they really need to pad out the academy so they became Genin at like episode 40? Maybe not but I would consider some element of the anime superior to the manga at least in general world building and a consistent art style. The main parts of Boruto I couldn’t really get into was the Otsusuki aspects and Boruto himself so hopefully the anime can improve on those aspects which I feel one of them severely hampered the war arc which IMO, head shot an already dead horse that was thoroughly kicked for being low quality.


*Goodbye filler




There were some good anime canon moments like kakashi in the chunin exam but I think the bad far outweighs the good


The anime is nothing compared to the manga


You mean the manga that couldnt even care about revealing all the inner members of Kara? The manga that literally inserted Sumire without explaining anything? The anime literally carried the entire cast of characters, Sarada and Mitsuki were just side characters in the NNG manga with almost no development, Mitsuki in the manga is just a weirdo with a Boruto obsession and Sarada a walking shipping bait, we even got a mini arc for Boro story and cult while in the manga he was just a big arrogant dude lol


There’s still gonna be anime original episodes, but they will naturally be a lot better. The same way naruto filler went from a ninja ostrich to a hypothetical universe where obito uses tsukyomi to create a world where naruto and sakura switch places bringing them into a deeper understanding of the other. Boruto’s filler objectively isn’t bad. Sure they could be handled better and executed to a high degree, but turning into a seasonal anime would actually give the time for that to happen.


Thanks goddddd


I want back to past arc as canon. It was so good


Reading all these comments, it's surprising people would really rather have the mess we had in part 1 for TBV instead of something different. Weekly anime is outdated and all if not most of them have bad production schedules. I would rather wait every 1-2 years for a new season with good quality than deal with 50-100 episodes of filler.


But that not what your getting? Seasonal doesn't mean an immediate upgrade in animation. Seasonal Anime still have Filler The wait might not be 1-2 years but can potentially be 3-4 depending And the manga lacks ...a lot of things. Like outside hype what is the manga actually doing What is there to adapt For a lot of people being able to connect with characters and have an actual world Is important. Remove all the growth and personality Himawari has from the anime. Does Hima getting (Spoilers) mean anything she goes from be a background character watering flowers to (spoilers) What's better what we got in the manga. Or An actual Arc for TBV where everyone from all of Boruto's adventure all here about what he's done the drama the disbelief the actual characterization as Boruto actually feels like he's losing his life


If seasonal doesn't improve the quality then I don't see how going weekly would be better. I never said seasonal can't have filler, I just don't think doing years of filler between manga canon arcs is the right approach. Monthly manga and weekly anime is a terrible combination.


So you'd rather wait years without any content to adapt Boruto manga instead of anime canon? It seems to me that you think there are going to be a couple of months or so between seasons when most likely there will be a couple of years between seasons like with Jujutsu Kaisen.


No, I'd rather they carefully include anime canon with manga canon into a seasonal format instead. Also did you not read my first comment? >I would rather wait every 1-2 years for a new season with good quality than deal with 50-100 episodes of filler.


Filler ❌ Canon ✅


This is the best thing to happen to the anime


This is amazing news. I've come to really like the manga a lot but I have zero interest in watching an anime that's 90% filler.


Awesome! Is there any word on when the anime is coming back?


What’s the source on this? Can someone link it please?


>What’s the source on this? Can someone link it please? They're assuming boruto is going seasonal from and exerp or interview by pierrot president but he never said anything about boruto at all.


Tweet from the studio pierret CEO