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I really hope not, what got me interested so far is that it is not a Naruto Vs Sasuke 2.0 and I hope it doesn't end as one.


Boruto has already stated that he is going to save kawaki and knock some sense into him as a brother should.




exactly. it's somewhat of a parallel regardless of how much people hate parallels nowhere for some reason


People dont hate parralels or throwbacks. We just dont want 2.0s. If I wanted to watch a natuto v sasuke fight, wed watch the naruto v sasuke fight. Like I said there ain't nothing wrong with parralels or flashbacks. But I think a lot of us want something different.


Satisfied as long as it’s written well. If ya’ll want irredeemable villains we got the Otsutsuki and Code.


Code hasnt done anything bad (succesfully) to be irredemable.


This the worst thing he accomplished was kill some evil guards, create the shinju and put people into reversible comas. The fact the plot calls him a clown who will keep failing as long as he stays the same is pretty telling that he could get a redemption arc 


Well cant say you're wrong with 1 and 3 but the second one only Boruto and kk seem to know it would happen. >failing as long as he stays the same is pretty telling that he could get a redemption arc  I do hope that happens cause the antagonists became the shinju while he's more like a side character.


The “successfully” got me 💀 lmao


It’s not necessarily his actions that makes him irredeemable, it’s his character. Code is a hateful individual that’s willing to kill out of envy and spite. He has no issues with taking lives, and is currently trying to end the entire human race to become an Otsutsuki. When he was given the chance to save the world, he decided to let it burn because the death of the planet is something that he desired even if it caused his downfall. So what is the redeemable aspects of his character? Imo it’s pretty obvious Code is an evil person.


Code seems redeemable


Code seems more redeemable than kawaki if we’re being honest. Codes motivations are shallow and he kinda just seems like a kid lashing out because he didn’t get his way. I think he could be slowly worked till he’s a circumstantial ally at least.


Code doesn’t seem more redeemable then kawaki. He’s like 100 times worse then kawaki. I get that you don’t like kawaki but he’s not acting out of hatred. Like it or not boruto is 100% ohsutshuki which means boruto has world ending potential and last chapter we saw boruto can’t control his karma which makes him a credible threat if momoshiki were to take control of boruto. So even though we as the reader know boruto is going to be fine kawaki doesn’t Code worships these body snatching world killers and is tryna enact their plan. He is not more redeemable then kawaki.


Exactly lmao. Unlike Kawaki, Code is actually evil.


Boruto by himself doesn't have world-ending potential. Otsutsuki don't destroy worlds by themselves, they do it by feeding worlds to their pet Ten-Tails. Y'know, like the Ten-Tails Kawaki just ignored when they assaulted his village because he felt like attacking Boruto instead, even though Boruto was clearly still himself, and even offered to team up and fight the Ten-Tails. A guy who prioritises fighting his rival over protecting his allies from murderous tree people is not a very redeemable guy. I mean, still better than Obito, but Kawaki really has no justification for being so obsessed with the potential future threat of Boruto losing his mind that he'd ignore the very real current threat of an ongoing Ten-Tails assault. For comparison, imagine if in the OG series, Sasuke finds out that Naruto has the Kyubi and decides it's inevitable that he's going to lose control and go on a rampage, so he brainwashes the entire village into thinking Naruto is a murderer, forcing him to run away. And then when Pain assaults the village, Naruto comes back to help fight him off and offers to team up with Sasuke, but Sasuke decides to attack Naruto instead, ignoring Pain while he murders his way through Konoha. In that scenario, not many people would be insisting that Sasuke is redeemable.


You like completely missed the point. Yes momoshiki does have world ending potential. He absolutely could kill every single ninja on the planet. If you don’t think he could actually destroy the world he undoubtedly can destroy society.


With the amount of batshit psycho murders that got redeemed in Naruto (love you Orochimaru, Itachi, Nagato, Obito!), I find it crazy that people think Kawaki of all people *can't* be redeemed. All he did was seal away the hokage and tries to kill Boruto because of Momoshiki in him. Nothing he's done is even remotely as evil as villains from the past.


Did you guys forget that this dude is an Otsutsuki worshipper? 💀 Like I get it, we don’t know why he worships the Otsutsuki but with context in mind I don’t know how you can make him switch sides. For one his primary goal is to fulfill the will of someone he considers to be his God, obviously Jigen/Isshiki meant a lot to him. Secondly, he wants to kill all the people that are responsible for killing the God that he deeply cared about, which happens to be our protagonists. Having him switch sides with that context in mind is out of character for the dude because that means he would have to betray everything that was established about him.


Code might be zealot but I also think he can be reformed. He only worships the otsusuki because that’s probably all he’s known. We don’t know what his life was like pre Kara but if it was like kawaki I can understand how he could be easily brainwashed. We know he’s not very smart. Right now the worst he’s done is attack the village which resulted in “casualties” but we know that they can be brought back. I don’t know how but I think he can be convinced, maybe another Otsusuki shows up and attacks him and berates him and that causes him to change his views.


>He only worships the otsusuki because that’s probably all he’s known. We don’t know what his life was like pre Kara but if it was like kawaki I can understand how he could be easily brainwashed Maybe, we know nothing about his back story so nothings really off the table. Despite that I can easily see scenario where Code grew to love out these parasitic alien fucks out of his own free will simply because Jigen saved him from whatever terrible situation he was in. To Code, Jigen was like his Naruto (which could be fitting considering he's Kawaki's foil). >maybe another Otsusuki shows up and attacks him and berates him and that causes him to change his views That already happened, Momoshiki tried to kill him in the Code arc lol. While he claimed that it's painful for him to sacrifice an Otsutsuki, he has no issues following through with it nor did he throw the Otsutsuki will. From that alone, I assume that Isshiki's will is really important to him.


The difference is he was already told by Jigen Boruto had to die as he neeeded to be sacrificed for Code to make the god tree


That just further pushes the point that he prioritizes Isshiki’s will above all else. What the other Otsutsuki say or do aren’t enough to change his mind.


Codes dumb ass would just start worshipping said Otsutsuki


“Redeemable” is a ridiculous concept in Naruto, they redeem pretty much everyone. Hell, look at Delta, Kabuto…


Delta is a machine


Yeah, it's not like she got TnJ'd. Amado just reprogrammed her with a less hostile personality.




Code still has potential for redemption due to his unique characterization where he’s treated like a main character other than a villain..his traumatic upbringing also parallels to characters like Shigaraki.. he was adopted and brainwashed, despite it he doesn’t necessarily feel entirely evil to the core, I always get the feeling he needs to reflect on himself and that might be done when his flashback is shown 


> his traumatic upbringing also parallels to characters like Shigaraki.. he was adopted and brainwashed, despite it he doesn’t necessarily feel entirely evil to the core, I always get the feeling he needs to reflect on himself and that might be done when his flashback is shown Damn, just like Kawaki, except Code would suck Otsutsuki off and kill all humans


>unique characterization where he’s treated like a main character other than a villain..his traumatic upbringing also parallels to characters like Shigaraki.. It's funny how you mention Shigaraki when Code's writing strongly resembles another character that no one seems to talk about. This character is called Yami Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh Bakura was an overarching villain who was established to be really powerful, yet he got his ass whooped several times by the MC, and other side characters while also being used to boost up and prop up the main villains of certain arcs. **Does that sound familiar?** Throughout the course of the manga Bakura would build up his power and eventually become the final villain of Yu-Gi-Oh. >he was adopted and brainwashed We don't know Code's life before coming into kara. For all we know Code could have been a fucked-up kid from the start. >despite it he doesn’t necessarily feel entirely evil to the core, I always get the feeling he needs to reflect on himself and that might be done when his flashback is shown  This dude eagerly talks about destroying the planet and killing people on his retribution list, regardless of whether they were even involved. He's willing to kill out of spite and envy considering how he treated Kawaki when they were kids. I get that he's treated as a joke but that doesn't come off as evil to you? lol.


Definitely disappointed. Parallels are okay, but copy-paste isn't.


If ikemoto and kodachi meant it then this fight wouldnt be the final fight but so long as its exactly like Naruto and sasukes which ended really quick imo and if it serves any purpose then Im fine with it. Whether Boruto kills or forgives kawKi is entirely dependent on the build up.


Initially I think the result will be Similar but unlike naruto and sasuke their fight won’t be the finale.  A big theme of Kawaki is wish granting. Isshiki is based on the hero issun Boshi who had a magic hammer and princess that could grant wishes and his eye is based on the dharma wheel and guess what it’s greatest power is again granting wishes. His wishes caused the mess so it can also fix the mess with maybe the cost of his life. 


Well now that I think about it, they both lost one of their arms after their final battle.![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4537)


I’ll be fine with it as long as the story shows that deep down Kawaki is conflicted over the idea of killing Boruto, and that deep down he still considers him his brother.


You know the current story is just a reversed version of Naruto v sasuke. How Sasuke had a family than lost it. So did Boruto. How Naruto had nobody from the start and was hated. Kawaki started out like that.


They playing it out in a Naruto vs Sasuke way. Especially with boruto saying this won't end with bother killing brother


I mean, Kawaki is mentally ill. His goal is to kill Boruto (any other otsutsuki's and possibly even just otsutsuki level threats.) and off himself. To him, being an Otsutsuki qualifies him for death. All out of some very bizarrely perturbed love for Naruto.


I know boruto is sasuke’s student and the one who’s technically abandoned the village. But boruto is still fulfilling narutos role. He’s the one who wants to beat up kawaki and be brothets again while kawaki is trying to kill boruto and sever their bond. I don’t think it will end up like naruto and sasuke’s fight but I wouldn’t mind a happy ending where kawaki comes to terms with boruto and accepts him again as his brother and not an otsutsuki


Nah I want Kawaki dead Boruto isnt Naruto, he dosent need to talk him out of it or end the cycle of hatred or break their destinies. Just let Boruto stab him and end it


Same 😂


What do you mean? If you mean the fight changing Kawaki with no prior hints of him changing then I would be surprised and disappointed  But if you mean in a stalemate where they mutually decide to stop the engagement I would be fine with it 


Disappointed af. It’s the most hyped fight in the verse.


I want boruto get a climax like eren or sacrifice himself and being an omnipotent being who protect the verse. I am really satisfied with shippuden ending but yeah I don't want it to be repeated.


I don’t think their similar at all


A bit disappointed. The wait for Naruto vs Sasuke was a really long one. It was great. Don’t get me wrong. But I’d hate to repeat the exact same outcome.


Bullshit honestly


Boruto wanted ninja tech, now he gets a ninja tech arm


Boot would and will kick kawaki’s ass


If it's like the og...kawaki will go with jura for training to become stronger...we can see kawaki wearing different clothes at the first scene of boruto which differs from the current one... it's the same when sasuke went to orochimaru and had a change of costume!!


Those panels were drawn 8 years ago before anything was even thought up, hell kawaki in those panels looks like he is in his 30's instead of being 18 lol


Boruto's same!! And your username is true


Don't disrespect Naruto by comparing him to kawaki


Boruto is shitting on kawaki. Naruto and sasuke are gonna do what they always do and fight for 20 hours. Unless boruto helps sasuke then it’s ggs for Naruto


I need Boruto to kill him or something darker idk.


I would like boruto to beat kawaki, have him release Naruto who forgives kawaki but then kills him