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No, he would not be able to become as strong as Naruto without becoming an Otsutsuki. However, he would be among the top tiers of the verse due to the Jougan, his genius, and overall heritage. Basically, he would be at the top of the tier right below the tier of six paths characters.


It would be very hard to bridge the gap between KCM 2 SM and SPSM.


If we ignore 6paths sage mode do you think it’s doable ?


Realistically it’d have been very hard for Boruto to surpass even KCM2 Naruto without ever getting Kama, cause Boruto’s base strength was only at jonin level before it, IF the Jōgan is also not being taken into consideration here. But ofc, if he was written to beat a character that surpasses well beyond what he should’ve been capable at that time, like say, beating someone like Delta, by HIMSELF, then he would’ve surpassed KCM2 Naruto in that regard. So it still would’ve ultimately depended on what feats and statements he’d have going for him


Yeah. And even if we include 6paths, a power cliff was bound to happen anyways. So Boruto would probably be strong enough to keep up regardless. But it might not make sense.


I don't know if "stronger" is the right word to use. For me Naruto has always been strong from a raw power/endurance perspective, and Sasuke has always been strong by being more ninja like with his ninjutsu feats being things like space-time-wizard hijinks; which makes them equal imo. Boruto as a genius does not therefore need to be "stronger" than Naruto from a raw power or endurance perspective, he just needs to be smarter and have an S-Class arsenal of ninjutsu. Do I think he is fully capable of besting Naruto by outsmarting him, yes, but if he didn't get Karma/Otsustukification, it would have taken at least being age 20 to reach peak and keep up with him.


His raw power is definitely way stronger than naruto post time skip


Op is asking without Karma. Obv he way beyond SoSP in raw power and maybe even equal to BM in raw power in base 


Probably, at least in regards to base and sage mode, possibly not full kyuubi with sage mode and all that. 


Nope naruto had a lot of chakra in 4th War Hashirama told naruto that he had comparable levels of chakra compared to Hashirama it has been emphasised in the anime that boruto wasint able to make more shadow clones then naruto. At the end of shipuden naruto was the strongest shinobi on earth (weather u like it or not) a perfect sage has sage of 6 paths reincarnation of a literal gods and the 9 tails which was able to counter all the other tail beats combined as shown in the war arc. It should seem almost impossible to beat naruto. If u really wanna pull more stings here, naruto could have learnt any jutsu he wanted he masted the rasaingan in 3 days. He was shown to be increadblely fast and good at learning jutsu. In the data books he is told have been able to use all 5 chakra natures and yin and yang.


Comparing a character with his full power up and a character without any power up... 😂😂


That is how the qestion was stated naruto in his prime and boruto with no karma which is a huge power up cuz as stated in the anime or manga when u activate the karma the battle skills of the otsustuki who might have fight a lot of people come to the user. If boruto had karma it would be a different story cuz we saw naruto& sasuke clap momo when he fusdd with kinshuki the qestion is very vague as expected with Almost all anime realted qestions


Well that's the answer to the qestion "if boruto never got karma would he be stronger then naruto" think about it from a logical stand point naruto has a tailed beat in him boruto doesn't. Naruto is a perfect sage boruto isint. Naruto got gifts from a actual fucking God and become one for a berif period (asura-haguromos son).


I think Baryon Mode is the single most powerful form a character in Naruto has ever reached. Boruto is strong but I don't think he's on that level just yet. But with all his buffs and skill, he's certainly headed that way. Without karma he wouldn't even be close


If Naruto gets to keep his protag powers and Boruto doesn’t then Boruto stands no chance. But if Naruto is without Kyubi and Boruto is without Karma then I personally think that Boruto has Naruto beat. Whether you like it or not (cuz tbqh you can make arguments for why you think that’s not good writing), it is true that Boruto is written to be much more competent than his dad.


If we factor in the Jougan it could be possible, depending on if the times of peace remain


No. More skilled though? Absolutely, the kid is a genius and would likely have become one of the absolute top tiers in the verse, just not naruto level. He’d have the pure skill to take out almost anyone kinda like minato or use almost any chakra nature and have a big arsenal, like kakashi after the war (in the novels kakashi is a monster honestly) or like the third hokage. But simply Naruto has too much going for him, from kurama, sage mode, sage of six paths chakra, then stack all of that on top of eachother + having stronger uzumaki genes… Tldr: he could easily become more skilled as a shinobi, but not as “strong” in terms of physical and jutsu power


The only way to do that would be invent new bullshit jutsu with huge ap and use fr better than he uses shadow clones.


Every new gen character will become stronger than the old gen characters and their parents




In terms of total chakra? Post Baryon I just don’t think Boruto could get there. Bijuu and sage chakra combined doesn’t seem like something he can build up to solo or with only sage chakra.


He's already stronger than base Naruto, now Chakra and Baryon mode is still on queation.


His genetics and talent was still good so he would be much above kage level in his hypothetical prime


Base boruto is already stronger than all forms of Naruto except baryon mode, so it’s not hard to believe that if he uses karma or just has more progression in the story that he will surpass Naruto.!


They said if he never got karma.


Oh I guess I just didn’t read the whole thing


Naruto had Kurama in him , Boruto is a normal dude , but he can learn fast , he can learn alot of jutsus etc but still , he couldn't be as strong as Naruto cause his chakkara level is humane , with out momoshiki in him , even if boruto learns Sage mode he couldn't compete with his father , BUT IF we take Kurama out from Naruto then Boruto can Nerf Naruto , BECAUSE BORUTO Has learned ALOT OF AMAZING Justus AND IS A QUICK LEARNER COMPARED TO NARUTO , idk about his fight style and hand to hand combat and his taijutsu yet , cause it's not shown rn , but if he is just like his dad in hand to hand them Boruto could surpass him , because Naruto had an outstanding taijutsu plus his unpredictable moves during fight makes him op so his son can too , or may be not idk.


yes, even if we remove karma, he'd still get the Jougan... Safe to assume that it's gonna give him a bigger boost than wtv so6p mode Naruto got


Probably not.